Markus G. Weinbauer
User Profile
Born in a land-locked country, I developed a type of strong affection for the sea, which has a lot to do with the longing for the unknown and the yearning for things far away. After my masters and PhD thesis at the University of Vienna (Austria), I did several PostDocs in Texas, Germany and The Netherlands before I returned more than five years ago to the Mediterranean, where I am holding a position at the Laboratoire d’Océanograhie de Villefranche (LOV) near Nice (France). During my field work as graduate student in Corsica, I had been dreaming about a life at the rock shores of the Mediterranean Sea and this dream is now reality. In Texas, I could foster my understanding of marine viruses when working with the now leading scientist in viral ecology, Curtis Suttle. In Germany, at the National Centre for Biotechnology, I became acquainted with molecular tools and started to work on bacterial biodiversity. At the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, I had the chance to do ocean going research, which included also the Mediterranean Sea. My work has led my in the Atlantic, Pacific and Southern Ocean and in the Arctic Sea, often onboard research vessels. This work has resulted in ca. 50 peer-reviewed publications and in strong international collaborations.