I () I, the ninth letter of the English alphabet, takes its form from the Phoenician, through the Latin and the Greek. The Phoenician letter was probably of Egyptian origin. Its original value was nearly the same as that of the Italian I, or long e as in mete. Etymologically I is most closely related to e, y, j, g; as in dint, dent, beverage, L. bibere; E. kin, AS. cynn; E. thin, AS. /ynne; E. dominion, donjon, dungeon. |
I () In our old authors, I was often used for ay (or aye), yes, which is pronounced nearly like it. |
I () As a numeral, I stands for 1, II for 2, etc. |
I- (prefix.) See Y-. |
We (pl. ) of I |
Our (pl. ) of I |
Ours (pl. ) of I |
Us (pl. ) of I |
I (object.) The nominative case of the pronoun of the first person; the word with which a speaker or writer denotes himself. |
Iamatology (n.) Materia Medica; that branch of therapeutics which treats of remedies. |
Iamb (n.) An iambus or iambic. |
Iambic (a.) Consisting of a short syllable followed by a long one, or of an unaccented syllable followed by an accented; as, an iambic foot. |
Iambic (a.) Pertaining to, or composed of, iambics; as, an iambic verse; iambic meter. See Lambus. |
Iambic (n.) An iambic foot; an iambus. |
Iambic (n.) A verse composed of iambic feet. |
Iambic (n.) A satirical poem (such poems having been anciently written in iambic verse); a satire; a lampoon. |
Iambical (a.) Iambic. |
Iambically (adv.) In a iambic manner; after the manner of iambics. |
Iambize (v. t.) To satirize in iambics; to lampoon. |
Iambi (pl. ) of Iambus |
Iambuses (pl. ) of Iambus |
Iambus (n.) A foot consisting of a short syllable followed by a long one, as in /mans, or of an unaccented syllable followed by an accented one, as invent; an iambic. See the Couplet under Iambic, n. |
Ianthinae (pl. ) of Ianthina |
Ianthinas (pl. ) of Ianthina |
Ianthina (n.) Any gastropod of the genus Ianthina, of which various species are found living in mid ocean; -- called also purple shell, and violet snail. |
Iatraliptic (a.) Treating diseases by anointing and friction; as, the iatraliptic method. |
Iatric (a.) Alt. of Iatrical |
Iatrical (a.) Of or pertaining to medicine, or to medical men. |
Iatrochemical (a.) Of or pertaining to iatrochemistry, or to the iatrochemists. |
Iatrochemist (n.) A physician who explained or treated diseases upon chemical principles; one who practiced iatrochemistry. |
Iatrochemistry (n.) Chemistry applied to, or used in, medicine; -- used especially with reference to the doctrines in the school of physicians in Flanders, in the 17th century, who held that health depends upon the proper chemical relations of the fluids of the body, and who endeavored to explain the conditions of health or disease by chemical principles. |
Iatromathematical (a.) Of or pertaining to iatromathematicians or their doctrine. |
Iatromathematician (n.) One of a school of physicians in Italy, about the middle of the 17th century, who tried to apply the laws of mechanics and mathematics to the human body, and hence were eager student of anatomy; -- opposed to the iatrochemists. |
Iberian (a.) Of or pertaining to Iberia. |
Ibexes (pl. ) of Ibex |
Ibices (pl. ) of Ibex |
Ibex (n.) One of several species of wild goats having very large, recurved horns, transversely ridged in front; -- called also steinbok. |
Ibidem (adv.) In the same place; -- abbreviated ibid. or ib. |
Ibis (n.) Any bird of the genus Ibis and several allied genera, of the family Ibidae, inhabiting both the Old World and the New. Numerous species are known. They are large, wading birds, having a long, curved beak, and feed largely on reptiles. |
-ible () See -able. |
-ic () A suffix signifying, in general, relating to, or characteristic of; as, historic, hygienic, telegraphic, etc. |
-ic () A suffix, denoting that the element indicated enters into certain compounds with its highest valence, or with a valence relatively higher than in compounds where the name of the element ends in -ous; as, ferric, sulphuric. It is also used in the general sense of pertaining to; as, hydric, sodic, calcic. |
Icarian (a.) Soaring too high for safety, like Icarus; adventurous in flight. |
Ice (n.) Water or other fluid frozen or reduced to the solid state by cold; frozen water. It is a white or transparent colorless substance, crystalline, brittle, and viscoidal. Its specific gravity (0.92, that of water at 4� C. being 1.0) being less than that of water, ice floats. |
Ice (n.) Concreted sugar. |
Ice (n.) Water, cream, custard, etc., sweetened, flavored, and artificially frozen. |
Ice (n.) Any substance having the appearance of ice; as, camphor ice. |
Iced (imp. & p. p.) of Ice |
Icing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ice |
Ice (v. t.) To cover with ice; to convert into ice, or into something resembling ice. |
Ice (v. t.) To cover with icing, or frosting made of sugar and milk or white of egg; to frost, as cakes, tarts, etc. |
Ice (v. t.) To chill or cool, as with ice; to freeze. |
Iceberg (n.) A large mass of ice, generally floating in the ocean. |
Icebird (n.) An Arctic sea bird, as the Arctic fulmar. |
Icebound (a.) Totally surrounded with ice, so as to be incapable of advancing; as, an icebound vessel; also, surrounded by or fringed with ice so as to hinder easy access; as, an icebound coast. |
Ice-built (a.) Composed of ice. |
Ice-built (a.) Loaded with ice. |
Iced (a.) Covered with ice; chilled with ice; as, iced water. |
Iced (a.) Covered with something resembling ice, as sugar icing; frosted; as, iced cake. |
Icefall (n.) A frozen waterfall, or mass of ice resembling a frozen waterfall. |
Icelander (n.) A native, or one of the Scandinavian people, of Iceland. |
Icelandic (a.) Of or pertaining to Iceland; relating to, or resembling, the Icelanders. |
Icelandic (n.) The language of the Icelanders. It is one of the Scandinavian group, and is more nearly allied to the Old Norse than any other language now spoken. |
Iceland moss () A kind of lichen (Cetraria Icelandica) found from the Arctic regions to the North Temperate zone. It furnishes a nutritious jelly and other forms of food, and is used in pulmonary complaints as a demulcent. |
Iceland spar () A transparent variety of calcite, the best of which is obtained in Iceland. It is used for the prisms of the polariscope, because of its strong double refraction. Cf. Calcite. |
Icemen (pl. ) of Iceman |
Iceman (n.) A man who is skilled in traveling upon ice, as among glaciers. |
Iceman (n.) One who deals in ice; one who retails or delivers ice. |
Ice plant () A plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum), sprinkled with pellucid, watery vesicles, which glisten like ice. It is native along the Mediterranean, in the Canaries, and in South Africa. Its juice is said to be demulcent and diuretic; its ashes are used in Spain in making glass. |
Icequake (n.) The crash or concussion attending the breaking up of masses of ice, -- often due to contraction from extreme cold. |
Ich (pron.) I. |
Ichneumon (n.) Any carnivorous mammal of the genus Herpestes, and family Viverridae. Numerous species are found in Asia and Africa. The Egyptian species(H. ichneumon), which ranges to Spain and Palestine, is noted for destroying the eggs and young of the crocodile as well as various snakes and lizards, and hence was considered sacred by the ancient Egyptians. The common species of India (H. griseus), known as the mongoose, has similar habits and is often domesticated. It is noted for killing the cobra. |
Ichneumon (n.) Any hymenopterous insect of the family Ichneumonidae, of which several thousand species are known, belonging to numerous genera. |
Ichneumonidan (a.) Of or pertaining to the Ichneumonidae, or ichneumon flies. |
Ichneumonidan (n.) One of the Ichneumonidae. |
Ichneumonides (n. pl.) The ichneumon flies. |
Ichnite (n.) A fossil footprint; as, the ichnites in the Triassic sandstone. |
Ichnographic (a.) Alt. of Ichnographical |
Ichnographical (a.) Of or pertaining to ichonography; describing a ground plot. |
Ichnography (n.) A horizontal section of a building or other object, showing its true dimensions according to a geometric scale; a ground plan; a map; also, the art of making such plans. |
Ichnolite (n.) A fossil footprint; an ichnite. |
Ichnolithology (n.) Same as Ichnology. |
Ichnological (a.) Of or pertaining to ichnology. |
Ichnology (n.) The branch of science which treats of fossil footprints. |
Ichnoscopy (n.) The search for the traces of anything. |
Ichor (n.) An ethereal fluid that supplied the place of blood in the veins of the gods. |
Ichor (n.) A thin, acrid, watery discharge from an ulcer, wound, etc. |
Ichorhaemia (n.) Infection of the blood with ichorous or putrid substances. |
Ichorous (a.) Of or like ichor; thin; watery; serous; sanious. |
Ichthidin (n.) A substance from the egg yolk of osseous fishes. |
Ichthin (n.) A nitrogenous substance resembling vitellin, present in the egg yolk of cartilaginous fishes. |
Ichthulin (n.) A substance from the yolk of salmon's egg. |
Ichthus (n.) In early Christian and eccesiastical art, an emblematic fish, or the Greek word for fish, which combined the initials of the Greek words /, /, / /, /, Jesus, Christ, Son of God, Savior. |
Ichthyic (a.) Like, or pertaining to, fishes. |
Ichthyocol (n.) Alt. of Ichthyocolla |
Ichthyocolla (n.) Fish glue; isinglass; a glue prepared from the sounds of certain fishes. |
Ichthyocoprolite (n.) Fossil dung of fishes. |
Ichthyodorulite (n.) One of the spiny plates foundon the back and tail of certain skates. |
Ichthyography (n.) A treatise on fishes. |
Ichthyoid (a.) Alt. of Ichthyoidal |
Ichthyoidal (a.) Somewhat like a fish; having some of the characteristics of fishes; -- said of some amphibians. |
Ichthyolatry (n.) Worship of fishes, or of fish-shaped idols. |
Ichthyolite (n.) A fossil fish, or fragment of a fish. |
Ichthyologic (a.) Alt. of Ichthyological |
Ichthyological (a.) Of or pertaining to ichthyology. |
Ichthyologist (n.) One versed in, or who studies, ichthyology. |
Ichthyology (n.) The natural history of fishes; that branch of zoology which relates to fishes, including their structure, classification, and habits. |
Ichthyomancy (n.) Divination by the heads or the entrails of fishes. |
Ichthyomorpha (n. pl.) The Urodela. |
Ichthyomorphic (a.) Alt. of Ichthyomorphous |
Ichthyomorphous (a.) Fish-shaped; as, the ichthyomorphic idols of ancient Assyria. |
Ichthyophagist (n.) One who eats, or subsists on, fish. |
Ichthyophagous (a.) Eating, or subsisting on, fish. |
Ichthyohagy (n.) The practice of eating, or living upon, fish. |
Ichthyophthalmite (n.) See Apophyllite. |
Ichthyophthira (n. pl.) A division of copepod crustaceans, including numerous species parasitic on fishes. |
Ichthyopsida (n. pl.) A grand division of the Vertebrata, including the Amphibia and Fishes. |
Ichthyopterygia (n. pl.) See Ichthyosauria. |
Ichthyopterygium (n.) The typical limb, or lateral fin, of fishes. |
Ichthyornis (n.) An extinct genus of toothed birds found in the American Cretaceous formation. It is remarkable for having biconcave vertebrae, and sharp, conical teeth set in sockets. Its wings were well developed. It is the type of the order Odontotormae. |
Ichthyosaur (n.) One of the Ichthyosaura. |
Ichthyosauria (n. pl.) An extinct order of marine reptiles, including Ichthyosaurus and allied forms; -- called also Ichthyopterygia. They have not been found later than the Cretaceous period. |
Ichthyosaurian (a.) Of or pertaining to the Ichthyosauria. |
Ichthyosaurian (n.) One of the Ichthyosauria. |
Ichthyosauri (pl. ) of Ichthyosaurus |
Ichthyosaurus (n.) An extinct genus of marine reptiles; -- so named from their short, biconcave vertebrae, resembling those of fishes. Several species, varying in length from ten to thirty feet, are known from the Liassic, Oolitic, and Cretaceous formations. |
Ichthyosis (n.) A disease in which the skin is thick, rough, and scaly; -- called also fishskin. |
Ichthyotomist (n.) One skilled in ichthyotomy. |
Ichthyoomy (n.) The anatomy or dissection of fishes. |
Ichthys (n.) Same as Ichthus. |
Icicle (n.) A pendent, and usually conical, mass of ice, formed by freezing of dripping water; as, the icicles on the eaves of a house. |
Icicled (a.) Having icicles attached. |
Icily (adv.) In an icy manner; coldly. |
Iciness (n.) The state or quality of being icy or very cold; frigidity. |
Icing (n.) A coating or covering resembling ice, as of sugar and milk or white of egg; frosting. |
Ickle (n.) An icicle. |
Icon (n.) An image or representation; a portrait or pretended portrait. |
Iconical (a.) Pertaining to, or consisting of, images, pictures, or representations of any kind. |
Iconism (n.) The formation of a figure, representation, or semblance; a delineation or description. |
Iconize (v. t.) To form an image or likeness of. |
Iconoclasm (n.) The doctrine or practice of the iconoclasts; image breaking. |
Iconoclast (n.) A breaker or destroyer of images or idols; a determined enemy of idol worship. |
Iconoclast (n.) One who exposes or destroys impositions or shams; one who attacks cherished beliefs; a radical. |
Iconoclastic (a.) Of or pertaining to the iconoclasts, or to image breaking. |
Iconodule (n.) Alt. of Iconodulist |
Iconodulist (n.) One who serves images; -- opposed to an iconoclast. |
Iconographer (n.) A maker of images. |
Iconographic (a.) Of or pertaining to iconography. |
Iconographic (a.) Representing by means of pictures or diagrams; as, an icongraphic encyclopaedia. |
Iconography (n.) The art or representation by pictures or images; the description or study of portraiture or representation, as of persons; as, the iconography of the ancients. |
Iconography (n.) The study of representative art in general. |
Iconolater (n.) One who worships images. |
Iconolatry (n.) The worship of images as symbols; -- distinguished from idolatry, the worship of images themselves. |
Iconology (n.) The discussion or description of portraiture or of representative images. Cf. Iconography. |
Iconomachy (n.) Hostility to images as objects of worship. |
Iconomical (a.) Opposed to pictures or images as objects of worship. |
Iconophilist (n.) A student, or lover of the study, of iconography. |
Icosahedral (a.) Having twenty equal sides or faces. |
Icosahedron (n.) A solid bounded by twenty sides or faces. |
Icosandria (n. pl.) A Linnaean class of plants, having twenty or more stamens inserted in the calyx. |
Icosandrian (a.) Alt. of Icosandrous |
Icosandrous (a.) Pertaining to the class Icosandria; having twenty or more stamens inserted in the calyx. |
Icositetrahedron (n.) A twenty-four-sided solid; a tetragonal trisoctahedron or trapezohedron. |
-ics () A suffix used in forming the names of certain sciences, systems, etc., as acoustics, mathematics, dynamics, statistics, politics, athletics. |
Icteric (n.) A remedy for the jaundice. |
Icteric (a.) Alt. of Icterical |
Icterical (a.) Pertaining to, or affected with, jaundice. |
Icterical (a.) Good against the jaundice. |
Icteritious (a.) Alt. of Icteritous |
Icteritous (a.) Yellow; of the color of the skin when it is affected by the jaundice. |
Icteroid (a.) Of a tint resembling that produced by jaundice; yellow; as, an icteroid tint or complexion. |
Icterus (a.) The jaundice. |
Ictic (a.) Pertaining to, or caused by, a blow; sudden; abrupt. |
Ictus (n.) The stress of voice laid upon accented syllable of a word. Cf. Arsis. |
Ictus (n.) A stroke or blow, as in a sunstroke, the sting of an insect, pulsation of an artery, etc. |
Icy (superl.) Pertaining to, resembling, or abounding in, ice; cold; frosty. |
Icy (superl.) Characterized by coldness, as of manner, influence, etc.; chilling; frigid; cold. |
Icy-pearled (a.) Spangled with ice. |
I'd () A contraction from I would or I had. |
Id (n.) A small fresh-water cyprinoid fish (Leuciscus idus or Idus idus) of Europe. A domesticated variety, colored like the goldfish, is called orfe in Germany. |
Idalian (a.) Of or pertaining to Idalium, a mountain city in Cyprus, or to Venus, to whom it was sacred. |
Ide (n.) Same as Id. |
-ide () A suffix used to denote: (a) The nonmetallic, or negative, element or radical in a binary compound; as, oxide, sulphide, chloride. (b) A compound which is an anhydride; as, glycolide, phthalide. (c) Any one of a series of derivatives; as, indogenide, glucoside, etc. |
Ideas (pl. ) of Idea |
Idea (n.) The transcript, image, or picture of a visible object, that is formed by the mind; also, a similar image of any object whatever, whether sensible or spiritual. |
Idea (n.) A general notion, or a conception formed by generalization. |
Idea (n.) Hence: Any object apprehended, conceived, or thought of, by the mind; a notion, conception, or thought; the real object that is conceived or thought of. |
Idea (n.) A belief, option, or doctrine; a characteristic or controlling principle; as, an essential idea; the idea of development. |
Idea (n.) A plan or purpose of action; intention; design. |
Idea (n.) A rational conception; the complete conception of an object when thought of in all its essential elements or constituents; the necessary metaphysical or constituent attributes and relations, when conceived in the abstract. |
Idea (n.) A fiction object or picture created by the imagination; the same when proposed as a pattern to be copied, or a standard to be reached; one of the archetypes or patterns of created things, conceived by the Platonists to have excited objectively from eternity in the mind of the Deity. |
Ideal (a.) Existing in idea or thought; conceptional; intellectual; mental; as, ideal knowledge. |
Ideal (a.) Reaching an imaginary standard of excellence; fit for a model; faultless; as, ideal beauty. |
Ideal (a.) Existing in fancy or imagination only; visionary; unreal. |
Ideal (a.) Teaching the doctrine of idealism; as, the ideal theory or philosophy. |
Ideal (a.) Imaginary. |
Ideal (n.) A mental conception regarded as a standard of perfection; a model of excellence, beauty, etc. |
Idealess (a.) Destitute of an idea. |
Idealism (n.) The quality or state of being ideal. |
Idealism (n.) Conception of the ideal; imagery. |
Idealism (n.) The system or theory that denies the existence of material bodies, and teaches that we have no rational grounds to believe in the reality of anything but ideas and their relations. |
Idealist (n.) One who idealizes; one who forms picturesque fancies; one given to romantic expectations. |
Idealist (n.) One who holds the doctrine of idealism. |
Idealistic (a.) Of or pertaining to idealists or their theories. |
Idealities (pl. ) of Ideality |
Ideality (n.) The quality or state of being ideal. |
Ideality (n.) The capacity to form ideals of beauty or perfection. |
Ideality (n.) The conceptive faculty. |
Idealization (n.) The act or process of idealizing. |
Idealization (n.) The representation of natural objects, scenes, etc., in such a way as to show their most important characteristics; the study of the ideal. |
Idealized (imp. & p. p.) of Idealize |
Idealizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Idealize |
Idealize (v. t.) To make ideal; to give an ideal form or value to; to attribute ideal characteristics and excellences to; as, to idealize real life. |
Idealize (v. t.) To treat in an ideal manner. See Idealization, 2. |
Idealize (v. i.) To form ideals. |
Idealizer (n.) An idealist. |
Ideally (adv.) In an ideal manner; by means of ideals; mentally. |
Idealogic (a.) Of or pertaining to an idealogue, or to idealization. |
Idealogue (n.) One given to fanciful ideas or theories; a theorist; a spectator. |
Ideat (n.) Alt. of Ideate |
Ideate (n.) The actual existence supposed to correspond with an idea; the correlate in real existence to the idea as a thought or existence. |
Ideate (v. t.) To form in idea; to fancy. |
Ideate (v. t.) To apprehend in thought so as to fix and hold in the mind; to memorize. |
Ideation (n.) The faculty or capacity of the mind for forming ideas; the exercise of this capacity; the act of the mind by which objects of sense are apprehended and retained as objects of thought. |
Ideational (a.) Pertaining to, or characterized by, ideation. |
Idem (pron. / adj.) The same; the same as above; -- often abbreviated id. |
Identic (a.) Identical. |
Identical (a.) The same; the selfsame; the very same; not different; as, the identical person or thing. |
Identical (a.) Uttering sameness or the same truth; expressing in the predicate what is given, or obviously implied, in the subject; tautological. |
Identically (adv.) In an identical manner; with respect to identity. |
Identicalness (n.) The quality or state of being identical; sameness. |
Identifiable (a.) Capable of being identified. |
Identification (n.) The act of identifying, or proving to be the same; also, the state of being identified. |
Identified (imp. & p. p.) of Identify |
Identifying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Identify |
Identify (v. t.) To make to be the same; to unite or combine in such a manner as to make one; to treat as being one or having the same purpose or effect; to consider as the same in any relation. |
Identify (v. t.) To establish the identity of; to prove to be the same with something described, claimed, or asserted; as, to identify stolen property. |
Identify (v. i.) To become the same; to coalesce in interest, purpose, use, effect, etc. |
Identism (n.) The doctrine taught by Schelling, that matter and mind, and subject and object, are identical in the Absolute; -- called also the system / doctrine of identity. |
Identities (pl. ) of Identity |
Identity (n.) The state or quality of being identical, or the same; sameness. |
Identity (n.) The condition of being the same with something described or asserted, or of possessing a character claimed; as, to establish the identity of stolen goods. |
Identity (n.) An identical equation. |
Ideo- () A combining form from the Gr. /, an idea. |
Ideogenical (a.) Of or relating to ideology. |
Ideogeny (n.) The science which treats of the origin of ideas. |
Ideogram (n.) An original, pictorial element of writing; a kind of hieroglyph expressing no sound, but only an idea. |
Ideogram (n.) A symbol used for convenience, or for abbreviation; as, 1, 2, 3, +, -, /, $, /, etc. |
Ideogram (n.) A phonetic symbol; a letter. |
Ideograph (n.) Same as Ideogram. |
Ideographic (a.) Alt. of Ideographical |
Ideographical (a.) Of or pertaining to an ideogram; representing ideas by symbols, independently of sounds; as, 9 represents not the word "nine," but the idea of the number itself. |
Ideographics (n.) The system of writing in ideographic characters; also, anything so written. |
Ideography (n.) The representation of ideas independently of sounds, or in an ideographic manner, as sometimes is done in shorthand writing, etc. |
Ideological (a.) Of or pertaining to ideology. |
Ideologist (n.) One who treats of ideas; one who theorizes or idealizes; one versed in the science of ideas, or who advocates the doctrines of ideology. |
Ideology (n.) The science of ideas. |
Ideology (n.) A theory of the origin of ideas which derives them exclusively from sensation. |
Ideo-motion (n.) An ideo-motor movement. |
Ideo-motor (a.) Applied to those actions, or muscular movements, which are automatic expressions of dominant ideas, rather than the result of distinct volitional efforts, as the act of expressing the thoughts in speech, or in writing, while the mind is occupied in the composition of the sentence. |
Ides (n. pl.) The fifteenth day of March, May, July, and October, and the thirteenth day of the other months. |
Idio- () A combining form from the Greek /, meaning private, personal, peculiar, distinct. |
Idioblast (n.) An individual cell, differing greatly from its neighbours in regard to size, structure, or contents. |
Idiocrasis (n.) Idiocracy. |
Idiocrasies (pl. ) of Idiocracy |
Idiocracy (n.) Peculiarity of constitution; that temperament, or state of constitution, which is peculiar to a person; idiosyncrasy. |
Idiocratic (a.) Alt. of Idiocratical |
Idiocratical (a.) Peculiar in constitution or temperament; idiosyncratic. |
Idiocy (n.) The condition or quality of being an idiot; absence, or marked deficiency, of sense and intelligence. |
Idiocyclophanous (a.) Same as Idiophanous. |
Idioelectric (a.) Electric by virtue of its own peculiar properties; capable of becoming electrified by friction; -- opposed to anelectric. |
Idioelectric (n.) An idioelectric substance. |
Idiograph (n.) A mark or signature peculiar to an individual; a trade-mark. |
Idiographic (a.) Alt. of Idiographical |
Idiographical (a.) Of or pertaining to an idiograph. |
Idiolatry (n.) Self-worship; excessive self-esteem. |
Idiom (n.) The syntactical or structural form peculiar to any language; the genius or cast of a language. |
Idiom (n.) An expression conforming or appropriate to the peculiar structural form of a language; in extend use, an expression sanctioned by usage, having a sense peculiar to itself and not agreeing with the logical sense of its structural form; also, the phrase forms peculiar to a particular author. |
Idiom (n.) Dialect; a variant form of a language. |
Idiomatic (a.) Alt. of Idiomatical |
Idiomatical (a.) Of or pertaining to, or conforming to, the mode of expression peculiar to a language; as, an idiomatic meaning; an idiomatic phrase. |
Idiomorphic (a.) Idiomorphous. |
Idiomorphous (a.) Having a form of its own. |
Idiomorphous (a.) Apperaing in distinct crystals; -- said of the mineral constituents of a rock. |
Idiomuscular (a.) Applied to a semipermanent contraction of a muscle, produced by a mechanical irritant. |
Idiopathetic (a.) Idiopathic. |
Idiopathic (a.) Alt. of Idiopathical |
Idiopathical (a.) Pertaining to idiopathy; characterizing a disease arising primarily, and not in consequence of some other disease or injury; -- opposed to symptomatic, sympathetic, and traumatic. |
Idiopathies (pl. ) of Idiopathy |
Idiopathy (n.) A peculiar, or individual, characteristic or affection. |
Idiopathy (n.) A morbid state or condition not preceded or occasioned by any other disease; a primary disease. |
Idiophanous (a.) Exhibiting interference figures without the aid of a polariscope, as certain crystals. |
Idioplasm (n.) Same as Idioplasma. |
Idioplasma (n.) That portion of the cell protoplasm which is the seat of all active changes, and which carries on the function of hereditary transmission; -- distinguished from the other portion, which is termed nutritive plasma. See Hygroplasm. |
Idiorepulsive (a.) Repulsive by itself; as, the idiorepulsive power of heat. |
Idiosyncrasies (pl. ) of Idiosyncrasy |
Idiosyncrasy (n.) A peculiarity of physical or mental constitution or temperament; a characteristic belonging to, and distinguishing, an individual; characteristic susceptibility; idiocrasy; eccentricity. |
Idiosyncratic (a.) Alt. of Idiosyncratical |
Idiosyncratical (a.) Of peculiar temper or disposition; belonging to one's peculiar and individual character. |
Idiot (n.) A man in private station, as distinguished from one holding a public office. |
Idiot (n.) An unlearned, ignorant, or simple person, as distinguished from the educated; an ignoramus. |
Idiot (n.) A human being destitute of the ordinary intellectual powers, whether congenital, developmental, or accidental; commonly, a person without understanding from birth; a natural fool; a natural; an innocent. |
Idiot (n.) A fool; a simpleton; -- a term of reproach. |
Idiotcy (n.) Idiocy. |
Idioted (a.) Rendered idiotic; befooled. |
Idiothermic (a.) Self-heating; warmed, as the body of animal, by process going on within itself. |
Idiotic (a.) Alt. of Idiotical |
Idiotical (a.) Common; simple. |
Idiotical (a.) Pertaining to, or like, an idiot; characterized by idiocy; foolish; fatuous; as, an idiotic person, speech, laugh, or action. |
Idiotically (adv.) In a idiotic manner. |
Idioticon (n.) A dictionary of a peculiar dialect, or of the words and phrases peculiar to one part of a country; a glossary. |
Idiotish (a.) Like an idiot; foolish. |
Idiotism (n.) An idiom; a form, mode of expression, or signification, peculiar to a language. |
Idiotism (n.) Lack of knowledge or mental capacity; idiocy; foolishness. |
Idiotize (v. i.) To become stupid. |
Idiotry (n.) Idiocy. |
Idle (superl.) Of no account; useless; vain; trifling; unprofitable; thoughtless; silly; barren. |
Idle (superl.) Not called into active service; not turned to appropriate use; unemployed; as, idle hours. |
Idle (superl.) Not employed; unoccupied with business; inactive; doing nothing; as, idle workmen. |
Idle (superl.) Given rest and ease; averse to labor or employment; lazy; slothful; as, an idle fellow. |
Idle (superl.) Light-headed; foolish. |
Idled (imp. & p. p.) of Idle |
Idling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Idle |
Idle (v. i.) To lose or spend time in inaction, or without being employed in business. |
Idle (v. t.) To spend in idleness; to waste; to consume; -- often followed by away; as, to idle away an hour a day. |
Idle-headed (a.) Foolish; stupid. |
Idle-headed (a.) Delirious; infatuated. |
Idleness (n.) The condition or quality of being idle (in the various senses of that word); uselessness; fruitlessness; triviality; inactivity; laziness. |
Idle-pated (a.) Idle-headed; stupid. |
Idler (n.) One who idles; one who spends his time in inaction; a lazy person; a sluggard. |
Idler (n.) One who has constant day duties on board ship, and keeps no regular watch. |
Idler (n.) An idle wheel or pulley. See under Idle. |
Idless (n.) Alt. of Idlesse |
Idlesse (n.) Idleness. |
Idly (adv.) In a idle manner; ineffectually; vainly; lazily; carelessly; (Obs.) foolishly. |
Idocrase (n.) Same as Vesuvianite. |
Idol (n.) An image or representation of anything. |
Idol (n.) An image of a divinity; a representation or symbol of a deity or any other being or thing, made or used as an object of worship; a similitude of a false god. |
Idol (n.) That on which the affections are strongly (often excessively) set; an object of passionate devotion; a person or thing greatly loved or adored. |
Idol (n.) A false notion or conception; a fallacy. |
Idolastre (n.) An idolater. |
Idolater (n.) A worshiper of idols; one who pays divine honors to images, statues, or representations of anything made by hands; one who worships as a deity that which is not God; a pagan. |
Idolater (n.) An adorer; a great admirer. |
Idolatress (n.) A female worshiper of idols. |
Idolatrical (a.) Idolatrous. |
Idolatrized (imp. & p. p.) of Idolatrize |
Idolatrizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Idolatrize |
Idolatrize (v. i.) To worship idols; to pay idolatrous worship. |
Idolatrize (v. t.) To make in idol of; to idolize. |
Idolatrous (a.) Of or pertaining to idolatry; partaking of the nature of idolatry; given to idolatry or the worship of false gods; as, idolatrous sacrifices. |
Idolatrous (a.) Consisting in, or partaking of, an excessive attachment or reverence; as, an idolatrous veneration for antiquity. |
Idolatrously (adv.) In a idolatrous manner. |
Idolatries (pl. ) of Idolatry |
Idolatry (n.) The worship of idols, images, or anything which is not God; the worship of false gods. |
Idolatry (n.) Excessive attachment or veneration for anything; respect or love which borders on adoration. |
Idolish (a.) Idolatrous. |
Idolism (n.) The worship of idols. |
Idolist (n.) A worshiper of idols. |
Idolized (imp. & p. p.) of Idolize |
Idolizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Idolize |
Idolize (v. t.) To make an idol of; to pay idolatrous worship to; as, to idolize the sacred bull in Egypt. |
Idolize (v. t.) To love to excess; to love or reverence to adoration; as, to idolize gold, children, a hero. |
Idolize (v. i.) To practice idolatry. |
Idolizer (n.) One who idolizes or loves to the point of reverence; an idolater. |
Idoloclast (n.) A breaker of idols; an iconoclast. |
Idolographical (a.) Descriptive of idols. |
Idolous (a.) Idolatrous. |
Idoneous (a.) Appropriate; suitable; proper; fit; adequate. |
Idorgan (n.) A morphological unit, consisting of two or more plastids, which does not possess the positive character of the person or stock, in distinction from the physiological organ or biorgan. See Morphon. |
Idrialine (n.) Alt. of Idrialite |
Idrialite (n.) A bituminous substance obtained from the mercury mines of Idria, where it occurs mixed with cinnabar. |
Idumean (a.) Of or pertaining to ancient Idumea, or Edom, in Western Asia. |
Idumean (n.) An inhabitant of Idumea, an Edomite. |
Idyl (n.) A short poem; properly, a short pastoral poem; as, the idyls of Theocritus; also, any poem, especially a narrative or descriptive poem, written in an eleveted and highly finished style; also, by extension, any artless and easily flowing description, either in poetry or prose, of simple, rustic life, of pastoral scenes, and the like. |
Idyllic (a.) Of or belonging to idyls. |
I. e. () Abbreviation of Latin id est, that is. |
If (conj.) In case that; granting, allowing, or supposing that; -- introducing a condition or supposition. |
If (conj.) Whether; -- in dependent questions. |
I' faith () In faith; indeed; truly. |
Ifere (a.) Together. |
Igasuric (a.) Pertaining to, or obtained from, nux vomica or St. Ignatius's bean; as, igasuric acid. |
Igasurine (n.) An alkaloid found in nux vomica, and extracted as a white crystalline substance. |
Igloo (n.) An Eskimo snow house. |
Igloo (n.) A cavity, or excavation, made in the snow by a seal, over its breathing hole in the ice. |
Ignatius bean () See Saint Ignatius's bean, under Saint. |
Igneous (a.) Pertaining to, having the nature of, fire; containing fire; resembling fire; as, an igneous appearance. |
Igneous (a.) Resulting from, or produced by, the action of fire; as, lavas and basalt are igneous rocks. |
Ignescent (a.) Emitting sparks of fire when struck with steel; scintillating; as, ignescent stones. |
Ignicolist (n.) A worshiper of fire. |
Igniferous (a.) Producing fire. |
Ignifluous (a.) Flowing with fire. |
Ignified (imp. & p. p.) of Ignify |
Ignifying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ignify |
Ignify (v. t.) To form into fire. |
Ignigenous (a.) Produced by the action of fire, as lava. |
Ignipotence (n.) Power over fire. |
Ignipotent (a.) Presiding over fire; also, fiery. |
Ignes fatui (pl. ) of Ignis fatuus |
Ignis fatuus () A phosphorescent light that appears, in the night, over marshy ground, supposed to be occasioned by the decomposition of animal or vegetable substances, or by some inflammable gas; -- popularly called also Will-with-the-wisp, or Will-o'-the-wisp, and Jack-with-a-lantern, or Jack-o'-lantern. |
Ignis fatuus () Fig.: A misleading influence; a decoy. |
Ignited (imp. & p. p.) of Ignite |
Igniting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ignite |
Ignite (v. t.) To kindle or set on fire; as, to ignite paper or wood. |
Ignite (v. t.) To subject to the action of intense heat; to heat strongly; -- often said of incombustible or infusible substances; as, to ignite iron or platinum. |
Ignite (v. i.) To take fire; to begin to burn. |
Ignitible (a.) Capable of being ignited. |
Ignition (n.) The act of igniting, kindling, or setting on fire. |
Ignition (n.) The state of being ignited or kindled. |
Ignitor (n.) One who, or that which, produces ignition; especially, a contrivance for igniting the powder in a torpedo or the like. |
Ignivomous (a.) Vomiting fire. |
Ignobility (n.) Ignobleness. |
Ignoble (a.) Of low birth or family; not noble; not illustrious; plebeian; common; humble. |
Ignoble (a.) Not honorable, elevated, or generous; base. |
Ignoble (a.) Not a true or noble falcon; -- said of certain hawks, as the goshawk. |
Ignoble (v. t.) To make ignoble. |
Ignobleness (n.) State or quality of being ignoble. |
