The Conditional Tense in French
Conditional Tense in French is used in a largely similar way to that in which
it is used in English.
Ø It expresses a
condition, i.e. "would" in English. The conditional
clause will often be dependent upon a "si
clause" (which will be in the imperfect (See
note below))
e.g. S'il faisait beau, j'irais
à la plage avec ma famille.
If the weather were
good, I would go to the beach with my family.
Si elle avait plus d'argent, elle sortirait
plus souvent avec ses amis.
If she had
more money, she would go out with her friends more often.
parents viendraient avec nous, s'ils n'étaient pas obligés de travailler.
My parents would come
with us, if they didn't have to work.
Ø It can also
express a future-in-the-past:
e.g. Elle a dit
qu'elle partirait vers neuf heures.
She said she would leave
Formation of the Conditional Tense:
is easy in French. The Conditional Tense is formed by taking the FUTURE STEM
of the verb, and adding the IMPERFECT ENDINGS.
e.g. VENIR = VIENDR + je
ais je
tu ____
ais tu
il ____ ait il
nous ____
ions nous viendrions
vous ____
iez vous
ils ____
aient ils viendraient
Tenses in Conditional Sentences:
noted above, the IMPERFECT and CONDITIONAL are used together in "si clauses" in the same way as they are used in
e.g. If I won
the lottery, I would
buy a larger house.
Si je gagnais à la loterie, j'achèterais une plus grande maison.
my friend
were not on holiday,
we would go to
the cinema together.
Si mon ami n'était pas en vacances, nous irions ensemble au cinéma.
tense rule should be NOTED WELL as English learner of French
tend to want to use the conditional in both parts of the sentence, even
though this is not the case in English!