1 | Introduction. Excerpt from Genesis. | |
2 | Sophocles, Antigone. Martin Luther King, Letter from a Birmingham Jail. | |
3 | Plato, The Republic. Parts I and II (pp. 61-128) [327a-376c]**. | |
4 | Plato, The Republic. Part III, section 2 (pp. 166-176) [403d-412a]; Parts IV and V (pp. 177- 24) [412a-445d]. | |
5 | Plato, The Republic. Part VII (pp. 260-325) [471c-521b], Part IX, section 10 (pp. 398-420) [576c-592a]. | |
6 | Aristotle, excerpt from Nichomachean Ethics. | |
7 | Aristotle, excerpt from Nichomachean Ethics. | |
8 | Excerpt from The Gospel According to St Matthew. Dante, Inferno. | |
9 | Dante, Inferno. | |
10 | Dante, Inferno. | FIRST PAPER DUE (SIX PAGES) |
11 | Machiavelli, excerpt from The Prince. Shakespeare, Julius Caesar. | |
12 | Shakespeare, Julius Caesar. | |
13 | Shakespeare, Julius Caesar. | |
14 | Thomas Hobbes, excerpt from Leviathan. | |
15 | Herman Melville, Billy Budd. | |
16 | Herman Melville, Billy Budd. | |
17 | Kant: Excerpts from Metaphysics of Morals. | SECOND PAPER DUE (SIX PAGES) |
18 | J. S. Mill, excerpts from Utilitarianism. | |
19 | Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment, Part I. | |
20 | Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment, Part II, Part III, ch. 1-3. | |
21 | Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment, Part III, 4-end, Part IV, Part V. | |
22 | Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment, Part VI, Epilogue. | |
23 | Conrad, "The Secret Sharer." | |
24 | Shaw, Major Barbara. | |
25 | Shaw, Major Barbara. | |
26 | Flannery O. Connor, "The Displaced Person." | FINAL PAPER DUE (TEN PAGES) |
** Numbers in brackets are standard marginal notations for all translations and editions, based by convention on the edition of Plato's works edited by Stephanus and published in 1578.