Please note: OCW users are not able to turn in assignments to the instructor or receive a grade for their work.
Writing Assignments
Major Assignments and Timelines
Detailed descriptions of assignments, plus criteria for evaluation, will be provided ahead of the proposal due date for each assignment.
To pass this class you must:
- Complete all assignments
- Complete 5000 words across the 4 main writing assignments
- Significantly revise Essay 2, the Investigative Essay
- Demonstrate the ability to credit sources consistently and appropriately
- Science and/in Culture Essay
- The day prior to Session 5: Post proposal on class website
- The day prior Session 6: Post 1st complete draft on class website
- Sessions 6 and 7: Workshop
- The day after Session 26: Optional Revision due with Portfolio
- Reading Journal
- Session 2: Being Reading Journal
- Session 23: Complete Reading Journal no later than this class
- Investigative Essay
- The day prior to Session 8: Post proposal on class website
- The day prior to Session 11: Post Revised Proposal and Annotated Bibliography on class website
- The day prior to Session 14: Post 1st complete draft on class website
- Sessions 13 and 14: Workshop
- The day after Session 15: Respond online to workshop group members
- The day after Session 17: Revision due
- Book Review Essay
- Session 5: Select book to read and review—email to instructor
- The day prior to Session 21: Post 1st complete draft on class website
- Sessions 21 and 22: Workshop
- The day after Session 26: Optional Revision due with Portfolio
- Oral Presentation
- 8 minutes per speaker, plus 4 minutes of Q&A
- Your main task will be to clearly describe what you found, what you thought your source did well (using specific examples), and what questions your findings raised: these may be questions about science, values, the way science is covered, or all three
- You will want to guide your audience through some sample screen shots of the site to illustrate your talk
- Session 3: Email website choice + one back-up choice to the instructor before class
- Session 17: Presentations
5 p. double-spaced (1500 words)
This essay reflects on the relationship between some aspect of science, technology, nature or medicine and culture, drawing on the writer’s own experience, our readings, and a bit of research. Its goal is to help readers see something relevant to their lives, in a fresh way. For further instructions, see Assignment #5.
~8 entries, 250-300 words each
Reflections on our readings and your chosen web source of science writing. May provide ideas and material for your essays, as well as for class discussion.
8-10 p. double-spaced (~2500 words)
An essay that investigates an aspect of science, medicine, nature or technology of your choosing. This essay should not merely inform and explain but should aim to answer a question that motivates the essay. It should situate the topic in a context, and make it clear to readers why the question matters. Readers will expect to hear your own thoughts on your question. For further instructions, see Assignment #12.
5 p. double-spaced (1500 words)
This essay introduces readers to a book on science or technology, while developing a theme or idea of interest to the writer. For further instructions, see Assignment #20.
Your oral presentation for this class will be a report on your findings in tracking a topic on an online site. You’ll focus on what the site aims to do, how it does it, and how well it succeeds.
Save all written work to hand in, in a Portfolio. Due Session 26 or no later than noon the day after Session 26.