Alexander Lautensach
From The Encyclopedia of Earth
User Profile
Name: Alexander Lautensach
Member Since: September 18th, 2006
Member Name: Alexander.lautensach
Last Logged In: September 18th, 2010
Location: Terrace,
Assistant Professor, School of Education, University of Northern British Columbia, Canada
Deputy Director,The Human Security Institute, CanadaBorn in Munich, Germany. Canadian and NZ Citizen; married.
Academic Background
- Dipl. Biol. Genetics, Zoology, Biochemistry. University of Munich, Germany
- M.Sc. Molecular Biology. University of Guelph, Canada
- B.Ed. University of Toronto, Canada
- M.Sc.T. (science education). McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
- PhD. (education in environmental ethics). University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Research Expertise
- Environmental ethics and human behavior;
- Determinants of human security in the areas of health and environmental support structures;
- Science education and values;
- Teaching for sustainability.
Other Areas of Expertise
- Training student teachers for primary & elementary schools in BC.
- Associate editor of theJournal of Human Security; in charge of educational and environmental aspects of human security.
- Twenty-five years of teaching experience at the secondary, tertiary, postgraduate and continuing education levels in science, ethics, and education, mostly in New Zealand and Canada.
- Researcher and co-director of the Human Security Institute. I carry out teaching and research assignments with academic institutions and NGOs worldwide.
Selected Publications
- Lautensach, A. 2010. Environmental Ethics for the Future: Rethinking Education to Achieve Sustainability. Saarbruecken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing. [mailto:]ISBN 978-3-8383-6124-6]
- Lautensach, A. & S. W. Lautensach. “A Curriculum for a Secure Future: Agenda for Reform”. 2010. In Suoranta, Juha, Houston, Donna, Martin, Gregory & Peter McLaren (Eds.). The Havoc of Capitalism: Educating for Environmental and Social Justice. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
- Lautensach, A. 2009. “Teaching Values Through the Ecological Footprint”. Green Theory and Praxis: Journal of Ecopedagogy5(1): 153-168.
- Lautensach, A. 2009. “The ethical basis for sustainable human security: A place for anthropocentrism?” Journal of Bioethical Inquiry6 (4): 437-455.
- Lautensach, A.K. 2006. “Moral Concern for the Objects of Scientific Research”. International J. of the Humanities, 3(6):1447-1456.
- Lautensach, A.K. 2005. “The Values of Ecologists”. Environmental Values, 14(2):241-250.
Email:[[ ]ISBN 978-3-8383-6124-6]
- Lautensach, A. & S. W. Lautensach. “A Curriculum for a Secure Future: Agenda for Reform”. 2010. In Suoranta, Juha, Houston, Donna, Martin, Gregory & Peter McLaren (Eds.). The Havoc of Capitalism: Educating for Environmental and Social Justice. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
- Lautensach, A. 2009. “Teaching Values Through the Ecological Footprint”. Green Theory and Praxis: Journal of Ecopedagogy5(1): 153-168.
- Lautensach, A. 2009. “The ethical basis for sustainable human security: A place for anthropocentrism?” Journal of Bioethical Inquiry6 (4): 437-455.
- Lautensach, A.K. 2006. “Moral Concern for the Objects of Scientific Research”. International J. of the Humanities, 3(6):1447-1456.
- Lautensach, A.K. 2005. “The Values of Ecologists”. Environmental Values, 14(2):241-250.