Resource Index

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This resource index gives users access to most of the course resources in a single location.

Instructor Insights

Part I: Mechanical Vibrations and Waves

Periodic Oscillations, Harmonic Oscillators Lecture Video 1: Periodic Oscillations, Harmonic Oscillators

Typed Notes for Lecture 1 (PDF)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Handwritten Notes for Lecture 1 (PDF - 2.2MB)

Chapter 1: Harmonic Oscillation (PDF - 1.4MB) Problem Set 1 (PDF) Simple Harmonic Motion and Introduction to Problem Solving

Air Cart Between Springs

Mass on a Spring

Two Pendulums with Different Amplitudes

Damped Free Oscillators Lecture Video 2: Damped Free Oscillators

Typed Notes for Lecture 2 (PDF)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Handwritten Notes for Lecture 2 (PDF - 2MB)

Chapter 2: Forced Oscillation and Resonance (PDF - 1.3MB) None None

Oscillating Steel Ball on a Track

Physical Pendulum

Damped and Undamped Masses on a Spring

Driven Torsional Balance Oscillator

Driven Oscillators, Transient Phenomena, Resonance Lecture Video 3: Driven Oscillators, Transient Phenomena, Resonance

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Typed Notes for Lecture 3 (PDF - 1.2MB)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Handwritten Notes for Lecture 3 (PDF - 2.1MB)

Chapter 2: Forced Oscillation and Resonance (PDF - 1.3MB) Problem Set 2 (PDF) Harmonic Oscillators with Damping

Driven Cart on Air Track

Driven Mechanical Oscillator

Breaking Glass with Sound

Coupled Oscillators, Normal Modes Lecture Video 4: Coupled Oscillators, Normal Modes

Typed Notes for Lecture 4 (PDF)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Handwritten Notes for Lecture 4 (PDF - 2.7MB)

Chapter 3: Normal Modes (PDF - 1.4MB) None None

Double Pendulum

Weighted Hacksaw Blade

Two Rigid Pendulums Coupled with a Spring

Two Pendulums Coupled with a Rod

Wilberforce Pendulum

Beat Phenomena Lecture Video 5: Beat Phenomena

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Typed Notes for Lecture 5 (PDF - 1.1MB)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Handwritten Notes for Lecture 5 (PDF - 1.7MB)

Chapter 3: Normal Modes (PDF - 1.4MB) Problem Set 3 (PDF) Coupled Oscillators without Damping

Two Rigid Pendulums Coupled with a Spring

Wave Beats

Coupled Tunning Forks

Driven Oscillators, Resonance Lecture Video 6: Driven Oscillators, Resonance

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Typed Notes for Lecture 6 (PDF - 1.3MB)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Handwritten Notes for Lecture 6 (PDF - 1.5MB)

Chapter 4: Symmetries (PDF - 1.3MB)

Chapter 5: Waves (PDF - 1.4MB) (through section 5.2)

None None

Two Rigid Pendulums Coupled with a Spring

Coupled Air Carts

Symmetry, Infinite Number of Coupled Oscillators Lecture Video 7: Symmetry, Infinite Number of Coupled Oscillators

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Typed Notes for Lecture 7 (PDF - 1.1MB)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Handwritten Notes for Lecture 7 (PDF - 1.9MB)

Chapter 4: Symmetries (PDF - 1.3MB)


Chapter 5: Waves (PDF - 1.4MB) (through section 5.2)

Problem Set 4 (PDF)

Standing Waves Part I

Standing Waves Part II

Bell Labs Wave Machine

Vibrating Spring (Hand Driven)

Translation Symmetry Lecture Video 8: Translation Symmetry

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Typed Notes for Lecture 8 (PDF - 1.2MB)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Handwritten Notes for Lecture 8 (PDF - 1.9MB)

Chapter 5: Waves (PDF - 1.4MB) (section 5.3 to end)

Chapter 6: Continuum Limit and Fourier Series (PDF - 1.2MB) (through section 6.1)

None None Bell Labs Wave Machine
Wave Equation, Standing Waves, Fourier Series Lecture Video 9: Wave Equation, Standing Waves, Fourier Series

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Typed Notes for Lecture 9 (PDF - 1.1MB)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Handwritten Notes for Lecture 9 (PDF - 1.7MB)

