The assembling sequence of the components that go in shaft is as follows:
• The runner
• Entrance cone
• Support of the burlap-clamp
• The burlap-clamp
• Support for the lower bearing
• Lower bearing (includes journal bearing)
• Power pulley
• Support for the top bearing (projecting)
• Top bearing (includes journal bearing)
Each one of the pieces is assembled in their designed areas as indicated by the drawings
(plans), making sure that the shaft turns freely (without adjustments or frictions).
The adjustment of the bearings to the shaft is by means of a retaining sleeve to easy up
the assembling. The perpendicularity of the shaft and the correct position of the other
components must be verified prior the adjusting of the retaining sleeve, proceeding next
with the adjustment of the top and lower bearing sleeves. At the same time, the journal
bearings are secure to their respective supports with their corresponding bolts. For the
adjustment of the sleeves nuts, it is necessary to use a special tool that is recommended
by the bearing manufacturer to avoid breakage and/or other damages.
The adjustment of the burlap-clamp is done accordingly with the water leakage, making
sure that the graphite tape be in contact with the water (It should exist a minimum water
leakage to the outside) to have refrigeration and avoid heating of the graphite tape and
consequently the shaft.
The shaft and the assembled accessories to it, form a unit that easy up the assembly or
des-assembly. (Fig. 6)