
Many of the readings may be downloaded as excerpts in PDF format or, in complete form, from the Project Gutenberg site. Those available for download have a direct link to the text listed next to the bibliographic entry.



Genesis. (download from Project Gutenberg site)


Sophocles. Antigone.

Martin Luther King. Letter from a Birmingham Jail. (PDF)

3Plato. The Republic. Parts I and II (pp. 61-128) [327a-376c].** (PDF)
4Plato. The Republic. Part III, section 2 (pp. 166-176) [403d-412a];  Parts IV and V (pp. 177-24) [412a-445d].
5Plato. The Republic. Part VII (pp. 260-325) [471c-521b], Part IX, section 10 (pp. 398-420) [576c-592a].
6Aristotle. Excerpt from Nichomachean Ethics.
7Aristotle. Excerpt from Nichomachean Ethics. (continued)

Excerpt from The Gospel According to St Matthew. (download from Project Gutenberg site)

Dante. Inferno. (download from Project Gutenberg site)

9Dante. Inferno. (continued)
10Dante. Inferno. (continued)

Machiavelli. Excerpt from The Prince.

Shakespeare. Julius Caesar. (PDF)

12Shakespeare. Julius Caesar. (continued)
13Shakespeare. Julius Caesar. (continued)
14Thomas Hobbes. Excerpt from Leviathan.
15Melville, Herman. Billy Budd.
16Melville, Herman. Billy Budd. (continued)
17Kant, Immanuel. Excerpts from Metaphysics of Morals. (PDF)
18Mill, J.S. Excerpts from Utilitarianism.
19Dostoyevsky. Crime and Punishment. Part I. (download from Project Gutenberg site)
20Dostoyevsky. Crime and Punishment. Part II; Part III, Chap.  1-3.
21Dostoyevsky. Crime and Punishment. Part III, 4-end, Part IV, Part V.
22Dostoyevsky. Crime and Punishment. Part VI; Epilogue.
23Conrad. The Secret Sharer. (download from Project Gutenberg site)
24Shaw, George Bernard. Major Barbara. (PDF)
25Shaw, George Bernard. Major Barbara. (continued)
26O'Connor, Flannery. "The Displaced Person." (PDF)


** Numbers in brackets are standard marginal notations for all translations and editions, based by convention on the edition of Plato's works edited by Stephanus and published in 1578.