Jessica Leight
I am Jessica Leight and I'm a Ph.D. student in Economics at MIT. I was a teaching assistant for 14.01 Principles of Microeconomics in both semesters in the 2010-2011 year, and also served as the head TA. Introductory economics is an engaging subject and one that can serve as a foundation for a long academic career in economics or related fields, as it has for me. My primary research interests are in development and health economics, and prior to coming to MIT, I studied at Yale and Oxford. Economics is an extremely rewarding subject to study, and I hope you find this - your first introduction to it - exciting!
Nora Hagerman
I'm Nora Hagerman and I'm a junior at Wellesley College, studying Economics. Ever since I took my first Econ class on a whim freshman year, I have been fascinated with studying how people make the decisions that shape our country's economy. While I have focused on Macroeconomics and the global economy in school, I have really enjoyed reviewing Microeconomics while working with MIT OpenCourseWare!
Greg Hutko
Greg Hutko is a graduate of the MIT Department of Economics, and is currently teaching in a Boston public school through Teach for America. He has years of experience tutoring 14.01 and shares his insights on microeconomic problem solving in the problem solving videos. Meet Greg in the video below!
Meet Greg Hutko
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