
1Some Physical Properties of Sea WaterProblem set 1 out
2Rotation 101: Some BasicsProblem set 1 due
3Rotation 101 (cont.): Effects of Rotation on a Sphere: f- and β-planes

Earth's Gravity Field and Sea Level
4Ekman Layers, Friction and Geostrophic FlowProblem set 2 out
5Wind-Driven Circulation: Stommel's Gyre and Sverdrup's BalanceProblem set 2 due
6Stress in the Ocean 
7Observations of the Gulf Stream in the N. AtlanticProblem set 3 out
8Global Hydrographic ClimatologyProblem set 3 due
9Equatorial Twists to Mid-Latitude Dynamics 
10The Large Scale Thermohaline Circulation: Some ThermodynamicsProblem set 4 out
11The Thermohaline CirculationProblem set 4 due
12Another Wrinkle on Observations of the Abyssal Ocean: Geothermal Heating and Hydrothermal Vents 
13Tidal ForcesProblem set 5 out
14Introduction to "Waves" and Time Dependent MotionProblem set 5 due
15Internal WavesPresentations due
16Final Exam