1 | Course Overview and Introduction
2 | Urban Transportation History and Institutions
No recitation Assignment 0 "Introduce Yourself" due |
3 | No Class: MIT Holiday
No recitation |
4 | Boston's Highway Revolt: Anatomy of a Pattern Break?
No recitation; Everett/Sullivan/Charlestown walking tour Assignment 1 due |
5 | Transportation Finance and Legislation: Economic Development and Externalities
Recitation: Assignment 1 presentations (with special guest Joe Barr, Director of Traffic, Parking and Transportation for the City of Cambridge) |
6 | The Battle for the Space Between Buildings: Street Design and the Politics of Urban Mobility
No recitation |
7 | Transportation Planning Methods and Measures: The 4-Step Model (and Other Traffic Models)
No recitation |
8 | Congestion and Solutions
Recitation: Presentation and discussion of Assignment 2 Assignment 2 due |
9 | Project Evaluation and Environmental Impacts of Transportation
Guest Lecturers Laurie Hussey and Tom Rossie of Cambridge Systematics
No recitation |
10 | No class
Recitation: Watch Great Projects: The Big Dig from PBS |
11 | The Other Battle for the Space Between Buildings: Parking
No recitation |
12 | No class
No recitation Assignment 3 due |
13 | Transportation Planning Methods and Measures: Access to Destinations
Recitation: Presentation and discussion of Assignment 3 |
14 | Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Transportation
Recitation: Feedback on course Assignment 4 due |