[Soledad] = Márquez, Gabriel García. Cien años de soledad. Catedra, 2006. ISBN: 9788437604947.
All films will be viewed outside of class, prior to the date when the film will be discussed.
1 | Introductory remarks on Rubén Darío (1867–1916), modernismo, realismo, and early post-WWI experimentation. Maps. Read and discuss in class
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2 | ReadTwo short stories by Horacio Quiroga (Uruguay, 1878 – Buenos Aires, Arg., 1937) and one serialized story (folletín):
Also Read
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3 | ReadTwo short stories by Horacio Quiroga:
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4 | Read
| Essay 1 due |
5 | DiscussDoña Bárbara. Directed by Fernando de Fuentes, and Miguel M. Delgado. Black and White, 138 mins. Clasa Films Mundiales, 1943. Based on the realist and regionalist novel with the same title, first published in 1929, by the Venezuelan writer Rómulo Gallegos (Film is in black & white, 138 mins.) Film is available on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLwAnKv2pP8 ReadKing, John. "Cinema." In A Cultural History of Latin America: Literature, Music and the Visual Arts in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Edited by Leslie Bethell. Cambridge University Press, 1998, p. 465. ISBN: 9780521626262. (From beginning of first full paragraph) to 468 (end of first paragraph), and section "The 1940s: A 'Golden Age' of Cinema?: Mexico," pp. 471–77. | |
6 | Experimental poetry (1920s–1940): Eight poems by Pablo Neruda and César Vallejo Two poets whose early work emerged from Darío's modernist aesthetic but, by the 1920's, were producing a new poetic language. Read by Pablo Neruda
Read by César Vallejo
Also read
| Individual student presentations |
7 | Experimental poetry (1920s–1940): Eight poems by Pablo Neruda and César Vallejo (cont.) RereadAll poems from Session 6. | Individual student presentations (cont.) |
8 | The Novel of the "Boom" (approximately 1963–1973); Gabriel García Márquez (Colombia, 1928), Cien años de soledad Read[Soledad] Chapters 1 and 2. | |
9 | Cien años de soledad (cont.) Read
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10 | 1940s–50s: The Publication of the Foundational Collection of Short Stories Ficciones by the Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges (1899–1986). ReadBorges, Jorge Luis. Ficciones. Vintage Espanol, 2012. ISBN: 9780307950925. This composite collection, which now contains 17 stories, was published in 3 parts in 3 different years (1941, 1944, 1956), and only acquired the full number of 17 stories under the definitive title of Ficciones in the year 1956. Read from Ficciones:
| Student group presentations on "La muerte" and "El Sur" |
11 | Read[Soledad] Chapters 5 and 6. | |
12 | Read[Soledad] Chapters 7–10. | Essay 2 on Cien años |
13 | Read[Soledad] Chapters 11 and 12. | |
14 | Read
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15 | Finish[Soledad] Chapters 19 and 20. | |
16 | The Cuban Revolution (1959) and Leftist Utopias in Latin America; Ernesto Che Guevara (Argentina, 1928 – Bolivia, October 9, 1967): Marxist Intellectual, Cultural Icon. ¿El hombre nuevo? See before coming to classEl Che: Investigating a Legend. Directed by Maurice Dugowson. DVD. (1997, black & white and color, English, Spanish, French, w / English sub-titles, 90 mins.) Read
Also read one of the following two essays
| Student presentations, on Sorensen and Piglia readings, respectively, as they pertain to "El hombre nuevo" and "Reunión." |
17 | Reflections on The Cuban Revolution in The Aftermath of 1989 and The End of The Cold War. Before coming to class watchLa vida es silbar. Directed by Fernando Pérez (Cuba, b. 1946). Color, 106 mins. 1998. [Spanish w /optional English subtitles] ReadChomsky, Aviva. Chapters 6, 7, 8, Conclusion, and corresponding Endnotes in A History of the Cuban Revolution. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, pp. 134–95. ISBN: 9781405187732. [Preview with Google Books] | Essay 3 due |
18 | The Post-Boom (1973-Now?). Macondo vs. Medellín: Youth and The Drug Culture in The New Hispanic American City. See before class and discussRoberto D no future. Directed by Víctor Gaviria. Color, 93 mins. 1990. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAZzRet1d4k | |
19 | More on The Post-Boom: The Second Wave of Feminism and The Much Debated ¿post-feminismo? ReadPoniatowska, Elena. Querido Diego, Te abraza Quiela. Ediciones ERA, 2007. ISBN: 9789684112148. See images in class of paintings and drawings by Angelina Beloff, Diego Rivera, and Frida Kahlo.
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20 | Remembered from The 1990s: To Be Chilean and Young in 1973—Patricio Guzmán (Chile, 1941) and Roberto Bolaño (Chile, 1953–2003). See before class and discussLa memoria obstinada. Directed by Patricio Guzmán. Color, 59 mins. 1997. [Chile, documental] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yZAoFqwqMY Read
| Student group presentation on "La memoria obstinada." |
21 | Read
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22 | ReadBolaño, Roberto. Chapters 8–10 in Estrella distante. Vintange Espanol, 2010. ISBN: 9780307476128. La presentación estudiantil sobre el documental "La memoria obstinada" será en clase. Dedicaremos media hora de la clase a la presentación y su discusión en clase. Parece que la versión del documental en YouTube es de mala calidad. | Essay 4 due |
23 | ReadFranco, Jean. "Alien to Modernity," "Raping the Dead," and "Apocalypse Now." Chapters 2, 3, and 9 in Cruel Modernity. Duke University Press, 2013, pp. 45–76, 77–92, 214–46, 247–51, and notes. ISBN: 9780822354567. [Preview with Google Books] | |
24 | A Successful Woman Writer in the New Millennium: Carmen Boullosa (México, 1954). Read
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25 | Read
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26 | FinishBoullosa, Carmen. Chapters 6 and 7 in El Velázquez de París. Siruela, 2007, pp. 121–43. ISBN: 9788498410563. In class, see and discuss paintings by Diego de Velázquez (Spain, 1599–1660). | Essay 5 due |