Iain White
User Profile
As an RTPI-accredited Town Planner Iain became engaged in exploring the emerging interdisciplinary nature of environmental planning, land use and water, including developing a firm understanding of the various policy frameworks in operation affecting the effective management of water in society. He has degree in Geography from Lancaster University, a Masters Degree in Town and Country Planning from the University of Manchester and a PhD in Environmental Planning.
Iain has collaborated on a number of research initiatives centered on land use, the planning system and water. His main research area is focused on the issue of flooding and he has been involved in the EPSRC/NERC/DEFRA/EA interdisciplinary Flood Risk Management Research Consortium, the Office of Science and Technology FORESIGHT Future Flooding program and the Defra Sustainable Flood and Coastal Management project, and has undertaken advisory work on planning and water policy for agencies such as DEFRA, ODPM, the Treasury, the Environment Agency, HR Wallingford and the RSPB. He is also Chair of the UK and European Flood Research Group, a member of RTPI Environmental Planning and Protection Network, a member of the Centre for Urban and Regional Ecology and on the Scientific Advisory Group of the Mersey Basin Campaign.
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