Research Essay
Choose an aspect of American popular music before World War II. There is a list of possible topics below. You are Not limited to this list!
- Length: 4–6 pages, typed, double-spaced and using a 12-point font
- Your essay needs to include the following components:
- A title that reflects the topic of your essay. Be creative!
- An introductory paragraph (or two). The introduction presents your topic and prepares the reader for the content to come in the body of the essay.
- The body of your essay presents details, descriptions, opinions, etc. that will help to explain your topic more fully.
- A summary paragraph concludes your essay with more general statements about the topic (and possibly avenues for further exploration).
- Please be sure to use proper citations, both within the body of your essay and in a bibliography at the end of the paper.
- One word of advice: Relate your topic to one or two specific musical examples to help give it focus and direction.
Possible Topics Include
- Record companies such as Okeh Records, Victor
- Hillbilly music
- Blues
- Rag
- Tin Pan Alley
- Crooners
- Technology songs (see MIT Music Library collection)
- MIT Tech Shows (requires work in the Institute Archives)
- Development of the radio
- Development of the phonograph
- Minstrel music
- Vaudeville
- Dance (Tango, the Castles)
- Marching Bands
- Jazz
- Radio Stations
- Specific Composers
- Specific Performers
The Final Project
Pop songs today have a long history of musical influences and, in some cases, reactions to previous artists and their work. In this project you will choose a pop song released in the last 4–5 years and trace 4–5 musical influences of that song / artist. The primary focus of your project should be musical; however, you may also discuss any strong visual influences. Your final project will include an essay with an accompanying compilation CD or Dropbox file plus an oral report with one-page handout.
- An essay of 6–8 pages, double-spaced, using a 12-point font with an accompanying CD of the pop song you chose and the recordings that influenced it. Your essay needs to include the following components:
- A title that reflects the topic of your essay. Be creative!
- An introductory paragraph (or two). The introduction presents the artist / song that you chose and outlines the influences to be detailed in the body of your essay.
- The body of your essay begins with a more detailed discussion of your pop song, including form and distinguishing features. In subsequent paragraphs, the influences for this song should be presented in reverse chronological order. Be sure to reference the songs on your compilation CD. Finally, you may include any visual / image influences in your discussion.
- A summary paragraph concludes your essay with more general statements about the topic (and possibly avenues for further exploration).
- An appendix of song lyrics for the pieces you chose.
- Please be sure to use proper citations, both within the body of your essay and in a bibliography at the end of the paper.
- An oral presentation of 10 minutes (strictly enforced!), including brief musical / video examples. Please provide a one-page handout to be shared with your colleagues. As listeners of each other's reports, you will be expected to ask cogent questions about the presenter's work.
The written report is due in hard copy by Session 24.
Oral presentations will be held between Session 24 and 27.
Where to begin your research:
Research help from the Lewis Music Library: Music sources
Research help from the Lewis Music Library: Pop and rock sources
Additional resources can be found at your local public or university library. Ask a reference librarian for assistance.
Paper Template and Citation Format Examples (PDF)