Note: Lecture 2 should help but hopefully not be required for this assignment.
Article: Tootell, R.B.H., J.B. Reppas, et al. "Visual Motion Aftereffect in Human Cortical Area MT Revealed by Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging." Nature 375 (1995): 139–41. DOI: 10.1038/375139a0
Assignment: Read the assigned article carefully (expect to spend at least one hour on this, possibly more) and think about it, then provide short answers to the questions below.
- What is the characteristic functional (response) property of cortical area MT (V5)? Answer in a phrase or sentence.
- Which aspect of Figure 2 shows the central new finding of the paper?
- Does activity in cortical area MT reflect what the subject is perceiving, or what visual information is arriving on the retina? Answer and explain in at most 3 clear sentences.