Ignobly (adv.) In an ignoble manner; basely. |
Ignominious (a.) Marked with ignominy; in curring public disgrace; dishonorable; shameful. |
Ignominious (a.) Deserving ignominy; despicable. |
Ignominious (a.) Humiliating; degrading; as, an ignominious judgment or sentence. |
Ignominiously (adv.) In an ignominious manner; disgracefully; shamefully; ingloriously. |
Ignominies (pl. ) of Ignominy |
Ignominy (n.) Public disgrace or dishonor; reproach; infamy. |
Ignominy (n.) An act deserving disgrace; an infamous act. |
Ignomy (n.) Ignominy. |
Ignoramus (n.) We are ignorant; we ignore; -- being the word formerly written on a bill of indictment by a grand jury when there was not sufficient evidence to warrant them in finding it a true bill. The phrase now used is, "No bill," "No true bill," or "Not found," though in some jurisdictions "Ignored" is still used. |
Ignoramuses (pl. ) of Ignoramus |
Ignoramus (n.) A stupid, ignorant person; a vain pretender to knowledge; a dunce. |
Ignorance (n.) The condition of being ignorant; the want of knowledge in general, or in relation to a particular subject; the state of being uneducated or uninformed. |
Ignorance (n.) A willful neglect or refusal to acquire knowledge which one may acquire and it is his duty to have. |
Ignorant (a.) Destitute of knowledge; uninstructed or uninformed; untaught; unenlightened. |
Ignorant (a.) Unacquainted with; unconscious or unaware; -- used with of. |
Ignorant (a.) Unknown; undiscovered. |
Ignorant (a.) Resulting from ignorance; foolish; silly. |
Ignorant (n.) A person untaught or uninformed; one unlettered or unskilled; an ignoramous. |
Ignorantism (n.) The spirit of those who extol the advantage to ignorance; obscuriantism. |
Ignorantist (n.) One opposed to the diffusion of knowledge; an obscuriantist. |
Ignorantly (adv.) In a ignorant manner; without knowledge; inadvertently. |
Ignored (imp. & p. p.) of Ignore |
Ignoring (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ignore |
Ignore (v. t.) To be ignorant of or not acquainted with. |
Ignore (v. t.) To throw out or reject as false or ungrounded; -- said of a bill rejected by a grand jury for want of evidence. See Ignoramus. |
Ignore (v. t.) Hence: To refuse to take notice of; to shut the eyes to; not to recognize; to disregard willfully and causelessly; as, to ignore certain facts; to ignore the presence of an objectionable person. |
Ignoscible (a.) Pardonable. |
Ignote (a.) Unknown. |
Ignote (n.) One who is unknown. |
Iguana (n.) Any species of the genus Iguana, a genus of large American lizards of the family Iguanidae. They are arboreal in their habits, usually green in color, and feed chiefly upon fruits. |
Iguanian (a.) Resembling, or pertaining to, the iguana. |
Iguanid (a.) Same as Iguanoid. |
Iguanodon (n.) A genus of gigantic herbivorous dinosaurs having a birdlike pelvis and large hind legs with three-toed feet capable of supporting the entire body. Its teeth resemble those of the iguana, whence its name. Several species are known, mostly from the Wealden of England and Europe. See Illustration in Appendix. |
Iguanodont (a.) Like or pertaining to the genus Iguanodon. |
Iguanoid (a.) Pertaining to the Iguanidae. |
Ihlang-ihlang (n.) A rich, powerful, perfume, obtained from the volatile oil of the flowers of Canada odorata, an East Indian tree. |
Ihram (n.) The peculiar dress worn by pilgrims to Mecca. |
Ik (pron.) I. |
Il- () A form of the prefix in-, not, and in-, among. See In-. |
Ile (n.) Ear of corn. |
Ile (n.) An aisle. |
Ile (n.) An isle. |
Ileac (a.) Pertaining to the ileum. |
Ileac (a.) See Iliac, 1. |
Ileocaecal (a.) Pertaining to the ileum and caecum. |
Ileocolic (a.) Pertaining to the ileum and colon; as, the ileocolic, or ileocaecal, valve, a valve where the ileum opens into the large intestine. |
Ileum (n.) The last, and usually the longest, division of the small intestine; the part between the jejunum and large intestine. |
Ileum (n.) See Ilium. |
Ileus (n.) A morbid condition due to intestinal obstruction. It is characterized by complete constipation, with griping pains in the abdomen, which is greatly distended, and in the later stages by vomiting of fecal matter. Called also ileac, / iliac, passion. |
Ilex (n.) The holm oak (Quercus Ilex). |
Ilex (n.) A genus of evergreen trees and shrubs, including the common holly. |
Iliac (a.) Pertaining to ancient Ilium, or Troy. |
Iliac (a.) Pertaining to, or in the region of, the ilium, or dorsal bone of the pelvis; as, the iliac artery. |
Iliac (a.) See Ileac, 1. |
Iliacal (a.) Iliac. |
liad (n.) A celebrated Greek epic poem, in twenty-four books, on the destruction of Ilium, the ancient Troy. The Iliad is ascribed to Homer. |
Ilial (a.) Pertaining to the ilium; iliac. |
Iliche (adv.) Alike. |
Ilicic (a.) Pertaining to, or derived from, the holly (Ilex), and allied plants; as, ilicic acid. |
Ilicin (n.) The bitter principle of the holly. |
Ilio- () A combining form used in anatomy to denote connection with, or relation to, the ilium; as, ilio-femoral, ilio-lumbar, ilio-psoas, etc. |
Iliofemoral (a.) Pertaining to the ilium and femur; as, iliofemoral ligaments. |
Iliolumbar (a.) Pertaining to the iliac and lumbar regions; as, the iliolumbar artery. |
Iliopsoas (n.) The great flexor muscle of the hip joint, divisible into two parts, the iliac and great psoas, -- often regarded as distinct muscles. |
Ilium (n.) The dorsal one of the three principal bones comprising either lateral half of the pelvis; the dorsal or upper part of the hip bone. See Innominate bone, under Innominate. |
Ilixanthin (n.) A yellow dye obtained from the leaves of the holly. |
Ilk (a.) Same; each; every. |
Ilke (a.) Same. |
Ilkon (pron.) Alt. of Ilkoon |
Ilkoon (pron.) Each one; every one. |
Ill (a.) Contrary to good, in a physical sense; contrary or opposed to advantage, happiness, etc.; bad; evil; unfortunate; disagreeable; unfavorable. |
Ill (a.) Contrary to good, in a moral sense; evil; wicked; wrong; iniquitious; naughtly; bad; improper. |
Ill (a.) Sick; indisposed; unwell; diseased; disordered; as, ill of a fever. |
Ill (a.) Not according with rule, fitness, or propriety; incorrect; rude; unpolished; inelegant. |
Ill (n.) Whatever annoys or impairs happiness, or prevents success; evil of any kind; misfortune; calamity; disease; pain; as, the ills of humanity. |
Ill (n.) Whatever is contrary to good, in a moral sense; wickedness; depravity; iniquity; wrong; evil. |
Ill (adv.) In a ill manner; badly; weakly. |
I' ll () Contraction for I will or I shall. |
Illabile (a.) Incapable of falling or erring; infalliable. |
Illacerable (a.) Not lacerable; incapable of being torn or rent. |
Illacrymable (a.) Incapable of weeping. |
Illapsable (a.) Incapable of slipping, or of error. |
Illapsed (imp. & p. p.) of Illapse |
Illapsing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Illapse |
Illapse (v. i.) To fall or glide; to pass; -- usually followed by into. |
Illapse (v. i.) A gliding in; an immisson or entrance of one thing into another; also, a sudden descent or attack. |
Illaqueable (a.) Capable of being insnared or entrapped. |
Illaqueated (imp. & p. p.) of Illaqueate |
Illaqueating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Illaqueate |
Illaqueate (v. t.) To insnare; to entrap; to entangle; to catch. |
Illaqueation (n.) The act of catching or insnaring. |
Illaqueation (n.) A snare; a trap. |
Illation (n.) The act or process of inferring from premises or reasons; perception of the connection between ideas; that which is inferred; inference; deduction; conclusion. |
Illative (a.) Relating to, dependent on, or denoting, illation; inferential; conclusive; as, an illative consequence or proposition; an illative word, as then, therefore, etc. |
Illative (n.) An illative particle, as for, because. |
Illatively (adv.) By inference; as an illative; in an illative manner. |
Illaudable (a.) Not laudable; not praise-worthy; worthy of censure or disapprobation. |
Ill-boding (a.) Boding evil; inauspicious; ill-omened. |
Ill-bred (a.) Badly educated or brought up; impolite; incivil; rude. See Note under Ill, adv. |
Illecebration (n.) Allurement. |
Illecebrous (a.) Alluring; attractive; enticing. |
Illegal (a.) Not according to, or authorized by, law; specif., contrary to, or in violation of, human law; unlawful; illicit; hence, immoral; as, an illegal act; illegal trade; illegal love. |
Illegalities (pl. ) of Illegality |
Illegality (n.) The quality or condition of being illegal; unlawfulness; as, the illegality of trespass or of false imprisonment; also, an illegal act. |
Illegalized (imp. & p. p.) of Illegalize |
Illegalizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Illegalize |
Illegalize (v. t.) To make or declare illegal or unlawful. |
Illegally (adv.) In a illegal manner; unlawfully. |
Illegalness (n.) Illegality, unlawfulness. |
Illegibility (n.) The state or quality of being illegible. |
Illegible (a.) Incapable of being read; not legible; as, illegible handwriting; an illegible inscription. |
Illegitimacy (n.) The state of being illegitimate. |
Illegitimate (a.) Not according to law; not regular or authorized; unlawful; improper. |
Illegitimate (a.) Unlawfully begotten; born out of wedlock; bastard; as, an illegitimate child. |
Illegitimate (a.) Not legitimately deduced or inferred; illogical; as, an illegitimate inference. |
Illegitimate (a.) Not authorized by good usage; not genuine; spurious; as, an illegitimate word. |
Illegitimated (imp. & p. p.) of Illegitimate |
Illegitimating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Illegitimate |
Illegitimate (v. t.) To render illegitimate; to declare or prove to be born out of wedlock; to bastardize; to illegitimatize. |
Illegitimately (adv.) In a illegitimate manner; unlawfully. |
Illegitimation (n.) The act of illegitimating; bastardizing. |
Illegitimation (n.) The state of being illegitimate; illegitimacy. |
Illegitimatize (v. t.) To render illegitimate; to bastardize. |
Illesive (a.) Not injurious; harmless. |
Illeviable (a.) Not leviable; incapable of being imposed, or collected. |
Ill-favored (a.) Wanting beauty or attractiveness; deformed; ugly; ill-looking. |
Illiberal (a.) Not liberal; not free or generous; close; niggardly; mean; sordid. |
Illiberal (a.) Indicating a lack of breeding, culture, and the like; ignoble; rude; narrow-minded; disingenuous. |
Illiberal (a.) Not well authorized or elegant; as, illiberal words in Latin. |
Illiberalism (n.) Illiberality. |
Illiberality (n.) The state or quality of being illiberal; narrowness of mind; meanness; niggardliness. |
Illiberalized (imp. & p. p.) of Illiberalize |
Illiberalizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Illiberalize |
Illiberalize (v. t.) To make illiberal. |
Illiberally (adv.) In a illiberal manner, ungenerously; uncharitably; parsimoniously. |
Illiberalness (n.) The state of being illiberal; illiberality. |
Illicit (a.) Not permitted or allowed; prohibited; unlawful; as, illicit trade; illicit intercourse; illicit pleasure. |
Illicitous (a.) Illicit. |
Illicium (n.) A genus of Asiatic and American magnoliaceous trees, having star-shaped fruit; star anise. The fruit of Illicium anisatum is used as a spice in India, and its oil is largely used in Europe for flavoring cordials, being almost identical with true oil of anise. |
Illighten (v. t.) To enlighten. |
Illimitable (a.) Incapable of being limited or bounded; immeasurable; limitless; boundless; as, illimitable space. |
Illimitation (n.) State of being illimitable; want of, or freedom from, limitation. |
Illimited (a.) Not limited; interminable. |
Illinition (n.) A smearing or rubbing in or on; also, that which is smeared or rubbed on, as ointment or liniment. |
Illinition (n.) A thin crust of some extraneous substance formed on minerals. |
Illinois (n.sing. & pl.) A tribe of North American Indians, which formerly occupied the region between the Wabash and Mississippi rivers. |
Illiquation (n.) The melting or dissolving of one thing into another. |
Illish (a.) Somewhat ill. |
Illision (n.) The act of dashing or striking against. |
Illiteracies (pl. ) of Illiteracy |
Illiteracy (n.) The state of being illiterate, or uneducated; want of learning, or knowledge; ignorance; specifically, inability to read and write; as, the illiteracy shown by the last census. |
Illiteracy (n.) An instance of ignorance; a literary blunder. |
Illiteral (a.) Not literal. |
Illiterate (a.) Ignorant of letters or books; unlettered; uninstructed; uneducated; as, an illiterate man, or people. |
Illiterature (n.) Want of learning; illiteracy. |
Ill-judged (a.) Not well judged; unwise. |
Ill-lived (a.) Leading a wicked life. |
Ill-looking (a.) Having a bad look; threatening; ugly. See Note under Ill, adv. |
Ill-mannered (a.) Impolite; rude. |
Ill-minded (a.) Ill-disposed. |
Ill-natured (a.) Of habitual bad temper; peevish; fractious; cross; crabbed; surly; as, an ill-natured person. |
Ill-natured (a.) Dictated by, or indicating, ill nature; spiteful. |
Ill-natured (a.) Intractable; not yielding to culture. |
Illness (n.) The condition of being ill, evil, or bad; badness; unfavorableness. |
Illness (n.) Disease; indisposition; malady; disorder of health; sickness; as, a short or a severe illness. |
Illness (n.) Wrong moral conduct; wickedness. |
Ill-nurtured (a.) Ill-bred. |
Illocality (n.) Want of locality or place. |
Illogical (a.) Ignorant or negligent of the rules of logic or correct reasoning; as, an illogical disputant; contrary of the rules of logic or sound reasoning; as, an illogical inference. |
Ill-omened (a.) Having unlucky omens; inauspicious. See Note under Ill, adv. |
Ill-starred (a.) Fated to be unfortunate; unlucky; as, an ill-starred man or day. |
Ill-tempered (a.) Of bad temper; morose; crabbed; sour; peevish; fretful; quarrelsome. |
Ill-tempered (a.) Unhealthy; ill-conditioned. |
Ill-timed (a.) Done, attempted, or said, at an unsuitable or unpropitious time. |
Illtreat (v. t.) To treat cruelly or improperly; to ill use; to maltreat. |
Illuded (imp. & p. p.) of Illude |
Illuding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Illude |
Illude (v. t.) To play upon by artifice; to deceive; to mock; to excite and disappoint the hopes of. |
Illumed (imp. & p. p.) of Illume |
Illuming (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Illume |
Illume (v. t.) To throw or spread light upon; to make light or bright; to illuminate; to illumine. |
Illuminable (a.) Capable of being illuminated. |
Illuminant (n.) That which illuminates or affords light; as, gas and petroleum are illuminants. |
Illuminary (a.) Illuminative. |
Illuminated (imp. & p. p.) of Illuminate |
Illuminating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Illuminate |
Illuminate (v. t.) To make light; to throw light on; to supply with light, literally or figuratively; to brighten. |
Illuminate (v. t.) To light up; to decorate with artificial lights, as a building or city, in token of rejoicing or respect. |
Illuminate (v. t.) To adorn, as a book or page with borders, initial letters, or miniature pictures in colors and gold, as was done in manuscripts of the Middle Ages. |
Illuminate (v. t.) To make plain or clear; to dispel the obscurity to by knowledge or reason; to explain; to elucidate; as, to illuminate a text, a problem, or a duty. |
Illuminate (v. i.) To light up in token or rejoicing. |
Illuminate (a.) Enlightened. |
Illuminate (n.) One who enlightened; esp., a pretender to extraordinary light and knowledge. |
Illuminati (v. t.) Literally, those who are enlightened |
Illuminati (v. t.) Persons in the early church who had received baptism; in which ceremony a lighted taper was given them, as a symbol of the spiritual illumination they has received by that sacrament. |
Illuminati (v. t.) Members of a sect which sprung up in Spain about the year 1575. Their principal doctrine was, that, by means of prayer, they had attained to so perfect a state as to have no need of ordinances, sacraments, good works, etc.; -- called also Alumbrados, Perfectibilists, etc. |
Illuminati (v. t.) Members of certain associations in Modern Europe, who combined to promote social reforms, by which they expected to raise men and society to perfection, esp. of one originated in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, professor of canon law at Ingolstadt, which spread rapidly for a time, but ceased after a few years. |
Illuminati (v. t.) An obscure sect of French Familists; |
Illuminati (v. t.) The Hesychasts, Mystics, and Quietists; |
Illuminati (v. t.) The Rosicrucians. |
Illuminati (v. t.) Any persons who profess special spiritual or intellectual enlightenment. |
Illuminating (a.) Giving or producing light; used for illumination. |
Illumination (n.) The act of illuminating, or supplying with light; the state of being illuminated. |
Illumination (n.) Festive decoration of houses or buildings with lights. |
Illumination (n.) Adornment of books and manuscripts with colored illustrations. See Illuminate, v. t., 3. |
Illumination (v. t.) That which is illuminated, as a house; also, an ornamented book or manuscript. |
Illumination (v. t.) That which illuminates or gives light; brightness; splendor; especially, intellectual light or knowledge. |
Illumination (v. t.) The special communication of knowledge to the mind by God; inspiration. |
Illuminatism (n.) Illuminism. |
Illuminative (a.) Tending to illuminate or illustrate; throwing light; illustrative. |
Illuminator (n.) One whose occupation is to adorn books, especially manuscripts, with miniatures, borders, etc. See Illuminate, v. t., 3. |
Illuminator (v. t.) A condenser or reflector of light in optical apparatus; also, an illuminant. |
Illumine (v. t.) To illuminate; to light up; to adorn. |
Illuminee (n.) One of the Illuminati. |
Illuminer (n.) One who, or that which, illuminates. |
Illuminism (n.) The principles of the Illuminati. |
Illuministic (a.) Of or pertaining to illuminism, or the Illuminati. |
Illuminized (imp. & p. p.) of Illuminize |
Illuminizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Illuminize |
Illuminize (v. t.) To initiate the doctrines or principles of the Illuminati. |
Illuminous (a.) Bright; clear. |
Illure (v. t.) To deceive; to entice; to lure. |
Ill-used (a.) Misapplied; treated badly. |
Illusion (n.) An unreal image presented to the bodily or mental vision; a deceptive appearance; a false show; mockery; hallucination. |
Illusion (n.) Hence: Anything agreeably fascinating and charning; enchantment; witchery; glamour. |
Illusion (n.) A sensation originated by some external object, but so modified as in any way to lead to an erroneous perception; as when the rolling of a wagon is mistaken for thunder. |
Illusion (n.) A plain, delicate lace, usually of silk, used for veils, scarfs, dresses, etc. |
Illusionable (a.) Liable to illusion. |
Illusionist (n.) One given to illusion; a visionary dreamer. |
Illusive (a.) Deceiving by false show; deceitful; deceptive; false; illusory; unreal. |
Illusively (adv.) In a illusive manner; falsely. |
Illusiveness (n.) The quality of being illusive; deceptiveness; false show. |
Illusory (a.) Deceiving, or tending of deceive; fallacious; illusive; as, illusory promises or hopes. |
Illustrable (a.) Capable of illustration. |
Illustrated (imp. & p. p.) of Illustrate |
Illustrating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Illustrate |
Illustrate (v. t.) To make clear, bright, or luminous. |
Illustrate (v. t.) To set in a clear light; to exhibit distinctly or conspicuously. |
Illustrate (v. t.) To make clear, intelligible, or apprehensible; to elucidate, explain, or exemplify, as by means of figures, comparisons, and examples. |
Illustrate (v. t.) To adorn with pictures, as a book or a subject; to elucidate with pictures, as a history or a romance. |
Illustrate (v. t.) To give renown or honor to; to make illustrious; to glorify. |
Illustrate (a.) Illustrated; distinguished; illustrious. |
Illustration (n.) The act of illustrating; the act of making clear and distinct; education; also, the state of being illustrated, or of being made clear and distinct. |
Illustration (n.) That which illustrates; a comparison or example intended to make clear or apprehensible, or to remove obscurity. |
Illustration (n.) A picture designed to decorate a volume or elucidate a literary work. |
Illustrative (a.) Tending or designed to illustrate, exemplify, or elucidate. |
Illustrative (a.) Making illustrious. |
Illustratively (adv.) By way of illustration or elucidation. |
Illustrator (n.) One who illustrates. |
Illustratory (a.) Serving to illustrate. |
Illustrious (a.) Possessing luster or brightness; brilliant; luminous; splendid. |
Illustrious (a.) Characterized by greatness, nobleness, etc.; eminent; conspicuous; distinguished. |
Illustrious (a.) Conferring luster or honor; renowned; as, illustrious deeds or titles. |
Illustriously (adv.) In a illustrious manner; conspicuously; eminently; famously. |
Illustriousness (n.) The state or quality of being eminent; greatness; grandeur; glory; fame. |
Illustrous (a.) Without luster. |
Illutation (n.) The act or operation of smearing the body with mud, especially with the sediment from mineral springs; a mud bath. |
Illuxurious (a.) Not luxurious. |
Ill-will () See under Ill, a. |
Ill-wisher (n.) One who wishes ill to another; an enemy. |
Ilmenite (n.) Titanic iron. See Menaccanite. |
Ilmenium (n.) A supposed element claimed to have been discovered by R.Harmann. |
Ilvaite (n.) A silicate of iron and lime occurring in black prismatic crystals and columnar masses. |
I'm () A contraction of I am. |
Im- () A form of the prefix in- not, and in- in. See In-. Im- also occurs in composition with some words not of Latin origin; as, imbank, imbitter. |
Image (n.) An imitation, representation, or similitude of any person, thing, or act, sculptured, drawn, painted, or otherwise made perceptible to the sight; a visible presentation; a copy; a likeness; an effigy; a picture; a semblance. |
Image (n.) Hence: The likeness of anything to which worship is paid; an idol. |
Image (n.) Show; appearance; cast. |
Image (n.) A representation of anything to the mind; a picture drawn by the fancy; a conception; an idea. |
Image (n.) A picture, example, or illustration, often taken from sensible objects, and used to illustrate a subject; usually, an extended metaphor. |
Image (n.) The figure or picture of any object formed at the focus of a lens or mirror, by rays of light from the several points of the object symmetrically refracted or reflected to corresponding points in such focus; this may be received on a screen, a photographic plate, or the retina of the eye, and viewed directly by the eye, or with an eyeglass, as in the telescope and microscope; the likeness of an object formed by reflection; as, to see one's image in a mirror. |
Imaged (imp. & p. p.) of Image |
Imaging (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Image |
Image (v. t.) To represent or form an image of; as, the still lake imaged the shore; the mirror imaged her figure. |
Image (v. t.) To represent to the mental vision; to form a likeness of by the fancy or recollection; to imagine. |
Imageable (a.) That may be imaged. |
Imageless (a.) Having no image. |
Imager (n.) One who images or forms likenesses; a sculptor. |
Imagery (n.) The work of one who makes images or visible representation of objects; imitation work; images in general, or in mass. |
Imagery (n.) Fig.: Unreal show; imitation; appearance. |
Imagery (n.) The work of the imagination or fancy; false ideas; imaginary phantasms. |
Imagery (n.) Rhetorical decoration in writing or speaking; vivid descriptions presenting or suggesting images of sensible objects; figures in discourse. |
Imaginability (n.) Capacity for imagination. |
Imaginable (a.) Capable of being imagined; conceivable. |
Imaginal (a.) Characterized by imagination; imaginative; also, given to the use or rhetorical figures or imagins. |
Imaginal (a.) Of or pertaining to an imago. |
Imaginant (a.) Imagining; conceiving. |
Imaginant (n.) An imaginer. |
Imaginarily (a.) In a imaginary manner; in imagination. |
Imaginariness (n.) The state or quality of being imaginary; unreality. |
Imaginary (a.) Existing only in imagination or fancy; not real; fancied; visionary; ideal. |
Imaginary (n.) An imaginary expression or quantity. |
Imaginate (a.) Imaginative. |
Imagination (n.) The imagine-making power of the mind; the power to create or reproduce ideally an object of sense previously perceived; the power to call up mental imagines. |
Imagination (n.) The representative power; the power to reconstruct or recombine the materials furnished by direct apprehension; the complex faculty usually termed the plastic or creative power; the fancy. |
Imagination (n.) The power to recombine the materials furnished by experience or memory, for the accomplishment of an elevated purpose; the power of conceiving and expressing the ideal. |
Imagination (n.) A mental image formed by the action of the imagination as a faculty; a conception; a notion. |
Imaginational (a.) Pertaining to, involving, or caused by, imagination. |
Imaginationalism (n.) Idealism. |
Imaginative (a.) Proceeding from, and characterized by, the imagination, generally in the highest sense of the word. |
Imaginative (a.) Given to imagining; full of images, fancies, etc.; having a quick imagination; conceptive; creative. |
Imaginative (a.) Unreasonably suspicious; jealous. |
Imagined (imp. & p. p.) of Imagine |
Imagining (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Imagine |
Imagine (v. t.) To form in the mind a notion or idea of; to form a mental image of; to conceive; to produce by the imagination. |
Imagine (v. t.) To contrive in purpose; to scheme; to devise; to compass; to purpose. See Compass, v. t., 5. |
Imagine (v. t.) To represent to one's self; to think; to believe. |
Imagine (v. i.) To form images or conceptions; to conceive; to devise. |
Imagine (v. i.) To think; to suppose. |
Imaginer (n.) One who forms ideas or conceptions; one who contrives. |
Imaginous (a.) Imaginative. |
Imagoes (pl. ) of Imago |
Imago (n.) An image. |
Imago (n.) The final adult, and usually winged, state of an insect. See Illust. of Ant-lion, and Army worm. |
Imam (n.) Alt. of Imaum |
Iman (n.) Alt. of Imaum |
Imaum (n.) Among the Mohammedans, a minister or priest who performs the regular service of the mosque. |
Imaum (n.) A Mohammedan prince who, as a successor of Mohammed, unites in his person supreme spiritual and temporal power. |
Imaret (n.) A lodging house for Mohammedan pilgrims. |
Imbalm (v. t.) See Embalm. |
Imban (v. t.) To put under a ban. |
Imband (v. t.) To form into a band or bands. |
Imbanked (imp. & p. p.) of Imbank |
Imbanking (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Imbank |
Imbank (v. t.) To inclose or defend with a bank or banks. See Embank. |
Imbankment (n.) The act of surrounding with a bank; a bank or mound raised for defense, a roadway, etc.; an embankment. See Embankment. |
Imbannered (a.) Having banners. |
Imbar (v. t.) To bar in; to secure. |
Imbargo (n.) See Embargo. |
Imbark (v. i. & t.) See Embark. |
Imbarn (v. t.) To store in a barn. |
Imbase (v. t.) See Embase. |
Imbase (v. i.) To diminish in value. |
Imbastardize (v. t.) To bastardize; to debase. |
Imbathe (v. t.) To bathe; to wash freely; to immerce. |
Imbay (v. t.) See Embay. |
Imbecile (a.) Destitute of strength, whether of body or mind; feeble; impotent; esp., mentally wea; feeble-minded; as, hospitals for the imbecile and insane. |
Imbecile (n.) One destitute of strength; esp., one of feeble mind. |
Imbecile (v. t.) To weaken; to make imbecile; as, to imbecile men's courage. |
Imbecilitate (v. t.) To weaken, as to the body or the mind; to enfeeble. |
Imbecilities (pl. ) of Imbecility |
Imbecility (n.) The quality of being imbecile; weakness; feebleness, esp. of mind. |
Imbedded (imp. & p. p.) of Imbed |
Imbedding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Imbed |
Imbed (v. t.) To sink or lay, as in a bed; to deposit in a partly inclosing mass, as of clay or mortar; to cover, as with earth, sand, etc. |
Imbellic (a.) Not warlike or martial. |
Imbenching (n.) A raised work like a bench. |
Imber-goose (n.) The loon. See Ember-goose. |
Imbezzle (v. t.) See Embezzle. |
Imbibed (imp. & p. p.) of Imbibe |
Imbibing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Imbibe |
Imbibe (v. t.) To drink in; to absorb; to suck or take in; to receive as by drinking; as, a person imbibes drink, or a sponge imbibes moisture. |
Imbibe (v. t.) To receive or absorb into the mind and retain; as, to imbibe principles; to imbibe errors. |
Imbibe (v. t.) To saturate; to imbue. |
Imbiber (n.) One who, or that which, imbibes. |
Imbibition (n.) The act or process of imbibing, or absorbing; as, the post-mortem imbibition of poisons. |
Imbittered (imp. & p. p.) of Imbitter |
Imbittering (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Imbitter |
Imbitter (v. t.) To make bitter; hence, to make distressing or more distressing; to make sad, morose, sour, or malignant. |
Imbitterer (n.) One who, or that which, imbitters. |
Imbitterment (n.) The act of imbittering; bitter feeling; embitterment. |
Imblaze (v. t.) See Emblaze. |
Imblazon (v. t.) See Emblazon. |
Imbody (v. i.) To become corporeal; to assume the qualities of a material body. See Embody. |
Imboil (v. t. & i.) See Emboil. |
Imbolden (v. t.) See Embolden. |
Imbonity (n.) Want of goodness. |
Imbordered (imp. & p. p.) of Imborder |
Imbordering (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Imborder |
Imborder (v. t.) To furnish or inclose with a border; to form a border of. |
Imbosked (imp. & p. p.) of Imbosk |
Imbosking (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Imbosk |
Imbosk (v. t.) To conceal, as in bushes; to hide. |
Imbosk (v. i.) To be concealed. |
Imbosomed (imp. & p. p.) of Imbosom |
Imbosoming (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Imbosom |
Imbosom (v. t.) To hold in the bosom; to cherish in the heart or affection; to embosom. |
Imbosom (v. t.) To inclose or place in the midst of; to surround or shelter; as, a house imbosomed in a grove. |
Imboss (v. t.) See Emboss. |
Imbosture (n.) Embossed or raised work. |
Imbound (v. t.) To inclose in limits; to shut in. |
Imbow (v. t.) To make like a bow; to curve; to arch; to vault; to embow. |
Imbowel (v. t.) See Embowel. |
Imbower (v. t. & i.) See Embower. |
Imbowment (n.) act of imbowing; an arch; a vault. |
Imbox (v. t.) To inclose in a box. |
Imbracery (n.) Embracery. |
Imbraid (v. t.) See Embraid. |
Imbrangle (v. t.) To entangle as in a cobweb; to mix confusedly. |
Imbreed (v. t.) To generate within; to inbreed. |
Imbricate (a.) Alt. of Imbricated |
Imbricated (a.) Bent and hollowed like a roof or gutter tile. |
Imbricated (a.) Lying over each other in regular order, so as to "break joints," like tiles or shingles on a roof, the scales on the leaf buds of plants and the cups of some acorns, or the scales of fishes; overlapping each other at the margins, as leaves in aestivation. |
Imbricated (a.) In decorative art: Having scales lapping one over the other, or a representation of such scales; as, an imbricated surface; an imbricated pattern. |
Imbricate (v. t.) To lay in order, one lapping over another, so as to form an imbricated surface. |
Imbrication (n.) An overlapping of the edges, like that of tiles or shingles; hence, intricacy of structure; also, a pattern or decoration representing such a structure. |
Imbricative (a.) Imbricate. |
Imbrocadoes (pl. ) of Imbrocado |
Imbrocado (n.) Cloth of silver or of gold. |
Imbrocata (n.) Alt. of Imbroccata |
Imbroccata (n.) A hit or thrust. |
Imbroglios (pl. ) of Imbroglio |
Imbroglio (n.) An intricate, complicated plot, as of a drama or work of fiction. |
Imbroglio (n.) A complicated and embarrassing state of things; a serious misunderstanding. |
Imbrown (v. t.) To make brown; to obscure; to darken; to tan; as, features imbrowned by exposure. |
Imbureed (imp. & p. p.) of Imbrue |
Imbureing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Imbrue |
Imbrue (v. t.) To wet or moisten; to soak; to drench, especially in blood. |
Imbruement (n.) The act of imbruing or state of being imbrued. |
Imbruted (imp. & p. p.) of Imbrute |
Imbruting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Imbrute |
Imbrute (v. t.) To degrade to the state of a brute; to make brutal. |
Imbrute (v. i.) To sink to the state of a brute. |
Imbrutement (n.) The act of imbruting, or the state of being imbruted. |
Imbued (imp. & p. p.) of Imbue |
Imbuing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Imbue |
Imbue (v. t.) To tinge deeply; to dye; to cause to absorb; as, clothes thoroughly imbued with black. |
Imbue (v. t.) To tincture deply; to cause to become impressed or penetrated; as, to imbue the minds of youth with good principles. |
Imbuement (n.) The act of imbuing; the state of being imbued; hence, a deep tincture. |
Imburse (v. t.) To supply or stock with money. |
Imbursement (n.) The act of imbursing, or the state of being imbursed. |
Imbursement (n.) Money laid up in stock. |
Imbution (n.) An imbuing. |
Imesatin (n.) A dark yellow, crystalline substance, obtained by the action of ammonia on isatin. |
Imide (n.) A compound with, or derivative of, the imido group; specif., a compound of one or more acid radicals with the imido group, or with a monamine; hence, also, a derivative of ammonia, in which two atoms of hydrogen have been replaced by divalent basic or acid radicals; -- frequently used as a combining form; as, succinimide. |
Imido (a.) Pertaining to, containing, or combined with, the radical NH, which is called the imido group. |
Imitability (n.) The quality of being imitable. |
Imitable (a.) Capble of being imitated or copied. |
Imitable (a.) Worthy of imitation; as, imitable character or qualities. |
Imitableness (n.) The state or quality of being imitable; worthness of imitation. |
Imitancy (n.) Tendency to imitation. |
Imitated (imp. & p. p.) of Imitate |
Imitating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Imitate |
Imitate (v. t.) To follow as a pattern, model, or example; to copy or strive to copy, in acts, manners etc. |
Imitate (v. t.) To produce a semblance or likeness of, in form, character, color, qualities, conduct, manners, and the like; to counterfeit; to copy. |
Imitate (v. t.) To resemble (another species of animal, or a plant, or inanimate object) in form, color, ornamentation, or instinctive habits, so as to derive an advantage thereby; sa, when a harmless snake imitates a venomous one in color and manner, or when an odorless insect imitates, in color, one having secretion offensive to birds. |
Imitation (n.) The act of imitating. |
Imitation (n.) That which is made or produced as a copy; that which is made to resemble something else, whether for laudable or for fraudulent purposes; likeness; resemblance. |
Imitation (n.) One of the principal means of securing unity and consistency in polyphonic composition; the repetition of essentially the same melodic theme, phrase, or motive, on different degrees of pitch, by one or more of the other parts of voises. Cf. Canon. |
Imitation (n.) The act of condition of imitating another species of animal, or a plant, or unanimate object. See Imitate, v. t., 3. |
Imitational (a.) Pertaining to, or employed in, imitation; as, imitational propensities. |
Imitative (a.) Inclined to imitate, copy, or follow; imitating; exhibiting some of the qualities or characteristics of a pattern or model; dependent on example; not original; as, man is an imitative being; painting is an imitative art. |
