Ecological Interactions
1. What is in harmonious
ecological interaction?
2. How are ecological
interactions classified?
3. What are intraspecific and
interspecific ecological
4. What is inharmonious
ecological interaction?
5. What is harmonious
ecological interaction?
6. What are the main
intraspecific ecological
7. What are colonies and
8. What is competition? Which
type of ecological interaction
is competition?
9. What is an example of
intraspecific competition?
10. Why is cannibalism an
inharmonious intraspecific
ecological interaction?
11. What are the main
interspecific ecological
12. What is protocooperation?
13.What is mutualism?
14. What is commensalism?
15. What benefits can
commensalism offer to a
16. What are some examples
of interspecific competition?
17. What is parasitism?
18. What are some examples
of parasitism?
19. What is predatism?
20. Is herbivorisma form of
21. What is ammensalim?