Environmental and Social Issues in Economics Collection
From The Encyclopedia of Earth
Environmental and Social Issues in Economics (collection)
October 9, 2007, 2:31 pm
Topics: |
Global Development and Environment Institute
- Editor's note
- Microeconomics and the environment, by Jonathan M. Harris and Anne-Marie Codur
- The Two Paradigms of Economics and Ecology
- Economic Analysis of the Environment
- Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Public Goods and Common Property Resources
- Macroeconomics and the environment, by Jonathan M. Harris and Anne-Marie Codur
- The circular flow model and the biopshere
- Redefining national income and wealth
- Long-term Growth and Sustainable Development
- Environmental dimensions of macroeconomic measurement, by Neva R. Goodwin, Julie A. Nelson, and Jonathan M. Harris
- Introduction
- Accounting for the Environment
- Physical Accounts
- Natural Assets and the National Accounts
- National Accounts and What Nature Produces
- The Problem of Valuation
- Making Changes: Satellite Accounts
- Further Reading
- Economics of climate change, by Jonathan M. Harris and Anne-Marie Codur
- Introduction
- Economic analysis of Climate Change
- Analyzing Long-Term Environmental Effects
- Policy Responses to Climate Change
- Further reading
- Policy responses to climate change, by Jonathan M. Harris and Anne-Marie Codur
- Introduction
- Policy Tools: Carbon Taxes
- Policy Tools: Tradable Permits
- The Economics of Tradable Carbon Permits
- Policy Tools: Subsidies, Standards, R&D, and Technology Transfer
- Further Reading
- Economics of fisheries, by Jonathan M. Harris and Anne-Marie Codur
- Introduction
- Policies for sustainable fisheries management
- Demand-side issues: changing consumption patterns
- Policies for ecological sustainability
- Further Reading
- Trade and the environment, by Jonathan M. Harris
- Environmental Impacts of Trade
- Comparative Advantage and Environmental Externalities
- Environmental Effects of Expanding Resource Exports
- Trade and the environment: policy and practice
- Product and Process Issues
- Trade and Domestic Policy
- Trade agreements and the environment
- The World Trade Organization Approach
- The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Approach
- The European Union Approach
- Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)
- Strategies for sustainable trade
- “Greening” Global Environmental Organizations
- Local, Regional, and Private Sector Policies
- Further reading
- Environmental Impacts of Trade
- Social and environmental responsibility of corporations, by Brian Roach
- Benefits of Large Corporations
- Corporate Scandals
- Social and Environmental Impacts of Large Corporations
- Enron
- Voluntary Efforts at Corporate Reform