Imitative (a.) Formed after a model, pattern, or original. |
Imitative (a.) Designed to imitate another species of animal, or a plant, or inanimate object, for some useful purpose, such as protection from enemies; having resamblance to something else; as, imitative colors; imitative habits; dendritic and mammillary forms of minerals are imitative. |
Imitative (n.) A verb expressive of imitation or resemblance. |
Imitater (n.) One who imitates. |
Imitatorship (n.) The state or office of an imitator. |
Imitatress (n.) A woman who is an imitator. |
Imitatrix (n.) An imitatress. |
Immaculate (a.) Without stain or blemish; spotless; undefiled; clear; pure. |
Immailed (a.) Wearing mail or armor; clad of armor. |
Immalleable (a.) Not maleable. |
Immanacled (imp. & p. p.) of Immanacle |
Immanacling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Immanacle |
Immanacle (v. t.) To manacle; to fetter; hence; to confine; to restrain from free action. |
Immanation (n.) A flowing or entering in; -- opposed to emanation. |
Immane (a.) Very great; huge; vast; also, monstrous in character; inhuman; atrocious; fierce. |
Immanence (n.) Alt. of Immanency |
Immanency (n.) The condition or quality of being immanent; inherence; an indwelling. |
Immanent (a.) Remaining within; inherent; indwelling; abiding; intrinsic; internal or subjective; hence, limited in activity, agency, or effect, to the subject or associated acts; -- opposed to emanant, transitory, transitive, or objective. |
Immanifest (a.) Not manifest. |
Immanity (n.) The state or quality of being immane; barbarity. |
Immantle (v. t.) See Emmantle. |
Immanuel (n.) God with us; -- an appellation of the Christ. |
Immarcescible (a.) Unfading; lasting. |
Immarcescibly (adv.) Unfadingly. |
Immarginate (a.) Not having a distinctive margin or border. |
Immartial (a.) Not martial; unwarlike. |
Immask (v. t.) To cover, as with a mask; to disguise or conceal. |
Immatchable (a.) Matchless; peerless. |
Immaterial (a.) Not consisting of matter; incorporeal; spiritual; disembodied. |
Immaterial (a.) Of no substantial consequence; without weight or significance; unimportant; as, it is wholly immaterial whether he does so or not. |
Immaterialism (n.) The doctrine that immaterial substances or spiritual being exist, or are possible. |
Immaterialism (n.) The doctrine that external bodies may be reduced to mind and ideas in a mind; any doctrine opposed to materialism or phenomenalism, esp. a system that maintains the immateriality of the soul; idealism; esp., Bishop Berkeley's theory of idealism. |
Immaterialist (n.) One who believes in or professes, immaterialism. |
Immaterialities (pl. ) of Immateriality |
Immateriality (n.) The state or quality of being immaterial or incorporeal; as, the immateriality of the soul. |
Immaterialize (v. t.) To render immaterial or incorporeal. |
Immaterially (adv.) In an immaterial manner; without matter or corporeal substance. |
Immaterially (adv.) In an unimportant manner or degree. |
Immaterialness (n.) The state or quality of being immaterial; immateriality. |
Immateriate (a.) Immaterial. |
Immature (a.) Not mature; unripe; not arrived at perfection of full development; crude; unfinished; as, immature fruit; immature character; immature plans. |
Immature (a.) Premature; untimely; too early; as, an immature death. |
Immatured (a.) Immature. |
Immaturely (adv.) In an immature manner. |
Immatureness (n.) The state or quality of being immature; immaturity. |
Immaturity (n.) The state or quality of being immature or not fully developed; unripeness; incompleteness. |
Immeability (n.) Want of power to pass, or to permit passage; impassableness. |
Immeasurability (n.) The quality of being immeasurable; immensurability. |
Immeasurable (a.) Incapble of being measured; indefinitely extensive; illimitable; immensurable; vast. |
Immeasurableness (n.) The state or quality of being immeasurable. |
Immeasurably (adv.) In an immeasurable manner or degree. |
Immeasured (a.) Immeasurable. |
Immechanical (a.) Not mechanical. |
Immediacy (n.) The relation of freedom from the interventionof a medium; immediateness. |
Immediate (a.) Not separated in respect to place by anything intervening; proximate; close; as, immediate contact. |
Immediate (a.) Not deferred by an interval of time; present; instant. |
Immediate (a.) Acting with nothing interposed or between, or without the intervention of another object as a cause, means, or agency; acting, perceived, or produced, directly; as, an immediate cause. |
Immediately (adv.) In an immediate manner; without intervention of any other person or thing; proximately; directly; -- opposed to mediately; as, immediately contiguous. |
Immediately (adv.) Without interval of time; without delay; promptly; instantly; at once. |
Immediately (adv.) As soon as. Cf. Directly, 8, Note. |
Immediateness (n.) The quality or relations of being immediate in manner, place, or time; exemption from second or interventing causes. |
Immedeatism (n.) Immediateness. |
Immedicable (a.) Not to be healed; incurable. |
Immelodious (a.) Not melodious. |
Immemorable (a.) Not memorable; not worth remembering. |
Immemorial (a.) Extending beyond the reach of memory, record, or tradition; indefinitely ancient; as, existing from time immemorial. |
Immemorially (adv.) Beyond memory. |
Immense (a.) Immeasurable; unlimited. In commonest use: Very great; vast; huge. |
Immensely (adv.) In immense manner or degree. |
Immenseness (n.) The state of being immense. |
Immensible (a.) Immeasurable. |
Immensities (pl. ) of Immensity |
Immensity (n.) The state or quality of being immense; inlimited or immeasurable extension; infinity; vastness in extent or bulk; greatness. |
Immensive (a.) Huge. |
Immensurability (n.) The quality of being immensurable. |
Immensurable (a.) Immeasurable. |
Immensurate (a.) Unmeasured; unlimited. |
Immerged (imp. & p. p.) of Immerge |
Immerging (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Immerge |
Immerge (v. t.) To plungel into, under, or within anything especially a fuid; to dip; to immerse. See Immerse. |
Immerge (v. i.) To dissapear by entering into any medium, as a star into the light of the sun. |
Immerit (n.) Want of worth; demerit. |
Immerited (a.) Unmerited. |
Immeritous (a.) Undeserving. |
Immersable (a.) See Immersible. |
Immerse (a.) Immersed; buried; hid; sunk. |
Immersed (imp. & p. p.) of Immerse |
Immersing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Immerse |
Immerse (v. t.) To plunge into anything that surrounds or covers, especially into a fluid; to dip; to sink; to bury; to immerge. |
Immerse (v. t.) To baptize by immersion. |
Immerse (v. t.) To engage deeply; to engross the attention of; to involve; to overhelm. |
Immersed (p. p. & a.) Deeply plunged into anything, especially a fluid. |
Immersed (p. p. & a.) Deeply occupied; engrossed; entangled. |
Immersed (p. p. & a.) Growing wholly under water. |
Immersible (a.) Capable of being immersed. |
Immersible (a.) Not capable of being immersed. |
Immersion (n.) The act of immersing, or the state of being immersed; a sinking within a fluid; a dipping; as, the immersion of Achilles in the Styx. |
Immersion (n.) Submersion in water for the purpose of Christian baptism, as, practiced by the Baptists. |
Immersion (n.) The state of being overhelmed or deeply absorbed; deep engagedness. |
Immersion (n.) The dissapearance of a celestail body, by passing either behind another, as in the occultation of a star, or into its shadow, as in the eclipse of a satellite; -- opposed to emersion. |
Immersionist (n.) One who holds the doctrine that immersion is essential to Christian baptism. |
Immeshed (imp. & p. p.) of Immesh |
Immeshing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Immesh |
Immesh (v. t.) To catch or entangle in, or as in, the meshes of a net. or in a web; to insnare. |
Immethodical (a.) Not methodical; without method or systematic arrangement; without order or regularity; confused. |
Immethodically (adv.) Without method; confusedly; unsystematically. |
Immethodicalness (n.) Want of method. |
Immethodize (v. t.) To render immethodical; to destroy the method of; to confuse. |
Immetrical (a.) Not metrical or rhythmical. |
Immew (v. t.) See Emmew. |
Immigrant (n.) One who immigrates; one who comes to a country for the purpose of permanent residence; -- correlative of emigrant. |
Immigrated (imp. & p. p.) of Immigrate |
Immigrating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Immigrate |
Immigrate (v. t.) To come into a country of which one is not a native, for the purpose of permanent residence. See Emigrate. |
Immigration (n.) The act of immigrating; the passing or coming into a country for the purpose of permanent residence. |
Imminence (n.) The condition or quality of being imminent; a threatening, as of something about to happen. The imminence of any danger or distress. |
Imminence (n.) That which is imminent; impending evil or danger. |
Imminent (a.) Threatening to occur immediately; near at hand; impending; -- said especially of misfortune or peril. |
Imminent (a.) Full of danger; threatening; menacing; perilous. |
Imminent (a.) (With upon) Bent upon; attentive to. |
Imminently (adv.) In an imminent manner. |
Immingle (v. t.) To mingle; to mix; to unite; to blend. |
Imminution (n.) A lessening; diminution; decrease. |
Immiscibility (n.) Incapability of being mixed, or mingled. |
Immiscible (a.) Not capable of being mixed or mingled. |
Immission (n.) The act of immitting, or of sending or thrusting in; injection; -- the correlative of emission. |
Immitted (imp. & p. p.) of Immit |
Immiting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Immit |
Immit (v. t.) To send in; to inject; to infuse; -- the correlative of emit. |
Immitigable (a.) Not capable of being mitigated, softened, or appeased. |
Immitigably (adv.) In an immitigable manner. |
Immix (v. t.) To mix; to mingle. |
Immixable (a.) Not mixable. |
Immixed (a.) Unmixed. |
Immixture (n.) Freedom from mixture; purity. |
Immobile (a.) Incapable of being moved; immovable; fixed; stable. |
Immobility (n.) The condition or quality of being immobile; fixedness in place or state. |
Immobilize (v. t.) To make immovable; in surgery, to make immovable (a naturally mobile part, as a joint) by the use of splints, or stiffened bandages. |
Immoble (a.) See Immobile. |
Immoderacy (n.) Immoderateness. |
Immoderancy (n.) Immoderateness; excess. |
Immoderate (a.) Not moderate; exceeding just or usual and suitable bounds; excessive; extravagant; unreasonable; as, immoderate demands; immoderate grief; immoderate laughter. |
Immoderately (adv.) In an immoderate manner; excessively. |
Immoderateness (n.) The quality of being immoderate; excess; extravagance. |
Immoderation (n.) Want of moderation. |
Immodest (a.) Not limited to due bounds; immoderate. |
Immodest (a.) Not modest; wanting in the reserve or restraint which decorum and decency require; indecent; indelicate; obscene; lewd; as, immodest persons, behavior, words, pictures, etc. |
Immodestly (adv.) In an immodest manner. |
Immodesty (n.) Want of modesty, delicacy, or decent reserve; indecency. |
Immolated (imp. & p. p.) of Immolate |
Immolating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Immolate |
Immolate (v. t.) To sacrifice; to offer in sacrifice; to kill, as a sacrificial victim. |
Immolation (n.) The act of immolating, or the state of being immolated, or sacrificed. |
Immolation (n.) That which is immolated; a sacrifice. |
Immolator (n.) One who offers in sacrifice; specifically, one of a sect of Russian fanatics who practice self-mutilatio and sacrifice. |
Immold (v. t.) Alt. of Immould |
Immould (v. t.) To mold into shape, or form. |
Immoment (a.) Trifling. |
Immomentous (a.) Not momentous; unimportant; insignificant. |
Immoral (a.) Not moral; inconsistent with rectitude, purity, or good morals; contrary to conscience or the divine law; wicked; unjust; dishonest; vicious; licentious; as, an immoral man; an immoral deed. |
Immoralities (pl. ) of Immorality |
Immorality (n.) The state or quality of being immoral; vice. |
Immorality (n.) An immoral act or practice. |
Immorally (adv.) In an immoral manner; wickedly. |
Immorigerous (a.) Rude; uncivil; disobedient. |
Immortal (a.) Not mortal; exempt from liability to die; undying; imperishable; lasting forever; having unlimited, or eternal, existance. |
Immortal (a.) Connected with, or pertaining to immortability. |
Immortal (a.) Destined to live in all ages of this world; abiding; exempt from oblivion; imperishable; as, immortal fame. |
Immortal (a.) Great; excessive; grievous. |
Immortal (n.) One who will never cease to be; one exempt from death, decay, or annihilation. |
Immortalist (n.) One who holds the doctrine of the immortality of the soul. |
Immortalities (pl. ) of Immortality |
Immortality (n.) The quality or state of being immortal; exemption from death and annihilation; unending existance; as, the immortality of the soul. |
Immortality (n.) Exemption from oblivion; perpetuity; as, the immortality of fame. |
Immortalization (n.) The act of immortalizing, or state of being immortalized. |
Immortalized (imp. & p. p.) of Immortalize |
Immortalizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Immortalize |
Immortalize (v. t.) To render immortal; to cause to live or exist forever. |
Immortalize (v. t.) To exempt from oblivion; to perpetuate in fame. |
Immortalize (v. i.) To become immortal. |
Immortally (adv.) In an immortal manner. |
Immortelles (pl. ) of Immortelle |
Immortelle (n.) A plant with a conspicuous, dry, unwithering involucre, as the species of Antennaria, Helichrysum, Gomphrena, etc. See Everlasting. |
Immortification (n.) Failure to mortify the passions. |
Immovability (n.) The quality or state of being immovable; fixedness; steadfastness; as, immovability of a heavy body; immovability of purpose. |
Immovable (a.) Incapable of being moved; firmly fixed; fast; -- used of material things; as, an immovable foundatin. |
Immovable (a.) Steadfast; fixed; unalterable; unchangeable; -- used of the mind or will; as, an immovable purpose, or a man who remain immovable. |
Immovable (a.) Not capable of being affected or moved in feeling or by sympathy; unimpressible; impassive. |
Immovable (a.) Not liable to be removed; permanent in place or tenure; fixed; as, an immovable estate. See Immovable, n. |
Immovable (n.) That which can not be moved. |
Immovable (n.) Lands and things adherent thereto by nature, as trees; by the hand of man, as buildings and their accessories; by their destination, as seeds, plants, manure, etc.; or by the objects to which they are applied, as servitudes. |
Immovableness (n.) Quality of being immovable. |
Immovably (adv.) In an immovable manner. |
Immund (a.) Unclean. |
Immundicity (n.) Uncleanness; filthness. |
Immune (a.) Exempt; protected by inoculation. |
Immunities (pl. ) of Immunity |
Immunity (a.) Freedom or exemption from any charge, duty, obligation, office, tax, imposition, penalty, or service; a particular privilege; as, the immunities of the free cities of Germany; the immunities of the clergy. |
Immunity (a.) Freedom; exemption; as, immunity from error. |
Immured (imp. & p. p.) of Immure |
Immuring (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Immure |
Immure (v. t.) To wall around; to surround with walls. |
Immure (v. t.) To inclose whithin walls, or as within walls; hence, to shut up; to imprison; to incarcerate. |
Immure (n.) A wall; an inclosure. |
Immurement (n.) The act iif immuring, or the state of being immured; imprsonment. |
Immusical (a.) Inharmonious; unmusical; discordant. |
Immutability (n.) The state or quality of being immutable; immutableness. |
Immutable (a.) Not mutable; not capable or susceptible of change; unchangeable; unalterable. |
Immutate (a.) Unchanged. |
Immutation (n.) Change; alteration; mutation. |
Immute (v. t.) To change or alter. |
Imp (n.) A shoot; a scion; a bud; a slip; a graft. |
Imp (n.) An offspring; progeny; child; scion. |
Imp (n.) A young or inferior devil; a little, malignant spirit; a puny demon; a contemptible evil worker. |
Imp (n.) Something added to, or united with, another, to lengthen it out or repair it, -- as, an addition to a beehive; a feather inserted in a broken wing of a bird; a length of twisted hair in a fishing line. |
Imped (imp. & p. p.) of Imp |
Imping (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Imp |
Imp (n.) To graft; to insert as a scion. |
Imp (n.) To graft with new feathers, as a wing; to splice a broken feather. Hence, Fig.: To repair; to extend; to increase; to strengthen to equip. |
Impacable (a.) Not to be appeased or quieted. |
Impackment (n.) The state of being closely surrounded, crowded, or pressed, as by ice. |
Impacted (imp. & p. p.) of Impact |
Impacting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impact |
Impact (v. t.) To drive close; to press firmly together: to wedge into a place. |
Impact (n.) Contact or impression by touch; collision; forcible contact; force communicated. |
Impact (n.) The single instantaneous stroke of a body in motion against another either in motion or at rest. |
Impacted (a.) Driven together or close. |
Impaction (n.) The driving of one fragment of bone into another so that the fragments are not movable upon each other; as, impaction of the skull or of the hip. |
Impaction (n.) An immovable packing; (Med.), a lodgment of something in a strait or passage of the body; as, impaction of the fetal head in the strait of the pelvis; impaction of food or feces in the intestines of man or beast. |
Impaint (v. t.) To paint; to adorn with colors. |
Impaired (imp. & p. p.) of Impair |
Impairing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impair |
Impair (v. t.) To make worse; to diminish in quantity, value, excellence, or strength; to deteriorate; as, to impair health, character, the mind, value. |
Impair (v. t.) To grow worse; to deteriorate. |
Impair (a.) Not fit or appropriate. |
Impair (n.) Diminution; injury. |
Impairer (n.) One who, or that which, impairs. |
Impairment (n.) The state of being impaired; injury. |
Impalatable (a.) Unpalatable. |
Impaled (imp. & p. p.) of Impale |
Impaling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impale |
Impale (v. t.) To pierce with a pale; to put to death by fixing on a sharp stake. See Empale. |
Impale (v. t.) To inclose, as with pales or stakes; to surround. |
Impale (v. t.) To join, as two coats of arms on one shield, palewise; hence, to join in honorable mention. |
Impalement (n.) The act of impaling, or the state of being impaled. |
Impalement (n.) An inclosing by stakes or pales, or the space so inclosed. |
Impalement (n.) That which hedges in; inclosure. |
Impalement (n.) The division of a shield palewise, or by a vertical line, esp. for the purpose of putting side by side the arms of husband and wife. See Impale, 3. |
Impalla (n.) The pallah deer of South Africa. |
Impallid (v. t.) To make pallid; to blanch. |
Impalm (v. t.) To grasp with or hold in the hand. |
Impalpability (n.) The quality of being impalpable. |
Impalpable (a.) Not palpable; that cannot be felt; extremely fine, so that no grit can be perceived by touch. |
Impalpable (a.) Not material; intangible; incorporeal. |
Impalpable (a.) Not apprehensible, or readily apprehensible, by the mind; unreal; as, impalpable distinctions. |
Impalpably (adv.) In an impalpable manner. |
Impalsy (v. t.) To palsy; to paralyze; to deaden. |
Impanate (a.) Embodied in bread, esp. in the bread of the eucharist. |
Impanated (imp. & p. p.) of Impanate |
Impanating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impanate |
Impanate (v. t.) To embody in bread, esp. in the bread of the eucharist. |
Impanation (a.) Embodiment in bread; the supposed real presence and union of Christ's material body and blood with the substance of the elements of the eucharist without a change in their nature; -- distinguished from transubstantiation, which supposes a miraculous change of the substance of the elements. It is akin to consubstantiation. |
Impanator (n.) One who holds the doctrine of impanation. |
Impaneled (imp. & p. p.) of Impanel |
Impanelled () of Impanel |
Impaneling () of Impanel |
Impanelling () of Impanel |
Impanel (v. t.) To enter in a list, or on a piece of parchment, called a panel; to form or enroll, as a list of jurors in a court of justice. |
Impanelment (n.) The act or process of impaneling, or the state of being impaneled. |
Imparadised (imp. & p. p.) of Imparadise |
Imparadising (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Imparadise |
Imparadise (v. t.) To put in a state like paradise; to make supremely happy. |
Imparalleled (a.) Unparalleled. |
Impardonable (a.) Unpardonable. |
Imparidigitate (a.) Having an odd number of fingers or toes, either one, three, or five, as in the horse, tapir, rhinoceros, etc. |
Imparipinnate (a.) Pinnate with a single terminal leaflet. |
Imparisyllabic (a.) Not consisting of an equal number of syllables; as, an imparisyllabic noun, one which has not the same number of syllables in all the cases; as, lapis, lapidis; mens, mentis. |
Imparity (n.) Inequality; disparity; disproportion; difference of degree, rank, excellence, number, etc. |
Imparity (n.) Lack of comparison, correspondence, or suitableness; incongruity. |
Imparity (n.) Indivisibility into equal parts; oddness. |
Imparked (imp. & p. p.) of Impark |
Imparking (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impark |
Impark (v. t.) To inclose for a park; to sever from a common; hence, to inclose or shut up. |
Imparl (v. i.) To hold discourse; to parley. |
Imparl (v. i.) To have time before pleading; to have delay for mutual adjustment. |
Imparlance (n.) Mutual discourse; conference. |
Imparlance (n.) Time given to a party to talk or converse with his opponent, originally with the object of effecting, if possible, an amicable adjustment of the suit. The actual object, however, has long been merely to obtain further time to plead, or answer to the allegations of the opposite party. |
Imparlance (n.) Hence, the delay or continuance of a suit. |
Imparsonee (a.) Presented, instituted, and inducted into a rectory, and in full possession. |
Imparsonee (n.) A clergyman so inducted. |
Imparted (imp. & p. p.) of Impart |
Imparting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impart |
Impart (n.) To bestow a share or portion of; to give, grant, or communicate; to allow another to partake in; as, to impart food to the poor; the sun imparts warmth. |
Impart (n.) To obtain a share of; to partake of. |
Impart (n.) To communicate the knowledge of; to make known; to show by words or tokens; to tell; to disclose. |
Impart (v. i.) To give a part or share. |
Impart (v. i.) To hold a conference or consultation. |
Impartance (n.) Impartation. |
Impartation (n.) The act of imparting, or the thing imparted. |
Imparter (n.) One who imparts. |
Impartial (a.) Not partial; not favoring one more than another; treating all alike; unprejudiced; unbiased; disinterested; equitable; fair; just. |
Impartialist (n.) One who is impartial. |
Impartiality (n.) The quality of being impartial; freedom from bias or favoritism; disinterestedness; equitableness; fairness; as, impartiality of judgment, of treatment, etc. |
Impartially (a.) In an impartial manner. |
Impartialness (n.) Impartiality. |
Impartibility (n.) The quality of being impartible; communicability. |
Impartibility (n.) The quality of being incapable of division into parts; indivisibility. |
Impartible (a.) Capable of being imparted or communicated. |
Impartible (a.) Not partible; not subject to partition; indivisible; as, an impartible estate. |
Impartment (n.) The act of imparting, or that which is imparted, communicated, or disclosed. |
Impassable (a.) Incapable of being passed; not admitting a passage; as, an impassable road, mountain, or gulf. |
Impassibility (a.) The quality or condition of being impassible; insusceptibility of injury from external things. |
Impassible (a.) Incapable of suffering; inaccessible to harm or pain; not to be touched or moved to passion or sympathy; unfeeling, or not showing feeling; without sensation. |
Impassibleness (n.) Impassibility. |
Impassion (v.) To move or affect strongly with passion. |
Impassionable (a.) Excitable; susceptible of strong emotion. |
Impassionate (a.) Strongly affected. |
Impassionate (v. t.) To affect powerfully; to arouse the passions of. |
Impassionate (a.) Without passion or feeling. |
Impassioned (p. p. & a.) Actuated or characterized by passion or zeal; showing warmth of feeling; ardent; animated; excited; as, an impassioned orator or discourse. |
Impassive (a.) Not susceptible of pain or suffering; apathetic; impassible; unmoved. |
Impassivity (n.) The quality of being insusceptible of feeling, pain, or suffering; impassiveness. |
Impastation (n.) The act of making into paste; that which is formed into a paste or mixture; specifically, a combination of different substances by means of cements. |
Impasted (imp. & p. p.) of Impaste |
Impasting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impaste |
Impaste (v. t.) To knead; to make into paste; to concrete. |
Impaste (v. t.) To lay color on canvas by uniting them skillfully together. [R.] Cf. Impasto. |
Impasting () The laying on of colors to produce impasto. |
Impasto (n.) The thickness of the layer or body of pigment applied by the painter to his canvas with especial reference to the juxtaposition of different colors and tints in forming a harmonious whole. |
Impasture (v. t.) To place in a pasture; to foster. |
Impatible (a.) Not capable of being borne; impassible. |
Impatience (n.) The quality of being impatient; want of endurance of pain, suffering, opposition, or delay; eagerness for change, or for something expected; restlessness; chafing of spirit; fretfulness; passion; as, the impatience of a child or an invalid. |
Impatiency (n.) Impatience. |
Impatiens (n.) A genus of plants, several species of which have very beautiful flowers; -- so called because the elastic capsules burst when touched, and scatter the seeds with considerable force. Called also touch-me-not, jewelweed, and snapweed. I. Balsamina (sometimes called lady's slipper) is the common garden balsam. |
Impatient (a.) Not patient; not bearing with composure; intolerant; uneasy; fretful; restless, because of pain, delay, or opposition; eager for change, or for something expected; hasty; passionate; -- often followed by at, for, of, and under. |
Impatient (a.) Not to be borne; unendurable. |
Impatient (a.) Prompted by, or exhibiting, impatience; as, impatient speeches or replies. |
Impatient (n.) One who is impatient. |
Impatiently (adv.) In an impatient manner. |
Impatronization (n.) Absolute seignory or possession; the act of investing with such possession. |
Impatronized (imp. & p. p.) of Impatronize |
Impatronizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impatronize |
Impatronize (v. t.) To make lord or master; as, to impatronize one's self of a seigniory. |
Impave (v. t.) To pave. |
Impavid (a.) Fearless. |
Impawned (imp. & p. p.) of Impawn |
Impawning (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impawn |
Impawn (v. t.) To put in pawn; to pledge. |
Impeached (imp. & p. p.) of Impeach |
Impeaching (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impeach |
Impeach (v. t.) To hinder; to impede; to prevent. |
Impeach (v. t.) To charge with a crime or misdemeanor; to accuse; especially to charge (a public officer), before a competent tribunal, with misbehavior in office; to cite before a tribunal for judgement of official misconduct; to arraign; as, to impeach a judge. See Impeachment. |
Impeach (v. t.) Hence, to charge with impropriety; to dishonor; to bring discredit on; to call in question; as, to impeach one's motives or conduct. |
Impeach (v. t.) To challenge or discredit the credibility of, as of a witness, or the validity of, as of commercial paper. |
Impeach (n.) Hindrance; impeachment. |
Impeachable (a.) That may be impeached; liable to impeachment; chargeable with a crime. |
Impeacher (n.) One who impeaches. |
Impeachment (n.) The act of impeaching, or the state of being impeached |
Impeachment (n.) Hindrance; impediment; obstruction. |
Impeachment (n.) A calling to account; arraignment; especially, of a public officer for maladministration. |
Impeachment (n.) A calling in question as to purity of motives, rectitude of conduct, credibility, etc.; accusation; reproach; as, an impeachment of motives. |
Impearled (imp. & p. p.) of Impearl |
Impearling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impearl |
Impearl (v. t.) To form into pearls, or into that which resembles pearls. |
Impearl (v. t.) To decorate as with pearls or with anything resembling pearls. |
Impeccability (n.) the quality of being impeccable; exemption from sin, error, or offense. |
Impeccable (a.) Not liable to sin; exempt from the possibility of doing wrong. |
Impeccable (n.) One who is impeccable; esp., one of a sect of Gnostic heretics who asserted their sinlessness. |
Impeccancy (n.) Sinlessness. |
Impeccant (a.) Sinless; impeccable. |
Impecuniosity (n.) The state of being impecunious. |
Impecunious (a.) Not having money; habitually without money; poor. |
Impeded (imp. & p. p.) of Impede |
Impeding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impede |
Impede (v. t.) To hinder; to stop in progress; to obstruct; as, to impede the advance of troops. |
Impedible (a.) Capable of being impeded or hindered. |
Impediment (n.) That which impedes or hinders progress, motion, activity, or effect. |
Impediment (v. t.) To impede. |
Impedimental (a.) Of the nature of an impediment; hindering; obstructing; impeditive. |
Impedite (a.) Hindered; obstructed. |
Impedite (v. t.) To impede. |
Impedition (n.) A hindering; a hindrance. |
Impeditive (a.) Causing hindrance; impeding. |
Impelled (imp. & p. p.) of Impel |
Impelling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impel |
Impel (v. t.) To drive or urge forward or on; to press on; to incite to action or motion in any way. |
Impellent (a.) Having the quality of impelling. |
Impellent (n.) An impelling power or force. |
Impeller (n.) One who, or that which, impels. |
Impenned (imp. & p. p.) of Impen |
Impent () of Impen |
Impenning (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impen |
Impen (v. t.) To shut up or inclose, as in a pen. |
Impend (v. t.) To pay. |
Impended (imp. & p. p.) of Impend |
Impending (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impend |
Impend (v. i.) To hang over; to be suspended above; to threaten frome near at hand; to menace; to be imminent. See Imminent. |
Impendence (n.) Alt. of Impendency |
Impendency (n.) The state of impending; also, that which impends. |
Impendent (a.) Impending; threatening. |
Impending (a.) Hanging over; overhanging; suspended so as to menace; imminet; threatening. |
Impenetrability (n.) Quality of being impenetrable. |
Impenetrability (n.) That property in virtue of which two portions of matter can not at the same time occupy the same portion of space. |
Impenetrability (n.) Insusceptibility of intellectual or emotional impression; obtuseness; stupidity; coldness. |
Impenetrable (a.) Incapable of being penetrated or pierced; not admitting the passage of other bodies; not to be entered; impervious; as, an impenetrable shield. |
Impenetrable (a.) Having the property of preventing any other substance from occupying the same space at the same time. |
Impenetrable (a.) Inaccessible, as to knowledge, reason, sympathy, etc.; unimpressible; not to be moved by arguments or motives; as, an impenetrable mind, or heart. |
Impenetrableness (n.) The quality of being impenetrable; impenetrability. |
Impenetrably (adv.) In an impenetrable manner or state; imperviously. |
Impenitence (n.) The condition of being impenitent; failure or refusal to repent; hardness of heart. |
Impenitency (n.) Impenitence. |
Impenitent (a.) Not penitent; not repenting of sin; not contrite; of a hard heart. |
Impenitent (n.) One who is not penitent. |
Impenitently (adv.) Without repentance. |
Impennate (a.) Characterized by short wings covered with feathers resembling scales, as the penguins. |
Impennate (n.) One of the Impennes. |
Impennes (n. pl.) An order of birds, including only the penguins, in which the wings are without quills, and not suited for flight. |
Impennous (a.) Having no wings, as some insects. |
Impeopled (imp. & p. p.) of Impeople |
Impeopling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impeople |
Impeople (v. t.) To people; to give a population to. |
Imperant (a.) Commanding. |
Imperate (a.) Done by express direction; not involuntary; communded. |
Imperatival (a.) Of or pertaining to the imperative mood. |
Imperative (a.) Expressive of command; containing positive command; authoritatively or absolutely directive; commanding; authoritative; as, imperative orders. |
Imperative (a.) Not to be avoided or evaded; obligatory; binding; compulsory; as, an imperative duty or order. |
Imperative (a.) Expressive of commund, entreaty, advice, or exhortation; as, the imperative mood. |
Imperative (n.) The imperative mood; also, a verb in the imperative mood. |
Imperatively (adv.) In an imperative manner. |
Imperator (n.) A commander; a leader; an emperor; -- originally an appellation of honor by which Roman soldiers saluted their general after an important victory. Subsequently the title was conferred as a recognition of great military achievements by the senate, whence it carried wiht it some special privileges. After the downfall of the Republic it was assumed by Augustus and his successors, and came to have the meaning now attached to the word emperor. |
Imperatorial (a.) Commanding; imperative; authoritative. |
Imperatorial (a.) Of or pertaining to the title or office of imperator. |
Imperatorian (a.) Imperial. |
Imperatory (a.) Imperative. |
Imperceivable (a.) Imperceptible. |
Imperceived (a.) Not perceived. |
Imperceptibility (n.) The state or quality of being imperceptible. |
Imperceptible (a.) Not perceptible; not to be apprehended or cognized by the souses; not discernible by the mind; not easily apprehended. |
Imperception (n.) Want of perception. |
Imperceptive (a.) Unable to perceive. |
Impercipient (a.) Not perceiving, or not able to perceive. |
Imperdibility (n.) The state or quality of being imperdible. |
Imperdible (a.) Not destructible. |
Imperfect (a.) Not perfect; not complete in all its parts; wanting a part; deective; deficient. |
Imperfect (a.) Wanting in some elementary organ that is essential to successful or normal activity. |
Imperfect (a.) Not fulfilling its design; not realizing an ideal; not conformed to a standard or rule; not satisfying the taste or conscience; esthetically or morally defective. |
Imperfect (n.) The imperfect tense; or the form of a verb denoting the imperfect tense. |
Imperfect (v. t.) To make imperfect. |
Imperfectibility (n.) The state or quality of being imperfectible. |
Imperfectible (a.) Incapable of being mad perfect. |
Imperfection (a.) The quality or condition of being imperfect; want of perfection; incompleteness; deficiency; fault or blemish. |
Imperfectness (n.) The state of being imperfect. |
Imperforable (a.) Incapable of being perforated, or bored through. |
Imperforata (n. pl.) A division of Foraminifera, including those in which the shell is not porous. |
Imperforate (a.) Alt. of Imperforated |
Imperforated (a.) Not perforated; having no opening or aperture. |
Imperforation (n.) The state of being without perforation. |
Imperial (a.) Of or pertaining to an empire, or to an emperor; as, an imperial government; imperial authority or edict. |
