An observer vacations in Canada on the 50˚ north latitude line and goes star gazing. How many degrees above the horizon is the north star?
It is not visible; it is below the horizon
An observer is located in Mexico, at 25˚ north latitude. Can the observer see the north celestial pole?
The same Mexican observer plants a vertical pole and watches the shadow cast by the sun over the course of a year. When does the pole cast no shadow at noon?
Never. It always casts a shadow.
Twice yearly, on the equinoxes
Twice yearly, between the equinoxes and the Dec 21 solstice
Twice yearly, between the equinoxes and the June 21 solstice
Which person sees the most circumpolar stars?
The Venezuelan (10˚ N. latitude)
The Costa Rican (20˚ N. latitude)
The Texan (32˚ N. latitude)
The Alaskan (58˚ N. latitude)
As viewed from the north, planets orbit
Direct motion (sometimes called prograde motion) for a planet is
none of the above
Greek astronomer Aristarchus (who improved on Aristotle) used the curve of earth's shadow on the moon during a partial lunar eclipse to argue that the earth was about 4 times larger in diameter than the moon.
How much time elapses between a star's rising time and setting time?
Less than 12 hours
12 hours
More than 12 hours
It depends on the star
On the celestial sphere, the zero of the right ascension coordinate is located at
the vernal equinox
the celestial equator
the celestial north pole
the celestial south pole
What time of day is a 3rd quarter moon highest in the sky?
6 p.m
6 a.m.
On August 1, a careful observer notes the exact compass point on the horizon where the sun rises. A few days later, the sun rises
further north
at the same place
further south
On February 17, a careful observer notes the exact point on the horizon where the star Arcturus rises. On February 24, Arcturus rises
further north
at the same place
further south
If the earth’s orbit were exactly circular instead of elliptical, would the heat and cold of the seasons be different?
the seasons would be more intense (greater hot-to-cold swings)
the seasons would not perceptibly change
the seasons would be less intense
If the earth’s axial tilt was changed from 23.5˚ to 15˚,
the seasons would be more intense
the seasons would not perceptibly change
the seasons would be less intense
Keeping Kepler’s first law, that orbits are ellipses with the sun at one focus, in mind, what is at the center of the orbit of Pluto?
the sun
the earth
no object
The Greeks preferred cosmological models that used
the 5 Platonic solids
the 'golden ratio'
Constellations are
Recognizable patterns of stars in the sky. The stars are not physically associated.
Recognizable patterns of stars in the sky. The stars are physically associated
Physically associated stars that do not necessarily make a pattern on the sky
What sort of light has the shortest wavelength?
Radio waves
Infrared light
X rays
Visible light
What sort of light has the longest wavelength?
Blue (visible) light
Red (visible) light
Radio waves
What sort of light travels the fastest?
Blue (visible) light
Red (visible) light
Both travel the same speed.
What coordinates are useful for locating geographical locations, such as cities, on earth?
right ascension and declination
x and y
longitude and latitude
azimuth and altitude
What item in this list is not part of “local” coordinates?
N, S, E, and W compass points
vernal equinox
What is the ecliptic?
the plane of the earth and the moon
the plane of the earth and the sun
the plane of the earth's equator
the plane of the sun's equator
What is the obliquity of the earth, also known less precisely as its “tilt?”
23 ½ ˚
The obliquity of the earth is the angle between which two planes?
celestial equator, moon's orbit
prime meridian, celestial equator
azimuth, altitude
ecliptic, celestial equator
During a crescent moon, what causes the dark portion?
The earth casts a shadow on the moon
Sunlight does not strike that portion
The dark portion does not exist. Only the crescent physically exists.
During a solar eclipse, what bodies line up? (In the correct order.)
sun – moon – earth
sun – earth – moon
earth – sun – moon
When is a first quarter moon on the meridian (high in the sky, exactly south)?
6 pm
6 am
When is a full moon on the meridian?
6 pm
6 am
About how long does it take the earth to orbit the sun once?
1 day
29 days
365 days
26,000 days
What German Renaissance scientist geometrically solved the puzzle of the motion of the planets?
What Danish Renaissance scientist was the best observer of his day, and amassed a catalog of star and planet positions that would lead to cracking the puzzle of planetary motion shortly after his death?
What Polish Renaissance scientist proposed that the center of motion in the solar system is the sun, not the earth?
What Italian Renaissance scientist applied a telescope to astronomical objects and discovered the phases of Venus, sunspots, lunar mountains, and the first four moons of Jupiter?
What sickly English theoretician co-invented calculus, proposed a simple law of gravity, and predicted the correct motion of planets mathematically?