Wien's Law: λmax = C / T, where C = 2,900 in units of (micrometers*Kelvins degrees) Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation: Force of Gravity = G M1 M2 / R2
An observer vacations in Cuba on the 21˚ north latitude line and goes star gazing. How many degrees above the horizon is the north star?
It is not visible; it is below the horizon
An observer is located in São Paulo, Brazil, at -23.5˚ (south) latitude. Can the observer see the north celestial pole?
The same Brazilian observer plants a vertical pole and watches the shadow cast by the sun over the course of a year. When does the pole cast no shadow at noon?
Never. It always casts a shadow
Twice yearly, between the equinoxes and the Dec 21 solstice
Twice yearly, between the equinoxes and the June 21 solstice
Once yearly, near December 21
Which person sees the most circumpolar stars?
The Venezuelan (10˚ N. latitude)
The Costa Rican (20˚ N. latitude)
The Texan (32˚ N. latitude)
The Alaskan (58˚ N. latitude)
As viewed from the north, planets orbit
Direct motion (sometimes called prograde motion) for a planet is
none of the above
Solar eclipses (sun's disk is blocked) occur during lunar phase
first quarter
last quarter
How much time elapses between a star's rising time and setting time?
Less than 12 hours
12 hours
More than 12 hours
It depends on the star
On the celestial sphere, the zero of the right ascension coordinate is located at
the celestial equator
the vernal equinox
the celestial north pole
the celestial south pole
An atom goes from a highly-excited state to a less-excited state.
A photon is absorbed by the atom.
A photon is emitted by the atom.
No photons are involved in this process.
On January 1, a careful observer notes the exact compass point on the horizon where the sun rises. A few days later, the sun rises
at an azimuth further north
at the same place
at an azimuth further south
On July 17, a careful observer notes the exact point on the horizon where the star Altair rises. On July 24, Altair rises at
an azimuth further north
the same place
an azimuth further south
If the earth’s orbit were exactly circular instead of elliptical, would the heat and cold of the seasons be different?
the seasons would be more intense (greater hot-to-cold swings)
the seasons would remain about the same as they are now
the seasons would be less intense
If the earth’s axial tilt was changed from 23.5˚ to 33.5˚,
the seasons would be more intense
the seasons would remain about the same as they are now
the seasons would be less intense
Keeping Kepler’s first law, that orbits are ellipses with the sun at one focus, in mind, what is at the center of the orbit of Halley's comet?
the sun
the earth
no object
An X-ray telescope should probably be placed
on the ground
in space
A visible light telescope should probably be placed
on the ground
in space
What sort of light has the shortest wavelength?
Radio waves
Infrared light
X rays
Visible light
Which wavelength regime contains potentially ionizing photons?
What sort of light travels the fastest?
a laser beam
a radio wave
both travel the same speed.
What coordinates are useful for locating geographical locations, such as cities, on earth?
right ascension and declination
x and y
longitude and latitude
azimuth and altitude
What item in this list is not part of “local” coordinates?
N, S, E, and W compass points
north celestial pole
What is the ecliptic?
the plane of the earth and the moon
the plane of the earth and the sun
the plane of the earth's equator
the average plane of the solar system
What is the obliquity of the earth, also known less precisely as its “tilt?”
23 ½ ˚
66 ½ ˚
The obliquity of the earth is the angle between which two planes?
celestial equator, moon's orbit
prime meridian, celestial equator
azimuth, altitude
ecliptic, celestial equator
During a crescent moon, what causes the dark portion?
Sunlight does not strike that portion
The earth casts a shadow on the moon
The dark portion does not exist. Only the crescent physically exists.
Spring tides occur during lunar phase
first quarter
full ----------(other acceptable answer is: new)
last quarter
When is a new moon on the meridian (high in the sky, exactly south)?
6 pm
6 am
When is a third quarter moon on the meridian?
6 pm
6 am
About how long does it take the earth to orbit the sun once?
1 day
29 days
365 days
26,000 days
At about what wavelength does the red supergiant star Betelgeuse, at 2900 Kelvin, emit most of its light?
2900 Kelvin
0.1 micrometer
1 micrometer
10 micrometer
At about what wavelength does the earth, at roughly 290 Kelvin, emit most of its light?
290 Kelvin
0.1 micrometer
1 micrometer
10 micrometer
Earth emits most of its thermal radiation in the
Molecules of water and carbon dioxide are important for the greenhouse effect on earth. What sort of spectrum do these molecules exhibit?
An atom with one or more electrons removed is termed
A blue light photon _________ a red light photon
is less energetic than
is more energetic than
has the same amount of energy as
The star Alpha Centauri has a spectrum that looks almost exactly like the sun's. If it is indeed a twin of the sun, why is it about a hundred billion times fainter in terms of luminous flux?
It must be small
It must be distant
It must be cool
It must be located behind an absorbing cloud of gas
Chronologically first, this Renaissance thinker published a fairly detailed sun-centered cosmology that was influential for later scientists. He was a Polish cleric. He was
This Danish gentleman was the most able naked-eye observer of his day. His catalog of planet positions was used by another to find the true shape of planetary orbits. He was
This Italian scholar ground his own lenses and constructed the first telescope for astronomical use. He also made contributions to basic physics. He was
If all the water vapor were somehow removed from the earth's atmosphere (this is a thought experiment), the average earth temperature at ground level would
stay the same
Which gas is the most effective “greenhouse gas” in the earth's atmosphere as it exists now, averaged over time and area?
carbon dioxide
water vapor
Does Mercury have a greenhouse effect?
Which layer of earth's interior gets the “most liquid” award?
inner core
outer core
Most earthquakes are associated with
mid-continent areas
mid-ocean areas
plate boundaries
The flattened, rotating disk of cold, dusty gas that gave rise to the solar system 4.5 billion years ago is called the
condensation theory
solar nebula
T-Tauri phase
As the planets were forming, long ago, and between Mars and Jupiter there is a region where the average temperature went from above the freezing point of water on the sunward side, and below the freezing point of water on the outside. This radius is often called
the T-Tauri phase
the frost line
the bifurcation radius
planetary migration
The ages of rocks taken from the lunar highlands have typical ages of
50 to 100 million years ago
1.5 to 2 billion years ago
3.0 to 3.6 billion years ago
4.0 to 4.2 billion years ago
The heavy bombardment phase of solar system formation appears to have been over by age
4 billion years ago
3 billion years ago
2 billion years ago
1 billion years ago
Heavily cratered terrain generally indicates
a geologically young surface
a geologically ancient surface
many volcanos
Neap tides occur at
new moon
first quarter moon --------- (other acceptable phase is: last quarter)
full moon
How many tidal bulges does the moon raise on the earth's oceans?
Over the course of two orbits around the sun, Mercury spins on its axis
three times
88 times
The favored theory for the formation of the moon is usually called
the capture hypothesis
the fission hypothesis
the giant collision hypothesis
the co-creation hypothesis
There are now two competing theories for giant planet formation. They are “2-stage condensation” and