This publication was prepared under the auspices of Intermediate Technology Kenya’s, Household
Energy Regional (HER) Project. It is a collaborative effort and a product of the contributions of project
partners, staff, funders and the communities in East Africa who use mud stoves.
Project partners
The book is a product of deliberations and discussions by participants of the all Kisumu Mud Stoves
workshop held in April 1995. They include Peter Kabagambe, Tamace Magembo and Andrew
Zirimenya of SWIP, Uganda; Charles Ngabirano of the department of Water Development, Uganda;
Cecilia Muchemi a volunteer from Kenya; Joan H. Barbara of the YWCA, Uganda; Beny Mwenda and
Mary Sayi of MATI-U, Tanzania; Mary Kimambo of DEP Mt Elgon, Uganda; Concepta Mukasa of IRDI,
Uganda and Richard Kizito of ATE, Uganda.
Special thanks to the partners who met in Novermber 1996 to review the draft. They are Richard Kizito
of ATE, Sam Bagambo of IRDI, Appolonia Lugemwa and Betty Nsibirwa of Archdiocese of Kampala,
Peter Mutuba of DEP Mt Elgon and May Sengendo of Makerere University.
IT Kenya editoprial team
Thanks to the IT Kenya editorial team for their enthusiasm and commitment to the work during the
preparation and publication of the manual. They include Betty Rabar, Lydia Muchiri and Mariam
Thanks to ODA Joint Funding Scheme and Charity Projects of the UK for funding the training
sessions, the field visits, the promotion of the technology and the compilation and publication of this
Special thanks to the communities in various parts of Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya for sharing their
invaluable experiences,