Solve problems 1 and 2 in Lecture 7 (PDF) and 1 in Lecture 8 (PDF). Problem 2 in L8 is optional and you earn a "++" for doing the problem. You are wellcome to use the R code provided (write comments in the code explaining what each block of the code is doing), except for question 1 in L8 you need to write your own code (which should be standard any way). By completing this problem you will have mastered 90% of the skills I wanted you to learn in this class!
Data for Lecture 7 (CSV - 2.7MB)
R-code for Lecture 8 (School Example) (R)
R-code for Lecture 8 (Democracy) (R)
Data for Lecture 8 (Democracy) (DTA)
Data for Papke's Example (DTA)