In this section, Dr. Rebusco explains the way she used different technologies to enhance student learning and the reach of the class.
I think that being enthusiastic about what you teach makes a huge difference on the impact that you can have.
— Dr. Rebusco
A screenshot of the class' blog. (Image courtesy of Paola Rebusco and Graham Gordon Ramsay.)
Videotaping the Class and Creating the Blog
I decided to have a blog for different reasons. First, it was to share the information about each class with the students, to share the recipes, and to review the lessons that we had done. Another reason was to connect with the students who were interested in the class but could not take it. (During registration, 90 students signed up for the course, but I could only accept less than a dozen. I used a lottery system to decide who would be in the class.) I felt that although not everyone could participate directly, they would still have a chance to learn a little bit just by reading the blog, by practicing, and by watching the videos. The last time I tracked the blog, we received a few thousands visitors, so I think that's good feedback from all over the world.
Visit the Speak Italian With Your Mouth Full blog.