4. Building Instructions
4.1. Preparing the site
Before embarking on preparing the site the following procedures must take place:
Authority should be granted by the landowner or permits should be obtained if the
land is government owned before work commences. Additionally a significant amount
of water should be stored next to the work site and the site cleared from rubble,
trees and grass; removing all debris with a brush.
4.2. Making the bricks.
The next step is the forming of the mud bricks; these mud bricks will form the walls
and roof. To start, the type of mud must be chosen and should be light and contain
no less than 30% sand. Water is added with additives such as straw or dung to
reduce the lasticity of the clay as well as reducing its weight. The mixture needs
to be stirred continuously which can take some time until the correct consistency is
achieved. Suitable moulding casts should be prepared for the work. The technical
drawing on page 32 shows the dimensions for a moulding cast for the large green
brick, see diagram 1. A suitable size moulding cast can be made for the smaller
Practical Answers Sudan
The Construction of the Timberless House Model