Imperial (a.) Belonging to, or suitable to, supreme authority, or one who wields it; royal; sovereign; supreme. |
Imperial (a.) Of superior or unusual size or excellence; as, imperial paper; imperial tea, etc. |
Imperial (n.) The tuft of hair on a man's lower lip and chin; -- so called from the style of beard of Napoleon III. |
Imperial (n.) An outside seat on a diligence. |
Imperial (n.) A luggage case on the top of a coach. |
Imperial (n.) Anything of unusual size or excellence, as a large decanter, a kind of large photograph, a large sheet of drowing, printing, or writing paper, etc. |
Imperial (n.) A gold coin of Russia worth ten rubles, or about eight dollars. |
Imperial (n.) A kind of fine cloth brought into England from Greece. or other Eastern countries, in the Middle Ages. |
Imperialism (n.) The power or character of an emperor; imperial authority; the spirit of empire. |
Imperialist (n.) One who serves an emperor; one who favors imperialism. |
Imperialities (pl. ) of Imperiality |
Imperiality (n.) Imperial power. |
Imperiality (n.) An imperial right or privilegs. See Royalty. |
Imperialized (imp. & p. p.) of Imperialize |
Imperializing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Imperialize |
Imperialize (v. t.) To invest with imperial authority, character, or style; to bring to the form of an empire. |
Imperially (adv.) In an imperial manner. |
Imperially (n.) Imperial power. |
Imperiled (imp. & p. p.) of Imperil |
Imperilled () of Imperil |
Imperiling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Imperil |
Imperilling () of Imperil |
Imperil (v. t.) To bring into peril; to endanger. |
Imperilment (n.) The act of imperiling, or the state of being imperiled. |
Imperious (a.) Commanding; ascendant; imperial; lordly; majestic. |
Imperious (a.) Haughly; arrogant; overbearing; as, an imperious tyrant; an imperious manner. |
Imperious (a.) Imperative; urgent; compelling. |
Imperiously (adv.) In an imperious manner. |
Imperiousnes (n.) The quality or state of being imperious; arrogance; haughtiness. |
Imperishability (n.) The quality of being imperishable: indstructibility. |
Imperishable (a.) Not perishable; not subject to decay; indestructible; enduring permanently; as, an imperishable monument; imperishable renown. |
Imperiwigged (a.) Wearing a periwig. |
Impermanence (n.) Alt. of Impermanency |
Impermanency (n.) lack of permanence. |
Impermanent (a.) Not permanent. |
Impermeability (n.) The quality of being impermeable. |
Impermeable (a.) Not permeable; not permitting passage, as of a fluid. through its substance; impervious; impenetrable; as, India rubber is impermeable to water and to air. |
Impermissible (a.) Not permissible. |
Imperscrutable (a.) Not capable of being searched out; inscrutable. |
Imperseverant (a.) Not persevering; fickle; thoughtless. |
Impersonal (a.) Not personal; not representing a person; not having personality. |
Impersonal (n.) That which wants personality; specifically (Gram.), an impersonal verb. |
Impersonality (n.) The quality of being impersonal; want or absence of personality. |
Impersonally (adv.) In an impersonal manner. |
Impersonated (imp. & p. p.) of Impersonate |
Impersonating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impersonate |
Impersonate (v. t.) To invest with personality; to endow with the form of a living being. |
Impersonate (v. t.) To ascribe the qualities of a person to; to personify. |
Impersonate (v. t.) To assume, or to represent, the person or character of; to personate; as, he impersonated Macbeth. |
Impersonation (n.) Alt. of Impersonification |
Impersonification (n.) The act of impersonating; personification; investment with personality; representation in a personal form. |
Impersonator (n.) One who impersonates; an actor; a mimic. |
Imperspicuity (n.) Want of perspicuity or clearness; vaguness; ambiguity. |
Imperspicuous (a.) Not perspicuous; not clear; obscure; vague; ambeguous. |
Impersuadable (a.) Not to be persuaded; obstinate; unyielding; impersuasible. |
Impersuasible (a.) Not persuasible; not to be moved by persuasion; inflexible; impersuadable. |
Impertinence (n.) The condition or quality of being impertnent; absence of pertinence, or of adaptedness; irrelevance; unfitness. |
Impertinence (n.) Conduct or language unbecoming the person, the society, or the circumstances; rudeness; incivility. |
Impertinence (n.) That which is impertinent; a thing out of place, or of no value. |
Impertinency (n.) Impertinence. |
Impertinent (a.) Not pertinent; not pertaining to the matter in hand; having no bearing on the subject; not to the point; irrelevant; inapplicable. |
Impertinent (a.) Contrary to, or offending against, the rules of propriety or good breeding; guilty of, or prone to, rude, unbecoming, or uncivil words or actions; as, an impertient coxcomb; an impertient remark. |
Impertinent (a.) Trifing; inattentive; frivolous. |
Impertinent (n.) An impertinent person. |
Impertinently (adv.) In an impertinent manner. |
Impertransibility (n.) The quality or state of being impertransible. |
Impertransible (a.) Incapable of being passed through. |
Impertrubable (a.) Incapable of being disturbed or disconcerted; as, imperturbable gravity. |
Imperturbably (adv.) In an imperturbable manner; calmly. |
Imperturbation (n.) Freedom from agitation of mind; calmness; quietude. |
Imperturbed (a.) Not perturbed. |
Imperviability (n.) The quality of being imperviable. |
Imperviable (a.) Not pervious; impervious. |
Impervious (a.) Not pervious; not admitting of entrance or passage through; as, a substance impervious to water or air. |
Impery (n.) Empery. |
Impest (v. t.) To affict with pestilence; to infect, as with plague. |
Impester (v. t.) See Pester. |
Impetiginous (a.) Of the nature of, or pertaining to, impetigo. |
Impetigo (n.) A cutaneous, pustular eruption, not attended with fever; usually, a kind of eczema with pustulation. |
Impetrable (a.) Capable of being obtained or moved by petition. |
Impetrate (a.) Obtained by entreaty. |
Impetrated (imp. & p. p.) of Impetrate |
Impetrating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impetrate |
Impetrate (v. t.) To obtain by request or entreaty. |
Impetration (n.) The act of impetrating, or obtaining by petition or entreaty. |
Impetration (n.) The obtaining of benefice from Rome by solicitation, which benefice belonged to the disposal of the king or other lay patron of the realm. |
Impetrative (a.) Of the nature of impetration; getting, or tending to get, by entreaty. |
Impetratory (a.) Containing or expressing entreaty. |
Impetuosity (n.) The condition or quality of being impetuous; fury; violence. |
Impetuosity (n.) Vehemence, or furiousnes of temper. |
Impetuous (a.) Rushing with force and violence; moving with impetus; furious; forcible; violent; as, an impetuous wind; an impetuous torrent. |
Impetuous (a.) Vehement in feeling; hasty; passionate; violent; as, a man of impetuous temper. |
Impetus (n.) A property possessed by a moving body in virtue of its weight and its motion; the force with which any body is driven or impelled; momentum. |
Impetus (n.) Fig.: Impulse; incentive; vigor; force. |
Impetus (n.) The aititude through which a heavy body must fall to acquire a velocity equal to that with which a ball is discharged from a piece. |
Impeyan pheasant () An Indian crested pheasant of the genus Lophophorus. Several species are known. Called also monaul, monal. |
Imphee (n.) The African sugar cane (Holcus saccharatus), -- resembling the sorghum, or Chinese sugar cane. |
Impictured (a.) Pictured; impressed. |
Impierce (v. t.) To pierce; to penetrate. |
Impierceable (a.) Not capable of being pierced; impenetrable. |
Impieties (pl. ) of Impiety |
Impiety (n.) The quality of being impious; want of piety; irreverence toward the Supreme Being; ungodliness; wickedness. |
Impiety (n.) An impious act; an act of wickednes. |
Impignorate (v. t.) To pledge or pawn. |
Impignoration (n.) The act of pawning or pledging; the state of being pawned. |
Imping (n.) The act or process of grafting or mending. |
Imping (n.) The process of repairing broken feathers or a deficient wing. |
Impinged (imp. & p. p.) of Impinge |
Impinging (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impinge |
Impinge (v. t.) To fall or dash against; to touch upon; to strike; to hit; to ciash with; -- with on or upon. |
Impingement (n.) The act of impinging. |
Impingent (a.) Striking against or upon. |
Impinguate (v. t.) To fatten; to make fat. |
Impinguation (n.) The act of making fat, or the state of being fat or fattened. |
Impious (a.) Not pious; wanting piety; irreligious; irreverent; ungodly; profane; wanting in reverence for the Supreme Being; as, an impious deed; impious language. |
Impire (n.) See Umpire. |
Impishly (a.) Having the qualities, or showing the characteristics, of an imp. |
Impishly (adv.) In the manner of an imp. |
Imppiteous (a.) Pitiless; cruel. |
Implacability (n.) The quality or state of being implacable. |
Implacable (a.) Not placable; not to be appeased; incapable of being pacified; inexorable; as, an implacable prince. |
Implacable (a.) Incapable of ebign relieved or assuaged; inextinguishable. |
Implacableness (n.) The quality of being implacable; implacability. |
Implacably (adv.) In an implacable manner. |
Implacental (a.) Without a placenta, as marsupials and monotremes. |
Implacental (n.) A mammal having no placenta. |
Implacentalia (n. pl.) A primary division of the Mammalia, including the monotremes and marsupials, in which no placenta is formed. |
Implanted (imp. & p. p.) of Implant |
Implanting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Implant |
Implant (v. t.) To plant, or infix, for the purpose of growth; to fix deeply; to instill; to inculate; to introduce; as, to implant the seeds of virtue, or the principles of knowledge, in the minds of youth. |
Implantation (n.) The act or process of implantating. |
Implated (imp. & p. p.) of Implate |
Implating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Implate |
Implate (v. t.) To cover with plates; to sheathe; as, to implate a ship with iron. |
Implausibility (n.) Want of plausibility; the quality of being implausible. |
Implausible (a.) Not plausible; not wearing the appearance of truth or credibility, and not likely to be believed. |
Impleach (v. t.) To pleach; to interweave. |
Impleaded (imp. & p. p.) of Implead |
Impleading (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Implead |
Implead (v. t.) To institute and prosecute a suit against, in court; to sue or prosecute at law; hence, to accuse; to impeach. |
Implead (v. i.) To sue at law. |
Impleadable (a.) Not admitting excuse, evasion, or plea; rigorous. |
Impleader (n.) One who prosecutes or sues another. |
Impleasing (a.) Unpleasing; displeasing. |
Impledge (v. t.) To pledge. |
Implement (n.) That which fulfills or supplies a want or use; esp., an instrument, toll, or utensil, as supplying a requisite to an end; as, the implements of trade, of husbandry, or of war. |
Implement (v. t.) To accomplish; to fulfill. |
Implement (v. t.) To provide with an implement or implements; to cause to be fulfilled, satisfied, or carried out, by means of an implement or implements. |
Implement (v. t.) To fulfill or perform, as a contract or an engagement. |
Implemental (a.) Pertaining to, or characterized by, implements or their use; mechanical. |
Impletion (n.) The act of filling, or the state of being full. |
Impletion (n.) That which fills up; filling. |
Implex (a.) Intricate; entangled; complicated; complex. |
Implexion (n.) Act of involving, or state of being involved; involution. |
Impliable (a.) Not pliable; inflexible; inyielding. |
Implicated (imp. & p. p.) of Implicate |
Implicating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Implicate |
Implicate (v. t.) To infold; to fold together; to interweave. |
Implicate (v. t.) To bring into connection with; to involve; to connect; -- applied to persons, in an unfavorable sense; as, the evidence implicates many in this conspiracy; to be implicated in a crime, a discreditable transaction, a fault, etc. |
Implication (n.) The act of implicating, or the state of being implicated. |
Implication (n.) An implying, or that which is implied, but not expressed; an inference, or something which may fairly be understood, though not expressed in words. |
Implicative (a.) Tending to implicate. |
Implicatively (adv.) By implication. |
Implicit (a.) Infolded; entangled; complicated; involved. |
Implicit (a.) Tacitly comprised; fairly to be understood, though not expressed in words; implied; as, an implicit contract or agreement. |
Implicit (a.) Resting on another; trusting in the word or authority of another, without doubt or reserve; unquestioning; complete; as, implicit confidence; implicit obedience. |
Implicitly (adv.) In an implicit manner; without reserve; with unreserved confidence. |
Implicitly (adv.) By implication; impliedly; as, to deny the providence of God is implicitly to deny his existence. |
Implicitness (n.) State or quality of being implicit. |
Implicity (n.) Implicitness. |
Implied (a.) Virtually involved or included; involved in substance; inferential; tacitly conceded; -- the correlative of express, or expressed. See Imply. |
Impliedly (adv.) By implication or inference. |
Imploded (a.) Formed by implosion. |
Implodent (n.) An implosive sound. |
Imploration (n.) The act of imploring; earnest supplication. |
Implorator (n.) One who implores. |
Imploratory (a.) Supplicatory; entreating. |
Implored (imp. & p. p.) of Implore |
Imploring (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Implore |
Implore (v. t.) To call upon, or for, in supplication; to beseech; to prey to, or for, earnestly; to petition with urency; to entreat; to beg; -- followed directly by the word expressing the thing sought, or the person from whom it is sought. |
Implore (v. i.) To entreat; to beg; to prey. |
Implore (n.) Imploration. |
Implorer (n.) One who implores. |
Imploring (a.) That implores; beseeching; entreating. |
Implosion (n.) A burstion inwards, as of a vessel from which the air has been exhausted; -- contrasted with explosion. |
Implosion (n.) A sudden compression of the air in the mouth, simultaneously with and affecting the sound made by the closure of the organs in uttering p, t, or k, at the end of a syllable (see Guide to Pronunciation, //159, 189); also, a similar compression made by an upward thrust of the larynx without any accompanying explosive action, as in the peculiar sound of b, d, and g, heard in Southern Germany. |
Implosive (a.) Formed by implosion. |
Implosive (n.) An implosive sound, an implodent. |
Implumed (a.) Not plumed; without plumes or feathers; featherless. |
Implunge (v. t.) To plunge. |
Impluvium (n.) In Roman dwellings, a cistern or tank, set in the atrium or peristyle to recieve the water from the roof, by means of the compluvium; generally made ornamental with flowers and works of art around its birm. |
Implied (imp. & p. p.) of Imply |
Implying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Imply |
Imply (v. t.) To infold or involve; to wrap up. |
Imply (v. t.) To involve in substance or essence, or by fair inference, or by construction of law, when not include virtually; as, war implies fighting. |
Imply (v. t.) To refer, ascribe, or attribute. |
Impoison (v. t.) To poison; to imbitter; to impair. |
Impoisoner (n.) A poisoner. |
Impoisonment (n.) The act of poisoning or impoisoning. |
Impolarily (adv.) Alt. of Impolarly |
Impolarly (adv.) Not according to or in, the direction of the poles. |
Impolicy (n.) The quality of being impolitic; inexpedience; unsuitableness to the end proposed; bads policy; as, the impolicy of fraud. |
Impolite (a.) Not polite; not of polished manners; wanting in good manners; discourteous; uncivil; rude. |
Impolitic (a.) Not politic; contrary to, or wanting in, policy; unwise; imprudent; indiscreet; inexpedient; as, an impolitic ruler, law, or measure. |
Impolitical (a.) Impolitic. |
Impoliticly (adv.) In an impolitic manner. |
Impoliticness (n.) The quality of being impolitic. |
Imponderability (n.) The quality or state of being imponderable; imponderableness. |
Imponderable (a.) Not ponderable; without sensible or appreciable weight; incapable of being weighed. |
Imponderable (n.) An imponderable substance or body; specifically, in the plural, a name formerly applied to heat, light, electricity, and magnetism, regarded as subtile fluids destitute of weight but in modern science little used. |
Imponderableness (n.) The quality or state of being imponderable. |
Imponderous (a.) Imponderable. |
Impone (v. t.) To stake; to wager; to pledge. |
Impoofo (n.) The eland. |
Impoon (n.) The duykerbok. |
Impoor (v. t.) To impoverish. |
Imporosity (n.) The state or quality of being imporous; want of porosity; compactness. |
Imporous (a.) Destitute of pores; very close or compact in texture; solid. |
Imported (imp. & p. p.) of Import |
Importing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Import |
Import (v. t.) To bring in from abroad; to introduce from without; especially, to bring (wares or merchandise) into a place or country from a foreign country, in the transactions of commerce; -- opposed to export. We import teas from China, coffee from Brasil, etc. |
Import (v. t.) To carry or include, as meaning or intention; to imply; to signify. |
Import (v. t.) To be of importance or consequence to; to have a bearing on; to concern. |
Import (v. i.) To signify; to purport; to be of moment. |
Import (n.) Merchandise imported, or brought into a country from without its boundaries; -- generally in the plural, opposed to exports. |
Import (n.) That which a word, phrase, or document contains as its signification or intention or interpretation of a word, action, event, and the like. |
Import (n.) Importance; weight; consequence. |
Importable (a.) Capable of being imported. |
Importable (a.) Not to be endured; insupportable; intolerable. |
Importance (n.) The quality or state of being important; consequence; weight; moment; significance. |
Importance (n.) Subject; matter. |
Importance (n.) Import; meaning; significance. |
Importance (n.) Importunity; solicitation. |
Importancy (n.) Importance; significance; consequence; that which is important. |
Important (v. t.) Full of, or burdened by, import; charged with great interests; restless; anxious. |
Important (v. t.) Carrying or possessing weight or consequence; of valuable content or bearing; significant; weighty. |
Important (v. t.) Bearing on; forcible; driving. |
Important (v. t.) Importunate; pressing; urgent. |
Importantly (adv.) In an important manner. |
Importation (v. t.) The act of carrying, conveying, or delivering. |
Importation (v. t.) The act or practice of importing, or bringing into a country or state; -- opposed to exportation. |
Importation (v. t.) That which is imported; commodities or wares introduced into a country from abroad. |
Importer (n.) One who imports; the merchant who brings goods into a country or state; -- opposed to exporter. |
Importing (a.) Full of meaning. |
Importless (a.) Void of meaning. |
Importunable (a.) Heavy; insupportable. |
Importunacy (n.) The quality of being importunate; importunateness. |
Importunate (a.) Troublesomely urgent; unreasonably solicitous; overpressing in request or demand; urgent; teasing; as, an impotunate petitioner, curiosity. |
Importunate (a.) Hard to be borne; unendurable. |
Importunator (n.) One who importunes; an importuner. |
Importunee (a.) Inopportune; unseasonable. |
Importunee (a.) Troublesome; vexatious; persistent; urgent; hence, vexatious on account of untimely urgency or perinacious solicitation. |
Importuned (imp. & p. p.) of Importune |
Importuning (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Importune |
Importune (a.) To request or solicit, with urgency; to press with frequent, unreasonable, or troublesome application or pertinacity; hence, to tease; to irritate; to worry. |
Importune (a.) To import; to signify. |
Importune (v. i.) To require; to demand. |
Importunely (adv.) In an importune manner. |
Importuner (n.) One who importunes. |
Importunities (pl. ) of Importunity |
Importunity (n.) The quality of being importunate; pressing or pertinacious solicitation; urgent request; incessant or frequent application; troublesome pertinacity. |
Importuous (a.) Without a port or harbor. |
Imposable (a.) Capable of being imposed or laid on. |
Imposableness (n.) Quality of being imposable. |
Imposed (imp. & p. p.) of Impose |
Imposing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impose |
Impose (v. t.) To lay on; to set or place; to put; to deposit. |
Impose (v. t.) To lay as a charge, burden, tax, duty, obligation, command, penalty, etc.; to enjoin; to levy; to inflict; as, to impose a toll or tribute. |
Impose (v. t.) To lay on, as the hands, in the religious rites of confirmation and ordination. |
Impose (v. t.) To arrange in proper order on a table of stone or metal and lock up in a chase for printing; -- said of columns or pages of type, forms, etc. |
Impose (v. i.) To practice trick or deception. |
Impose (n.) A command; injunction. |
Imposement (n.) Imposition. |
Imposer (n.) One who imposes. |
Imposing (a.) Laying as a duty; enjoining. |
Imposing (a.) Adapted to impress forcibly; impressive; commanding; as, an imposing air; an imposing spectacle. |
Imposing (a.) Deceiving; deluding; misleading. |
Imposing (n.) The act of imposing the columns of a page, or the pages of a sheet. See Impose, v. t., 4. |
Imposingly (adv.) In an imposing manner. |
Imposingness (n.) The quality of being imposing. |
Imposition (n.) The act of imposing, laying on, affixing, enjoining, inflicting, obtruding, and the like. |
Imposition (n.) That which is imposed, levied, or enjoined; charge; burden; injunction; tax. |
Imposition (n.) An extra exercise enjoined on students as a punishment. |
Imposition (n.) An excessive, arbitrary, or unlawful exaction; hence, a trick or deception put on laid on others; cheating; fraud; delusion; imposture. |
Imposition (n.) The act of laying on the hands as a religious ceremoy, in ordination, confirmation, etc. |
Imposition (n.) The act or process of imosing pages or columns of type. See Impose, v. t., 4. |
Impossibilities (pl. ) of Impossibility |
Impossibility (n.) The quality of being impossible; impracticability. |
Impossibility (n.) An impossible thing; that which can not be thought, done, or endured. |
Impossibility (n.) Inability; helplessness. |
Impossible (a.) Not possible; incapable of being done, of existing, etc.; unattainable in the nature of things, or by means at command; insuperably difficult under the circumstances; absurd or impracticable; not feasible. |
Impossible (n.) An impossibility. |
Impossibly (adv.) Not possibly. |
Impost (n.) That which is imposed or levied; a tax, tribute, or duty; especially, a duty or tax laid by goverment on goods imported into a country. |
Impost (n.) The top member of a pillar, pier, wall, etc., upon which the weight of an arch rests. |
Imposthumate (v. t.) To apostemate; to form an imposthume or abscess. |
Imposthumated (imp. & p. p.) of Imposthumate |
Imposthumating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Imposthumate |
Imposthumate (v. t.) To affect with an imposthume or abscess. |
Imposthumate (a.) Imposthumated. |
Imposthumation (n.) The act of forming an abscess; state of being inflamed; suppuration. |
Imposthumation (n.) An abscess; an imposthume. |
Imposthume (n.) A collection of pus or purulent matter in any part of an animal body; an abscess. |
Imposthume (v. t. & i.) Same as Imposthumate. |
Impostor (n.) One who imposes upon others; a person who assumes a character or title not his own, for the purpose of deception; a pretender. |
Impostorship (n.) The condition, character, or practice of an impostor. |
Impostress (n.) Alt. of Impostrix |
Impostrix (n.) A woman who imposes upon or deceives others. |
Impostrous (n.) Characterized by imposture; deceitful. |
Imposturage (n.) Imposture; cheating. |
Imposture (n.) The act or conduct of an impostor; deception practiced under a false or assumed character; fraud or imposition; cheating. |
Impostured (a.) Done by imposture. |
Imposturous (a.) Impostrous; deceitful. |
Impostury (n.) Imposture. |
Impotence (n.) Alt. of Impotency |
Impotency (n.) The quality or condition of being impotent; want of strength or power, animal, intellectual, or moral; weakness; feebleness; inability; imbecility. |
Impotency (n.) Want of self-restraint or self-control. |
Impotency (n.) Want of procreative power; inability to copulate, or beget children; also, sometimes, sterility; barrenness. |
Impotent (a.) Not potent; wanting power, strength. or vigor. whether physical, intellectual, or moral; deficient in capacity; destitute of force; weak; feeble; infirm. |
Impotent (a.) Wanting the power of self-restraint; incontrolled; ungovernable; violent. |
Impotent (a.) Wanting the power of procreation; unable to copulate; also, sometimes, sterile; barren. |
Impotent (n.) One who is imoitent. |
Impotently (adv.) In an impotent manner. |
Impounded (imp. & p. p.) of Impound |
Impounding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impound |
Impound (v. t.) To shut up or place in an inclosure called a pound; hence, to hold in the custody of a court; as, to impound stray cattle; to impound a document for safe keeping. |
Impoundage (n.) The act of impounding, or the state of being impounded. |
Impoundage (n.) The fee or fine for impounding. |
Impounder (n.) One who impounds. |
Impoverished (imp. & p. p.) of Impoverish |
Impoverishing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impoverish |
Impoverish (v. t.) To make poor; to reduce to poverty or indigence; as, misfortune and disease impoverish families. |
Impoverish (v. t.) To exhaust the strength, richness, or fertility of; to make sterile; as, to impoverish land. |
Impoverisher (n.) One who, or that which, impoverishes. |
Impoverishment (n.) The act of impoverishing, or the state of being impoverished; reduction to poverty. |
Impower (v. t.) See Empower. |
Imp-pole (n.) A pole for supporting a scaffold. |
Impracticabilities (pl. ) of Impracticability |
Impracticability (n.) The state or quality of being impracticable; infeasibility. |
Impracticability (n.) An impracticable thing. |
Impracticability (n.) Intractableness; stubbornness. |
Impracticable (a.) Not practicable; incapable of being performed, or accomplished by the means employed, or at command; impossible; as, an impracticable undertaking. |
Impracticable (a.) Not to be overcome, presuaded, or controlled by any reasonable method; unmanageable; intractable; not capable of being easily dealt with; -- used in a general sense, as applied to a person or thing that is difficult to control or get along with. |
Impracticable (a.) Incapable of being used or availed of; as, an impracticable road; an impracticable method. |
Impracticableness (n.) The state or quality of being impracticable; impracticability. |
Impracticably (adv.) In an impracticable manner. |
Impractical (a.) Not practical. |
Imprecated (imp. & p. p.) of Imprecate |
Imprecating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Imprecate |
Imprecate (v. t.) To call down by prayer, as something hurtful or calamitous. |
Imprecate (v. t.) To invoke evil upon; to curse; to swear at. |
Imprecation (n.) The act of imprecating, or invoking evil upon any one; a prayer that a curse or calamity may fall on any one; a curse. |
Imprecatory (a.) Of the nature of, or containing, imprecation; invoking evil; as, the imprecatory psalms. |
Imprecision (n.) Want of precision. |
Impregn (v. t.) To impregnate; to make fruitful. |
Impregnability (n.) The quality or state of being impregnable; invincibility. |
Impregnable (a.) Not to be stormed, or taken by assault; incapable of being subdued; able to resist attack; unconquerable; as, an impregnable fortress; impregnable virtue. |
Impregnable (a.) Capable of being impregnated, as the egg of an animal, or the ovule of a plant. |
Impregnant (n.) That which impregnates. |
Impregnant (a.) Not pregnant; unfertilized or infertile. |
Impregnated (imp. & p. p.) of Impregnate |
Impregnating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impregnate |
Impregnate (v. t.) To make pregnant; to cause to conceive; to render prolific; to get with child or young. |
Impregnate (v. t.) To come into contact with (an ovum or egg) so as to cause impregnation; to fertilize; to fecundate. |
Impregnate (v. t.) To infuse an active principle into; to render fruitful or fertile in any way; to fertilize; to imbue. |
Impregnate (v. t.) To infuse particles of another substance into; to communicate the quality of another to; to cause to be filled, imbued, mixed, or furnished (with something); as, to impregnate India rubber with sulphur; clothing impregnated with contagion; rock impregnated with ore. |
Impregnate (v. i.) To become pregnant. |
Impregnate (a.) Impregnated; made prolific. |
Impregnation (n.) The act of impregnating or the state of being impregnated; fecundation. |
Impregnation (n.) The fusion of a female germ cell (ovum) with a male germ cell (in animals, a spermatozoon) to form a single new cell endowed with the power of developing into a new individual; fertilization; fecundation. |
Impregnation (n.) That with which anything is impregnated. |
Impregnation (n.) Intimate mixture; influsion; saturation. |
Impregnation (n.) An ore deposit, with indefinite boundaries, consisting of rock impregnated with ore. |
Imprejudicate (a.) Not prejuged; unprejudiced; impartial. |
Imprenable (a.) Impregnable. |
Impreparation (n.) Want of preparation. |
Impresa (n.) A device on a shield or seal, or used as a bookplate or the like. |
Impresarios (pl. ) of Impresario |
Impresario (n.) The projector, manager, or conductor, of an opera or concert company. |
Imprescriptibility (n.) The quality of being imprescriptible. |
Imprescriptible (a.) Not capable of being lost or impaired by neglect, by disuse, or by the claims of another founded on prescription. |
Imprescriptible (a.) Not derived from, or dependent on, external authority; self-evidencing; obvious. |
Imprescriptibly (adv.) In an imprescriptible manner; obviously. |
Imprese (n.) A device. See Impresa. |
Impressed (imp. & p. p.) of Impress |
Impressing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impress |
Impress (v. t.) To press, stamp, or print something in or upon; to mark by pressure, or as by pressure; to imprint (that which bears the impression). |
Impress (v. t.) To produce by pressure, as a mark, stamp, image, etc.; to imprint (a mark or figure upon something). |
Impress (v. t.) Fig.: To fix deeply in the mind; to present forcibly to the attention, etc.; to imprint; to inculcate. |
Impress (n.) To take by force for public service; as, to impress sailors or money. |
Impress (v. i.) To be impressed; to rest. |
Impresses (pl. ) of Impress |
Impress (n.) The act of impressing or making. |
Impress (n.) A mark made by pressure; an indentation; imprint; the image or figure of anything, formed by pressure or as if by pressure; result produced by pressure or influence. |
Impress (n.) Characteristic; mark of distinction; stamp. |
Impress (n.) A device. See Impresa. |
Impress (n.) The act of impressing, or taking by force for the public service; compulsion to serve; also, that which is impressed. |
Impressibility (n.) The quality of being impressible; susceptibility. |
Impressible (a.) Capable of being impressed; susceptible; sensitive. |
Impression (n.) The act of impressing, or the state of being impressed; the communication of a stamp, mold, style, or character, by external force or by influence. |
Impression (n.) That which is impressed; stamp; mark; indentation; sensible result of an influence exerted from without. |
Impression (n.) That which impresses, or exercises an effect, action, or agency; appearance; phenomenon. |
Impression (n.) Influence or effect on the senses or the intellect hence, interest, concern. |
Impression (n.) An indistinct notion, remembrance, or belief. |
Impression (n.) Impressiveness; emphasis of delivery. |
Impression (n.) The pressure of the type on the paper, or the result of such pressure, as regards its appearance; as, a heavy impression; a clear, or a poor, impression; also, a single copy as the result of printing, or the whole edition printed at a given time. |
Impression (n.) In painting, the first coat of color, as the priming in house painting and the like. |
Impression (n.) A print on paper from a wood block, metal plate, or the like. |
Impressionability (n.) The quality of being impressionable. |
Impresionable (a.) Liable or subject to impression; capable of being molded; susceptible; impressible. |
Impressionableness (n.) The quality of being impressionable. |
Impressionism (n.) The theory or method of suggesting an effect or impression without elaboration of the details; -- a disignation of a recent fashion in painting and etching. |
Impressionist (n.) One who adheres to the theory or method of impressionism, so called. |
Impressionistic (a.) Pertaining to, or characterized by, impressionism. |
Impressionless (a.) Having the quality of not being impressed or affected; not susceptible. |
Impressive (a.) Making, or tending to make, an impression; having power to impress; adapted to excite attention and feeling, to touch the sensibilities, or affect the conscience; as, an impressive discourse; an impressive scene. |
Impressive (a.) Capable of being impressed. |
Impressment (n.) The act of seizing for public use, or of impressing into public service; compulsion to serve; as, the impressment of provisions or of sailors. |
Impressor (n.) One who, or that which, impresses. |
Impressure (n.) Dent; impression. |
Imprested (imp. & p. p.) of Imprest |
Impresting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Imprest |
Imprest (n.) To advance on loan. |
Imprest (v. t.) A kind of earnest money; loan; -- specifically, money advanced for some public service, as in enlistment. |
Imprevalence (n.) Alt. of Imprevalency |
Imprevalency (n.) Want of prevalence. |
Impreventability (n.) The state or quality of being impreventable. |
Impreventable (a.) Not preventable; invitable. |
Imprimatur (n.) A license to print or publish a book, paper, etc.; also, in countries subjected to the censorship of the press, approval of that which is published. |
Imprimery (n.) A print; impression. |
Imprimery (n.) A printing establishment. |
Imprimery (n.) The art of printing. |
Impriming (n.) A beginning. |
Imprimis (adv.) In the first place; first in order. |
Imptrinted (imp. & p. p.) of Imprint |
Imprinting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Imprint |
Imprint (v. t.) To impress; to mark by pressure; to indent; to stamp. |
Imprint (v. t.) To stamp or mark, as letters on paper, by means of type, plates, stamps, or the like; to print the mark (figures, letters, etc., upon something). |
Imprint (v. t.) To fix indelibly or permanently, as in the mind or memory; to impress. |
Imprint (v. t.) Whatever is impressed or imprinted; the impress or mark left by something; specifically, the name of the printer or publisher (usually) with the time and place of issue, in the title-page of a book, or on any printed sheet. |
Imprisoned (imp. & p. p.) of Imprison |
Imprisoning (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Imprison |
Imprison (v. t.) To put in prison or jail; To arrest and detain in custody; to confine. |
Imprison (v. t.) To limit, restrain, or confine in any way. |
Imprisoner (n.) One who imprisons. |
Imprison ment (n.) The act of imprisoning, or the state of being imprisoned; confinement; restraint. |
