A list of lecture topics and supporting files for the lecture notes are included in the table below.
1 | Introduction Computer Architecture Number Representations Recursion | ||
2 | Error Propagation Error Estimation Condition Numbers | euler.m (M) | |
3 | Linear Systems of Equations: Cramer's Rule Gaussian Elimination | ||
4 | Linear Systems: Gaussian Elimination Pivoting LU Factorization Error Analysis |
| |
5 | Linear Systems: Tri-diagonal Systems Special Matrices | (PDF) | |
6 | Linear Systems: Iterative Methods Convergence of Iterative Schemes | (PDF) | vib_string.m (M) |
7 | Roots of Non-linear Equations: Bisection Newton-Ralphson Iteration | ||
8 | Interpolation of Functions by Polynomials Lagrange Interpolation Triangular Family | langrange.m (M) | |
9 | Numerical Differentiation and Integration Error Estimates | (PDF) | |
10 | Ordinary Differential Equations Initial Value Problems: Euler and Runge-Kutta Methods | ||
11 | Ordinary Differential Equations (cont.) Boundary Value Problems: Finite Difference Methods | ||
12 | Minimization Problems Least Square Approximation Optimization | (PDF) |