1 | Class overview Introduction to engineering and the design process, engineering drawing, sketching, back of the envelope calculations | Overview (PDF 1 ‑ 4.8MB) Engineering design ( | Introductory questionnaire (PDF) Concept quiz (PDF) Slocum, Alexander H. "Design Is A Passionate Process." Chapter 1 in Fundamentals of Design. (PDF) |
2 | Basic design analysis Free body diagrams, Newton's laws | Engineering analysis (PDF) | |
3 | Electronics and water: two great tastes that don't taste so great together… Exploration with instrumentation | Circuits (PDF) | |
4 | Hydrostatics, pressure and water proofing | Fluid effects and forces (PDF ‑ 3.1MB) | Hydrostatic pressure effects and Archimedes' principle (PDF) |
5 | Holiday - no lecture | ||
6 | Design brainstorming, project ideas, Solidworks repository development | ||
7 | Motors and electronics Guest lecturer: Prof. Steven Leeb | Gears & linkages (PDF ‑ 1.7MB) | Laboratory for Electromagnetic and Electronic Systems, RLE, MIT Electrical Engineering & Computer Science |
8 | Design analysis, error estimation, data presentation Propulsion: power vs. thrust and efficiency | ||
9 | Engineering ethics and using your best judgment | ||
10 | Communicating engineering design Promoting your ideas/inventions | ||
11 | Exploration on the Moon: mission planning for EVA and geology, part 1 Guest lecturer: Prof. Dava Newman | Prelab (PDF ‑ 4.5MB) (Courtesy of Dava Newman. Used with permission.) Lab (PDF ‑ 2.0MB) (Courtesy of Dava Newman. Used with permission.) | Man Vehicle Lab, MIT Aeronautics & Astronautics |
12 | Exploration adventure part 2 Guest lecturer: Prof. Dava Newman | ||
13 | Student presentations: in-class design review | ||
14 | Design iterations, recalculations | ||
15 | Cool robots and bomb disposal | ||
16 | Bio-robots, gecko feet, and cool stuff! | ||
17 | Engineering and society | ||
18 | Guest lecture | ||
19 | Pool testing at the Z-Center | ||
20 | Engineering at MIT: choice of majors | ||
21 | No class, optional Boston Harbor Day trip + lunch | ||
22 | Guest lecturer: Prof. Steve Dubowsky, mobile robots | Field and Space Robotics Laboratory, MIT Mechanical Engineering | |
23 | Guest lecturer: Prof. Sangbae Kim, bio-inspired design | Biomimetic Robotics Lab, MIT Mechanical Engineering | |
24 | Engineering after MIT: grad school, consulting, FE exam, professional engineers certification, internships | NCEES Fundamentals of Engineering Exams ASME Ethics Code ( | |
25 | Guest lecturer: Dr. Sheri White, underwater exploration | Dr. White's research, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | |
26 | Guest lecturer: Prof. Jeff Hoffman, aerospace engineering design | Massachusetts Space Grant Consortium, MIT Aeronautics & Astronautics | |
27 | Final student poster presentations | ||
28 | Lab clean up, evaluations |