1 | Class Introduction - Guest Presentation: Jimmy Chen | Foucault, Michel. "Fearless Speech." Testimonials. |
2 | Introduction to VAP IEL (Dan Van Roekel) Discussion of Readings Assigned on 9.7 | |
3 | Introduction to VAP Shop Facilities (Charlie Mathis) | Papanek, Victor. Design for the real world: human ecology and social change. Chicago, IL: Academy Chicago, 1985. ISBN: 0897331532. Mouffe, Chantal. "Which Democracy in a post-political age?" The Dark Markets: Infopolitics, electronic media and democracy in times of crisis. lecture series, Public netbase / t0, Wein, October 5, 2002. Video documentation: (RAM) (31/03/2003). Dobson, Kelly: ScreamBody. Michael Rakowitz: ParaSITE, RISE. Wochenklausur: Art and Sociopolitical Intervention. N55: 3 selections from "Manual for N55." In N55 Book. Odder, Denmark: Narayana Press, 2003. ISBN: 8791409055. (PDF - 8.9 MB) |
4 | Individual Roundtable Presentations/Sketches: Project 1 Discussion (Papanek, Mouffe, Art Projects) | Kristeva, Julia. Strangers to Ourselves. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 1991, chapter 1 and final 2 chapters. ISBN: 0231071574. Herman, Judith. "Ethics of the Self and Ethics of the Other." In Trauma and Recovery. London, UK: Pandora, 2001. ISBN: 0863584306. |
5 | Guest Presentations: Tim Anderson and Elliot Felix Discussion (Kristeva, Herman) | Brecht, Bertold. Brecht on Theater: the Development of an Aesthetic. New York, NY: Hill and Wang, 1978. ISBN: 0809005425. Bakhtin, M. M. "Carnival Ambivalence: Laughter, Praise and Abuse" and "The Banquet, the Body and the Underworld." In The Bakhtin Reader. Edited by Pam Morris. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1997. ISBN: 0340592672. |
6 | Individually Scheduled Meetings with Prof. | |
7 | Guest Presentation: Azra Aksamija Discussion (Bakhtin, Brecht) CAVS Lecture: Vito Acconci Studio | Thoreau, Henry David. On Civil Disobedience. Critical Arts Ensemble. Electronic Civil Disobedience. Brooklyn, NY: Autonomedia, 1995. Benjamin, Walter. "Critique of Violence." In Selected Writings Vol. 1: 1913-1926. Translated by Edmund Jephcott. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 1996. ISBN: 0674945859. Public Enemy [AUDIO]: "Fear of a Black Planet," and "It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back." Martin Luther King. (Selected readings.) |
8 | Individually Scheduled Meetings with Prof. | |
9 | Discussion (Thoreau, Benjamin, Critical Arts Ensemble, Public Enemy, King) | Deleuze, Gilles, and Felix Guattari. Nomadology. New York, NY: Semiotext(e), 1986. ISBN: 0936756098. |
10 | Discussion (Deleuze and Guattari) | |
11 | Individually Scheduled Meetings with Prof. | |
12 | Mid-term | |
13 | Mid-term (cont.) | Giancarlo De Carlo. (Multiplicity USE.) Smith, Neil. "From Gentrification to the Revanchist City." In The New Urban Frontier: Gentrification and the Revanchist City. New York, NY: Routledge, 1996. ISBN: 041513255X. Castells, Manuel. "Immigrant Workers and Class Struggles in Advanced Capitalism." Chapter 3 in The Castells Reader on Cities and Social Theory. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2002. ISBN: 0631219331. Levinas, Emanuel. "Cities of Refuge." In Beyond the Verse: Talmudic Readings and Lectures. London, UK: Athlone Press, 1994. ISBN: 0485114305.
Hannah Arendt. (Selected readings.) |
14 | Discussion (Levinas, Benjamin, Deutsche) | |
15 | Discussion (Smith, De Carlo, Arendt, Castells) | |
16 | Guest Presentation CAVS Lecture: Pia Lindman | |
17 | Guest Presentation | N55. "Art and Reality," and "N55 Manual." Fuller, Buckminster. Utopia or Oblivion. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1969. ISBN: 0553028839. |
18 | N55 Presentation | |
19 | N55 Presentation (cont.) | Bakunin, Michael. God and the State. New York, NY: Dover Publications, 1970. ISBN: 048622483X. West, Cornel. American Evasion of Philosophy. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1989. ISBN: 0299119645. |
20 | Discussion (Bakunin, West) CAVS Lecture: Judith Barry | Situationist International. (Selected readings.) Careri, Francesco (Stalker). Walkscapes: Walking as an aesthetic practice. Barcelona, Spain: Gili, 2002. ISBN: 8425218411. Winnicott, D. W. Playing and Reality. New York, NY: Tavistock Publications, 1980. ISBN: 0422783102. Jacques Tati [FILM]: Mon Oncle. |
21 | Individually Scheduled Meetings with Prof. | |
22 | Discussion (Winnicott, Situationists, Careri) | |
23 | Individually Scheduled Meetings with Prof. | |
24 | Production / Individual Meetings with Prof. | |
25 | Production / Individual Meetings with Prof. (cont.) | |
26 | Final |