Improbabilities (pl. ) of Improbability |
Improbability (n.) The quality or state of being improbable; unlikelihood; also, that which is improbable; an improbable event or result. |
Improbable (a.) Not probable; unlikely to be true; not to be expected under the circumstances or in the usual course of events; as, an improbable story or event. |
Improbate (v. t.) To disapprove of; to disallow. |
Improbation (n.) The act of disapproving; disapprobation. |
Improbation (n.) The act by which falsehood and forgery are proved; an action brought for the purpose of having some instrument declared false or forged. |
Improbative (a.) Alt. of Improbatory |
Improbatory (a.) Implying, or tending to, improbation. |
Improbity (n.) Lack of probity; want of integrity or rectitude; dishonesty. |
Improficience (n.) Alt. of Improficiency |
Improficiency (n.) Want of proficiency. |
Improfitable (a.) Unprofitable. |
Improgressive (a.) Not progressive. |
Improlific (a.) Not prolific. |
Improlificate (v. t.) To impregnate. |
Imprompt (a.) Not ready. |
Impromptu (adv. / a.) Offhand; without previous study; extemporaneous; extempore; as, an impromptu verse. |
Impromptu (n.) Something made or done offhand, at the moment, or without previous study; an extemporaneous composition, address, or remark. |
Impromptu (n.) A piece composed or played at first thought; a composition in the style of an extempore piece. |
Improper (a.) Not proper; not suitable; not fitted to the circumstances, design, or end; unfit; not becoming; incongruous; inappropriate; indecent; as, an improper medicine; improper thought, behavior, language, dress. |
Improper (a.) Not peculiar or appropriate to individuals; general; common. |
Improper (a.) Not according to facts; inaccurate; erroneous. |
Improper (v. t.) To appropriate; to limit. |
Improperation (n.) The act of upbraiding or taunting; a reproach; a taunt. |
Improperia (n. pl.) A series of antiphons and responses, expressing the sorrowful remonstrance of our Lord with his people; -- sung on the morning of the Good Friday in place of the usual daily Mass of the Roman ritual. |
Improperly (adv.) In an improper manner; not properly; unsuitably; unbecomingly. |
Improperty (n.) Impropriety. |
Impropitious (a.) Unpropitious; unfavorable. |
Improportionable (a.) Not proportionable. |
Improportionate (a.) Not proportionate. |
Impropriated (imp. & p. p.) of Impropriate |
Impropriating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impropriate |
Impropriate (v. t.) To appropriate to one's self; to assume. |
Impropriate (v. t.) To place the profits of (ecclesiastical property) in the hands of a layman for care and disbursement. |
Impropriate (v. i.) To become an impropriator. |
Impropriate (a.) Put into the hands of a layman; impropriated. |
Impropriation (n.) The act of impropriating; as, the impropriation of property or tithes; also, that which is impropriated. |
Impropriation (n.) The act of putting an ecclesiastical benefice in the hands of a layman, or lay corporation. |
Impropriation (n.) A benefice in the hands of a layman, or of a lay corporation. |
Impropriator (n.) One who impropriates; specifically, a layman in possession of church property. |
-trixes (pl. ) of Impropriatrix |
-trices (pl. ) of Impropriatrix |
Impropriatrix (n.) A female impropriator. |
Improprieties (pl. ) of Impropriety |
Impropriety (n.) The quality of being improper; unfitness or unsuitableness to character, time place, or circumstances; as, impropriety of behavior or manners. |
Impropriety (n.) That which is improper; an unsuitable or improper act, or an inaccurate use of language. |
Improsperity (n.) Want of prosperity. |
Improsperous (a.) Not prosperous. |
Improvability (n.) The state or quality of being improvable; improvableness. |
Improvable (a.) Capable of being improved; susceptible of improvement; admitting of being made better; capable of cultivation, or of being advanced in good qualities. |
Improvable (a.) Capable of being used to advantage; profitable; serviceable; advantageous. |
Improve (v. t.) To disprove or make void; to refute. |
Improve (v. t.) To disapprove; to find fault with; to reprove; to censure; as, to improve negligence. |
Improved (imp. & p. p.) of Improve |
Improving (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Improve |
Improve (v. t.) To make better; to increase the value or good qualities of; to ameliorate by care or cultivation; as, to improve land. |
Improve (v. t.) To use or employ to good purpose; to make productive; to turn to profitable account; to utilize; as, to improve one's time; to improve his means. |
Improve (v. t.) To advance or increase by use; to augment or add to; -- said with reference to what is bad. |
Improve (v. i.) To grow better; to advance or make progress in what is desirable; to make or show improvement; as, to improve in health. |
Improve (v. i.) To advance or progress in bad qualities; to grow worse. |
Improve (v. i.) To increase; to be enhanced; to rise in value; as, the price of cotton improves. |
Improvement (n.) The act of improving; advancement or growth; promotion in desirable qualities; progress toward what is better; melioration; as, the improvement of the mind, of land, roads, etc. |
Improvement (n.) The act of making profitable use or applicaton of anything, or the state of being profitably employed; a turning to good account; practical application, as of a doctrine, principle, or theory, stated in a discourse. |
Improvement (n.) The state of being improved; betterment; advance; also, that which is improved; as, the new edition is an improvement on the old. |
Improvement (n.) Increase; growth; progress; advance. |
Improvement (n.) Valuable additions or betterments, as buildings, clearings, drains, fences, etc., on premises. |
Improvement (n.) A useful addition to, or modification of, a machine, manufacture, or composition. |
Improver (n.) One who, or that which, improves. |
Improvided (a.) Unforeseen; unexpected; not provided against; unprepared. |
Improvidence (n.) The quality of being improvident; want of foresight or thrift. |
Improvident (a.) Not provident; wanting foresight or forethought; not foreseeing or providing for the future; negligent; thoughtless; as, an improvident man. |
Improvidentially (adv.) Improvidently. |
Improvidently (adv.) In a improvident manner. |
Improving (a.) Tending to improve, beneficial; growing better. |
Improvisate (a.) Unpremeditated; impromptu; extempore. |
Improvisated (imp. & p. p.) of Improvisate |
Improvisating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Improvisate |
Improvisate (v. t. & i.) To improvise; to extemporize. |
Improvisation (n.) The act or art of composing and rendering music, poetry, and the like, extemporaneously; as, improvisation on the organ. |
Improvisation (n.) That which is improvised; an impromptu. |
Improvisatize (v. t. & i.) Same as Improvisate. |
Improvisator (n.) An improviser, or improvvisatore. |
Improvisatore (n.) See Improvvisatore. |
Improvisatorial (a.) Alt. of Improvisatory |
Improvisatory (a.) Of or pertaining to improvisation or extemporaneous composition. |
Improvisatrice (n.) See Improvvisatrice. |
Improvised (imp. & p. p.) of Improvise |
Improvising (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Improvise |
Improvise (v. t.) To compose, recite, or sing extemporaneously, especially in verse; to extemporize; also, to play upon an instrument, or to act, extemporaneously. |
Improvise (v. t.) To bring about, arrange, or make, on a sudden, or without previous preparation. |
Improvise (v. t.) To invent, or provide, offhand, or on the spur of the moment; as, he improvised a hammer out of a stone. |
Improvise (v. i.) To produce or render extemporaneous compositions, especially in verse or in music, without previous preparation; hence, to do anything offhand. |
Improviser (n.) One who improvises. |
Improvision (n.) Improvidence. |
Improviso (a.) Not prepared or mediated beforehand; extemporaneous. |
Improvvisatori (pl. ) of Improvvisatore |
Improvvisatore (n.) One who composes and sings or recites rhymes and short poems extemporaneously. |
Improvvisatrici (pl. ) of Improvvisatrice |
Improvvisatrice (n.) A female improvvisatore. |
Imprudence (n.) The quality or state of being imprudent; want to caution, circumspection, or a due regard to consequences; indiscretion; inconsideration; reshness; also, an imprudent act; as, he was guilty of an imprudence. |
Imprudent (a.) Not prudent; wanting in prudence or discretion; indiscreet; injudicious; not attentive to consequence; improper. |
Impuberal (a.) Not having arrived at puberty; immature. |
Impuberty (n.) The condition of not having reached puberty, or the age of ability to reproduce one's species; want of age at which the marriage contract can be legally entered into. |
Impudence (n.) The quality of being impudent; assurance, accompanied with a disregard of the presence or opinions of others; shamelessness; forwardness; want of modesty. |
Impudency (n.) Impudence. |
Impudent (a.) Bold, with contempt or disregard; unblushingly forward; impertinent; wanting modesty; shameless; saucy. |
Impudently (adv.) In an impudent manner; with unbecoming assurance; shamelessly. |
Impudicity (n.) Immodesty. |
Impugned (imp. & p. p.) of Impugn |
Impugning (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impugn |
Impugn (v. t.) To attack by words or arguments; to contradict; to assail; to call in question; to make insinuations against; to gainsay; to oppose. |
Impugnable (a.) Capable of being impugned; that may be gainsaid. |
Impugnation (n.) Act of impugning; opposition; attack. |
Impugner (n.) One who impugns. |
Impugnment (n.) The act of impugning, or the state of being impugned. |
Impuissance (n.) Lack of power; inability. |
Impuissant (a.) Weak; impotent; feeble. |
Impulse (n.) The act of impelling, or driving onward with sudden force; impulsion; especially, force so communicated as to produced motion suddenly, or immediately. |
Impulse (n.) The effect of an impelling force; motion produced by a sudden or momentary force. |
Impulse (n.) The action of a force during a very small interval of time; the effect of such action; as, the impulse of a sudden blow upon a hard elastic body. |
Impulse (n.) A mental force which simply and directly urges to action; hasty inclination; sudden motive; momentary or transient influence of appetite or passion; propension; incitement; as, a man of good impulses; passion often gives a violent impulse to the will. |
Impulse (v. t.) To impel; to incite. |
Impulsion (n.) The act of impelling or driving onward, or the state of being impelled; the sudden or momentary agency of a body in motion on another body; also, the impelling force, or impulse. |
Impulsion (n.) Influence acting unexpectedly or temporarily on the mind; sudden motive or influence; impulse. |
Impulsive (a.) Having the power of driving or impelling; giving an impulse; moving; impellent. |
Impulsive (a.) Actuated by impulse or by transient feelings. |
Impulsive (a.) Acting momentarily, or by impulse; not continuous; -- said of forces. |
Impulsive (n.) That which impels or gives an impulse; an impelling agent. |
Impulsively (adv.) In an impulsive manner. |
Impulsiveness (n.) The quality of being impulsive. |
Impulsor (n.) One who, or that which, impels; an inciter. |
Impunctate (a.) Not punctuate or dotted. |
Impunctual (a.) Not punctual. |
Impunctuality (n.) Neglect of, or failure in, punctuality. |
Impune (a.) Unpunished. |
Impunibly (adv.) Without punishment; with impunity. |
Impunity (n.) Exemption or freedom from punishment, harm, or loss. |
Impuration (n.) Defilement; obscuration. |
Impure (a.) Not pure; not clean; dirty; foul; filthy; containing something which is unclean or unwholesome; mixed or impregnated extraneous substances; adulterated; as, impure water or air; impure drugs, food, etc. |
Impure (a.) Defiled by sin or guilt; unholy; unhallowed; -- said of persons or things. |
Impure (a.) Unchaste; lewd; unclean; obscene; as, impure language or ideas. |
Impure (a.) Not purified according to the ceremonial law of Moses; unclean. |
Impure (a.) Not accurate; not idiomatic; as, impure Latin; an impure style. |
Impure (v. t.) To defile; to pollute. |
Impurely (adv.) In an impure manner. |
Impureness (n.) The quality or condition of being impure; impurity. |
Impurity (n.) The condition or quality of being impure in any sense; defilement; foulness; adulteration. |
Impurity (n.) That which is, or which renders anything, impure; foul matter, action, language, etc.; a foreign ingredient. |
Impurity (n.) Want of ceremonial purity; defilement. |
Impurpled (imp. & p. p.) of Impurple |
Impurpling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impurple |
Impurple (v. t.) To color or tinge with purple; to make red or reddish; to purple; as, a field impurpled with blood. |
Imputability (n.) The quality of being imputable; imputableness. |
Imputable (a.) That may be imputed; capable of being imputed; chargeable; ascribable; attributable; referable. |
Imputable (a.) Accusable; culpable. |
Imputableness (n.) Quality of being imputable. |
Imputably (adv.) By imputation. |
Imputation () The act of imputing or charging; attribution; ascription; also, anything imputed or charged. |
Imputation () Charge or attribution of evil; censure; reproach; insinuation. |
Imputation () A setting of something to the account of; the attribution of personal guilt or personal righteousness of another; as, the imputation of the sin of Adam, or the righteousness of Christ. |
Imputation () Opinion; intimation; hint. |
Imputative (a.) Transferred by imputation; that may be imputed. |
Imputed (imp. & p. p.) of Impute |
Imputing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Impute |
Impute (v. t.) To charge; to ascribe; to attribute; to set to the account of; to charge to one as the author, responsible originator, or possessor; -- generally in a bad sense. |
Impute (v. t.) To adjudge as one's own (the sin or righteousness) of another; as, the righteousness of Christ is imputed to us. |
Impute (v. t.) To take account of; to consider; to regard. |
Imputer (n.) One who imputes. |
Imputrescible (a.) Not putrescible. |
Imrigh (n.) A peculiar strong soup or broth, made in Scotland. |
In- (prep.) A prefix from Eng. prep. in, also from Lat. prep. in, meaning in, into, on, among; as, inbred, inborn, inroad; incline, inject, intrude. In words from the Latin, in- regularly becomes il- before l, ir- before r, and im- before a labial; as, illusion, irruption, imblue, immigrate, impart. In- is sometimes used with an simple intensive force. |
In- () An inseparable prefix, or particle, meaning not, non-, un- as, inactive, incapable, inapt. In- regularly becomes il- before l, ir- before r, and im- before a labial. |
-in () A suffix. See the Note under -ine. |
In (prep.) The specific signification of in is situation or place with respect to surrounding, environment, encompassment, etc. It is used with verbs signifying being, resting, or moving within limits, or within circumstances or conditions of any kind conceived of as limiting, confining, or investing, either wholly or in part. In its different applications, it approaches some of the meanings of, and sometimes is interchangeable with, within, into, on, at, of, and among. |
In (prep.) With reference to space or place; as, he lives in Boston; he traveled in Italy; castles in the air. |
In (prep.) With reference to circumstances or conditions; as, he is in difficulties; she stood in a blaze of light. |
In (prep.) With reference to a whole which includes or comprises the part spoken of; as, the first in his family; the first regiment in the army. |
In (prep.) With reference to physical surrounding, personal states, etc., abstractly denoted; as, I am in doubt; the room is in darkness; to live in fear. |
In (prep.) With reference to character, reach, scope, or influence considered as establishing a limitation; as, to be in one's favor. |
In (prep.) With reference to movement or tendency toward a certain limit or environment; -- sometimes equivalent to into; as, to put seed in the ground; to fall in love; to end in death; to put our trust in God. |
In (prep.) With reference to a limit of time; as, in an hour; it happened in the last century; in all my life. |
In (adv.) Not out; within; inside. In, the preposition, becomes an adverb by omission of its object, leaving it as the representative of an adverbial phrase, the context indicating what the omitted object is; as, he takes in the situation (i. e., he comprehends it in his mind); the Republicans were in (i. e., in office); in at one ear and out at the other (i. e., in or into the head); his side was in (i. e., in the turn at the bat); he came in (i. e., into the house). |
In (adv.) With privilege or possession; -- used to denote a holding, possession, or seisin; as, in by descent; in by purchase; in of the seisin of her husband. |
In (n.) One who is in office; -- the opposite of out. |
In (n.) A reentrant angle; a nook or corner. |
In (v. t.) To inclose; to take in; to harvest. |
Inability (n.) The quality or state of being unable; lack of ability; want of sufficient power, strength, resources, or capacity. |
Inable (v. t.) See Enable. |
Inablement (n.) See Enablement. |
Inabstinence (n.) Want of abstinence; indulgence. |
Inabstracted (a.) Not abstracted. |
Inabusively (adv.) Without abuse. |
Inaccessibility (n.) The quality or state of being inaccessible; inaccessibleness. |
Inaccessible (a.) Not accessible; not to be reached, obtained, or approached; as, an inaccessible rock, fortress, document, prince, etc. |
Inaccordant (a.) Not accordant; discordant. |
Inaccuracies (pl. ) of Inaccuracy |
Inaccuracy (n.) The quality of being inaccurate; want of accuracy or exactness. |
Inaccuracy (n.) That which is inaccurate or incorrect; mistake; fault; defect; error; as, in inaccuracy in speech, copying, calculation, etc. |
Inaccurate (a.) Not accurate; not according to truth; inexact; incorrect; erroneous; as, in inaccurate man, narration, copy, judgment, calculation, etc. |
Inaccurately (adv.) In an inaccurate manner; incorrectly; inexactly. |
Inacquaintance (a.) Want of acquaintance. |
Inacquiescent (a.) Not acquiescent or acquiescing. |
Inaction (n.) Want of action or activity; forbearance from labor; idleness; rest; inertness. |
Inactive (a.) Not active; having no power to move; that does not or can not produce results; inert; as, matter is, of itself, inactive. |
Inactive (a.) Not disposed to action or effort; not diligent or industrious; not busy; idle; as, an inactive officer. |
Inactive (a.) Not active; inert; esp., not exhibiting any action or activity on polarized light; optically neutral; -- said of isomeric forms of certain substances, in distinction from other forms which are optically active; as, racemic acid is an inactive tartaric acid. |
Inactively (adv.) In an inactive manner. |
Inactivity (n.) The state or quality of being inactive; inertness; as, the inactivity of matter. |
Inactivity (n.) Idleness; habitual indisposition to action or exertion; want of energy; sluggishness. |
Inactose (n.) A variety of sugar, found in certain plants. It is optically inactive. |
Inactuate (v. t.) To put in action. |
Inactuation (n.) Operation. |
Inadaptation (n.) Want of adaptation; unsuitableness. |
Inadequacy (n.) The quality or state of being inadequate or insufficient; defectiveness; insufficiency; inadequateness. |
Inadequate (a.) Not adequate; unequal to the purpose; insufficient; deficient; as, inadequate resources, power, conceptions, representations, etc. |
Inadequation (n.) Want of exact correspondence. |
Inadherent (a.) Not adhering. |
Inadherent (a.) Free; not connected with the other organs. |
Inadhesion (n.) Want of adhesion. |
Inadmissibility (n.) The state or quality of being inadmissible, or not to be received. |
Inadmissible (a.) Not admissible; not proper to be admitted, allowed, or received; as, inadmissible testimony; an inadmissible proposition, or explanation. |
-ces (pl. ) of Inadvertence |
-cies (pl. ) of Inadvertency |
Inadvertence (n.) Alt. of Inadvertency |
Inadvertency (n.) The quality of being inadvertent; lack of heedfulness or attentiveness; inattention; negligence; as, many mistakes proceed from inadvertence. |
Inadvertency (n.) An effect of inattention; a result of carelessness; an oversight, mistake, or fault from negligence. |
Inadvertent (a.) Not turning the mind to a matter; heedless; careless; negligent; inattentive. |
Inadvisable (a.) Not advisable. |
Inaffability (n.) Want of affability or sociability; reticence. |
Inaffable (a.) Not affable; reserved in social intercourse. |
Inaffectation (n.) Freedom from affectation; naturalness. |
Inaffected (a.) Unaffected. |
Inaidable (a.) Incapable of being assisted; helpless. |
Inalienability (n.) The quality or state of being inalienable. |
Inalienable (a.) Incapable of being alienated, surrendered, or transferred to another; not alienable; as, in inalienable birthright. |
Inalienableness (n.) The quality or state of being inalienable; inalienability. |
Inalienably (adv.) In a manner that forbids alienation; as, rights inalienably vested. |
Inalimental (a.) Affording no aliment or nourishment. |
Inalterability (n.) The quality of being unalterable or unchangeable; permanence. |
Inalterable (a.) Not alterable; incapable of being altered or changed; unalterable. |
Inamiable (a.) Unamiable. |
Inamissible (a.) Incapable of being lost. |
Inamorata (n.) A woman in love; a mistress. |
Inamorate (a.) Enamored. |
Inamoratos (pl. ) of Inamorato |
Inamorato (n.) A male lover. |
Inamovable (a.) Not amovable or removable. |
In-and-in (n.) An old game played with four dice. In signified a doublet, or two dice alike; in-and-in, either two doubles, or the four dice alike. |
In and an (a. & adv.) Applied to breeding from a male and female of the same parentage. See under Breeding. |
Inane (a.) Without contents; empty; void of sense or intelligence; purposeless; pointless; characterless; useless. |
Inane (n.) That which is void or empty. |
Inangular (a.) Not angular. |
Inaniloquent (a.) Alt. of Inaniloquous |
Inaniloquous (a.) Given to talking inanely; loquacious; garrulous. |
Inanimate (v. t.) To animate. |
Inanimate (a.) Not animate; destitute of life or spirit; lifeless; dead; inactive; dull; as, stones and earth are inanimate substances. |
Inanimated (a.) Destitute of life; lacking animation; unanimated. |
Inanimateness (n.) The quality or state of being inanimate. |
Inanimation (n.) Want of animation; lifeless; dullness. |
Inanimation (n.) Infusion of life or vigor; animation; inspiration. |
Inanitiate (v. t.) To produce inanition in; to exhaust for want of nourishment. |
Inanitiation (n.) Inanition. |
Inanition (n.) The condition of being inane; emptiness; want of fullness, as in the vessels of the body; hence, specifically, exhaustion from want of food, either from partial or complete starvation, or from a disorder of the digestive apparatus, producing the same result. |
Inanities (pl. ) of Inanity |
Inanity (n.) Inanition; void space; vacuity; emptiness. |
Inanity (n.) Want of seriousness; aimlessness; frivolity. |
Inanity (n.) An inane, useless thing or pursuit; a vanity; a silly object; -- chiefly in pl.; as, the inanities of the world. |
Inantherate (a.) Not bearing anthers; -- said of sterile stamens. |
In antis () Between antae; -- said of a portico in classical style, where columns are set between two antae, forming the angles of the building. See Anta. |
Inapathy (n.) Sensibility; feeling; -- opposed to apathy. |
Inappealable (a.) Not admitting of appeal; not appealable. |
Inappeasable (a.) Incapable of being appeased or satisfied; unappeasable. |
Inappellability (n.) The quality of being inappellable; finality. |
Inappellable (a.) Inappealable; final. |
Inappetence (n.) Alt. of Inappetency |
Inappetency (n.) Want of appetency; want of desire. |
Inapplicability (n.) The quality of being inapplicable; unfitness; inapplicableness. |
Inapplicable (a.) Not applicable; incapable of being applied; not adapted; not suitable; as, the argument is inapplicable to the case. |
Inapplication (n.) Want of application, attention, or diligence; negligence; indolence. |
Inapposite (a.) Not apposite; not fit or suitable; not pertinent. |
Inappreciable (a.) Not appreciable; too small to be perceived; incapable of being duly valued or estimated. |
Inappreciation (n.) Want of appreciation. |
Inapprehensible (a.) Not apprehensible; unintelligible; inconceivable. |
Inapprehension (n.) Want of apprehension. |
Inapprehensive (a.) Not apprehensive; regardless; unconcerned. |
Inapproachable (a.) Not approachable; unapproachable; inaccessible; unequaled. |
Inappropriate (a.) Not instrument (to); not appropriate; unbecoming; unsuitable; not specially fitted; -- followed by to or for. |
Inapt (a.) Unapt; not apt; unsuitable; inept. |
Inaptitude (n.) Want of aptitude. |
Inaquate (a.) Embodied in, or changed into, water. |
Inaquation (n.) The state of being inaquate. |
Inarable (a.) Not arable. |
Inarched (imp. & p. p.) of Inarch |
Inarching (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inarch |
Inarch (v. t.) To graft by uniting, as a scion, to a stock, without separating either from its root before the union is complete; -- also called to graft by approach. |
Inarching (n.) A method of ingrafting. See Inarch. |
Inarticulate (a.) Not uttered with articulation or intelligible distinctness, as speech or words. |
Inarticulate (a.) Not jointed or articulated; having no distinct body segments; as, an inarticulate worm. |
Inarticulate (a.) Without a hinge; -- said of an order (Inarticulata or Ecardines) of brachiopods. |
Inarticulate (a.) Incapable of articulating. |
Inarticulated (a.) Not articulated; not jointed or connected by a joint. |
Inarticulately (adv.) In an inarticulate manner. |
Inarticulateness (n.) The state or quality of being inarticulate. |
Inarticulation (n.) Inarticulateness. |
Inartificial (a.) Not artificial; not made or elaborated by art; natural; simple; artless; as, an inartificial argument; an inartificial character. |
Inasmuch (adv.) In like degree; in like manner; seeing that; considering that; since; -- followed by as. See In as much as, under In, prep. |
Inattention (n.) Want of attention, or failure to pay attention; disregard; heedlessness; neglect. |
Inattentive (a.) Not attentive; not fixing the mind on an object; heedless; careless; negligent; regardless; as, an inattentive spectator or hearer; an inattentive habit. |
Inaudibility (n.) The quality of being inaudible; inaudibleness. |
Inaudible (a.) Not audible; incapable of being heard; silent. |
Inaugur (v. t.) To inaugurate. |
Inaugural (a.) Pertaining to, or performed or pronounced at, an inauguration; as, an inaugural address; the inaugural exercises. |
Inaugural (n.) An inaugural address. |
Inaugurate (a.) Invested with office; inaugurated. |
Inaugurated (imp. & p. p.) of Inaugurate |
Inaugurating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inaugurate |
Inaugurate (v. t.) To introduce or induct into an office with suitable ceremonies or solemnities; to invest with power or authority in a formal manner; to install; as, to inaugurate a president; to inaugurate a king. |
Inaugurate (v. t.) To cause to begin, esp. with formality or solemn ceremony; hence, to set in motion, action, or progress; to initiate; -- used especially of something of dignity or worth or public concern; as, to inaugurate a new era of things, new methods, etc. |
Inaugurate (v. t.) To celebrate the completion of, or the first public use of; to dedicate, as a statue. |
Inaugurate (v. t.) To begin with good omens. |
Inauguration (n.) The act of inuagurating, or inducting into office with solemnity; investiture by appropriate ceremonies. |
Inauguration (n.) The formal beginning or initiation of any movement, course of action, etc.; as, the inauguration of a new system, a new condition, etc. |
Inaugurator (n.) One who inaugurates. |
Inauguratory (a.) Suitable for, or pertaining to, inauguration. |
Inaurate (a.) Covered with gold; gilded. |
Inaurate (v. t.) To cover with gold; to gild. |
Inauration (n.) The act or process of gilding or covering with gold. |
Inauspicate (a.) Inauspicious. |
Inauspicious (a.) Not auspicious; ill-omened; unfortunate; unlucky; unfavorable. |
Inauthoritative (a.) Without authority; not authoritative. |
Inbarge (v. t. & i.) To embark; to go or put into a barge. |
Inbeaming (n.) Shining in. |
Inbeing (n.) Inherence; inherent existence. |
Inbind (v. t.) To inclose. |
Inblown (a.) Blown in or into. |
Inboard (a. & adv.) Inside the line of a vessel's bulwarks or hull; the opposite of outboard; as, an inboard cargo; haul the boom inboard. |
Inboard (a. & adv.) From without inward; toward the inside; as, the inboard stroke of a steam engine piston, the inward or return stroke. |
Inborn (a.) Born in or with; implanted by nature; innate; as, inborn passions. |
Inbreak (n.) Alt. of Inbreaking |
Inbreaking (n.) A breaking in; inroad; invasion. |
Inbreathed (imp. & p. p.) of Inbreathe |
Inbreathing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inbreathe |
Inbreathe (v. t.) To infuse by breathing; to inspire. |
Inbred (a.) Bred within; innate; as, inbred worth. |
Inbred (imp. & p. p.) of Inbreed |
Inbreeding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inbreed |
Inbreed (v. t.) To produce or generate within. |
Inbreed (v. t.) To breed in and in. See under Breed, v. i. |
Inburning (a.) Burning within. |
Inburnt (a.) Burnt in; ineffaceable. |
Inburst (n.) A bursting in or into. |
Inc (n.) A Japanese measure of length equal to about two and one twelfth yards. |
Inca (n.) An emperor or monarch of Peru before, or at the time of, the Spanish conquest; any member of this royal dynasty, reputed to have been descendants of the sun. |
Inca (n.) The people governed by the Incas, now represented by the Quichua tribe. |
Incaged (imp. & p. p.) of Incage |
Incaging (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incage |
Incage (v. t.) To confine in, or as in, a cage; to coop up. |
Incagement (n.) Confinement in, or as in, cage. |
Incalculability (n.) The quality or state of being incalculable. |
Incalculable (a.) Not capable of being calculated; beyond calculation; very great. |
Incalescence (n.) The state of being incalescent, or of growing warm. |
Incalescency (n.) Incalescence. |
Incalescent (a.) Growing warm; increasing in heat. |
Incameration (n.) The act or process of uniting lands, rights, or revenues, to the ecclesiastical chamber, i. e., to the pope's domain. |
Incan (a.) Of or pertaining to the Incas. |
Incandescence (n.) A white heat, or the glowing or luminous whiteness of a body caused by intense heat. |
Incandescent (a.) White, glowing, or luminous, with intense heat; as, incandescent carbon or platinum; hence, clear; shining; brilliant. |
Incanescent (a.) Becoming hoary or gray; canescent. |
Incanous (a.) Hoary with white pubescence. |
Incantation (n.) The act or process of using formulas sung or spoken, with occult ceremonies, for the purpose of raising spirits, producing enchantment, or affecting other magical results; enchantment. |
Incantation (n.) A formula of words used as above. |
Incantatory (a.) Dealing by enchantment; magical. |
Incanting (a.) Enchanting. |
Incanton (v. t.) To unite to, or form into, a canton or separate community. |
Incapability (n.) The quality of being incapable; incapacity. |
Incapability (n.) Want of legal qualifications, or of legal power; as, incapability of holding an office. |
Incapable (a.) Wanting in ability or qualification for the purpose or end in view; not large enough to contain or hold; deficient in physical strength, mental or moral power, etc.; not capable; as, incapable of holding a certain quantity of liquid; incapable of endurance, of comprehension, of perseverance, of reform, etc. |
Incapable (a.) Not capable of being brought to do or perform, because morally strong or well disposed; -- used with reference to some evil; as, incapable of wrong, dishonesty, or falsehood. |
Incapable (a.) Not in a state to receive; not receptive; not susceptible; not able to admit; as, incapable of pain, or pleasure; incapable of stain or injury. |
Incapable (a.) Unqualified or disqualified, in a legal sense; as, a man under thirty-five years of age is incapable of holding the office of president of the United States; a person convicted on impeachment is thereby made incapable of holding an office of profit or honor under the government. |
Incapable (a.) As a term of disgrace, sometimes annexed to a sentence when an officer has been cashiered and rendered incapable of serving his country. |
Incapable (n.) One who is morally or mentally weak or inefficient; an imbecile; a simpleton. |
Incapableness (n.) The quality or state of being incapable; incapability. |
Incapably (adv.) In an incapable manner. |
Incapacious (a.) Not capacious; narrow; small; weak or foolish; as, an incapacious soul. |
Incapacitated (imp. & p. p.) of Incapacitate |
Incapacitating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incapacitate |
Incapacitate (v. t.) To deprive of capacity or natural power; to disable; to render incapable or unfit; to disqualify; as, his age incapacitated him for war. |
Incapacitate (v. t.) To deprive of legal or constitutional requisites, or of ability or competency for the performance of certain civil acts; to disqualify. |
Incapacitation (n.) The act of incapacitating or state of being incapacitated; incapacity; disqualification. |
Incapacities (pl. ) of Incapacity |
Incapacity (n.) Want of capacity; lack of physical or intellectual power; inability. |
Incapacity (n.) Want of legal ability or competency to do, give, transmit, or receive something; inability; disqualification; as, the inacapacity of minors to make binding contracts, etc. |
Incapsulate (v. t.) To inclose completely, as in a membrane. |
Incapsulation (n.) The process of becoming, or the state or condition of being, incapsulated; as, incapsulation of the ovum in the uterus. |
Incarcerated (imp. & p. p.) of Incarcerate |
Incarcerating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incarcerate |
Incarcerate (v. t.) To imprison; to confine in a jail or prison. |
Incarcerate (v. t.) To confine; to shut up or inclose; to hem in. |
Incarcerate (a.) Imprisoned. |
Incarceration (n.) The act of confining, or the state of being confined; imprisonment. |
Incarceration (n.) Formerly, strangulation, as in hernia. |
Incarceration (n.) A constriction of the hernial sac, rendering it irreducible, but not great enough to cause strangulation. |
Incarcerator (n.) One who incarcerates. |
Incarn (v. t.) To cover or invest with flesh. |
Incarn (v. i.) To develop flesh. |
Incarnadine (a.) Flesh-colored; of a carnation or pale red color. |
Incarnadine (v. t.) To dye red or crimson. |
Incarnate (a.) Not in the flesh; spiritual. |
Incarnate (a.) Invested with flesh; embodied in a human nature and form; united with, or having, a human body. |
Incarnate (a.) Flesh-colored; rosy; red. |
Incarnated (imp. & p. p.) of Incarnate |
Incarnating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incarnate |
Incarnate (v. t.) To clothe with flesh; to embody in flesh; to invest, as spirits, ideals, etc., with a human from or nature. |
Incarnate (v. i.) To form flesh; to granulate, as a wound. |
Incarnation (n.) The act of clothing with flesh, or the state of being so clothed; the act of taking, or being manifested in, a human body and nature. |
Incarnation (n.) The union of the second person of the Godhead with manhood in Christ. |
