Commercial Manufacturers and Distributors
- Coherent
- Corning
- Edmund Industrial Optics
- Linos Photonics
- Melles Griot
- National Instruments
- New Focus
- Newport
- Oriel
- Thor Labs
Laser Eye Safety
- ANSI: American National Standards Institute
- CDRH: Center for Devices and Radiological Health
- CIE: International Commission on Illumination, U.S.A.
- ISO: International Standards Organization
- NIH: National Institute of Health
- NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology
- OSHA Laser Safety Standards
Professional Societies
- AVS, American Vacuum Society
- The Electrochemical Society
- IESNA: The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
- ISA, The International Society for Measurement and Control
- IS&T: The Society for Imaging Science and Technology
- LIA: Laser Institute of America
- OSA: Optical Society of America
- SPIE: The International Society for Optical Engineering
- SEMI, Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International
- SID, The Society for Information Display
Optics-Related Publications
- Advanced Imaging, Solutions for the Electronic Imaging Professional
- Biophotonics International
- Design News
- Europhotonics
- Evaluation Engineering, the Comprehensive Internet Resource for the Test and Evaluation Industry
- IEEE Spectrum
- The Industrial Physicist
- InTech Magazine, The International Journal for Measurement and Control
- Machine Design
- Optoelectronics Group of Penwell publications
- Personal Engineering and Instrumentation News
- Photonics Online
- Photonics Spectra
- Physics Today
- Physics World
- Sensors
- Solid State Technology, The International Magazine for Semiconductor Manufacturing
- Vision Systems Design
- Vision Systems Design, Imaging and Vision Technologies for Engineers and Integrators
- Optics.Org - Journal Search
- Optics Express
- Pure and Applied Optics (1992-1998)
Optical Design Software
- Breault Research Organization, Inc. for ASAP and SYNOPSYSTM
- Engineering Calculations for KDP
- Focus Software, Inc. for ZEMAX
- Kidger Optics Ltd. for SIGMA-2000
- Lambda Research Corporation for GUERAP V and TracePro
- Optical Research Associates for CODE V®
- Sinclair Optics, Inc. for OSLO