What colour is carbon as soot?
What is the combustion called that occurs in a limited amount of oxygen?
What state is carbon at room temperature?
Which releases most energy, combustion of C to make CO or CO2
True or false: Carbon dioxide is denser/heavier than air?
How soluble is CO2 in water? very soluble / soluble / slightly soluble / insoluble
What is the chemical name for lime water?
Describe what happens when CO2 is firstbubbled through lime water.
Complete this for the limewater test: Ca(OH)2(aq) + CO2(g) →______ (_) +
Carbon dioxide can be used in fire extinguishers because it does not
____________ combustion (allow things to burn in it).
A solution of CO2 in water is: a strong acid / a weak acid / neutral / a weak alkali
What happens to the solubility of carbon dioxide gas under pressure?
CO is poisonous. Give 2 reasons why you might not know you are at risk, in an
environment with CO.
What chemicals (reactants) are mixed in the lab to prepare a sample of carbon
dioxide? Marble chips (calcium carbonate) + __________ ___________
Headache, fatigue, shortness of breath, nausea & dizziness are all symptoms of
CO2 can be collected by “downward delivery” method into a tube but why is it hard
to tell when the tube is full?
What in the red blood cell does toxic CO bind to?
Balance this equation: C + O2 →CO
What colour flame does CO burn with as it becomes CO2?
What use of CO2 relies on it being dissolved under pressure in water?
Another name for the solid form of carbon dioxide is _________ _________ .
In the carbon cycle, what ONE process removes CO2 from the air?
What is the (2 word) name for fuels like coal, oil and gas?
Why should you never leave a car running in a garage, even with the garage door
Balance this equation: CaCO3 + HCl →CaCl2+ H2O + CO2
What “r” is the release of energy from food, which produces CO2 and H2O and
Dead plants, animals and animal faeces are broken down by
d________________ .
How does C in plant cells become C in animal cells?
How is the C locked up in coal, oil and gas released into the atmosphere?
An allotrope is a different form of an element in the same _______________
What allotrope of carbon is a good conductor of electricity?
The short name version of Buckminster fullerene is the _________ _________
What does the 60 represent in the formula C60?
In diamond each C atom is bonded to ____ others in a tetrahedral arrangement
Diamond is very strong because of the strong ______________ bonds between
the C atoms
Give a use of graphite that relies on the fact that there are weakattractive forces
between the layers and the slip easily over each other
Which allotrope of carbon is regarded as a covalent molecule?
Which carbon allotrope has the lowest melting and boiling point?
How are the carbon atoms in graphite arranged withinthe layers? (What shape)