Fruit vinegar
Practical Action
Yeast activation
For the alcohol fermentation, we use 1 gr. of bread yeast per litre of must. So, we will need to
dissolve 195 gr. of yeast in the 195 lt. of must. But first the yeast needs to be activated. Place
the yeast in a glass containing warm water, must and sugar. Mix it well and leave it in a warm
place (30C) for 15 - 20 minutes. The yeast is activated when bubbles appear on the surface.
Preparing must
Use half a glass of water + 1 teaspoon of sodium bisulphate.
warm boiled water ~ 1 gr. yeast/lt. must ~ put in warm place
Starting the alcoholic fermentation
Add the activated yeast to the corrected must and stir it with the
wooden stirrer. Hermetically seal the container and connect a
fermentation lock in the top.
The fermentation lock consists of a
cork with a hole in the centre
through which passes a 5mm
diameter plastic tube. This must
end up in the glass, which contains
a small spoonful of bisulphate in
half a glass of water.
After 20 days of alcoholic fermentation, the upper portion is
siphoned off to separate the yeast residue and fruit pulp at the
bottom of the container. To do this we use another container
covered with a piece of cloth on top of which there are two
layers of cotton, as shown in the
The alcohol must is returned to
clean containers to next be used in
the acetic fermentation