Academic expectations for homework:
- You are encouraged to do as much as possible of the problem sets on your own. This is the most effective way to learn, provided that you are not just spending hours and hours stuck.
- You are permitted to consult with other students in the course concerning points that you don't understand or when you are stuck. However, it is recommended that you do not develop a collaborative solution to problems. Also it is required that your solutions be written out separately and submitted in your own words.
- No collaboration or consultation will be permitted on the exams. One good reason to get into the habit of doing the work yourself!
- You may consult books or journal articles to assist if needed. If you do materially use such materials, you should give the reference.
- There may, in some cases, be solutions from previous years to problems in the homeworks or ones very like them, available from the reading room or from more senior students. It is not permitted to use or consult these solutions. To do so would invalidate the process of using the homework marks as part of the course grade, and disadvantage those who avoided such use. Please regard this as a point of academic honour, and avoid the practice.
Exercise Instructions and Advice (PDF)
While the homework grade will count only the best five scores, it should be noted that some exercises build on earlier ones. Therefore students should recognize that it is not generally possible simply to omit early assignments. Moreover, the exercises are designed to develop understanding and skill with the material that will be valuable for the final exam.
Exercise 1. Data Fitting (PDF) | For Question 1, use one of these sets of N=7 numbers. Each ZIP contains the numbers in a txt file, plus .oct and .mat files you can read directly into Octave or MATLAB®. Exercise 1: Set 1 numbers (ZIP) |
Exercise 2. Integrating Ordinary Differential Equations (PDF) | |
Exercise 3. Solving 2-point ODEs (PDF) | For Question 1, use one of these sets of expressions. Each ZIP contains the expressions in a txt file, plus .oct and .mat files you can read directly into Octave or MATLAB. Exercise 3: Set 1 expressions (ZIP) |
Exercise 4. Partial Differential Equations (PDF) | |
Exercise 5. Diffusion and Parabolic Equations (PDF) | Exercise 5 example solution (PDF) |
Exercise 6. Iterative Solution of Matrix Problems (PDF) | |
Exercise 7. Fluids and Hyperbolic Equations (PDF) | |
Exercise 8. Boltzmann's Equation (PDF) | |
Exercise 9. Neutron Transport (PDF) |