Critical to the success of the approach are strong vertical linkages-
between farmers and SBOs, between SBOs and processors, and between
processors and retailers/ exporters- as well as strong horizontal linkages
among SBOs.
Meet Joseph Mburu
This Cooperative has over 333 registered farmers and offers food storage services, AI and credit to members for
inputs via a check off system. With support from SetPro they are strong beneficiaries of the program. FCS and
other SBOs tell us about the program results and learning from a SBOs perspective...
“(Operating the cooperative) was a mammoth task…we were spending sleepless nights, wondering how
we would pay farmers a ‘good price’, and meet our other obligations. Farmers would deliver milk one
day, then disappear for the rest of the month. Life was quite hard until we heard of the program”.
Chairman-Boyo Cooperative, Mr. John Maina.
Practical approaches are within the ability of farmers to
implement, e.g. zero grazing and paddocking with water and
feed helped to increase milk production.
The demo farms in each area vastly increase learning and
farmers are willing to pay for such exposure trips as they
understand the value.
Cooperatives have come together to access inputs e.g. via
contracts with feed manufacturers at reduced prices.
Cooperatives are now federating to gain peer support and
share problems and ideas. They also bulk milk from the coops
and take 20 cents per liter to sustain their operations.
Cooperatives have been trained to develop business plans
and proposals for funding. The Banks have worked closely
with Coops.
SBOs are investing in assets and can run their own
SBOs have been facilitated to access information and better
understand Governance issues resulting in increased
transparency and increased farmer involvement.
Farmers have access to technology and information and are
willing to pay for services via a credit (check-off system)
developed by the Coops.
Promoting farmer associations gives farmers a voice and
opportunity for collective action such as direct sales.
The program is very participatory in nature and encourages
collaboration based on the farmer's issues.
The SBOs signed an MOU emphasizing the SBO
action/business plan as the guiding document and defining
roles and responsibilities.
SBOs have successfully used their business plans to access
Supporting the development of marketing federations in
region ensures better bargaining power. Also supporting
cooperatives to purchase inputs such as vaccines together
reduces costs.
Increased milk supply to processors brings the price to farmers
down. Bulking federations help to challenge this dynamic.
Fee-based training of cooperative members as AI providers
helps fill the gap for service provision.
The youth must be brought into the leadership of the SBOs.
Farmer field schools at the village level help build
Sensitize coops to meet the demands of their local market, add
value and export.
Farmers themselves should engage more in marketing milk at
meetings and in local schools.
Tracking trends at the SBO level is easier than at the farm level.
SBOs must collect regular and accurate data for monitoring.
Farmers visits to farms in other areas, National events like the
Breeders Show and institutions such as KARI are critical.
Education must go down to the farmers and not stop with the
Coop leaders - to ensure continuity in leadership over time.
Education can also redress negative feelings about past
Support from a program like KDSCP motivates farmers.
Actions pursued by the program have been very applicable
such as focusing on better breeds and promoting hygiene