1. What is excretion?
2. What are nitrogen wastes?
3. What are the three main
types of nitrogen wastes
excreted by living beings?
4. Why are most ammoniotelic
beings aquatic animals?
5. Why after the passage of
animals from the aquatic to
the terrestrial habitat does the
abandonment of the
ammoniotelic excretion occur?
6. Comparing toxicity and the
need for dilution in water how
different are the ureotelic and
the uricotelic excretions?
What are some examples of
animals that present these
respective types of excretion?
7. What is the nitrogen waste
in amphibian larvae and in the
adult animal?
8. Why is the uricotelic
excretion essential for avian
and reptile embryos?
9. How do embryos of
placental mammals excrete
nitrogen wastes?
10. What is the main nitrogen
waste of humans?
11. How is urea formed in the
human body?
12. Which are the organs of
the excretory system?
13. What are the vessels that
carry blood to the kidneys? Is
this blood arterial or venous?
14. Which are the vessels that
drain filtered blood from the
15. What is the functional
unity of the kidneys?
16. What are the three main
renal processes that combined
produce urine?
17. What is the main
transformation presented by
the glomerular filtrate in
comparison to the blood?
18. What is proteinuria? Why
is protein uria a sign of
glomerular renal injury?
19. Where does most of the
water resorbed after
glomerular filtration go? What
are the other substances
resorbed by the nephron
20. Why do cells of the
nephron tubules present a
great amount of
21. What is tubular secretion?
What are some examples of
substances secreted through
the renal tubules?
22. In which nephron portion
does the regulation of acidity
and alkalinity of the plasma
23. How do kidneys
participate in the regulation of
the acid-basic equilibrium of
the body? How are alkalosis
and acidosis respectively
corrected by the kidneys?
24. How do kidneys
participate in the blood
volume control? How is the
blood volume of the body
related to the arterial
25. Which are the three
hormones that participate in
the regulation of the renal
26. What is the function of the
antidiuretic hormone? Where
is it made and which are the
stimuli that increase or reduce
its secretion?
27. Why does the ingestion of
alcohol increase diuresis?
28. How does aldosterone act
and where is it produced?
29. What is an evolutionary
explanatory hypothesis for the
secretion by the heart of a
hormone that regulates the
renal function? Which is that
30. What is hemodialysis?