- The Passive Voice - an Explanation
- A la Gare Match up of Active and Passive statements
- Reconstruction of Passive Sentence based on Active
- Reconstruction of Passive Sentence based on Active
- Reconstruction of Passive Sentence based on Active
- Reconstruction of Passive Sentence based on Active
- Reconstruction of Passive Sentence based on Active
- Reconstruction of Passive Sentence based on Active
- La Voix Passive au Présent - Les Magasins en Ville. (Gap Fill)
- La Voix Passive au Passé Copmosé (Match up sentence halves)
- Reconstruction of Passive sentence in response to a question
- Reconstruction of Passive sentence in response to a question
- Reconstruction of Passive sentence in response to a question
- Reconstruction of Passive sentence in response to a question
- Reconstruction of Passive sentence in response to a question
- Reconstruction of Passive sentence in response to a question
- Au Lycée (Multi-choice selection of correct passive verb)
- Aujourd'hui au Lycée (Gap fill from list of infinitives)
- On n'aime pas les tâches ménagères! - le passif au présent (Gap fill)
- Hier au Lycée (Gap fill from list of infinitives)
- Le travail est fini? - le Passif au passé Composé (Gap fill)w
- Demain au Lycée (Gap fill from list of infinitives)
- Il faut améliorer la ville - mais que faire? Passif au futur (Gap fill)
- Malfaiteur arrêté! (Gap fill - changing tenses in the passive)
- Voleuse emprisonnée! (Gap fill - changing tenses in the passive)
- Les verbes à la voix active et à la voix passive. (Gap fill active and passive verbs based on infinitive)