L = Lecture session
R = Recitation session
Recitations sections included math and / or writing topics. Exams were held during lecture sessions 13, 24, and 37.
L1 | Introduction |
R1 | Math: Probability: Sample Spaces Writing: Precision, Rigor, Formality |
L2 | Probability Theory: Bayes' Rule, Inclusion-Exclusion Formula, etc. |
L3 | Pigeonhole Principle; Probabilistic Method |
L4 | Probability Theory: Weak Law of Large Numbers |
R2 | Math: Probability: Independence & Multiplication Writing: Proof Rigor & Level of Detail |
L5 | Chernoff Bounds |
L6 | Sequential Choice / Optimal Stopping Theory |
L7 | Counting, Coding, Sampling: Catalan Numbers, Bijective Proofs, etc. |
R3 | Math: Chernoff Bound Writing: Explanatory and Guiding Text |
L8 | Counting, Coding, Sampling: Coding |
L9 | Generating Functions I |
R4 | Writing: Information Order and Connectivity (Cohesion) |
L10 | Generating Functions II |
L11 | Generating Functions III |
L12 | Linear Programming: Models |
R5 | Review for Exam 1 |
L13 | Exam 1 |
L14 | Linear Programming: Simplex Method |
L15 | Linear Programming: Simplex Method (cont.) |
R6 | Math: Simplex and Linear Programming Practice |
L16 | Linear Programming: Duality |
L17 | Network Flows: Maximum Flow, Augmenting Path Algorithm |
R7 | Writing: Audiences, Explaining a Topic to an Informal Audience |
L18 | Network Flows: Maximum Flow, Minimum Cut Theorem |
L19 | Linear Programming: Zero-Sum Games |
L20 | Sorting Algorithms |
R8 | Math: Linear Programming Duality Writing: Designing Visuals |
L21 | Median Finding and QUICKSORT |
L22 | Median Finding and QUICKSORT(cont.) |
L23 | Sorting Networks: Batcher's Algorithm |
R9 | Review for Exam 2 |
L24 | Exam 2 |
L25 | Modular Arithmetic and Elementary Algebra |
L26 | Modular Arithmetic and Elementary Algebra: Group Theory |
R10 | Math: Euclid's Algorithm & Number Theory |
L27 | Cryptography: The RSA Code |
L28 | Cryptography: Primality Testing |
R11 | Math: Primality Testing & RSA |
L29 | Factoring |
L30 | FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) I |
L31 | FFT II |
R12 | Writing: Peer Critique |
L32 | FFT for Multiplication |
L33 | Shannon's Information Theory |
L34 | Huffman Codes |
L35 | Lempel-Ziv Codes |
L36 | Shannon's Noisy Coding Theorem |
R13 | Review for Exam 3 |
L37 | Exam 3 |
L38 | Linear Codes |
L39 | Polynomial Codes |