Course Meeting Times
Lectures: 4 sessions / week, 1 hour / session
コースの目標 (もくひょう) Course Objectives
The main objective of this course is to build up basic skills of communication in Japanese using appropriate speech levels in both writing and speaking for various social settings. This course covers lessons 19 through 23 in the textbook Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese II (see textbook info below). At the completion of this course, you will be able to:
- demonstrate correct usage of intermediate grammar, including causative, passive, causative-passive forms of verbs, and some conditionals through various activities;
- talk to people who are socially superior to you;
- comprehend conversations on various topics spoken at near-natural speed as well as grasp the relationships among the people involved;
- read and write 98 new kanji;
- write in various forms; and
- give brief presentations with specific objectives.
There are two types of class: grammar session and drill session. Prior to the grammar introduction for each lesson, you should read the grammar explanation of the textbook and practice new vocabulary. Prior to drill sessions, it is particularly important to review the patterns being learned, practice new vocabulary orally and memorize them so that you can fully benefit from the oral practice conducted in class.
Throughout the course, we encourage you to do the following:
- Be an active learner!
- Be a good collaborator and help each other!
- Enjoy the class!
教科書 (きょうかしょ) Textbooks
- Banno, Eri. Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese II. 2nd ed. Japan Times/Tsai Fong Books, 2011. ISBN: 9784789014434.
- Banno, Eri, Yoko Ikeda, et al. Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese, Workbook 2. 2nd ed. Japan Times, 2011. ISBN: 9784789014441.
評価 (ひょうか) Evaluation
- Evaluation Criteria
- Daily Grade
- 単 (たん) 語・漢 (かん) 字クイズ Vocabulary and Kanji Quizzes
- 試験 Lesson Quizzes, One-hour Exam, and Interview Tests
- 宿題 Homework
- 作文と発表 Essays & Presentation
- Grading Scale
- Daily Grade
- Attendance Policy
- Attend all sessions. Because of the cumulative nature of language learning, it is essential that you attend all sessions and keep up with the course work on a daily basis. Please follow the online daily schedule and come to class well-prepared.
- Be punctual. Coming in late not only results in missed performances and quizzes that may not be made up for, but also distracts other students. Showing up late may affect your daily grade negatively.
Daily Grade (Three lowest daily scores will be dropped.) | 20% |
単 (たん) 語・漢 (かん) 字クイズ Vocabulary and Kanji Quizzes (Two lowest scores will be dropped.) | 10% |
試験 Four Lesson Quizzes (One lowest score will be dropped.) | 20% |
One-hour Exam | 10% |
Two Interview Tests | 15% |
宿題 Homework | 10% |
作文と発表 Two Essays and One Presentation | 15% |
Students will receive a daily grade based on the performance of the in-class activities. The grading criteria are provided in section C.
A number of vocabulary quizzes and kanji quizzes will be given throughout the semester. No make-up quizzes or exams will be given in this course in principle.
There are four lesson quizzes (25 minutes long), two interview tests, and a one-hour exam. No make-up quizzes or exams will be given in this course in principle.
(i) To receive full credit for the homework, each assignment must be submitted on time (at the beginning of a class). Late submission (more than 2 days) will automatically result in zero credit.
(ii) Any assignments you submit must be your own work. You are expected to complete all assignments independently, without using online translation applications such as Google Translate or receiving help from native speakers and/or friends. (Please visit the MIT Academic Integrity website and read through the information carefully to avoid unintentional plagiarism.)
You will write two essays and conduct a 5-minute presentation based on the second essay. Details will be announced in class.
A = 94% and above | A- = 93.99–90% | |
B+ = 89.99–87% | B = 86.99–84% | B- = 83.99–80% |
C+ = 79.99–77% | C = 76.99–74% | C- = 73.99–70% |
D+ = 69.99–67% | D = 66.99–64% | D- = 63.99–60% |
F = 59.99% and below |
Students will receive a daily grade based on their performance evaluated with the following criteria:
10 | Excellent/near perfect | Excellent | Very active/excellent | |
9 | Strong/minor errors | Good | Consistent | |
8 | Fair but needs improvement | Adequate | Adequate but needs improvement | |
7 | Weak/with mistakes in major areas | Some | Sporadic | |
6 | Unsatisfactory | Inadequate | Infrequent | |
5 | Present but very poor | None | Seldom | |
0 | Absent |
Course Policy
- 教室に入ってから出るまで、できるだけ日本語だけで話しましょう。From entering the classroom until leaving, speak only Japanese, as much as possible.
- クラスメートの話をよく聞いて、おたがいを尊重(そんちょう)して(respect each other)、助(たす)け合(あ)って(help and support each other)、楽しくて勉強しやすいクラスを作りましょう。 All participants share a responsibility for creating an atmosphere that encourages learning by demonstrating mutual respect and consideration. Behavior that disrupts the learning environment will not be tolerated.
- 授業中テキストしないで下さい。携帯電話はオフにして、かばんに入れて下さい。Use of cell phones and smart phones is strictly prohibited during class. If you use a cell phone/smart phone/laptop/iPad/tablet etc. to text and/or check social media during class, you will receive 0 for the daily grade.
- マナーに気をつけて下さい。(授業中にご飯やお菓子を食べたりガムをかんだりしないでください / 授業中にぼうしをかぶらないでください / 先生と話す時は敬語を使ってください etc.)Please be careful about manners. (During the class, please do not eat food or snacks, or chew gum. / Please do not wear a hat during class. / Please use honorifics when talking to your teacher.)
- You should try your best never to fall behind. Any student who feels he/she is behind is encouraged to see an instructor and discuss the situation before it is too late.