This course has no single textbook, but instead draws on a wide range of publications and texts. Lectures and assigned readings by session are presented below, followed by a list of books kept on reserve for background reading.
1 | Introduction to water supply | Specter, Michael. "The Last Drop." The New Yorker, October 23, 2006. Executive Summary, "Water for People, Water for Life." 1st United Nations World Water Development Report, March 22, 2003. ( Reynolds, T. D., and P. A. Richards. "Water Quality." In Unit Operations and Processes in Environmental Engineering. Boston, MA: PWS Publishing, 1995, pp. 78-91. ISBN: 9780534948849. Introduction (PDF - 6.7MB) |
2 | Characteristics of seawater. Concentration and molality | Stewart, Robert H. "Definition of Salinity." Section 6.1 in Introduction to Physical Oceanography. Texas A & M University, 2008. (PDF) (Courtesy of Robert H. Stewart. Used with permission.) ASTM Standard D1141 1998 (2008). "Standard for Practice for the Preparation of Substitute Ocean Water." West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International, 2008. DOI: 10.1520/D1141-98R08. |
3 | Gibbs energy. Work of separation | Dean, Cornelia. "Rising Acidity is Threatening Food Web of Oceans, Science Panel Says." New York Times, January 30, 2009. |
4 | Chemical activity. Work of separation | |
5 | Separation at finite recovery. Osmosis | |
6 | Reverse osmosis. Solution-diffusion model | Fritzmann, C., et al. "State-of-the-Art Reverse Osmosis Desalination." Desalination 216 (October 2007): 1-76. |
7 | Solution-diffusion model. Crossflow separators | Paul, D. R. "Reformulation of the Solution-Diffusion Theory of Reverse Osmosis." Journal of Membrane Science 241 (October 2004): 371-386. |
8 | Concentration polarization. RO System engineering | Sauvet-Guichon, Bruno. "Ashkelon Desalination Plant — A Successful Challenge." Desalination 203 (February 2007): 75-81. Reverse Osmosis Systems (PDF - 2.9MB) |
9 | Introduce term project. Electrodialysis | Guest lecture: Amy Smith (![]() |
10 | Visit to Koch Membrane Systems | Guest lecture: John McArdle (PDF - 4.7MB) (Courtesy of Koch Membrane Systems. Used with permission.) |
11 | Visit GE Ionics | |
12 | Electrodialysis | Strathmann, Heiner. "The Ion-Exchange Equilibrium and the Donnan Potential," and "The Electrochemical Equilibrium." Sections 3.1.2 and 3.1.3, chapter 2 in Ion-Exchange Membrane Separation Processes. Boston, MA: Elsevier, 2004. ISBN: 9780444502360. Probstein, Ronald F. "The Electrolytic Cell," "Electrodialysis," and "Ion Exchange." Sections 6.1-6.3 in Physicochemical Hydrodynamics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Interscience, 2003. ISBN: 9780471458302. Strathmann, Heiner. "Electromembrane Processes: State-of-the-Art Processes and Recent Developments." European Desalination Society, 2007. (PDF - 1.4MB) (Courtesy of Heiner Strathmann. Used with permission.) |
13 | Electrodialysis (cont.). Ion exchange | |
14 | Introduction to thermal desalination | |
15 | Scale formation. Distillation. Least heat of distillation | |
16 | GOR. Combined power generation and distillation | El-Sayed, Y. M., and R. S. Silver. "Fundamentals of Distillation." Chapter 2 in Spielger, K. S., and A. D. K. Laird. Principles of Desalination. 2nd ed., Part A. New York, NY: Academic Press, 1980. ISBN: 9780126567014. |
17 | Single effect distillation. Multi-effect distillation | |
18 | Single-stage flash distillation. Multi-stage flash evaporation | Multi-Effect Distillation and Multi-Stage Flash Evaporation (PDF - 4.7MB) |
19 | Vapor compression distillation. Relative desalination costs. Freeze distillation | Miller, James E. "Review of Water Resources and Desalination Technologies." Sandia National Labs (March 2003): SAND 2003-0800. (PDF) (Courtesy of Sandia National Labs. Used with permission.) |