Incarnation (n.) An incarnate form; a personification; a manifestation; a reduction to apparent from; a striking exemplification in person or act. |
Incarnation (n.) A rosy or red color; flesh color; carnation. |
Incarnation (n.) The process of healing wounds and filling the part with new flesh; granulation. |
Incarnative (a.) Causing new flesh to grow; healing; regenerative. |
Incarnative (n.) An incarnative medicine. |
Incarnification (n.) The act of assuming, or state of being clothed with, flesh; incarnation. |
Incased (imp. & p. p.) of Incase |
Incasing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incase |
Incase (v. t.) To inclose in a case; to inclose; to cover or surround with something solid. |
Incasement (n.) The act or process of inclosing with a case, or the state of being incased. |
Incasement (n.) That which forms a case, covering, or inclosure. |
Incask (v. t.) To cover with a casque or as with a casque. |
Incastellated (a.) Confined or inclosed in a castle. |
Incastelled (a.) Hoofbound. |
Incatenation (n.) The act of linking together; enchaining. |
Incaution (n.) Want of caution. |
Incautious (a.) Not cautious; not circumspect; not attending to the circumstances on which safety and interest depend; heedless; careless; as, an incautious step; an incautious remark. |
Incavated (a.) Made hollow; bent round or in. |
Incavation (n.) Act of making hollow; also, a hollow; an exvation; a depression. |
Incaved (a.) Inclosed in a cave. |
Incaverned (a.) Inclosed or shut up as in a cavern. |
Incedingly (adv.) Majestically. |
Incelebrity (n.) Want of celebrity or distinction; obscurity. |
Incend (v. t.) To inflame; to excite. |
Incendiarism (n.) The act or practice of maliciously setting fires; arson. |
Incendiaries (pl. ) of Incendiary |
Incendiary (n.) Any person who maliciously sets fire to a building or other valuable or other valuable property. |
Incendiary (n.) A person who excites or inflames factions, and promotes quarrels or sedition; an agitator; an exciter. |
Incendiary (a.) Of or pertaining to incendiarism, or the malicious burning of valuable property; as, incendiary material; as incendiary crime. |
Incendiary (a.) Tending to excite or inflame factions, sedition, or quarrel; inflammatory; seditious. |
Incendious (a.) Promoting faction or contention; seditious; inflammatory. |
Incensant (a.) A modern term applied to animals (as a boar) when borne as raging, or with furious aspect. |
Incensation (n.) The offering of incense. |
Incensed (imp. & p. p.) of Incense |
Incensing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incense |
Incense (v. t.) To set on fire; to inflame; to kindle; to burn. |
Incense (v. t.) To inflame with anger; to endkindle; to fire; to incite; to provoke; to heat; to madden. |
Incensed (imp. & p. p.) of Incense |
Incensing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incense |
Incense (n.) To offer incense to. See Incense. |
Incense (n.) To perfume with, or as with, incense. |
Incense (n.) The perfume or odors exhaled from spices and gums when burned in celebrating religious rites or as an offering to some deity. |
Incense (n.) The materials used for the purpose of producing a perfume when burned, as fragrant gums, spices, frankincense, etc. |
Incense (n.) Also used figuratively. |
Incensebreathing (a.) Breathing or exhaling incense. |
Incensed (a.) Angered; enraged. |
Incensed (a.) Represented as enraged, as any wild creature depicted with fire issuing from mouth and eyes. |
Incensement (n.) Fury; rage; heat; exasperation; as, implacable incensement. |
Incenser (n.) One who instigates or incites. |
Incension (n.) The act of kindling, or the state of being kindled or on fire. |
Incensive (a.) Tending to excite or provoke; inflammatory. |
Incensor (n.) A kindler of anger or enmity; an inciter. |
Incensories (pl. ) of Incensory |
Incensory (n.) The vessel in which incense is burned and offered; a censer; a thurible. |
Incensurable (a.) Not censurable. |
Incenter (n.) The center of the circle inscribed in a triangle. |
Incentive (a.) Inciting; encouraging or moving; rousing to action; stimulative. |
Incentive (a.) Serving to kindle or set on fire. |
Incentive (n.) That which moves or influences the mind, or operates on the passions; that which incites, or has a tendency to incite, to determination or action; that which prompts to good or ill; motive; spur; as, the love of money, and the desire of promotion, are two powerful incentives to action. |
Incentively (adv.) Incitingly; encouragingly. |
Inception (n.) Beginning; commencement; initiation. |
Inception (n.) Reception; a taking in. |
Inceptive (a.) Beginning; expressing or indicating beginning; as, an inceptive proposition; an inceptive verb, which expresses the beginning of action; -- called also inchoative. |
Inceptive (n.) An inceptive word, phrase, or clause. |
Inceptor (n.) A beginner; one in the rudiments. |
Inceptor (n.) One who is on the point of taking the degree of master of arts at an English university. |
Inceration (n.) The act of smearing or covering with wax. |
Incerative (a.) Cleaving or sticking like wax. |
Incertain (n.) Uncertain; doubtful; unsteady. |
Incertainty (n.) Uncertainty. |
Incertitude (n.) Uncertainty; doubtfulness; doubt. |
Incertum (a.) Doubtful; not of definite form. |
Incessable (a.) Unceasing; continual. |
Incessancy (n.) The quality of being incessant; unintermitted continuance; unceasingness. |
Incessant (a.) Continuing or following without interruption; unceasing; unitermitted; uninterrupted; continual; as, incessant clamors; incessant pain, etc. |
Incessantly (adv.) Unceasingly; continually. |
Incession (n.) Motion on foot; progress in walking. |
Incest (n.) The crime of cohabitation or sexual commerce between persons related within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law. |
Incesttuous (a.) Guilty of incest; involving, or pertaining to, the crime of incest; as, an incestuous person or connection. |
Inch (n.) An island; -- often used in the names of small islands off the coast of Scotland, as in Inchcolm, Inchkeith, etc. |
Inch (n.) A measure of length, the twelfth part of a foot, commonly subdivided into halves, quarters, eights, sixteenths, etc., as among mechanics. It was also formerly divided into twelve parts, called lines, and originally into three parts, called barleycorns, its length supposed to have been determined from three grains of barley placed end to end lengthwise. It is also sometimes called a prime ('), composed of twelve seconds (''), as in the duodecimal system of arithmetic. |
Inch (n.) A small distance or degree, whether of time or space; hence, a critical moment. |
Inched (imp. & p. p.) of Inch |
Inching (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inch |
Inch (v. t.) To drive by inches, or small degrees. |
Inch (v. t.) To deal out by inches; to give sparingly. |
Inch (v. i.) To advance or retire by inches or small degrees; to move slowly. |
Inch (a.) Measurement an inch in any dimension, whether length, breadth, or thickness; -- used in composition; as, a two-inch cable; a four-inch plank. |
Inchambered (imp. & p. p.) of Inchamber |
Inchambering (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inchamber |
Inchamber (v. t.) To lodge in a chamber. |
Inchangeability (n.) Unchangeableness. |
Inchant (v. t.) See Enchant. |
Incharitable (a.) Uncharitable; unfeeling. |
Incharity (n.) Want of charity. |
Inchase (v. t.) See Enchase. |
Inchastity (n.) Unchastity. |
Inched (a.) Having or measuring (so many) inches; as, a four-inched bridge. |
Inchest (v. t.) To put into a chest. |
Inchipin (n.) See Inchpin. |
Inchmeal (n.) A piece an inch long. |
Inchmeal (adv.) Little by little; gradually. |
Inchoate (a.) Recently, or just, begun; beginning; partially but not fully in existence or operation; existing in its elements; incomplete. |
Inchoate (v. t.) To begin. |
Inchoation (n.) Act of beginning; commencement; inception. |
Inchoative (a.) Expressing or pertaining to a beginning; inceptive; as, an inchoative verb. |
Inchoative (n.) An inchoative verb. See Inceptive. |
Inchpin (n.) The sweetbread of a deer. |
Inchworm (n.) The larva of any geometrid moth. See Geometrid. |
Incicurable (a.) Untamable. |
Incide (v. t.) To cut; to separate and remove; to resolve or break up, as by medicines. |
Incidence (n.) A falling on or upon; an incident; an event. |
Incidence (n.) The direction in which a body, or a ray of light or heat, falls on any surface. |
Incidency (n.) Incidence. |
Incident (a.) Falling or striking upon, as a ray of light upon a reflecting surface. |
Incident (a.) Coming or happening accidentally; not in the usual course of things; not in connection with the main design; not according to expectation; casual; fortuitous. |
Incident (a.) Liable to happen; apt to occur; befalling; hence, naturally happening or appertaining. |
Incident (a.) Dependent upon, or appertaining to, another thing, called the principal. |
Incident (n.) That which falls out or takes place; an event; casualty; occurrence. |
Incident (n.) That which happens aside from the main design; an accidental or subordinate action or event. |
Incident (n.) Something appertaining to, passing with, or depending on, another, called the principal. |
Incindental (a.) Happening, as an occasional event, without regularity; coming without design; casual; accidental; hence, not of prime concern; subordinate; collateral; as, an incidental conversation; an incidental occurrence; incidental expenses. |
Incendental (n.) An incident; that which is incidental; esp., in the plural, an aggregate of subordinate or incidental items not particularized; as, the expense of tuition and incidentals. |
Incidently (adv.) Incidentally. |
Incinerable (a.) Capable of being incinerated or reduced to ashes. |
Incinerate () Reduced to ashes by burning; thoroughly consumed. |
Incinerated (imp. & p. p.) of Incinerate |
Incinerating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incinerate |
Incinerate (v. t.) To burn to ashes; to consume; to burn. |
Incineration (n.) The act of incinerating, or the state of being incinerated; cremation. |
Incipience (n.) Alt. of Incipiency |
Incipiency (n.) Beginning; commencement; incipient state. |
Incipient (a.) Beginning to be, or to show itself; commencing; initial; as, the incipient stage of a fever; incipient light of day. |
Incircle (v. t.) See Encircle. |
Incirclet (n.) A small circle. |
Incircumscriptible (a.) Incapable of being circumscribed or limited. |
Incircumscription (n.) Condition or quality of being incircumscriptible or limitless. |
Incircumspect (a.) Not circumspect; heedless; careless; reckless; impolitic. |
Incircumspection (n.) Want of circumspection. |
Incised (imp. & p. p.) of Incise |
Incising (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incise |
Incise (v. t.) To cut in or into with a sharp instrument; to carve; to engrave. |
Incise (v. t.) To cut, gash, or wound with a sharp instrument; to cut off. |
Incised (a.) Cut in; carved; engraved. |
Incised (a.) Having deep and sharp notches, as a leaf or a petal. |
Incisely (adv.) In an incised manner. |
Incision (n.) The act of incising, or cutting into a substance. |
Incision (n.) That which is produced by incising; the separation of the parts of any substance made by a cutting or pointed instrument; a cut; a gash. |
Incision (n.) Separation or solution of viscid matter by medicines. |
Incisive (a.) Having the quality of incising, cutting, or penetrating, as with a sharp instrument; cutting; hence, sharp; acute; sarcastic; biting. |
Incisive (a.) Of or pertaining to the incisors; incisor; as, the incisive bones, the premaxillaries. |
Incisor (n.) One of the teeth in front of the canines in either jaw; an incisive tooth. See Tooth. |
Incisor (a.) Adapted for cutting; of or pertaining to the incisors; incisive; as, the incisor nerve; an incisor foramen; an incisor tooth. |
Incisory (a.) Having the quality of cutting; incisor; incisive. |
Incisure (n.) A cut; an incision; a gash. |
Incitant (a.) Inciting; stimulating. |
Incitant (n.) That which incites; an inciting agent or cause; a stimulant. |
Incitation (n.) The act of inciting or moving to action. |
Incitation (n.) That which incites to action; that which rouses or prompts; incitement; motive; incentive. |
Incitative (n.) A provocative; an incitant; a stimulant. |
Incited (imp. & p. p.) of Incite |
Inciting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incite |
Incite (v. t.) To move to action; to stir up; to rouse; to spur or urge on. |
Incitement (n.) The act of inciting. |
Incitement (n.) That which incites the mind, or moves to action; motive; incentive; impulse. |
Inciter (n.) One who, or that which, incites. |
Incitingly (adv.) So as to incite or stimulate. |
Incito-motor (a.) Inciting to motion; -- applied to that action which, in the case of muscular motion, commences in the nerve centers, and excites the muscles to contraction. Opposed to excito-motor. |
Incito-motory (a.) Incitomotor. |
Incivil (a.) Uncivil; rude. |
Incivilities (pl. ) of Incivility |
Incivility (n.) The quality or state of being uncivil; want of courtesy; rudeness of manner; impoliteness. |
Incivility (n.) Any act of rudeness or ill breeding. |
Incivility (n.) Want of civilization; a state of rudeness or barbarism. |
Incivilization (n.) The state of being uncivilized; want of civilization; barbarism. |
Incivilly (adv.) Uncivilly. |
Incivism (n.) Want of civism; want of patriotism or love to one's country; unfriendliness to one's state or government. |
Inclamation (n.) Exclamation. |
Inclasp (v. t.) To clasp within; to hold fast to; to embrace or encircle. |
Inclaudent (a.) Not closing or shutting. |
Inclavated (a.) Set; fast; fixed. |
Inclave (a.) Resembling a series of dovetails; -- said of a line of division, such as the border of an ordinary. |
Incle (n.) Same as Inkle. |
Inclemencies (pl. ) of Inclemency |
Inclemency (n.) The state or quality of being inclement; want of clemency; want of mildness of temper; unmercifulness; severity. |
Inclemency (n.) Physical severity or harshness (commonly in respect to the elements or weather); roughness; storminess; rigor; severe cold, wind, rain, or snow. |
Inclement (a.) Not clement; destitute of a mild and kind temper; void of tenderness; unmerciful; severe; harsh. |
Inclement (a.) Physically severe or harsh (generally restricted to the elements or weather); rough; boisterous; stormy; rigorously cold, etc.; as, inclement weather. |
Inclemently (adv.) In an inclement manner. |
Inclinable (a.) Leaning; tending. |
Inclinable (a.) Having a propensity of will or feeling; leaning in disposition; disposed; propense; as, a mind inclinable to truth. |
Inclinableness (n.) The state or quality of being inclinable; inclination. |
Inclinnation (n.) The act of inclining, or state of being inclined; a leaning; as, an inclination of the head. |
Inclinnation (n.) A direction or tendency from the true vertical or horizontal direction; as, the inclination of a column, or of a road bed. |
Inclinnation (n.) A tendency towards another body or point. |
Inclinnation (n.) The angle made by two lines or planes; as, the inclination of the plane of the earth's equator to the plane of the ecliptic is about 23� 28'; the inclination of two rays of light. |
Inclinnation (n.) A leaning or tendency of the mind, feelings, preferences, or will; propensity; a disposition more favorable to one thing than to another; favor; desire; love. |
Inclinnation (n.) A person or thing loved or admired. |
Inclinnation (n.) Decantation, or tipping for pouring. |
Inclinatory (a.) Having the quality of leaning or inclining; as, the inclinatory needle. |
Inclined (imp. & p. p.) of Incline |
Inclining (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incline |
Incline (v. i.) To deviate from a line, direction, or course, toward an object; to lean; to tend; as, converging lines incline toward each other; a road inclines to the north or south. |
Incline (v. i.) Fig.: To lean or tend, in an intellectual or moral sense; to favor an opinion, a course of conduct, or a person; to have a propensity or inclination; to be disposed. |
Incline (v. i.) To bow; to incline the head. |
Incline (v. t.) To cause to deviate from a line, position, or direction; to give a leaning, bend, or slope to; as, incline the column or post to the east; incline your head to the right. |
Incline (v. t.) To impart a tendency or propensity to, as to the will or affections; to turn; to dispose; to influence. |
Incline (v. t.) To bend; to cause to stoop or bow; as, to incline the head or the body in acts of reverence or civility. |
Incline (n.) An inclined plane; an ascent o/ descent; a grade or gradient; a slope. |
Inclined (p. p. & a.) Having a leaning or tendency towards, or away from, a thing; disposed or moved by wish, desire, or judgment; as, a man inclined to virtue. |
Inclined (p. p. & a.) Making an angle with some line or plane; -- said of a line or plane. |
Inclined (p. p. & a.) Bent out of a perpendicular position, or into a curve with the convex side uppermost. |
Incliner (n.) One who, or that which, inclines; specifically, an inclined dial. |
Inclining (a.) Same as Inclined, 3. |
Inclining (n.) Inclination; disposition. |
Inclining (n.) Party or side chosen; a following. |
Inclinnometer (n.) An apparatus to determine the inclination of the earth's magnetic force to the plane of the horizon; -- called also inclination compass, and dip circle. |
Inclip (v. t.) To clasp; to inclose. |
Incloister (v. t.) To confine as in a cloister; to cloister. |
Inclosed (imp. & p. p.) of Inclose |
Inclosing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inclose |
Inclose (v. t.) To surround; to shut in; to confine on all sides; to include; to shut up; to encompass; as, to inclose a fort or an army with troops; to inclose a town with walls. |
Inclose (v. t.) To put within a case, envelope, or the like; to fold (a thing) within another or into the same parcel; as, to inclose a letter or a bank note. |
Inclose (v. t.) To separate from common grounds by a fence; as, to inclose lands. |
Inclose (v. t.) To put into harness; to harness. |
Incloser (n.) One who, or that which, incloses; one who fences off land from common grounds. |
Inclosure (n.) The act of inclosing; the state of being inclosed, shut up, or encompassed; the separation of land from common ground by a fence. |
Inclosure (n.) That which is inclosed or placed within something; a thing contained; a space inclosed or fenced up. |
Inclosure (n.) That which incloses; a barrier or fence. |
Incloud (v. t.) To envelop as in clouds; to darken; to obscure. |
Included (imp. & p. p.) of Include |
Including (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Include |
Include (v. t.) To confine within; to hold; to contain; to shut up; to inclose; as, the shell of a nut includes the kernel; a pearl is included in a shell. |
Include (v. t.) To comprehend or comprise, as a genus the species, the whole a part, an argument or reason the inference; to contain; to embrace; as, this volume of Shakespeare includes his sonnets; he was included in the invitation to the family; to and including page twenty-five. |
Include (v. t.) To conclude; to end; to terminate. |
Included (a.) Inclosed; confined. |
Includible (a.) Capable of being included. |
Inclusa (n. pl.) A tribe of bivalve mollusks, characterized by the closed state of the mantle which envelops the body. The ship borer (Teredo navalis) is an example. |
Inclusion (n.) The act of including, or the state of being included; limitation; restriction; as, the lines of inclusion of his policy. |
Inclusion (n.) A foreign substance, either liquid or solid, usually of minute size, inclosed in the mass of a mineral. |
Inclusive (a.) Inclosing; encircling; surrounding. |
Inclusive (a.) Comprehending the stated limit or extremes; as, from Monday to Saturday inclusive, that is, taking in both Monday and Saturday; -- opposed to exclusive. |
Inclusively (adv.) In an inclusive manner. |
Incoach (v. t.) To put a coach. |
Incoact (a.) Alt. of Incoacted |
Incoacted (a.) Not compelled; unconstrained. |
Incoagulable (a.) Not coagulable. |
Incoalescence (n.) The state of not coalescing. |
Incocted (a.) Raw; indigestible. |
Incoercible (a.) Not to be coerced; incapable of being compelled or forced. |
Incoercible (a.) Not capable of being reduced to the form of a liquid by pressure; -- said of any gas above its critical point; -- also particularly of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon monoxide, formerly regarded as incapable of liquefaction at any temperature or pressure. |
Incoercible (a.) That can note be confined in, or excluded from, vessels, like ordinary fluids, gases, etc.; -- said of the imponderable fluids, heat, light, electricity, etc. |
Incoexistence (n.) The state of not coexisting. |
Incog (adv.) Incognito. |
Incogitable (a.) Not cogitable; inconceivable. |
Incogitance (n.) Alt. of Incogitancy |
Incogitancy (n.) Want of thought, or of the power of thinking; thoughtlessness; unreasonableness. |
Incogitant (a.) Toughtless; inconsiderate. |
Incogitantly (adv.) In an incogitant manner. |
Incogitative (a.) Not cogitative; not thinking; wanting the power of thought; as, a vegetable is an incogitative being. |
Incogitativity (n.) The quality of being incogitative; want of thought or of the power of thinking. |
Incognita (n.) A woman who is unknown or in disguise. |
Incognita (n.) The state of being in disguise; -- said of a woman. |
Incognitant (a.) Ignorant. |
Incognito (a. / adv.) Without being known; in disguise; in an assumed character, or under an assumed title; -- said esp. of great personages who sometimes adopt a disguise or an assumed character in order to avoid notice. |
Incognitos (pl. ) of Incognito |
Incognito (a.) One unknown or in disguise, or under an assumed character or name. |
Incognito (a.) The assumption of disguise or of a feigned character; the state of being in disguise or not recognized. |
Incognizable (a.) Not cognizable; incapable of being recognized, known, or distinguished. |
Incognizance (n.) Failure to cognize, apprehended, or notice. |
Incognizant (a.) Not cognizant; failing to apprehended or notice. |
Incognoscible (a.) Incognizable. |
Incoherence (n.) Alt. of Incoherency |
Incoherency (n.) The quality or state of being incoherent; want of coherence; want of cohesion or adherence. |
Incoherency (n.) Want of connection; incongruity; inconsistency; want of agreement or dependence of one part on another; as, the incoherence of arguments, facts, etc. |
Incoherency (n.) That which is incoherent. |
Incoherent (a.) Not coherent; wanting cohesion; loose; unconnected; physically disconnected; not fixed to each; -- said of material substances. |
Incoherent (a.) Wanting coherence or agreement; incongruous; inconsistent; having no dependence of one part on another; logically disconnected. |
Incoherentific (a.) Causing incoherence. |
Incoherently (adv.) In an incoherent manner; without due connection of parts. |
Incoherentness (n.) Incoherence. |
Incoincidence (n.) The quality of being incoincident; want of coincidence. |
Incoincident (a.) Not coincident; not agreeing in time, in place, or principle. |
Incolumity (n.) Safety; security. |
Incomber (v. t.) See Encumber. |
Incombine (v. i.) To be incapable of combining; to disagree; to differ. |
Incombustibility (n.) The quality of being incombustible. |
Incombustible (a.) Not combustible; not capable of being burned, decomposed, or consumed by fire; uninflammable; as, asbestus is an incombustible substance; carbon dioxide is an incombustible gas. |
Income (n.) A coming in; entrance; admittance; ingress; infusion. |
Income (n.) That which is caused to enter; inspiration; influence; hence, courage or zeal imparted. |
Income (n.) That gain which proceeds from labor, business, property, or capital of any kind, as the produce of a farm, the rent of houses, the proceeds of professional business, the profits of commerce or of occupation, or the interest of money or stock in funds, etc.; revenue; receipts; salary; especially, the annual receipts of a private person, or a corporation, from property; as, a large income. |
Income (n.) That which is taken into the body as food; the ingesta; -- sometimes restricted to the nutritive, or digestible, portion of the food. See Food. Opposed to output. |
Incomer (n.) One who comes in. |
Incomer (n.) One who succeeds another, as a tenant of land, houses, etc. |
Incoming (a.) Coming in; accruing. |
Incoming (a.) Coming in, succeeding, or following, as occupant or possessor; as, in incoming tenant. |
Incoming (n.) The act of coming in; arrival. |
Incoming (n.) Income; gain. |
Incomity (n.) Want of comity; incivility; rudeness. |
In commendam () See Commendam, and Partnership in Commendam, under Partnership. |
Incommensurability (n.) The quality or state of being incommensurable. |
Incommensurable (a.) Not commensurable; having no common measure or standard of comparison; as, quantities are incommensurable when no third quantity can be found that is an aliquot part of both; the side and diagonal of a square are incommensurable with each other; the diameter and circumference of a circle are incommensurable. |
Incommensurable (n.) One of two or more quantities which have no common measure. |
Incommensurate (a.) Not commensurate; not admitting of a common measure; incommensurable. |
Incommensurate (a.) Not of equal of sufficient measure or extent; not adequate; as, our means are incommensurate to our wants. |
Incommiscible (a.) Not commiscible; not mixable. |
Incommixture (n.) A state of being unmixed; separateness. |
Incommodated (imp. & p. p.) of Incommodate |
Incommodating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incommodate |
Incommodate (v. t.) To incommode. |
Incommodation (n.) The state of being incommoded; inconvenience. |
Incommoded (imp. & p. p.) of Incommode |
Incommoding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incommode |
Incommode (v. t.) To give inconvenience or trouble to; to disturb or molest; to discommode; to worry; to put out; as, we are incommoded by want of room. |
Incommode (n.) An inconvenience. |
Incommodement (n.) The act of incommoded. |
Incommodious (a.) Tending to incommode; not commodious; not affording ease or advantage; unsuitable; giving trouble; inconvenient; annoying; as, an incommodious seat; an incommodious arrangement. |
Incommodities (pl. ) of Incommodity |
Incommodity (n.) Inconvenience; trouble; annoyance; disadvantage; encumbrance. |
Incommunicability (n.) The quality or state of being incommunicable, or incapable of being imparted. |
Incommunicable (a.) Not communicable; incapable of being communicated, shared, told, or imparted, to others. |
Incommunicated (a.) Not communicated or imparted. |
Incommunicating (a.) Having no communion or intercourse with each other. |
Incommunicative (a.) Not communicative; not free or apt to impart to others in conversation; reserved; silent; as, the messenger was incommunicative; hence, not disposed to hold fellowship or intercourse with others; exclusive. |
Incommutability (n.) The quality or state of being incommutable. |
Incommutable (a.) Not commutable; not capable of being exchanged with, or substituted for, another. |
Incompact (a.) Alt. of Incompacted |
Incompacted (a.) Not compact; not having the parts firmly united; not solid; incoherent; loose; discrete. |
Incomparable (a.) Not comparable; admitting of no comparison with others; unapproachably eminent; without a peer or equal; matchless; peerless; transcendent. |
Incompared (a.) Peerless; incomparable. |
Incompass (v. t.) See Encompass. |
Incompassion (n.) Want of compassion or pity. |
Incompassionate (a.) Not compassionate; void of pity or of tenderness; remorseless. |
-ties (pl. ) of Incompatibility |
Incompatibility (n.) The quality or state of being incompatible; inconsistency; irreconcilableness. |
Incompatible (a.) Not compatible; so differing as to be incapable of harmonious combination or coexistence; inconsistent in thought or being; irreconcilably disagreeing; as, persons of incompatible tempers; incompatible colors, desires, ambition. |
Incompatible (a.) Incapable of being together without mutual reaction or decomposition, as certain medicines. |
Incompatible (n.) An incompatible substance; esp., in pl., things which can not be placed or used together because of a change of chemical composition or of opposing medicinal qualities; as, the incompatibles of iron. |
Incompatibleness (n.) The quality or state of being incompatible; incompatibility. |
Incompatibly (adv.) In an incompatible manner; inconsistently; incongruously. |
Incompetence (n.) Alt. of Incompetency |
Incompetency (n.) The quality or state of being incompetent; want of physical, intellectual, or moral ability; insufficiency; inadequacy; as, the incompetency of a child hard labor, or of an idiot for intellectual efforts. |
Incompetency (n.) Want of competency or legal fitness; incapacity; disqualification, as of a person to be heard as a witness, or to act as a juror, or of a judge to try a cause. |
Incompetent (a.) Not competent; wanting in adequate strength, power, capacity, means, qualifications, or the like; incapable; unable; inadequate; unfit. |
Incompetent (a.) Wanting the legal or constitutional qualifications; inadmissible; as, a person professedly wanting in religious belief is an incompetent witness in a court of law or equity; incompetent evidence. |
Incompetent (a.) Not lying within one's competency, capacity, or authorized power; not permissible. |
Incompetently (adv.) In an competent manner; inadequately; unsuitably. |
Incompetibility (n.) See Incompatibility. |
Incompetible (a.) See Incompatible. |
Incomplete (a.) Not complete; not filled up; not finished; not having all its parts, or not having them all adjusted; imperfect; defective. |
Incomplete (a.) Wanting any of the usual floral organs; -- said of a flower. |
Incompletely (adv.) In an incomplete manner. |
Incompleteness (n.) The state of being incomplete; imperfectness; defectiveness. |
Incompletion (n.) Want of completion; incompleteness. |
Incomplex (a.) Not complex; uncompounded; simple. |
Incompliable (a.) Not compliable; not conformable. |
Incompliance (n.) The quality or state of being incompliant; unyielding temper; obstinacy. |
Incompliance (n.) Refusal or failure to comply. |
Incompliant (a.) Not compliant; unyielding to request, solicitation, or command; stubborn. |
Incomposed (a.) Disordered; disturbed. |
Incomposite (a.) Not composite; uncompounded; simple. |
Incompossible (a.) Not capable of joint existence; incompatible; inconsistent. |
Incomprehense (a.) Incomprehensible. |
Incomprehensibility (n.) The quality of being incomprehensible, or beyond the reach of human intellect; incomprehensibleness; inconceivability; inexplicability. |
Incomprehensible (a.) Not capable of being contained within limits. |
Incomprehensible (a.) Not capable of being comprehended or understood; beyond the reach of the human intellect; inconceivable. |
Incomprehension (n.) Want of comprehension or understanding. |
Incomprehensive (a.) Not comprehensive; not capable of including or of understanding; not extensive; limited. |
Incompressibility (n.) The quality of being incompressible, or incapable of reduction in volume by pressure; -- formerly supposed to be a property of liquids. |
Incompressible (a.) Not compressible; incapable of being reduced by force or pressure into a smaller compass or volume; resisting compression; as, many liquids and solids appear to be almost incompressible. |
Incomputable (a.) Not computable. |
Inconcealable (a.) Not concealable. |
Inconceivability (n.) The quality of being inconceivable; inconceivableness. |
Inconceivable (a.) Not conceivable; incapable of being conceived by the mind; not explicable by the human intellect, or by any known principles or agencies; incomprehensible; as, it is inconceivable to us how the will acts in producing muscular motion. |
Inconceptible (a.) Inconceivable. |
Inconcerning (a.) Unimportant; trifling. |
Inconcinne (a.) Dissimilar; incongruous; unsuitable. |
Inconcinnity (n.) Want of concinnity or congruousness; unsuitableness. |
Inconcinnous (a.) Not concinnous; unsuitable; discordant. |
Inconcludent (a.) Not inferring a conclusion or consequence; not conclusive. |
Inconcluding (a.) Inferring no consequence. |
Inconclusive (a.) Not conclusive; leading to no conclusion; not closing or settling a point in debate, or a doubtful question; as, evidence is inconclusive when it does not exhibit the truth of a disputed case in such a manner as to satisfy the mind, and put an end to debate or doubt. |
Inconcoct (a.) Inconcocted. |
Inconcocted (a.) Imperfectly digested, matured, or ripened. |
Inconcoction (n.) The state of being undigested; unripeness; immaturity. |
Inconcrete (a.) Not concrete. |
Inconcurring (a.) Not concurring; disagreeing. |
Inconcussible (a.) Not concussible; that cannot be shaken. |
Incondensability (n.) Alt. of Incondensibility |
Incondensibility (n.) The quality or state of being incondensable. |
Incondensable (a.) Alt. of Incondensible |
Incondensible (a.) Not condensable; incapable of being made more dense or compact, or reduced to liquid form. |
Incondite (a.) Badly put together; inartificial; rude; unpolished; irregular. |
Inconditional (a.) Unconditional. |
Inconditionate (a.) Not conditioned; not limited; absolute. |
Inconform (a.) Unconformable. |
Inconformable (a.) Unconformable. |
Inconformity (n.) Want of conformity; nonconformity. |
Inconfused (a.) Not confused; distinct. |
Inconfusion (n.) Freedom from confusion; distinctness. |
Inconfutable (a.) Not confutable. |
Incongealable (a.) Not congealable; incapable of being congealed. |
Incongenial (a.) Not congenial; uncongenial. |
Incongruence (n.) Want of congruence; incongruity. |
Incongruent (a.) Incongruous. |
Incongruities (pl. ) of Incongruity |
Incongruity (n.) The quality or state of being incongruous; want of congruity; unsuitableness; inconsistency; impropriety. |
Incongruity (n.) Disagreement of parts; want of symmetry or of harmony. |
Incongruity (n.) That which is incongruous; want of congruity. |
Incongruous (a.) Not congruous; reciprocally disagreeing; not capable of harmonizing or readily assimilating; inharmonious; inappropriate; unsuitable; not fitting; inconsistent; improper; as, an incongruous remark; incongruous behavior, action, dress, etc. |
Inconnected (a.) Not connected; disconnected. |
Inconnection (n.) Disconnection. |
Inconnexedly (adv.) Not connectedly; without connection. |
Inconscionable (a.) Unconscionable. |
Inconscious (a.) Unconscious. |
Inconsecutiveness (n.) The state or quality of not being consecutive. |
Inconsequence (n.) The quality or state of being inconsequent; want of just or logical inference or argument; inconclusiveness. |
Inconsequent (a.) Not following from the premises; not regularly inferred; invalid; not characterized by logical method; illogical; arbitrary; inconsistent; of no consequence. |
Inconsequential (a.) Not regularly following from the premises; hence, irrelevant; unimportant; of no consequence. |
Inconsequentiality (n.) The state of being inconsequential. |
Inconsequentness (n.) Inconsequence. |
Inconsiderable (a.) Not considerable; unworthy of consideration or notice; unimportant; small; trivial; as, an inconsiderable distance; an inconsiderable quantity, degree, value, or sum. |
Inconsideracy (n.) Inconsiderateness; thoughtlessness. |
Inconsiderate (a.) Not considerate; not attentive to safety or to propriety; not regarding the rights or feelings of others; hasty; careless; thoughtless; heedless; as, the young are generally inconsiderate; inconsiderate conduct. |