Chapter 5: Waves (PDF - 1.4MB) (section 5.3 to end)

Chapter 6: Continuum Limit and Fourier Series (PDF - 1.2MB) (through section 6.1)

Problem Set 5 (PDF)

Traveling Waves without Damping

Standing Waves Part I

Standing Waves Part II

Bell Labs Wave Machine

Rijke Tube

Exam 1 (covers Lecture 1 through Lecture 8) (no video)

What you should know:

  • How to write down Equation of Motion
  • Undamped, under-damped, critically damped, over-damped
  • Driven oscillator, transient behavior and steady state solution, resonance
  • How to determine the unknown coefficients using initial conditions
  • Coupled systems: What are the normal modes? How to solve M-1K eigenvalue problems and what are the full solutions? Driven coupled oscillator, resonance
  • Symmetry & Infinite coupled system: What is the solution of reflection and translation symmetric system? How to determine the dispersion relation ω(k)?

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Exam 1 Formula Sheet (PDF)

Practice Exam 1 (PDF)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.

Traveling Waves Lecture Video 10: Traveling Waves

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Typed Notes for Lecture 10 (PDF - 1.9MB)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Handwritten Notes for Lecture 10 (PDF - 2.4MB)

Chapter 6: Continuum Limit and Fourier Series (PDF - 1.2MB) (section 6.2 to end)

Chapter 7: Longitudinal Oscillations and Sound (PDF - 1.3MB)

Chapter 8: Traveling Waves (PDF - 1.4MB) (through section 8.2)

None None Bell Labs Wave Machine (Mismatched Impedance)
Sound Waves Lecture Video 11: Sound Waves

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Typed Notes for Lecture 11 (PDF - 1.2MB)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Handwritten Notes for Lecture 11 (PDF - 2.4MB)

Chapter 6: Continuum Limit and Fourier Series (PDF - 1.2MB) (section 6.2 to end)

Chapter 7: Longitudinal Oscillations and Sound (PDF - 1.3MB)

Chapter 8: Traveling Waves (PDF - 1.4MB) (through section 8.2)

Problem Set 6 (PDF) Electromagnetic Waves in a Vacuum

Standing Sound Waves in a Glass Tube

Helium Balloon

Part II: Electromagnetic Waves

Maxwell's Equation, Electromagnetic Waves Lecture Video 12: Maxwell's Equation, Electromagnetic Waves

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Typed Notes for Lecture 12 (PDF - 2.6MB)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Handwritten Notes for Lecture 12 (PDF - 3MB)

Chapter 8: Traveling Waves (PDF - 1.4MB) (section 8.3 to end)

Chapter 9: The Boundary at Infinity (PDF - 1.3MB) (through section 9.2)

None Electromagnetic Waves in a Vacuum None
Dispersive Medium, Phase Velocity, Group Velocity Lecture Video 13: Dispersive Medium, Phase Velocity, Group Velocity

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Typed Notes for Lecture 13 (PDF - 1.1MB)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Handwritten Notes for Lecture 13 (PDF - 1.9MB)

Chapter 8: Traveling Waves (PDF - 1.4MB) (section 8.3 to end)

Chapter 9: The Boundary at Infinity (PDF - 1.3MB) (through section 9.2)

Problem Set 7 (PDF) Accelerated Charges Radiating Electromagnetic Waves Bell Labs Wave Machine
Fourier Transform, AM Radio Lecture Video 14: Fourier Transform, AM Radio

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Typed Notes for Lecture 14 (PDF - 1.3MB)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Handwritten Notes for Lecture 14 (PDF - 2.7MB)

Chapter 10: Signals and Fourier Analysis (PDF - 1.4MB) None None None
Uncertainty Principle, 2D Waves Lecture Video 15: Uncertainty Principle, 2D Waves

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Typed Notes for Lecture 15 (PDF - 1.2MB)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Handwritten Notes for Lecture 15 (PDF - 2.2MB)

Chapter 10: Signals and Fourier Analysis (PDF - 1.4MB) Problem Set 8 (PDF) Interference of Electromagnetic Waves Chladni Figures (Speaker Driven)
2D and 3D Waves, Snell’s Law Lecture Video 16: 2D and 3D waves, Snell’s Law

