Protected areas of Honduras
Protected areas of Honduras
Protected area highlights for Honduras (January 31, 2008):
Area |
| |
Total Area of nationally recognized protected areas (% of Hondoras's Territorial Area) |
79 |
24,659 |
16.1% |
- Terrestrial (% of Hondaras's Terrestrial Territorial Area) |
77 |
23,531 |
21.0% |
- Marine and Littoral Protected Area |
22 |
1,126 |
Note that some protected areas include both terrestrial area and marine area |
Nationally recognized protected areas greater than 1,000 km2 |
4 |
Nationally recognized protected areas greater than 10,000 km2 |
1 |
Wetlands of International importance (Ramsar Sites) |
6 |
2,233 |
UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserves |
1 |
8,000 |
There are six wetlands in Honduras recognized as important under the the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar Convention):
Marine | 13,225
|- style="background-color: White" align="left" | align="left" | Laguna de Bacalar |
Marine | 7,394
|- style="background-color: #f7f6f3" align="left" | align="left" | Parque Nacional Jeanette Kawas |
Both | 78,150
|- style="background-color: White" align="left" | align="left" | Refugio de Vida Silvestre Punta Izopo |
Marine | 11,200
|- style="background-color: #f7f6f3" align="left" | align="left" | Sistema de Humedales de la Zona Sur de Honduras |
Marine | 69,711
|- style="background-color: White" align="left" | align="left" | Subcuenca del Lago de Yojoa |
Terrestrial | 43,640
UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserves and World Heritage Biosphere Reserve: Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve
The latest World Database on Protected Areas reports 102 nationally recognized protected areas in Honduras (23 more than in the summary above):
Archipelago Golfo De Fonseca Marine National Park | - | Marine | 1,152 | |
Barbareta Wildlife Refuge | - | Both | 500 | |
Capiro Calentura National Park | II | Terrestrial | 5,000 | |
Carías-Bermúdez Multiple Use Reserve | - | Terrestrial | 4,535 | |
Cayos Cochinos Natural Marine Monument | - | Both | 48,925 | 48,722 |
Cayos Miskitos Biological Reserve | - | Both | ||
Celaque National Park | II | Terrestrial | 26,640 | |
Cerro Azul de Copán National Park | II | Terrestrial | 15,460 | |
Cerro Azul Meámbar National Park | II | Terrestrial | 30,000 | |
Cerro El Uyuca Biological Reserve | IV | Terrestrial | 1,138 | |
Cerro Guanacaure Área Productora de Agua | - | Terrestrial | 1,983 | |
Congolón, Piedra Parada y Coyocutena Natural Monument | III | Terrestrial | ||
Corralitos Wildlife Refuge | IV | Terrestrial | 5,730 | |
Cuero y Salado Wildlife Refuge | IV | Both | 12,400 | 1,341 |
Cuevas de Talgua Natural Monument | - | Terrestrial | ||
Cuevas de Taulabé Natural Monument | III | Terrestrial | 20 | |
Cusuco National Park | II | Terrestrial | 23,440 | |
El Armado Wildlife Refuge | IV | Terrestrial | 3,610 | |
El Boquerón Natural Monument | - | Terrestrial | 2,700 | |
El Chiflador Biological Reserve | IV | Terrestrial | 500 | |
El Chile Biological Reserve | IV | Terrestrial | 6,160 | |
El Cipresal Natural Monument | - | Terrestrial | 20 | |
El Guisayote Biological Reserve | IV | Terrestrial | 7,000 | |
El Jicarito Wildlife Refuge | - | Both | 4,608 | 368 |
El Pital Biological Reserve | IV | Terrestrial | 3,800 | |
El Quebrachal Wildlife Refuge | IV | Both | 198 | |
Embalse El Cajón Bosque Nacional | - | Terrestrial | 50,700 | |
Embalse El Coyolar Bosque Nacional | - | Terrestrial | 18,600 | |
Erapuca Wildlife Refuge | IV | Terrestrial | 7,170 | |
Fortaleza San Fernando de Omoa Natural Monument | III | Terrestrial | ||
Guajiquiro Biological Reserve | IV | Terrestrial | 6,700 | |
Guamerú Wildlife Refuge | IV | Both | ||
Guanaja Marine Reserve | - | Marine | 28,000 | |
Guapinol Wildlife Refuge | IV | Both | ||
Guisayote Biological Reserve | IV | Terrestrial | 8,610 | |
Hierba Buena Biological Reserve | IV | Terrestrial | 3,510 | |
Isla del Tigre Wildlife Refuge | - | Both | 3,975 | |
