Note that there were fourteen in-class simulations from which students were instructed to chose only three upon which to write reflective memos. See the Assignments Section for detailed instructions.
1 | Introduction to Negotiations | SimulationThe Oil Pricing Game | |
2 | Slicing the Pie: How to Win | SimulationUsed CarPakistani Prunes | Oil Pricing Game memo due* |
3 | Expanding the Pie: How Both Parties Can Win | SimulationSally Soprano | Used Car / Pakistani Prunes memo due* |
4 | The Negotiator's Dilemma and Discovering your Style | SimulationThe New Recruit ExerciseThomas-Kilmann Self-Assement | Sally Soprano memo due* |
5 | Difficult Tactics and Overcoming Obstacles to Win-Win | SimulationMyti Pet | New Recruit memo due* |
6 | The Centrality of Relationships | SimulationAerospace Investment | Paper team and topic proposal due Myti Pet memo due* |
7 | Cross-Cultural Negotiations | SimulationOutside Class: "The Offer"International Lodging Merger | Real life memo due Aerospace Investment memo due* |
8 | Autonomy and Status | SimulationLuna Pen | Offer / International Lodging Merger memo due* |
9 | Multiparty Negotiations and Coalitions | SimulationCoalition Game The Cup Game | Luna Pen memo due* |
10 | The Power of Fairness and Ethics in Negotiations | SimulationA Newport Girl Doll Company | Group paper and presentation proposal due Coalition / Cup Game memo due* |
11 | Internal Negotiations | SimulationCaitlin's Challenge | Grand finale memo due Newport Girl Doll memo due* |
12 | Student-Led Simulations and Presentations | Simulation Student-led | Caitlin's Challenge memo due* |
13 | Wrapping It All Up |
* Students selected three simulations upon which to write reflective memos which were due in-class the following week.