20 | Discussion of term project. Details about Haiti | Guest lecture: Amanda Adams, Mercy and Sharing (![]() |
21 | Disinfection. Chlorination. Pop quiz! | Hammer, Mark J., and Mark J. Hammer, Jr. "Water Processing." Chapter 7 in Water and Wastewater Technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007. ISBN: 9780131745421. Murcott, Susan. "Water and Sanitation Literacy Quiz." (PDF) (Courtesy of Susan Murcott. Used with permission.) |
22 | Wastewater treatment in the developing world | Harleman, D. R. F., and S. Murcott. "An Innovative Approach to Urban Wastewater Treatment in the Developing World." Water21: Magazine of the International Water Association (June 2001): 1-13. Ujang, Z., and M. Henze. "Sustainable Sanitation for Developing Countries." Chapter 1 in Municipal Wastewater Management in Developing Countries: Principles and Engineering. London, England: IWA Publishing, 2006. ISBN: 9781843390305. Tarr, J. A., et al. "Water and Wastes: A Retrospective Assessment of Wastewater Technology in the United States, 1800-1932." Technology and Culture 25 (April 1984): 226-263. Tarr, J. A. "Origins of the Piped Society." Appendix, in del Porto, David, and Carol Steinfeld. The Composting Toilet System Book. Concord, MA: Center for Ecological Pollution Prevention, 2000, pp. 209-233. ISBN: 9780966678307. Guest lecture: Susan Murcott (PDF - 7.7MB) (Courtesy of Susan Murcott. Used with permission.) |
23 | Solar energy. Solar collectors. Solar stills | Fath, Hassan E. S., et al. "PV and Thermally Driven Small-Scale, Stand-Alone Solar Desalination Systems with Very Low Maintenance Needs." Desalination 225 (2008): 58-69. Ettouney, H., and L. Rizzuti. "Solar Desalination: A Challenge for Sustainable Fresh Water in the 21st Century." Chapter 1 in Solar Desalination for the 21st Century: A Review of Modern Technologies and Researched on Desalination Coupled to Renewable Energies. Edited by Lucio Rizzuti, Hisham M. Ettouney, and Andrea Cipollina. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, 2007. ISBN: 9781402055065. |
24 | Solar desalination systems; CSP water/power cogeneration | Trieb, Franz, et al. "AQUA-CSP: Concentrating Solar Power for Seawater Desalination." Stuttgart, Germany: DLR, November 2007. (![]() |
25 | Particulate removal. Flocculation. Summary | Conclusion (PDF - 5.1MB) |
26 | Final project presentations |
Reserve Reading
Wilf, Mark. The Guide Book to Membrane Desalination Technology. D'Aquila, Italy: Balaban Desalination Publications, 2007. ISBN: 9780866890656.
Sandler, S. I. Chemical, Biochemical, and Engineering Thermodynamics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2006. ISBN: 9780471661740.
Twort, A. C., D. D. Ratnayaka, and M. J. Brandt. Water Supply. 5th ed. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001. ISBN: 9780340720189.
Baker, R. W. Membrane Technology and Applications. New York, NY: Wiley, 2004. ISBN: 9780470854457.
Hammer, M. J., and M. J. Hammer, Jr. Water and Wastewater Technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007. ISBN: 9780131745421.
Reynolds, T. D., and P. A. Richards. Unit Operations and Processes in Environmental Engineering. Boston, MA: PWS Publishing, 1995. ISBN: 9780534948849.
Glasstone, S. Thermodynamics for Chemists. New York, NY: D. Van Nostrand, 1947.
Strathmann, H. Ion-Exchange Membrane Separation Processes. Boston, MA: Elsevier, 2004. ISBN: 9780444502360.
Spielger, K. S., and Y. M. El-Sayed. A Desalination Primer. D'Aquila, Italy: Balaban Desalination Publications, 1994. ISBN: 9780866890342.
El-Dessouky, H. T., and H. M. Ettouney. Fundamentals of Salt Water Desalination. New York, NY: Elsevier, 2002. ISBN: 9780444508102.