Inconsiderate (a.) Inconsiderable. |
Inconsiderately (adv.) In an inconsiderate manner. |
Inconsiderateness (n.) The quality or state of being inconsiderate. |
Inconsideration (n.) Want of due consideration; inattention to consequences; inconsiderateness. |
Inconsistence (n.) Inconsistency. |
Inconsistencies (pl. ) of Inconsistency |
Inconsistency (n.) The quality or state of being inconsistent; discordance in respect to sentiment or action; such contrariety between two things that both can not exist or be true together; disagreement; incompatibility. |
Inconsistency (n.) Absurdity in argument ore narration; incoherence or irreconcilability in the parts of a statement, argument, or narration; that which is inconsistent. |
Inconsistency (n.) Want of stability or uniformity; unsteadiness; changeableness; variableness. |
Inconsistent (a.) Not consistent; showing inconsistency; irreconcilable; discordant; at variance, esp. as regards character, sentiment, or action; incompatible; incongruous; contradictory. |
Inconsistent (a.) Not exhibiting uniformity of sentiment, steadiness to principle, etc.; unequal; fickle; changeable. |
Inconsistently (adv.) In an inconsistent manner. |
Inconsistentness (n.) Inconsistency. |
Inconsisting (a.) Inconsistent. |
Inconsolable (a.) Not consolable; incapable of being consoled; grieved beyond susceptibility of comfort; disconsolate. |
Inconsonance (n.) Alt. of Inconsonancy |
Inconsonancy (n.) Want of consonance or harmony of sound, action, or thought; disagreement. |
Inconsonant (a.) Not consonant or agreeing; inconsistent; discordant. |
Inconspicuous (a.) Not conspicuous or noticeable; hardly discernible. |
Inconstance (n.) Inconstancy. |
Inconstancy (n.) The quality or state of being inconstant; want of constancy; mutability; fickleness; variableness. |
Inconstant (a.) Not constant; not stable or uniform; subject to change of character, appearance, opinion, inclination, or purpose, etc.; not firm; unsteady; fickle; changeable; variable; -- said of persons or things; as, inconstant in love or friendship. |
Inconstantly (adv.) In an inconstant manner. |
Incomsumable (a.) Not consumable; incapable of being consumed, wasted, or spent. |
Inconsummate (a.) Not consummated; not finished; incomplete. |
Inconsumptible (a.) Inconsumable. |
Incontaminate (a.) Not contaminated; pure. |
Incontentation (n.) Discontent. |
Incontestability (n.) The quality or state of being incontestable. |
Incontestable (a.) Not contestable; not to be disputed; that cannot be called in question or controverted; incontrovertible; indisputable; as, incontestable evidence, truth, or facts. |
Incontested (a.) Not contested. |
Incontiguous (a.) Not contiguous; not adjoining or in contact; separate. |
Incontinence (n.) Alt. of Incontinency |
Incontinency (n.) Incapacity to hold; hence, incapacity to hold back or restrain; the quality or state of being incontinent; want of continence; failure to restrain the passions or appetites; indulgence of lust; lewdness. |
Incontinency (n.) The inability of any of the animal organs to restrain the natural evacuations, so that the discharges are involuntary; as, incontinence of urine. |
Incontinent (a.) Not continent; uncontrolled; not restraining the passions or appetites, particularly the sexual appetite; indulging unlawful lust; unchaste; lewd. |
Incontinent (a.) Unable to restrain natural evacuations. |
Incontinent (n.) One who is unchaste. |
Incontinent (adv.) Incontinently; instantly immediately. |
Incontinently (adv.) In an incontinent manner; without restraint, or without due restraint; -- used esp. of the passions or appetites. |
Incontinently (adv.) Immediately; at once; forthwith. |
Incontracted (a.) Uncontracted. |
Incontrollable (a.) Not controllable; uncontrollable. |
Incontrovertibility (n.) The state or condition of being incontrovertible. |
Incontrovertible (a.) Not controvertible; too clear or certain to admit of dispute; indisputable. |
Inconvenience (n.) The quality or condition of being inconvenient; want of convenience; unfitness; unsuitableness; inexpediency; awkwardness; as, the inconvenience of the arrangement. |
Inconvenience (n.) That which gives trouble, embarrassment, or uneasiness; disadvantage; anything that disturbs quiet, impedes prosperity, or increases the difficulty of action or success; as, one inconvenience of life is poverty. |
Inconvenience (v. t.) To put to inconvenience; to incommode; as, to inconvenience a neighbor. |
Inconveniency (n.) Inconvenience. |
Inconvenient (a.) Not becoming or suitable; unfit; inexpedient. |
Inconvenient (a.) Not convenient; giving trouble, uneasiness, or annoyance; hindering progress or success; uncomfortable; disadvantageous; incommodious; inopportune; as, an inconvenient house, garment, arrangement, or time. |
Inconveniently (adv.) In an inconvenient manner; incommodiously; unsuitably; unseasonably. |
Inconversable (a.) Incommunicative; unsocial; reserved. |
Inconversant (a.) Not conversant; not acquainted; not versed; unfamiliar. |
Inconverted (a.) Not turned or changed about. |
Inconvertibility (n.) The quality or state of being inconvertible; not capable of being exchanged for, or converted into, something else; as, the inconvertibility of an irredeemable currency, or of lead, into gold. |
Inconvertible (a.) Not convertible; not capable of being transmuted, changed into, or exchanged for, something else; as, one metal is inconvertible into another; bank notes are sometimes inconvertible into specie. |
Inconvertibleness (n.) Inconvertibility. |
Inconvertibly (adv.) In an inconvertible manner. |
Inconvincible (a.) Not convincible; incapable of being convinced. |
Inconvincibly (adv.) In a manner not admitting of being convinced. |
Incony (a.) Unlearned; artless; pretty; delicate. |
Incoordinate (a.) Not coordinate. |
Incoordination (n.) Want of coordination; lack of harmonious adjustment or action. |
Incoronate (a.) Crowned. |
Incorporal (a.) Immaterial; incorporeal; spiritual. |
Incorporality (n.) Incorporeality. |
Incorporally (adv.) Incorporeally. |
Incorporate (a.) Not consisting of matter; not having a material body; incorporeal; spiritual. |
Incorporate (a.) Not incorporated; not existing as a corporation; as, an incorporate banking association. |
Incorporate (a.) Corporate; incorporated; made one body, or united in one body; associated; mixed together; combined; embodied. |
Incorporated (imp. & p. p.) of Incorporate |
Incorporating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incorporate |
Incorporate (v. t.) To form into a body; to combine, as different ingredients. into one consistent mass. |
Incorporate (v. t.) To unite with a material body; to give a material form to; to embody. |
Incorporate (v. t.) To unite with, or introduce into, a mass already formed; as, to incorporate copper with silver; -- used with with and into. |
Incorporate (v. t.) To unite intimately; to blend; to assimilate; to combine into a structure or organization, whether material or mental; as, to incorporate provinces into the realm; to incorporate another's ideas into one's work. |
Incorporate (v. t.) To form into a legal body, or body politic; to constitute into a corporation recognized by law, with special functions, rights, duties and liabilities; as, to incorporate a bank, a railroad company, a city or town, etc. |
Incorporate (v. i.) To unite in one body so as to make a part of it; to be mixed or blended; -- usually followed by with. |
Incorporated (a.) United in one body; formed into a corporation; made a legal entity. |
Incorporation (n.) The act of incorporating, or the state of being incorporated. |
Incorporation (n.) The union of different ingredients in one mass; mixture; combination; synthesis. |
Incorporation (n.) The union of something with a body already existing; association; intimate union; assimilation; as, the incorporation of conquered countries into the Roman republic. |
Incorporation (n.) The act of creating a corporation. |
Incorporation (n.) A body incorporated; a corporation. |
Incorporative (a.) Incorporating or tending to incorporate; as, the incorporative languages (as of the Basques, North American Indians, etc. ) which run a whole phrase into one word. |
Incorporator (n.) One of a number of persons who gets a company incorporated; one of the original members of a corporation. |
Incorporeal (a.) Not corporeal; not having a material body or form; not consisting of matter; immaterial. |
Incorporeal (a.) Existing only in contemplation of law; not capable of actual visible seizin or possession; not being an object of sense; intangible; -- opposed to corporeal. |
Incorporealism (n.) Existence without a body or material form; immateriality. |
Incorporealist (n.) One who believes in incorporealism. |
Incorporeality (n.) The state or quality of being incorporeal or bodiless; immateriality; incorporealism. |
Incorporeally (adv.) In an incorporeal manner. |
Incorporeity (n.) The quality of being incorporeal; immateriality. |
Incorpse (v. t.) To incorporate. |
Incorrect (a.) Not correct; not according to a copy or model, or to established rules; inaccurate; faulty. |
Incorrect (a.) Not in accordance with the truth; inaccurate; not exact; as, an incorrect statement or calculation. |
Incorrect (a.) Not accordant with duty or morality; not duly regulated or subordinated; unbecoming; improper; as, incorrect conduct. |
Incorrection (n.) Want of correction, restraint, or discipline. |
Incorrectly (adv.) Not correctly; inaccurately; not exactly; as, a writing incorrectly copied; testimony incorrectly stated. |
Incorrectness (n.) The quality of being incorrect; want of conformity to truth or to a standard; inaccuracy; inexactness; as incorrectness may in defect or in redundance. |
Incorrespondence (n.) Alt. of Incorrespondency |
Incorrespondency (n.) Want of correspondence; disagreement; disproportion. |
Incorresponding (a.) Not corresponding; disagreeing. |
Incorrigibility (n.) The state or quality of being incorrigible. |
Incorrigible (a.) Not corrigible; incapable of being corrected or amended; bad beyond correction; irreclaimable; as, incorrigible error. |
Incorrigible (n.) One who is corrigible; especially, a hardened criminal; as, the perpetual imprisonment of incorrigibles. |
Incorrigibleness (n.) Incorrigibility. |
Incorrigibly (adv.) In an incorrigible manner. |
Incorrodible (a.) Incapable of being corroded, consumed, or eaten away. |
Incorrupt (a.) Not affected with corruption or decay; unimpaired; not marred or spoiled. |
Incorrupt (a.) Not defiled or depraved; pure; sound; untainted; above the influence of bribes; upright; honest. |
Incorrupted (a.) Uncorrupted. |
Incorruptibility (n.) The quality of being incorruptible; incapability of corruption. |
Incorruptible (a.) Not corruptible; incapable of corruption, decay, or dissolution; as, gold is incorruptible. |
Incorruptible (a.) Incapable of being bribed or morally corrupted; inflexibly just and upright. |
Incorruptible (n.) One of a religious sect which arose in Alexandria, in the reign of the Emperor Justinian, and which believed that the body of Christ was incorruptible, and that he suffered hunger, thirst, pain, only in appearance. |
Incorruptible (n.) The quality or state of being incorruptible. |
Incorruptibly (adv.) In an incorruptible manner. |
Incorruption (n.) The condition or quality of being incorrupt or incorruptible; absence of, or exemption from, corruption. |
Incorruptive (a.) Incorruptible; not liable to decay. |
Incorruptly (adv.) Without corruption. |
Incorruptness (n.) Freedom or exemption from decay or corruption. |
Incorruptness (n.) Probity; integrity; honesty. |
Incrassated (imp. & p. p.) of Incrassate |
Incrassating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incrassate |
Incrassate (v. t.) To make thick or thicker; to thicken; especially, in pharmacy, to thicken (a liquid) by the mixture of another substance, or by evaporating the thinner parts. |
Incrassate (v. i.) To become thick or thicker. |
Incrassate (a.) Alt. of Incrassated |
Incrassated (a.) Made thick or thicker; thickened; inspissated. |
Incrassated (a.) Thickened; becoming thicker. |
Incrassated (a.) Swelled out on some particular part, as the antennae of certain insects. |
Incrassation (n.) The act or process of thickening or making thick; the process of becoming thick or thicker. |
Incrassation (n.) The state of being incrassated or made thick; inspissation. |
Incrassative (a.) Having the quality of thickening; tending to thicken. |
Incrassative (n.) A substance which has the power to thicken; formerly, a medicine supposed to thicken the humors. |
Increasable (a.) Capable of being increased. |
Increased (imp. & p. p.) of Increase |
Increasing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Increase |
Increase (v. i.) To become greater or more in size, quantity, number, degree, value, intensity, power, authority, reputation, wealth; to grow; to augment; to advance; -- opposed to decrease. |
Increase (v. i.) To multiply by the production of young; to be fertile, fruitful, or prolific. |
Increase (v. i.) To become more nearly full; to show more of the surface; to wax; as, the moon increases. |
Increase (v. t.) To augment or make greater in bulk, quantity, extent, value, or amount, etc.; to add to; to extend; to lengthen; to enhance; to aggravate; as, to increase one's possessions, influence. |
Increase (v. i.) Addition or enlargement in size, extent, quantity, number, intensity, value, substance, etc.; augmentation; growth. |
Increase (v. i.) That which is added to the original stock by augmentation or growth; produce; profit; interest. |
Increase (v. i.) Progeny; issue; offspring. |
Increase (v. i.) Generation. |
Increase (v. i.) The period of increasing light, or luminous phase; the waxing; -- said of the moon. |
Increaseful (a.) Full of increase; abundant in produce. |
Increasement (n.) Increase. |
Increaser (n.) One who, or that, increases. |
Increasingly (adv.) More and more. |
Increated (imp. & p. p.) of Increate |
Increating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Increate |
Increate (v. t.) To create within. |
Increate (a.) Alt. of Increated |
Increated (a.) Uncreated; self-existent. |
Incredibility (n.) The quality or state of being incredible; incredibleness. |
Incredibility (n.) That which is incredible. |
Incredible (a.) Not credible; surpassing belief; too extraordinary and improbable to admit of belief; unlikely; marvelous; fabulous. |
Incredibleness (n.) Incredibility. |
Incredibly (adv.) In an incredible manner. |
Incredited (a.) Uncredited. |
Incredulity (n.) The state or quality of being i/credulous; a withholding or refusal of belief; skepticism; unbelief; disbelief. |
Incredulous (a.) Not credulous; indisposed to admit or accept that which is related as true, skeptical; unbelieving. |
Incredulous (a.) Indicating, or caused by, disbelief or incredulity. |
Incredulous (a.) Incredible; not easy to be believed. |
Incredulously (adv.) In an incredulous manner; with incredulity. |
Incredulousness (n.) Incredulity. |
Incremable (a.) Incapable of being burnt; incombustibe. |
Incremate (v. t.) To consume or reduce to ashes by burning, as a dead body; to cremate. |
Incremation (n.) Burning; esp., the act of burning a dead body; cremation. |
Increment (n.) The act or process of increasing; growth in bulk, guantity, number, value, or amount; augmentation; enlargement. |
Increment (n.) Matter added; increase; produce; production; -- opposed to decrement. |
Increment (n.) The increase of a variable quantity or fraction from its present value to its next ascending value; the finite quantity, generally variable, by which a variable quantity is increased. |
Increment (n.) An amplification without strict climax, |
Incremental (a.) Pertaining to, or resulting from, the process of growth; as, the incremental lines in the dentine of teeth. |
Increpate (v. t.) To chide; to rebuke; to reprove. |
Increpation (n.) A chiding; rebuke; reproof. |
Increscent (a.) Increasing; growing; augmenting; swelling; enlarging. |
Increscent (a.) Increasing; on the increase; -- said of the moon represented as the new moon, with the points turned toward the dexter side. |
Increst (v. t.) To adorn with a crest. |
Incriminated (imp. & p. p.) of Incriminate |
Incriminating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incriminate |
Incriminate (v. t.) To accuse; to charge with a crime or fault; to criminate. |
Incrimination (n.) The act of incriminating; crimination. |
Incriminatory (a.) Of or pertaining to crimination; tending to incriminate; criminatory. |
Incruental (a.) Unbloody; not attended with blood; as, an incruental sacrifice. |
Incrusted (imp. & p. p.) of Incrust |
Incrusting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incrust |
Incrust (v. t.) To cover or line with a crust, or hard coat; to form a crust on the surface of; as, iron incrusted with rust; a vessel incrusted with salt; a sweetmeat incrusted with sugar. |
Incrust (v. t.) To inlay into, as a piece of carving or other ornamental object. |
Incrustate (a.) Incrusted. |
Incrustate (v. t.) To incrust. |
Incrustation (n.) The act of incrusting, or the state of being incrusted. |
Incrustation (n.) A crust or hard coating of anything upon or within a body, as a deposit of lime, sediment, etc., from water on the inner surface of a steam boiler. |
Incrustation (n.) A covering or inlaying of marble, mosaic, etc., attached to the masonry by cramp irons or cement. |
Incrustation (n.) Anything inlaid or imbedded. |
Incrustment (n.) Incrustation. |
Incrystallizable (a.) Not crystallizable; incapable of being formed into crystals. |
Incubated (imp. & p. p.) of Incubate |
Incubating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incubate |
Incubate (v. i. & t.) To sit, as on eggs for hatching; to brood; to brood upon, or keep warm, as eggs, for the purpose of hatching. |
Incubation (n.) A sitting on eggs for the purpose of hatching young; a brooding on, or keeping warm, (eggs) to develop the life within, by any process. |
Incubation (n.) The development of a disease from its causes, or its period of incubation. (See below.) |
Incubation (n.) A sleeping in a consecrated place for the purpose of dreaming oracular dreams. |
Incubative (a.) Of or pertaining to incubation, or to the period of incubation. |
Incubator (n.) That which incubates, especially, an apparatus by means of which eggs are hatched by artificial heat. |
Incubatory (a.) Serving for incubation. |
Incube (v. t.) To fix firmly, as in cube; to secure or place firmly. |
Incubiture (n.) Incubation. |
Incubous (a.) Having the leaves so placed that the upper part of each one covers the base of the leaf next above it, as in hepatic mosses of the genus Frullania. See Succubous. |
Incubuses (pl. ) of Incubus |
Incubi (pl. ) of Incubus |
Incubus (n.) A demon; a fiend; a lascivious spirit, supposed to have sexual intercourse with women by night. |
Incubus (n.) The nightmare. See Nightmare. |
Incubus (n.) Any oppressive encumbrance or burden; anything that prevents the free use of the faculties. |
Inculcated (imp. & p. p.) of Inculcate |
Inculcating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inculcate |
Inculcate (v. t.) To teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions; to urge on the mind; as, Christ inculcates on his followers humility. |
Inculcation (n.) A teaching and impressing by frequent repetitions. |
Inculcator (n.) One who inculcates. |
Inculk (v. t.) To inculcate. |
Inculp (v. t.) To inculpate. |
Inculpable (a.) Faultless; blameless; innocent. |
Inculpableness (n.) Blamelessness; faultlessness. |
Inculpably (adv.) Blamelessly. |
Inculpated (imp. & p. p.) of Inculpate |
Inculpating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inculpate |
Inculpate (v. t.) To blame; to impute guilt to; to accuse; to involve or implicate in guilt. |
Inculpation (n.) Blame; censure; crimination. |
Inculpatory (a.) Imputing blame; criminatory; compromising; implicating. |
Incult (a.) Untilled; uncultivated; crude; rude; uncivilized. |
Incultivated (a.) Uncultivated. |
Incultivation (n.) Want of cultivation. |
Inculture (n.) Want or neglect of cultivation or culture. |
Incumbencies (pl. ) of Incumbency |
Incumbency (n.) The state of being incumbent; a lying or resting on something. |
Incumbency (n.) That which is physically incumbent; that which lies as a burden; a weight. |
Incumbency (n.) That which is morally incumbent, or is imposed, as a rule, a duty, obligation, or responsibility. |
Incumbency (n.) The state of holding a benefice; the full possession and exercise of any office. |
Incumbent (a.) Lying; resting; reclining; recumbent; superimposed; superincumbent. |
Incumbent (a.) Lying, resting, or imposed, as a duty or obligation; obligatory; always with on or upon. |
Incumbent (a.) Leaning or resting; -- said of anthers when lying on the inner side of the filament, or of cotyledons when the radicle lies against the back of one of them. |
Incumbent (a.) Bent downwards so that the ends touch, or rest on, something else; as, the incumbent toe of a bird. |
Incumbent (n.) A person who is in present possession of a benefice or of any office. |
Incumbently (adv.) In an incumbent manner; so as to be incumbent. |
Incumbered (imp. & p. p.) of Incumber |
Incumbering (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incumber |
Incumber (v. t.) See Encumber. |
Incumbition (n.) Incubation. |
Incumbrance (n.) A burdensome and troublesome load; anything that impedes motion or action, or renders it difficult or laborious; clog; impediment; hindrance; check. |
Incumbrance (n.) A burden or charge upon property; a claim or lien upon an estate, which may diminish its value. |
Incumbrancer (n.) One who holds an incumbrance, or some legal claim, lien, or charge on an estate. |
Incumbrous (a.) Cumbersome; troublesome. |
Incunabula (pl. ) of Incunabulum |
Incunabulum (n.) A work of art or of human industry, of an early epoch; especially, a book printed before a. d. 1500. |
Incurred (imp. & p. p.) of Incur |
Incurring (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incur |
Incur (v. t.) To meet or fall in with, as something inconvenient, harmful, or onerous; to put one's self in the way of; to expose one's self to; to become liable or subject to; to bring down upon one's self; to encounter; to contract; as, to incur debt, danger, displeasure/ penalty, responsibility, etc. |
Incur (v. t.) To render liable or subject to; to occasion. |
Incur (v. i.) To pass; to enter. |
Incurability (n.) The state of being uncurable; irremediableness. |
Incurable (a.) Not capable of being cured; beyond the power of skill or medicine to remedy; as, an incurable disease. |
Incurable (a.) Not admitting or capable of remedy or correction; irremediable; remediless; as, incurable evils. |
Incurable (n.) A person diseased beyond cure. |
Incurableness (n.) The state of being incurable; incurability. |
Incurably (adv.) In a manner that renders cure impracticable or impossible; irremediably. |
Incuriosity (n.) Want of curiosity or interest; inattentiveness; indifference. |
Incurious (a.) Not curious or inquisitive; without care for or interest in; inattentive; careless; negligent; heedless. |
Incuriously (adv.) In an curious manner. |
Incuriousness (n.) Unconcernedness; incuriosity. |
Incurrence (n.) The act of incurring, bringing on, or subjecting one's self to (something troublesome or burdensome); as, the incurrence of guilt, debt, responsibility, etc. |
Incurrent (a.) Characterized by a current which flows inward; as, the incurrent orifice of lamellibranch Mollusca. |
Incursion (n.) A running into; hence, an entering into a territory with hostile intention; a temporary invasion; a predatory or harassing inroad; a raid. |
Incursion (n.) Attack; occurrence. |
Incursive (a.) Making an incursion; invasive; aggressive; hostile. |
Incurtain (v. t.) To curtain. |
Incurvate (a.) Curved; bent; crooked. |
Incurvated (imp. & p. p.) of Incurvate |
Incurvating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incurvate |
Incurvate (v. t.) To turn from a straight line or course; to bend; to crook. |
Incurvation (n.) The act of bending, or curving. |
Incurvation (n.) The state of being bent or curved; curvature. |
Incurvation (n.) The act of bowing, or bending the body, in respect or reverence. |
Incurved (imp. & p. p.) of Incurve |
Incurving (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incurve |
Incurve (v. t.) To bend; to curve; to make crooked. |
Incurved (a.) Bending gradually toward the axis or center, as branches or petals. |
Incurvity (n.) A state of being bent or curved; incurvation; a bending inwards. |
Incus (n.) An anvil. |
Incus (n.) One of the small bones in the tympanum of the ear; the anvil bone. See Ear. |
Incus (n.) The central portion of the armature of the pharynx in the Rotifera. |
Incuse (v. t.) Cut or stamped in, or hollowed out by engraving. |
Incuse (v. t.) Alt. of Incuss |
Incuss (v. t.) To form, or mold, by striking or stamping, as a coin or medal. |
Incute (v. t.) To strike or stamp in. |
Incyst (v. t.) See Encyst. |
Incysted (a.) See Encysted. |
Ind (n.) India. |
Indagate (v. t.) To seek or search out. |
Indagation (n.) Search; inquiry; investigation. |
Indagative (a.) Searching; exploring; investigating. |
Indagator (n.) A searcher; an explorer; an investigator. |
Indamage (v. t.) See Endamage. |
Indamaged (a.) Not damaged. |
Indart (v. t.) To pierce, as with a dart. |
Indazol (n.) A nitrogenous compound, C7H6N2, analogous to indol, and produced from a diazo derivative or cinnamic acid. |
Inde (a.) Azure-colored; of a bright blue color. |
Indear (v. t.) See Endear. |
Indebted (imp. & p. p.) of Indebt |
Indebting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Indebt |
Indebt (v. t.) To bring into debt; to place under obligation; -- chiefly used in the participle indebted. |
Indebted (a.) Brought into debt; being under obligation; held to payment or requital; beholden. |
Indebted (a.) Placed under obligation for something received, for which restitution or gratitude is due; as, we are indebted to our parents for their care of us in infancy; indebted to friends for help and encouragement. |
Indebtedness (n.) The state of being indebted. |
Indebtedness (n.) The sum owed; debts, collectively. |
Indebtment (n.) Indebtedness. |
Indecence (n.) See Indecency. |
Indecencies (pl. ) of Indecency |
Indecency (n.) The quality or state of being indecent; want of decency, modesty, or good manners; obscenity. |
Indecency (n.) That which is indecent; an indecent word or act; an offense against delicacy. |
Indecent (a.) Not decent; unfit to be seen or heard; offensive to modesty and delicacy; as, indecent language. |
Indecently (adv.) In an indecent manner. |
Indeciduate (a.) Indeciduous. |
Indeciduate (a.) Having no decidua; nondeciduate. |
Indeciduous (a.) Not deciduous or falling, as the leaves of trees in autumn; lasting; evergreen; persistent; permanent; perennial. |
Indecimable (a.) Not decimable, or liable to be decimated; not liable to the payment of tithes. |
Indecipherable (a.) Not decipherable; incapable of being deciphered, explained, or solved. |
Indecision (n.) Want of decision; want of settled purpose, or of firmness; indetermination; wavering of mind; irresolution; vacillation; hesitation. |
Indecisive (a.) Not decisive; not bringing to a final or ultimate issue; as, an indecisive battle, argument, answer. |
Indecisive (a.) Undetermined; prone to indecision; irresolute; unsettled; wavering; vacillating; hesitating; as, an indecisive state of mind; an indecisive character. |
Indecisively (adv.) Without decision. |
Indecisiveness (n.) The state of being indecisive; unsettled state. |
Indecinable (a.) Not declinable; not varied by inflective terminations; as, nihil (nothing), in Latin, is an indeclinable noun. |
Indecinable (n.) An indeclinable word. |
Indecinably (adv.) Without variation. |
Indecinably (adv.) Without variation of termination. |
Indecomposable (a.) Not decomposable; incapable or difficult of decomposition; not resolvable into its constituents or elements. |
Indecomposableness (n.) Incapableness of decomposition; stability; permanence; durability. |
Indecorous (a.) Not decorous; violating good manners; contrary to good breeding or etiquette; unbecoming; improper; out of place; as, indecorous conduct. |
Indecorously (adv.) In an indecorous manner. |
Indecorousness (n.) The quality of being indecorous; want of decorum. |
Indecorum (n.) Want of decorum; impropriety of behavior; that in behavior or manners which violates the established rules of civility, custom, or etiquette; indecorousness. |
Indecorum (n.) An indecorous or becoming action. |
Indeed (adv.) In reality; in truth; in fact; verily; truly; -- used in a variety of sense. Esp.: (a) Denoting emphasis; as, indeed it is so. (b) Denoting concession or admission; as, indeed, you are right. (c) Denoting surprise; as, indeed, is it you? Its meaning is not intrinsic or fixed, but depends largely on the form of expression which it accompanies. |
Indefatigability (n.) The state of being indefatigable. |
Indefatigable (a.) Incapable of being fatigued; not readily exhausted; unremitting in labor or effort; untiring; unwearying; not yielding to fatigue; as, indefatigable exertions, perseverance, application. |
Indefatigableness (n.) Indefatigable quality; unweariedness; persistency. |
Indefatigably (adv.) Without weariness; without yielding to fatigue; persistently. |
Indefatigation (n.) Indefatigableness; unweariedness. |
Indefeasibility (n.) The quality of being undefeasible. |
Indefeasible (a.) Not to be defeated; not defeasible; incapable of being annulled or made void; as, an indefeasible or title. |
Indefectibility (n.) The quality of being indefectible. |
Indefectible (a.) Not defectible; unfailing; not liable to defect, failure, or decay. |
Indefective (a.) Not defective; perfect; complete. |
Indefeisible (a.) Indefeasible. |
Indefensibility (n.) The quality or state of not being defensible. |
Indefensible () Not defensible; not capable of being defended, maintained, vindicated, or justified; unjustifiable; untenable; as, an indefensible fortress, position, cause, etc. |
Indefensibly (adv.) In an indefensible manner. |
Indefensive (a.) Defenseless. |
Indeficiency (n.) The state or quality of not being deficient. |
Indeficient (a.) Not deficient; full. |
Indefinable (a.) Incapable of being defined or described; inexplicable. |
Indefinably (adv.) In an indefinable manner. |
Indefinite (a.) Not definite; not limited, defined, or specified; not explicit; not determined or fixed upon; not precise; uncertain; vague; confused; obscure; as, an indefinite time, plan, etc. |
Indefinite (a.) Having no determined or certain limits; large and unmeasured, though not infinite; unlimited; as indefinite space; the indefinite extension of a straight line. |
Indefinite (a.) Boundless; infinite. |
Indefinite (a.) Too numerous or variable to make a particular enumeration important; -- said of the parts of a flower, and the like. Also, indeterminate. |
Indefinitely (adv.) In an indefinite manner or degree; without any settled limitation; vaguely; not with certainty or exactness; as, to use a word indefinitely. |
Indefiniteness (n.) The quality of being indefinite. |
Indefinitude (n.) Indefiniteness; vagueness; also, number or quantity not limited by our understanding, though yet finite. |
Indehiscence (n.) The property or state of being indehiscent. |
Indehiscent (a.) Remaining closed at maturity, or not opening along regular lines, as the acorn, or a cocoanut. |
Indelectable (a.) Not delectable; unpleasant; disagreeable. |
Indeliberate (a.) Done without deliberation; unpremeditated. |
Indeliberated (a.) Indeliberate. |
Indelibility (n.) The quality of being indelible. |
Indelible (a.) That can not be removed, washed away, blotted out, or effaced; incapable of being canceled, lost, or forgotten; as, indelible characters; an indelible stain; an indelible impression on the memory. |
Indelible (a.) That can not be annulled; indestructible. |
Indelicacies (pl. ) of Indelicacy |
Indelicacy (n.) The quality of being indelicate; want of delicacy, or of a nice sense of, or regard for, purity, propriety, or refinement in manners, language, etc.; rudeness; coarseness; also, that which is offensive to refined taste or purity of mind. |
Indelicate (a.) Not delicate; wanting delicacy; offensive to good manners, or to purity of mind; coarse; rude; as, an indelicate word or suggestion; indelicate behavior. |
Indemnification (n.) The act or process of indemnifying, preserving, or securing against loss, damage, or penalty; reimbursement of loss, damage, or penalty; the state of being indemnified. |
Indemnification (n.) That which indemnifies. |
Indemnified (imp. & p. p.) of Indemnify |
Indemnifying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Indemnify |
Indemnify (v. t.) To save harmless; to secure against loss or damage; to insure. |
Indemnify (v. t.) To make restitution or compensation for, as for that which is lost; to make whole; to reimburse; to compensate. |
Indemnities (pl. ) of Indemnity |
Indemnity (n.) Security; insurance; exemption from loss or damage, past or to come; immunity from penalty, or the punishment of past offenses; amnesty. |
Indemnity (n.) Indemnification, compensation, or remuneration for loss, damage, or injury sustained. |
Indemonstrability (n.) The quality of being indemonstrable. |
Indemonstrable (a.) Incapable of being demonstrated. |
Indenization (n.) The act of naturalizing; endenization. |
Indenize (v. t.) To naturalize. |
Indenizened (imp. & p. p.) of Indenizen |
Indenizening (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Indenizen |
Indenizen (v. t.) To invest with the privileges of a denizen; to naturalize. |
Indented (imp. & p. p.) of Indent |
Indenting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Indent |
Indent (v. t.) To notch; to jag; to cut into points like a row of teeth; as, to indent the edge of paper. |
Indent (v. t.) To dent; to stamp or to press in; to impress; as, indent a smooth surface with a hammer; to indent wax with a stamp. |
Indent (v. t.) To bind out by indenture or contract; to indenture; to apprentice; as, to indent a young man to a shoemaker; to indent a servant. |
Indent (v. t.) To begin (a line or lines) at a greater or less distance from the margin; as, to indent the first line of a paragraph one em; to indent the second paragraph two ems more than the first. See Indentation, and Indention. |
Indent (v. t.) To make an order upon; to draw upon, as for military stores. |
Indent (v. i.) To be cut, notched, or dented. |
Indent (v. i.) To crook or turn; to wind in and out; to zigzag. |
Indent (v. i.) To contract; to bargain or covenant. |
Indent (n.) A cut or notch in the man gin of anything, or a recess like a notch. |
Indent (n.) A stamp; an impression. |
Indent (n.) A certificate, or intended certificate, issued by the government of the United States at the close of the Revolution, for the principal or interest of the public debt. |
Indent (n.) A requisition or order for supplies, sent to the commissariat of an army. |
Indentation (n.) The act of indenting or state of being indented. |
Indentation (n.) A notch or recess, in the margin or border of anything; as, the indentations of a leaf, of the coast, etc. |
Indentation (n.) A recess or sharp depression in any surface. |
Indentation (n.) The act of beginning a line or series of lines at a little distance within the flush line of the column or page, as in the common way of beginning the first line of a paragraph. |
