Appendix 2
Repairing Cracks
Big cracks sometimes appear on the mud stoves after prolonged use. They sometimes occur because
the soil mixture was not correct. The user should not be worried because cracks can be repaired. The
following are some simple techniques.
Figure A2.1 Cracks may appear on stoves after prolonged use
Wet stoves
1. Cut out the area where the crack appears with a sharp knife making a v-shape.
2. Sprinkle some water on the opening. Fill the space with mud while compacting to press out
trapped air.
Figure A2.2 Cutting the cracked area with a knife Figure A2.3 Filling in the crack with wet mud
3. Smear mud on both the inside and outside of the stove.
4. Let the prepared area dry for at least seven days before use.
Dry stove
Figure A2.4 The v-shaped cutting
Figure A2.5 Filling in the crack
1. Make a v-shaped cutting on the area where the crack is and remove all the old dry mud.