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Typed Notes for Lecture 16 (PDF - 1.8MB)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Handwritten Notes for Lecture 16 (PDF - 2.6MB)

Chapter 11: Two and Three Dimensions (PDF - 1.8MB)

Chapter 12: Polarization (PDF - 1.4MB) (through section 12.3)

None None

Chladni Figures (Speaker Driven)

Oscillating Soap Film

Part III: Optics

Polarization, Polarizer Lecture Video 17: Polarization, Polarizer

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Typed Notes for Lecture 17 (PDF - 1.2MB)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Handwritten Notes for Lecture 17 (PDF - 2MB)

Chapter 11: Two and Three Dimensions (PDF - 1.8MB)

Chapter 12: Polarization (PDF - 1.4MB) (through section 12.3)

None None

Total Internal Reflection

Fiber Optic Bundle

Polarization of Microwaves

Exam 2 (covers Lecture 9 through Lecture 16) (no video)

What you should know:

  • How to use infinite system to solve finite system
  • Continues limit: Wave equations!
  • Solutions to wave equations: Normal modes (Progressing wave solutions standing waves)
  • Matching the boundary of two systems: Reflection and transmission
  • Longitudinal waves: Spring waves and sound waves
  • EM waves: How to calculate electric field and magnetic field from one another, standing EM waves, energy density and Poynting vector
  • Dispersive medium: Dispersive relation, Fourier transform, AM radio and Uncertainty Principle
  • 2D and 3D waves: Normal modes, Snell’s Law

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Exam 2 Formula Sheet (PDF - 1.2MB)

Practice Exam 2 (PDF)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.

Wave Plates, Radiation Lecture Video 18: Wave Plates, Radiation

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Typed Notes for Lecture 18 (PDF - 2.2MB)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Handwritten Notes for Lecture 18 (PDF - 2.2MB)

Chapter 12: Polarization (PDF - 1.4MB) (section 12.4 to end) None None

Polarizing Filters and Light

Polarization in a Sugar Solution

Polarization of Radio Waves (Dipole Antenna)

Waves in Medium Lecture Video 19: Waves in Medium

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Typed Notes for Lecture 19 (PDF)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Handwritten Notes for Lecture 19 (PDF - 1.9MB)

Chapter 12: Polarization (PDF - 1.4MB) (section 12.4 to end) Problem Set 9 (PDF) None Brewster's Angle
Interference, Soap Bubble Lecture Video 20: Interference, Soap Bubble

Typed Notes for Lecture 20 (PDF)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Handwritten Notes for Lecture 20 (PDF - 1.6MB)

Chapter 13: Interference and Diffraction (PDF - 1.6MB) Problem Set 10 (PDF)

Accelerated Charges Radiating Electromagnetic Waves

Interference of Electromagnetic Waves

Reflection off Soap Bubbles

Reflection off a Soap Film

Phased Radar, Single Electron Interference Lecture Video 21: Phased Radar, Single Electron Interference

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Typed Notes for Lecture 21 (PDF - 3.2MB)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Handwritten Notes for Lecture 21 (PDF - 1.8MB)

Chapter 13: Interference and Diffraction (PDF - 1.6MB) None None

Ripple Tank (Interference of Two Point Sources)

Moiré Pattern

Single-Slit Diffraction with a Laser

Diffraction, Resolution Lecture Video 22: Diffraction, Resolution

Typed Notes for Lecture 22 (PDF)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Handwritten Notes for Lecture 22 (PDF - 2MB)

Chapter 13: Interference and Diffraction (PDF - 1.6MB) None None Single-Slit Diffraction with a Laser
Quantum Waves and Gravitational Waves Lecture Video 23: Quantum Waves and Gravitational Waves

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Typed Notes for Lecture 23 (PDF - 1.2MB)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Handwritten Notes for Lecture 23 (PDF - 4.6MB)

None None None None
Review for Final Exam Lecture Video 24: Review for Final Exam None None None None None

Final Exam (covers Lecture 1 through Lecture 23)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Final Exam Formula Sheet (PDF)

Practice Final Exam 1 (PDF)

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Practice Final Exam 2 (PDF - 1.3MB)

Practice Final Exam 3 (PDF)

<not available>


* Note: This Problem Solving Help video was originally produced as part of a physics course that is no longer available on OCW.

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