The readings in the table below are recommended for those of you who wish to do further reading on your own in preparation for comprehensive examinations or who are considering research on the topic.
There were no recommended readings for Weeks 5–6, 13–14, 15, 17, 17–18, 20, 26, and 38.
Required Textbook
[GES] = Schneider, G. E. Brain Structure and Its Origins: In Development and in Evolution of Behavior and the Mind. MIT Press, 2014. ISBN: 9780262026734.
Supplementary Textbooks
[LWS] = Swanson, Larry W. Brain Architecture, Understanding the Basic Plan. Oxford University Press, 2011. ISBN: 9780195378580.
[JMA] = Allman, John Morgan. Evolving Brains. W. H. Freeman and Co., 1999. ISBN: 9780716750765.
Additional Supplementary Sources
[JHMF] = Nauta, Walle J. H., and Michael Feirtag. Fundamental Neuroanatomy. W. H. Freeman and Co., 1986. ISBN: 9780716717232.
[GFS] = Striedter, Georg F. Principles of Brain Evolution. Sinauer Associates, 2004. ISBN: 9780878938209.
[PB] = Brodal, Per. The Central Nervous System, Structure and Function. 3rd ed. Oxford University Press, 2003. ISBN: 9780195165609. [Preview with Google Books]
[WHAB] = Butler, Ann B., and William Hodos. Comparative Vertebrate Neuroanatomy: Evolution and Adaptation. Wiley-Liss, 1996. ISBN: 9780471888895. [Preview with Google Books]
[JWDP] = Purves, Dale, and Jeff W. Lichtman. Principles of Neural Development. Sinauer Associates, 1985. ISBN: 9780878937448.
1–2 | Introduction: Brain orientation, primitive cellular activities | [JMA] Chapter 1, pp. 1–13. [JHMF] Chapter 1, pp. 1–11. [LWS] Chapter 1, pp. 1–8 and Chapter 2, pp. 9–28. |
3–4 | Steps to the CNS of chordates | [GFS] Chapter 2, pp. 19–50 [JMA] Chapters 3 and 4. [LWS] Chapter 3, pp. 29–39. |
7–8 | Spinal cord development and anatomy | [LWS] Chapter 4b, pp. 60–79. |
9–12 | Autonomic nervous system; differentiation of brain vesicles | [JHMF] Chapters 10 and 11. [WHAB] Chapter 7, pp. 95–106; Chapter 9, pp. 120–22, and Chapter 10, pp. 133–40. |
19 | Midterm Exam | |
21–23 | Visual systems | [GFS] Chapter 6, pp. 177–85. |
24–25 | Auditory and related sensory systems | [GFS] Chapter 8, pp. 259–68. Figure 8.10. pp. 255–8 and 268–87. |
27–29 | Hypothalamus and limbic system, part 1 | [LWS] Chapter 7, pp. 139–49. Mesulam, M-Marsel, ed. Chapter 1 in Principles of Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology. Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 1–120. ISBN: 9780195134759. [Preview with Google Books] |
30 | Hormonal and other influences on brain development and plasticity | Toran—Allerand, C. Dominique. "Mechanisms of Estrogen Action during Neural Development: Mediation by Interactions with the Neurotrophins and their Receptors?." The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 56, no. 1 (1996): 169–78. Toran—Allerand, C. Dominique. "Organotypic Culture of the Developing Cerebral Cortex and Hypothalamus: Relevance to Sexual Differentiation." Psychoneuroendocrinology 16, no. 1 (1991): 7–24. Reisert, Ingrid, Victor Han, et al. "Sex Steroids Promote Neurite Growth in Mesencephalic Tyrosine Hydroxylase Immunoreactive Neurons in Vitro." International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 5, no. 2 (1987): 91–8. Johnson, Frank, and Sarah W. Bottjer. "Differential Estrogen Accumulation among Populations of Projection Neurons in the Higher Vocal Center of Male Canaries." Journal of Neurobiology 26, no. 1 (1995): 87–108. Brown, Susan D., and Sarah W. Bottjer. "Testosterone‐induced Changes in Adult Canary Brain are Reversible." Journal of Neurobiology 24, no. 5 (1993): 627–40. Brown, Susan D., Frank Johnson, et al. "Neurogenesis in Adult Canary Telencephalon is Independent of Gonadal Hormone Levels." The Journal of neuroscience 13, no. 5 (1993): 2024–32. Bottjer, Sarah W., and Timothy P. Dignan. "Joint Hormonal and Sensory Stimulation Modulate Neuronal Number in Adult Canary Brains." Journal of Neurobiology 19, no. 7 (1988): 624–35. |
31 | Hippocampal formation | [PB] Chapter 30, section on Evolutionary perspective (to get a flavor of the comparative work). pp. 455–7 (note: pallium means the dorsal structures of the endbrain; the medial pallium includes the hippocampus.) |
32 | Amygdala and other aspects of limbic forebrain | Stevens, Janice R., Vernon H. Mark, et al. "Deep Temporal Stimulation in Man: Long latency, Long Lasting Psychological Changes." Archives of Neurology 21, no. 2 (1969): 157–69. Schaltenbrand, G., H. Spuler, et al. "Vegetative and Emotional Reactions During Electrical Stimulation of Deep Structures of the Brain during Stereotactic Procedures." Zeitschrift für Neurologie 205, no. 2 (1973): 91–113. |
33–34 | Corpus striatum | Mesulam, M-Marsel, ed. Chapter 1 in Principles of Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology. 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 1–120. ISBN: 9780195134759. [Preview with Google Books] Olanow, C. W., J. H. Kordower, et al. "Fetal Nigral Transplantation as a Therapy for Parkinson's Disease." Trends in Neurosciences 19, no. 3 (1996): 102–9. Kempermann, Gerd, and Fred H. Gage. "New Nerve Cells for the Adult Brain." Scientific American 280 (1999): 48–53. Olanow, C. Warren, Christopher G. Goetz, et al. "A Double‐blind Controlled Trial of Bilateral Fetal Nigral Transplantation in Parkinson's Disease." Annals of Neurology 54, no. 3 (2003): 403–14. Online information on deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's Disease": e.g., from Wikipedia or from WebMD, or from studies published in the literature (brain sites usually stimulated: subthalamic nucleus, globus pallidus) |
35–37 | Neocortex Neocortex 2 Neocortex (Supplemental Questions on Nauta) | Mesulam, M-Marsel, ed. Chapter 1 in Principles of Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology. 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 76–8. ISBN: 9780195134759. [Preview with Google Books] |
Final Exam |