Isla Exposición Marine National Park | II | Both | 239 | |
Islas del Cisne Marine National Park | II | Marine | ||
Jeanette Kawas National Park | - | Both | 78,162 | 264 |
La Alemania Wildlife Refuge | IV | Both | ||
La Berbería Wildlife Refuge | IV | Terrestrial | 838 | |
La Muralla National Park | II | Terrestrial | 21,035 | |
La Piedra de Apaguiz Área Productora de Agua | - | Terrestrial | 17,427 | |
La Tigra National Park | II | Terrestrial | 23,821 | |
Lago de Yojoa Multiple Use Reserve | - | Terrestrial | 34,628 | |
Laguna Alegría | - | Terrestrial | ||
Laguna de Caratasca Wildlife Refuge | - | Both | 120,000 | 78,293 |
Laguna de Guaymoreto Wildlife Refuge | IV | Both | 5,000 | 1,142 |
Lancetilla Biological Reserve | IV | Terrestrial | 3,000 | |
Las Iguanas Wildlife Refuge | - | Both | 3,297 | 451 |
Los Delgaditos Wildlife Refuge | IV | Terrestrial | 925 | |
Manglar entre Mangrove Bight y North East Bight Wildlife Refuge | - | Both | ||
Manglares del Golfo de Fonseca Bosque Nacional | - | Both | 71,000 | |
Misoco Biological Reserve | IV | Terrestrial | 4,470 | |
Mixcure Wildlife Refuge | IV | Terrestrial | 8,060 | |
Monserrat Yuscaran Biological Reserve | - | Terrestrial | 2,240 | |
Montaña de Comayagua National Park | II | Terrestrial | 18,480 | |
Montaña de Corralitos Wildlife Refuge | IV | Terrestrial | 5,500 | |
Montaña de la Flor Anthropological Reserve | - | Terrestrial | 3,500 | |
Montaña de Malacate Wildlife Refuge | - | Terrestrial | 25,000 | |
Montaña del Carbón Anthropological Reserve | - | Terrestrial | 15,000 | |
Montaña Santa Bárbara National Park | II | Terrestrial | 12,130 | |
Montaña Verde Wildlife Refuge | IV | Terrestrial | 8,330 | |
Montañade Yoro National Park | II | Terrestrial | 15,480 | |
Montecillos Biological Reserve | IV | Terrestrial | 13,120 | |
Montecristo Wildlife Refuge | IV | Both | ||
Montecristo Trifinio National Park | II | Terrestrial | 5400 | |
Olancho Bosque Nacional | - | Terrestrial | 1,000,000 | |
Opalaca Biological Reserve | IV | Terrestrial | 14,660 | |
Patuca National Park | II | Terrestrial | 375,584 | |
Petroglifos de Ayasta | III | Terrestrial | ||
Pico Bonito National Park | II | Terrestrial | 56,430 | |
Pico Bonito National Park - Buffer Zone | - | Terrestrial | 56,070 | |
Pico Pijol National Park | II | Terrestrial | 12,210 | |
Port Royal National Park | - | Both | ||
Puca Wildlife Refuge | IV | Terrestrial | 4,800 | |
Punta Condega Wildlife Refuge | IV | Both | 3,900 | |
Punta Izopo Wildlife Refuge | IV | Both | 11,200 | |
Punta Ratón Wildlife Refuge | - | Both | 500 | 853 |
Ragged Cay Wildlife Refuge | IV | Both | ||
Río Kruta Biological Reserve | - | Terrestrial | 50,000 | |
Río Negro Biological Reserve | - | Both | 60,000 | 813 |
Río Plátano National Park | - | Both | 35,268 | |
Río Toco Natural Monument | III | Terrestrial | ||
Ruinas de Copán Cultural Monument | III | Terrestrial | 300 | |
Ruinas de Tenampua Cultural Monument | III | Terrestrial | ||
Rus-Rus Biological Reserve | - | Terrestrial | ||
San Bernardo Wildlife Refuge | IV | Terrestrial | 4,323 | |
San Lorenzo Wildlife Refuge | IV | Terrestrial | 10,340 | |
Sandy Bay Marine National Park | - | Marine | 210 | |
Santa Elena Wildlife Refuge | - | Both | ||
Sierra de Agalta National Park | II | Terrestrial | 20,785 | |
Sierra de Río Tinto Bosque Nacional | - | Terrestrial | 40,000 | |
Tawahika Anthropological Reserve | - | Terrestrial | 250,668 | |
Teonostal Wildlife Refuge | IV | Both | ||
Texiguat Wildlife Refuge | IV | Terrestrial | 10,000 | |
Turtle Harbor Marine National Park | - | Both | 110 | |
Utila Marine National Park | - | Both | 28,098 | |
Volcán Pacayita Biological Reserve | IV | Terrestrial | 10,270 | |
West End Wildlife Refuge | - | Both | 21,300 | |
Yuscarán Biological Reserve | IV | Terrestrial | 2,360 |
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Further Reading:
- World Resources Institute (accessed May 26, 2009)
- World Database on Protected Areas (accessed May 26, 2009)