1 | Introduction to the Course | No Readings |
2 | Bacterial Effector Proteins that Hijack Host Cell Signaling: The Rho GTPase Story | Hardt, W. D., L. M. Chen, et al. "S. Typhimurium Encodes an Activator of Rho GTPases that induces Membrane Ruffling and Nuclear Responses in Host Cells." Cell 93, no. 5 (1998): 815–26. Alto, N. M., F. Shao, et al. "Identification of a Bacterial Type III Effector Family with G Protein Mimicry Functions." Cell 124, no. 1 (2006): 133–45. |
3 | Bacterial Toxins and their Impact on the Host Immune System | Leppla, S. H. "Anthrax Toxin Edema Factor: A Bacterial Adenylate Cyclase that increases Cyclic AMP Concentrations of Eukaryotic Cells." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 79, no. 10 (1982): 3162–6. Cassel, Dan, and Zvi Selinger. "Mechanism of Adenylate Cyclase Activation by Cholera Toxin: Inhibition of GTP Hydrolysis at the Regulatory Site." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 74, no. 8 (1977): 3307–11. |
4 | Feeling Ill: Common Human Pathogens that Infect the Mucosal Epithelium | Riley, L. W., R. S. Remis, et al. "Hemorrhagic Colitis Associated with a Rare Escherichia Coli Serotype." The New England Journal of Medicine 308, no. 12 (1983): 681–5. Gaulin, C, Ramsay D, et al. "Escherichia Coli O157:H7 Outbreak Associated with the Consumption of Beef and Veal Tartares in the Province of Quebec, Canada in 2013." Foodbore Pathogens and Disease 12, no. 7 (2015): 612–8. |
5 | Bacterial Pathogens and Innate Immunity: Caenorhabditis Elegans – Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Interactions as Model to Study Ancient Anti-bacterial Defense Mechamisms | Kim, D. H., R. Feinbaum, et al. "A Conserved p38 MAP Kinase Pathway in Caenorhabditis Elegans Innate Immunity." Science 297, no. 5581 (2002): 623–6. Zhu, S., and B Gao. "Nematode-derived Drosomycin-type Antifungal Peptides Provide Evidence for plant-to-ecdysozoan Horizontal Transfer of a Disease Resistance Gene." Nature Communication 5, no. 3154 (2014). |
6 | Two Strategies, Same Outcome: How Salmonella Typhimurium and Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Resist the Host's Attempts to Clear them from Mucosal Layers | Knodler, L. A., B. A. Vallance, et al. "Dissemination of Invasive Salmonella via Bacterial-induced Extrusion of Mucosal Epithelia." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107, no. 41 (2010): 17733–8. Muenzner, P., V. Bachmann, et al. "Human-restricted Bacterial Pathogens Block Shedding of Epithelial Cells by Stimulating Integrin Activation." Science 329, no. 5996 (2010): 1197–201. |
7 | Oral Presentations | No Readings |
8 | Innate Immune Responses at Intestinal Mucosal Surfaces | Zarepour, M., K. Bhullar, et al. "The Mucin Muc2 Limits Pathogen Burdens and Epithelial Barrier Dysfunction during Salmonella Enterica Serovar Typhimurium Colitis." Infect and Immunity 81, no. 10 (2013): 3672–83. Chieppa, M., M. Rescigno, et al. "Dynamic Imaging of Dendritic Cell Extension into the Small Bowel Lumen in Response to Epithelial Cell TLR Engagement." The Journal of Experimental Medicine 203, no. 13 (2006): 2841–52. |
9 | Antibody-mediated Mechanisms against Invasion by Bacteria | Wijburg, O. L., T. K. Uren, et al. "Innate Secretory Antibodies Protect against Natural Salmonella Typhimurium Infection." The Journal of Experimental Medicine 203, no. 1 (2006): 21–6. Kawamoto, S., M. Maruya, et al. "Foxp3(+) T Cells Regulate Immunoglobulin A Selection and Facilitate Diversification of Bacterial Species Responsible for Immune Homeostasis." Immunity 41, no. 1 (2014): 152–65. |
10 | T-cell Responses at Intestinal Mucosal Surfaces | Lathrop, S. K., S. M. Bloom, et al. "Peripheral Education of the Immune System by Colonic Commensal Microbiota." Nature 478, no. 7368 (2011): 250–4. Nishio, J., Baba, M., et al. "Requirement of Full TCR Repertoire for Regulatory T cells to Maintain Intestinal Homeostasis." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112, no. 41 (2015): 12770-5. |
11 | Interplay between Gut Microbiome and Lymphocyte Fate and Function | Ivanov, II, K. Atarashi, et al. "Induction of Intestinal Th17 Cells by Segmented Filamentous Bacteria." Cell 139, no. 3 (2009): 485–98. Ahern, P.P., Schiering, C., et al. "Interleukin-23 Drives Intestinal Inflammation Through Direct Activity on T Cells." Immunity 33, no. 2 (2010): 279-88. |
12 | Dysbiosis and Autoimmune Conditions | Zaiss, M., Rapin, A., et al. "The Intestinal Microbiota Contributes to the Ability of Helminths to Modulate Allergic Inflammation." Immunity 43, no. 5 (2015): 998-1010. Palm, N. W., M. R. de Zoete, et al. "Immunoglobulin A Coating Identifies Colitogenic Bacteria in Inflammatory Bowel Disease." Cell 158, no. 5 (2014): 1000–10. |
13 | Field Trip | No Readings |