Indentation (n.) The measure of the distance; as, an indentation of one em, or of two ems. |
Indented (a.) Cut in the edge into points or inequalities, like teeth; jagged; notched; stamped in; dented on the surface. |
Indented (a.) Having an uneven, irregular border; sinuous; undulating. |
Indented (a.) Notched like the part of a saw consisting of the teeth; serrated; as, an indented border or ordinary. |
Indented (a.) Bound out by an indenture; apprenticed; indentured; as, an indented servant. |
Indented (a.) Notched along the margin with a different color, as the feathers of some birds. |
Indentedly (adv.) With indentations. |
Indenting (n.) Indentation; an impression like that made by a tooth. |
Indention (n.) Same as Indentation, 4. |
Indentment (n.) Indenture. |
Indenture (n.) The act of indenting, or state of being indented. |
Indenture (n.) A mutual agreement in writing between two or more parties, whereof each party has usually a counterpart or duplicate; sometimes in the pl., a short form for indentures of apprenticeship, the contract by which a youth is bound apprentice to a master. |
Indentured (imp. & p. p.) of Indenture |
Indenturing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Indenture |
Indenture (v. t.) To indent; to make hollows, notches, or wrinkles in; to furrow. |
Indenture (v. t.) To bind by indentures or written contract; as, to indenture an apprentice. |
Indenture (v. i.) To run or wind in and out; to be cut or notched; to indent. |
Independence (n.) The state or quality of being independent; freedom from dependence; exemption from reliance on, or control by, others; self-subsistence or maintenance; direction of one's own affairs without interference. |
Independence (n.) Sufficient means for a comfortable livelihood. |
Independency (n.) Independence. |
Independency (n.) Doctrine and polity of the Independents. |
Independent (a.) Not dependent; free; not subject to control by others; not relying on others; not subordinate; as, few men are wholly independent. |
Independent (a.) Affording a comfortable livelihood; as, an independent property. |
Independent (a.) Not subject to bias or influence; not obsequious; self-directing; as, a man of an independent mind. |
Independent (a.) Expressing or indicating the feeling of independence; free; easy; bold; unconstrained; as, an independent air or manner. |
Independent (a.) Separate from; exclusive; irrespective. |
Independent (a.) Belonging or pertaining to, or holding to the doctrines or methods of, the Independents. |
Independent (a.) Not dependent upon another quantity in respect to value or rate of variation; -- said of quantities or functions. |
Independent (a.) Not bound by party; exercising a free choice in voting with either or any party. |
Independent (n.) One who believes that an organized Christian church is complete in itself, competent to self-government, and independent of all ecclesiastical authority. |
Independent (n.) One who does not acknowledge an obligation to support a party's candidate under all circumstances; one who exercises liberty in voting. |
Independentism (n.) Independency; the church system of Independents. |
Independently (adv.) In an independent manner; without control. |
Indeposable (a.) Incapable of being deposed. |
Indepravate (a.) Undepraved. |
Indeprecable (a.) Incapable or undeserving of being deprecated. |
Indeprehensible (a.) Incapable of being found out. |
Indeprivable (a.) Incapable of being deprived, or of being taken away. |
Indescribable (a.) Incapable of being described. |
Indescriptive (a.) Not descriptive. |
Indesert (n.) Ill desert. |
Indesinent (a.) Not ceasing; perpetual. |
Indesirable (a.) Undesirable. |
Indestructibility (n.) The quality of being indestructible. |
Indestructible (a.) Not destructible; incapable of decomposition or of being destroyed. |
Indeterminable (a.) Not determinable; impossible to be determined; not to be definitely known, ascertained, defined, or limited. |
Indeterminable (n.) An indeterminable thing or quantity. |
Indeterminate (a.) Not determinate; not certain or fixed; indefinite; not precise; as, an indeterminate number of years. |
Indetermination (n.) Want of determination; an unsettled or wavering state, as of the mind. |
Indetermination (n.) Want of fixed or stated direction. |
Indetermined (a.) Undetermined. |
Indevirginate (a.) Not devirginate. |
Indevote (a.) Not devoted. |
Indevotion (n.) Want of devotion; impiety; irreligion. |
Indevout (a.) Not devout. |
Indew (v. t.) To indue. |
Indexes (pl. ) of Index |
Indices (pl. ) of Index |
Index (n.) That which points out; that which shows, indicates, manifests, or discloses. |
Index (n.) That which guides, points out, informs, or directs; a pointer or a hand that directs to anything, as the hand of a watch, a movable finger on a gauge, scale, or other graduated instrument. In printing, a sign used to direct particular attention to a note or paragraph; -- called also fist. |
Index (n.) A table for facilitating reference to topics, names, and the like, in a book; -- usually alphabetical in arrangement, and printed at the end of the volume. |
Index (n.) A prologue indicating what follows. |
Index (n.) The second digit, that next pollex, in the manus, or hand; the forefinger; index finger. |
Index (n.) The figure or letter which shows the power or root of a quantity; the exponent. |
indices (pl. ) of Index |
Indexed (imp. & p. p.) of Index |
Indexing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Index |
Index (v. t.) To provide with an index or table of references; to put into an index; as, to index a book, or its contents. |
Indexer (n.) One who makes an index. |
Indexical (a.) Of, pertaining to, or like, an index; having the form of an index. |
Indexically (adv.) In the manner of an index. |
Indexterity (n.) Want of dexterity or readiness, especially in the use of the hands; clumsiness; awkwardness. |
India (n.) A country in Southern Asia; the two peninsulas of Hither and Farther India; in a restricted sense, Hither India, or Hindostan. |
Indiadem (v. t.) To place or set in a diadem, as a gem or gems. |
Indiamen (pl. ) of Indiaman |
Indiaman (n.) A large vessel in the India trade. |
Indian (a.) Of or pertaining to India proper; also to the East Indies, or, sometimes, to the West Indies. |
Indian (a.) Of or pertaining to the aborigines, or Indians, of America; as, Indian wars; the Indian tomahawk. |
Indian (a.) Made of maize or Indian corn; as, Indian corn, Indian meal, Indian bread, and the like. |
Indian (n.) A native or inhabitant of India. |
Indian (n.) One of the aboriginal inhabitants of America; -- so called originally from the supposed identity of America with India. |
Indianeer (n.) An Indiaman. |
India rubber () See Caoutchouc. |
Indical (a.) Indexical. |
Indican (n.) A glucoside obtained from woad (indigo plant) and other plants, as a yellow or light brown sirup. It has a nauseous bitter taste, a decomposes or drying. By the action of acids, ferments, etc., it breaks down into sugar and indigo. It is the source of natural indigo. |
Indican (n.) An indigo-forming substance, found in urine, and other animal fluids, and convertible into red and blue indigo (urrhodin and uroglaucin). Chemically, it is indoxyl sulphate of potash, C8H6NSO4K, and is derived from the indol formed in the alimentary canal. Called also uroxanthin. |
Indicant (a.) Serving to point out, as a remedy; indicating. |
Indicant (n.) That which indicates or points out; as, an indicant of the remedy for a disease. |
Indicated (imp. & p. p.) of Indicate |
Indicating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Indicate |
Indicate (v. t.) To point out; to discover; to direct to a knowledge of; to show; to make known. |
Indicate (v. t.) To show or manifest by symptoms; to point to as the proper remedies; as, great prostration of strength indicates the use of stimulants. |
Indicate (v. t.) To investigate the condition or power of, as of steam engine, by means of an indicator. |
Indicated (a.) Shown; denoted; registered; measured. |
Indication (n.) Act of pointing out or indicating. |
Indication (n.) That which serves to indicate or point out; mark; token; sign; symptom; evidence. |
Indication (n.) Discovery made; information. |
Indication (n.) Explanation; display. |
Indication (n.) Any symptom or occurrence in a disease, which serves to direct to suitable remedies. |
Indicative (a.) Pointing out; bringing to notice; giving intimation or knowledge of something not visible or obvious. |
Indicative (a.) Suggestive; representing the whole by a part, as a fleet by a ship, a forest by a tree, etc. |
Indicative (n.) The indicative mood. |
Indicatively (adv.) In an indicative manner; in a way to show or signify. |
Indicator (n.) One who, or that which, shows or points out; as, a fare indicator in a street car. |
Indicator (n.) A pressure gauge; a water gauge, as for a steam boiler; an apparatus or instrument for showing the working of a machine or moving part |
Indicator (n.) An instrument which draws a diagram showing the varying pressure in the cylinder of an engine or pump at every point of the stroke. It consists of a small cylinder communicating with the engine cylinder and fitted with a piston which the varying pressure drives upward more or less against the resistance of a spring. A lever imparts motion to a pencil which traces the diagram on a card wrapped around a vertical drum which is turned back and forth by a string connected with the piston rod of the engine. See Indicator card (below). |
Indicator (n.) A telltale connected with a hoisting machine, to show, at the surface, the position of the cage in the shaft of a mine, etc. |
Indicator (n.) The part of an instrument by which an effect is indicated, as an index or pointer. |
Indicator (n.) Any bird of the genus Indicator and allied genera. See Honey guide, under Honey. |
Indicator (n.) That which indicates the condition of acidity, alkalinity, or the deficiency, excess, or sufficiency of a standard reagent, by causing an appearance, disappearance, or change of color, as in titration or volumetric analysis. |
Indicatory (a.) Serving to show or make known; showing; indicative; signifying; implying. |
Indicatrix (n.) A certain conic section supposed to be drawn in the tangent plane to any surface, and used to determine the accidents of curvature of the surface at the point of contact. The curve is similar to the intersection of the surface with a parallel to the tangent plane and indefinitely near it. It is an ellipse when the curvature is synclastic, and an hyperbola when the curvature is anticlastic. |
Indicavit (n.) A writ of prohibition against proceeding in the spiritual court in certain cases, when the suit belongs to the common-law courts. |
Indice (n.) Index; indication. |
Indices (n. pl.) See Index. |
Indicia (n. pl.) Discriminating marks; signs; tokens; indications; appearances. |
Indicible (a.) Unspeakable. |
Indicolite (n.) A variety of tourmaline of an indigo-blue color. |
Indicted (imp. & p. p.) of Indict |
Indicting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Indict |
Indict (v. t.) To write; to compose; to dictate; to indite. |
Indict (v. t.) To appoint publicly or by authority; to proclaim or announce. |
Indict (v. t.) To charge with a crime, in due form of law, by the finding or presentment of a grand jury; to find an indictment against; as, to indict a man for arson. It is the peculiar province of a grand jury to indict, as it is of a house of representatives to impeach. |
Indictable (a.) Capable of being, or liable to be, indicted; subject to indictment; as, an indictable offender or offense. |
Indictee (n.) A person indicted. |
Indicter (n.) One who indicts. |
Indiction (n.) Declaration; proclamation; public notice or appointment. |
Indiction (n.) A cycle of fifteen years. |
Indictive (a.) Proclaimed; declared; public. |
Indictment (n.) The act of indicting, or the state of being indicted. |
Indictment (n.) The formal statement of an offense, as framed by the prosecuting authority of the State, and found by the grand jury. |
Indictment (n.) An accusation in general; a formal accusation. |
Indictor (n.) One who indicts. |
Indies (n. pl.) A name designating the East Indies, also the West Indies. |
Indifference (n.) The quality or state of being indifferent, or not making a difference; want of sufficient importance to constitute a difference; absence of weight; insignificance. |
Indifference (n.) Passableness; mediocrity. |
Indifference (n.) Impartiality; freedom from prejudice, prepossession, or bias. |
Indifference (n.) Absence of anxiety or interest in respect to what is presented to the mind; unconcernedness; as, entire indifference to all that occurs. |
Indifferency (n.) Absence of interest in, or influence from, anything; unconcernedness; equilibrium; indifferentism; indifference. |
Indifferent (a.) Not mal/ing a difference; having no influence or preponderating weight; involving no preference, concern, or attention; of no account; without significance or importance. |
Indifferent (a.) Neither particularly good, not very bad; of a middle state or quality; passable; mediocre. |
Indifferent (a.) Not inclined to one side, party, or choice more than to another; neutral; impartial. |
Indifferent (a.) Feeling no interest, anxiety, or care, respecting anything; unconcerned; inattentive; apathetic; heedless; as, to be indifferent to the welfare of one's family. |
Indifferent (a.) Free from bias or prejudice; impartial; unbiased; disinterested. |
Indifferent (adv.) To a moderate degree; passably; tolerably. |
Indifferentism (n.) State of indifference; want of interest or earnestness; especially, a systematic apathy regarding what is true or false in religion or philosophy; agnosticism. |
Indifferentism (n.) Same as Identism. |
Indifferentism (n.) A heresy consisting in an unconcern for any particular creed, provided the morals be right and good. |
Indifferentist (n.) One governed by indifferentism. |
Indifferently (adv.) In an indifferent manner; without distinction or preference; impartially; without concern, wish, affection, or aversion; tolerably; passably. |
Indifulvin (n.) A reddish resinous substance, obtained from indican. |
Indifuscin (n.) A brown amorphous powder, obtained from indican. |
Indigeen (n.) Same as Indigene. |
Indigence (n.) The condition of being indigent; want of estate, or means of comfortable subsistence; penury; poverty; as, helpless, indigence. |
Indigency (n.) Indigence. |
Indigene (n.) One born in a country; an aboriginal animal or plant; an autochthon. |
Indigenous (a.) Native; produced, growing, or living, naturally in a country or climate; not exotic; not imported. |
Indigenous (a.) Native; inherent; innate. |
Indigent (a.) Wanting; void; free; destitute; -- used with of. |
Indigent (a.) Destitute of property or means of comfortable subsistence; needy; poor; in want; necessitous. |
Indigently (adv.) In an indigent manner. |
Indigest (a.) Crude; unformed; unorganized; undigested. |
Indigest (n.) Something indigested. |
Indigested (a.) Not digested; undigested. |
Indigested (a.) Not resolved; not regularly disposed and arranged; not methodical; crude; as, an indigested array of facts. |
Indigested (a.) Not in a state suitable for healing; -- said of wounds. |
Indigested (a.) Not ripened or suppurated; -- said of an abscess or its contents. |
Indigested (a.) Not softened by heat, hot water, or steam. |
Indigestedness (n.) The state or quality of being undigested; crudeness. |
Indigestibility (n.) The state or quality of being indigestible; indigestibleness. |
Indigestible (a.) Not digestible; not readily soluble in the digestive juices; not easily convertible into products fitted for absorption. |
Indigestible (a.) Not digestible in the mind; distressful; intolerable; as, an indigestible simile. |
Indigestion (n.) Lack of proper digestive action; a failure of the normal changes which food should undergo in the alimentary canal; dyspepsia; incomplete or difficult digestion. |
Indigitate (v. i.) To communicative ideas by the fingers; to show or compute by the fingers. |
Indigitated (imp. & p. p.) of Indigitate |
Indigitating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Indigitate |
Indigitate (v. t.) To point out with the finger; to indicate. |
Indigitation (n.) The act of pointing out as with the finger; indication. |
Indiglucin (n.) The variety of sugar (glucose) obtained from the glucoside indican. It is unfermentable, but reduces Fehling's solution. |
Indign (a.) Unworthy; undeserving; disgraceful; degrading. |
Indignance (n.) Alt. of Indignancy |
Indignancy (n.) Indignation. |
Indignant (a.) Affected with indignation; wrathful; passionate; irate; feeling wrath, as when a person is exasperated by unworthy or unjust treatment, by a mean action, or by a degrading accusation. |
Indignantly (adv.) In an indignant manner. |
Indignation (n.) The feeling excited by that which is unworthy, base, or disgraceful; anger mingled with contempt, disgust, or abhorrence. |
Indignation (n.) The effect of anger; punishment. |
Indignify (v. t.) To treat disdainfully or with indignity; to contemn. |
Indignities (pl. ) of Indignity |
Indignity (n.) Any action toward another which manifests contempt for him; an offense against personal dignity; unmerited contemptuous treatment; contumely; incivility or injury, accompanied with insult. |
Indignly (adv.) Unworthily. |
Indigoes (pl. ) of Indigo |
Indigo (n.) A kind of deep blue, one of the seven prismatic colors. |
Indigo (n.) A blue dyestuff obtained from several plants belonging to very different genera and orders; as, the woad, Isatis tinctoria, Indigofera tinctoria, I. Anil, Nereum tinctorium, etc. It is a dark blue earthy substance, tasteless and odorless, with a copper-violet luster when rubbed. Indigo does not exist in the plants as such, but is obtained by decomposition of the glycoside indican. |
Indigo (a.) Having the color of, pertaining to, or derived from, indigo. |
Indigofera (n.) A genus of leguminous plants having many species, mostly in tropical countries, several of them yielding indigo, esp. Indigofera tinctoria, and I. Anil. |
Indigogen (n.) See Indigo white, under Indigo. |
Indigogen (n.) Same as Indican, 2. |
Indigometer (n.) An instrument for ascertaining the strength of an indigo solution, as in volumetric analysis. |
Indigometry (n.) The art or method of determining the coloring power of indigo. |
Indigotic (a.) Pertaining to, or derived from, indigo; as, indigotic acid, which is also called anilic or nitrosalicylic acid. |
Indigotin (n.) See Indigo blue, under Indigo. |
Indigrubin (n.) Same as Urrhodin. |
Indihumin (n.) A brown amorphous substance resembling humin, and obtained from indican. |
Indilatory (a.) Not dilatory. |
Indiligence (n.) Want of diligence. |
Indiligent (a.) Not diligent; idle; slothful. |
Indiminishable (a.) Incapable of being diminished. |
Indin (n.) A dark red crystalline substance, isomeric with and resembling indigo blue, and obtained from isatide and dioxindol. |
Indirect (a.) Not direct; not straight or rectilinear; deviating from a direct line or course; circuitous; as, an indirect road. |
Indirect (a.) Not tending to an aim, purpose, or result by the plainest course, or by obvious means, but obliquely or consequentially; by remote means; as, an indirect accusation, attack, answer, or proposal. |
Indirect (a.) Not straightforward or upright; unfair; dishonest; tending to mislead or deceive. |
Indirect (a.) Not resulting directly from an act or cause, but more or less remotely connected with or growing out of it; as, indirect results, damages, or claims. |
Indirect (a.) Not reaching the end aimed at by the most plain and direct method; as, an indirect proof, demonstration, etc. |
Indirected (a.) Not directed; aimless. |
Indirection (n.) Oblique course or means; dishonest practices; indirectness. |
Indirectly (adv.) In an direct manner; not in a straight line or course; not in express terms; obliquely; not by direct means; hence, unfairly; wrongly. |
Indirectness (n.) The quality or state of being indirect; obliquity; deviousness; crookedness. |
Indirectness (n.) Deviation from an upright or straightforward course; unfairness; dishonesty. |
Indiretin (n.) A dark brown resinous substance obtained from indican. |
Indirubin (n.) A substance isomeric with, and resembling, indigo blue, and accompanying it as a side product, in its artificial production. |
Indiscernible (a.) Not to be discerned; imperceptible; not discoverable or visible. |
Indiscerpibility (n.) Alt. of Indiscerptibility |
Indiscerptibility (n.) The state or quality of being indiscerpible. |
Indiscerpible (a.) Alt. of Indiscerptible |
Indiscerptible (a.) Not discerpible; inseparable. |
Indisciplinable (a.) Not disciplinable; undisciplinable. |
Indiscipline (n.) Want of discipline or instruction. |
Indiscoverable (a.) Not discoverable; undiscoverable. |
Indiscovery (n.) Want of discovery. |
Indiscreet (a.) Not discreet; wanting in discretion. |
Indiscrete (a.) Indiscreet. |
Indiscrete (a.) Not discrete or separated; compact; homogenous. |
Indiscretion (n.) The quality or state of being indiscreet; want of discretion; imprudence. |
Indiscretion (n.) An indiscreet act; indiscreet behavior. |
Indiscriminate (a.) Not discriminate; wanting discrimination; undistinguishing; not making any distinction; confused; promiscuous. |
Indiscriminating (a.) Not discriminating. |
Indiscrimination (n.) Want of discrimination or distinction; impartiality. |
Indiscriminative (a.) Making no distinction; not discriminating. |
Indiscussed (a.) Not discussed. |
Indispensability (n.) Indispensableness. |
Indispensable (a.) Not dispensable; impossible to be omitted, remitted, or spared; absolutely necessary or requisite. |
Indispensable (a.) Not admitting dispensation; not subject to release or exemption. |
Indispensable (a.) Unavoidable; inevitable. |
Indispensableness (n.) The state or quality of being indispensable, or absolutely necessary. |
Indispensably (adv.) In an indispensable manner. |
Indispersed (a.) Not dispersed. |
Indisposed (imp. & p. p.) of Indispose |
Indisposing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Indispose |
Indispose (v. t.) To render unfit or unsuited; to disqualify. |
Indispose (v. t.) To disorder slightly as regards health; to make somewhat. |
Indispose (v. t.) To disincline; to render averse or unfavorable; as, a love of pleasure indisposes the mind to severe study; the pride and selfishness of men indispose them to religious duties. |
Indisposedness (n.) The condition or quality of being indisposed. |
Indisposition (n.) The state of being indisposed; disinclination; as, the indisposition of two substances to combine. |
Indisposition (n.) A slight disorder or illness. |
Indisputability (n.) Indisputableness. |
Indisputable (a.) Not disputable; incontrovertible; too evident to admit of dispute. |
Indisputed (a.) Undisputed. |
Indissipable (a.) Incapable o/ being dissipated. |
Indisdolubility (n.) The quality or state of being indissoluble. |
Indissoluble (a.) Not dissoluble; not capable of being dissolved, melted, or liquefied; insoluble; as few substances are indissoluble by heat, but many are indissoluble in water. |
Indissoluble (a.) Incapable of being rightfully broken or dissolved; perpetually binding or obligatory; firm; stable, as, an indissoluble league or covenant. |
Indissolubleness (n.) Indissolubility. |
Indissolubly (adv.) In an indissoluble manner. |
Indissolvable (a.) Not dissolvable; incapable of being dissolved or separated; incapable o/ separation; perpetually firm and binding; indissoluble; as, an indissolvable bond of union. |
Indissolvableness (n.) Indissolubleness. |
Indistancy (n.) Want of distance o/ separation; nearness. |
Indistinct (a.) Not distinct or distinguishable; not separate in such a manner as to be perceptible by itself; as, the indistinct parts of a substance. |
Indistinct (a.) Obscure to the mind or senses; not clear; not definite; confused; imperfect; faint; as, indistinct vision; an indistinct sound; an indistinct idea or recollection. |
Indistinctible (a.) Indistinguishable. |
Indistinction (n.) Want of distinction or distinguishableness; confusion; uncertainty; indiscrimination. |
Indistinctive (a.) Having nothing distinctive; common. |
Indistinctly (adv.) In an indistinct manner; not clearly; confusedly; dimly; as, certain ideas are indistinctly comprehended. |
Indistinctness (n.) The quality or condition of being indistinct; want of definiteness; dimness; confusion; as, the indistinctness of a picture, or of comprehension; indistinctness of vision. |
Indistinguishable (a.) Not distinguishable; not capable of being perceived, known, or discriminated as separate and distinct; hence, not capable of being perceived or known; as, in the distance the flagship was indisguishable; the two copies were indisguishable in form or color; the difference between them was indisguishable. |
Indistinguishably (adv.) In a indistinguishable manner. |
Indistinguished (a.) Indistinct. |
Indistinguishing (a.) Making no difference; indiscriminative; impartial; as, indistinguishing liberalities. |
Indisturbance (n.) Freedom from disturbance; calmness; repose; apathy; indifference. |
Inditch (v. t.) To bury in, or cast into, a ditch. |
Indited (imp. & p. p.) of Indite |
Inditing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Indite |
Indite (v. t.) To compose; to write; to be author of; to dictate; to prompt. |
Indite (v. t.) To invite or ask. |
Indite (v. t.) To indict; to accuse; to censure. |
Indite (v. i.) To compose; to write, as a poem. |
Inditement (n.) The act of inditing. |
Inditer (n.) One who indites. |
Indium (n.) A rare metallic element, discovered in certain ores of zinc, by means of its characteristic spectrum of two indigo blue lines; hence, its name. In appearance it resembles zinc, being white or lead gray, soft, malleable and easily fusible, but in its chemical relation it resembles aluminium or gallium. Symbol In. Atomic weight, 113.4. |
Indivertible (a.) Not to be diverted or turned aside. |
Individable (a.) Indivisible. |
Individed (a.) Undivided. |
Individual (a.) Not divided, or not to be divided; existing as one entity, or distinct being or object; single; one; as, an individual man, animal, or city. |
Individual (a.) Of or pertaining to one only; peculiar to, or characteristic of, a single person or thing; distinctive; as, individual traits of character; individual exertions; individual peculiarities. |
Individual (n.) A single person, animal, or thing of any kind; a thing or being incapable of separation or division, without losing its identity; especially, a human being; a person. |
Individual (n.) An independent, or partially independent, zooid of a compound animal. |
Individual (n.) The product of a single egg, whether it remains a single animal or becomes compound by budding or fission. |
Individualism (n.) The quality of being individual; individuality; personality. |
Individualism (n.) An excessive or exclusive regard to one's personal interest; self-interest; selfishness. |
Individualistic (a.) Of or pertaining to the individual or individualism. |
Individualities (pl. ) of Individuality |
Individuality (n.) The quality or state of being individual or constituting an individual; separate or distinct existence; oneness; unity. |
Individuality (n.) The character or property appropriate or peculiar to an individual; that quality which distinguishes one person or thing from another; the sum of characteristic traits; distinctive character; as, he is a person of marked individuality. |
Individualization (n.) The act of individualizing; the state of being individualized; individuation. |
Individualized (imp. & p. p.) of Individualize |
Individualizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Individualize |
Individualize (v. t.) The mark as an individual, or to distinguish from others by peculiar properties; to invest with individuality. |
Individualizer (n.) One who individualizes. |
Individually (adv.) In an individual manner or relation; as individuals; separately; each by itself. |
Individually (adv.) In an inseparable manner; inseparably; incommunicably; indivisibly; as, individuallyhe same. |
Individuate (a.) Undivided. |
Individua (imp. & p. p.) of Individuate |
Individuating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Individuate |
Individuate (v. t.) To distinguish from others from others of the species; to endow with individuality; to divide into individuals; to discriminate. |
Individuation (n.) The act of individuating or state of being individuated; individualization. |
Individuator (n.) One who, or that which, individuates. |
Individuity (n.) Separate existence; individuality; oneness. |
Indivinity (n.) Want or absence of divine power or of divinity. |
Indivisibility (n.) The state or property of being indivisible or inseparable; inseparability. |
Indivisible (a.) Not divisible; incapable of being divided, separated, or broken; not separable into parts. |
Indivisible (a.) Not capable of exact division, as one quantity by another; incommensurable. |
Indivisible (n.) That which is indivisible. |
Indivisible (n.) An infinitely small quantity which is assumed to admit of no further division. |
Indivisibleness (n.) The state of being indivisible; indivisibility. |
Indivisibly (adv.) In an indivisible manner. |
Indivision (n.) A state of being not divided; oneness. |
Indo- () A prefix signifying Indian (i. e., East Indian); of or pertaining of India. |
Indoaniline (n.) Any one of a series of artificial blue dyes, in appearance resembling indigo, for which they are often used as substitutes. |
IndoBriton (n.) A person born in India, of mixed Indian and British blood; a half-caste. |
Indo-Chinese (a.) Of or pertaining to Indo-China (i. e., Farther India, or India beyond the Ganges). |
Indocibility (n.) The state of being indocible; indocibleness; indocility. |
Indocible (a.) Incapable of being taught, or not easily instructed; dull in intellect; intractable; unteachable; indocile. |
Indocile (a.) Not teachable; indisposed to be taught, trained, or disciplined; not easily instructed or governed; dull; intractable. |
Indocility (n.) The quality or state of being indocile; dullness of intellect; unteachableness; intractableness. |
Indoctrinated (imp. & p. p.) of Indoctrinate |
Indoctrinating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Indoctrinate |
Indoctrinate (v. t.) To instruct in the rudiments or principles of learning, or of a branch of learning; to imbue with learning; to instruct in, or imbue with, principles or doctrines; to teach; -- often followed by in. |
Indoctrination (n.) The act of indoctrinating, or the condition of being indoctrinated; instruction in the rudiments and principles of any science or system of belief; information. |
Indo-English (a.) Of or relating to the English who are born or reside in India; Anglo-Indian. |
Indo-European (a.) Aryan; -- applied to the languages of India and Europe which are derived from the prehistoric Aryan language; also, pertaining to the people or nations who speak these languages; as, the Indo-European or Aryan family. |
Indogen (n.) A complex, nitrogenous radical, C8H5NO, regarded as the essential nucleus of indigo. |
Indogenide (n.) Any one of the derivatives of indogen, which contain that group as a nucleus. |
Indo-Germanic (a.) Same as Aryan, and Indo-European. |
Indo-Germanic (a.) Pertaining to or denoting the Teutonic family of languages as related to the Sanskrit, or derived from the ancient Aryan language. |
Indoin (n.) A substance resembling indigo blue, obtained artificially from certain isatogen compounds. |
Indol (n.) A white, crystalline substance, C8H7N, obtained from blue indigo, and almost all indigo derivatives, by a process of reduction. It is also formed from albuminous matter, together with skatol, by putrefaction, and by fusion with caustic potash, and is present in human excrement, as well as in the intestinal canal of some herbivora. |
Indolence (n.) Freedom from that which pains, or harasses, as toil, care, grief, etc. |
Indolence (n.) The quality or condition of being indolent; inaction, or want of exertion of body or mind, proceeding from love of ease or aversion to toil; habitual idleness; indisposition to labor; laziness; sloth; inactivity. |
Indolency (n.) Indolence. |
Indolent (a.) Free from toil, pain, or trouble. |
Indolent (a.) Indulging in ease; avoiding labor and exertion; habitually idle; lazy; inactive; as, an indolent man. |
Indolent (a.) Causing little or no pain or annoyance; as, an indolent tumor. |
Indolently (adv.) In an indolent manner. |
Indoles (n.) Natural disposition; natural quality or abilities. |
Indolin (n.) A dark resinous substance, polymeric with indol, and obtained by the reduction of indigo white. |
Indomable (a.) Indomitable. |
Indomitable (a.) Not to be subdued; untamable; invincible; as, an indomitable will, courage, animal. |
Indomite (a.) Not tamed; untamed; savage; wild. |
Indomptable (a.) Indomitable. |
Indoor (a.) Done or being within doors; within a house or institution; domestic; as, indoor work. |
Indoors (adv.) Within the house; -- usually separated, in doors. |
Indophenol (n.) Any one of a series of artificial blue dyestuffs, resembling indigo in appearance, and obtained by the action of phenol on certain nitrogenous derivatives of quinone. Simple indophenol proper has not yet been isolated. |
Indorsable (a.) Capable of being indorsed; transferable; convertible. |
Indorsation (n.) Indorsement. |
Indorsed (imp. & p. p.) of Indorse |
Indorsing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Indorse |
Indorse (v. t.) To cover the back of; to load or burden. |
Indorse (v. t.) To write upon the back or outside of a paper or letter, as a direction, heading, memorandum, or address. |
Indorse (v. t.) To write one's name, alone or with other words, upon the back of (a paper), for the purpose of transferring it, or to secure the payment of a /ote, draft, or the like; to guarantee the payment, fulfillment, performance, or validity of, or to certify something upon the back of (a check, draft, writ, warrant of arrest, etc.). |
Indorse (v. t.) To give one's name or support to; to sanction; to aid by approval; to approve; as, to indorse an opinion. |
Indorsed (a.) See Addorsed. |
Indorsee (n.) The person to whom a note or bill is indorsed, or assigned by indorsement. |
Indorsement (n.) The act of writing on the back of a note, bill, or other written instrument. |
Indorsement (n.) That which is written on the back of a note, bill, or other paper, as a name, an order for, or a receipt of, payment, or the return of an officer, etc.; a writing, usually upon the back, but sometimes on the face, of a negotiable instrument, by which the property therein is assigned and transferred. |
Indorsement (n.) Sanction, support, or approval; as, the indorsement of a rumor, an opinion, a course, conduct. |
Indorser (n.) Alt. of Indorsor |
Indorsor (n.) The person who indorses. |
Indow (v. t.) See Endow. |
Indowment (n.) See Endowment. |
Indoxyl (n.) A nitrogenous substance, C8H7NO, isomeric with oxindol, obtained as an oily liquid. |
Indoxylic (a.) Of or pertaining to, or producing, indoxyl; as, indoxylic acid. |
Indraught (n.) An opening from the sea into the land; an inlet. |
Indraught (n.) A draught of air or flow of water setting inward. |
Indrawn (a.) Drawn in. |
Indrench (v. t.) To overwhelm with water; to drench; to drown. |
Indris (n.) Alt. of Indri |
Indri (n.) Any lemurine animal of the genus Indris. |
Indubious (a.) Not dubious or doubtful; certain. |
Indubious (a.) Not doubting; unsuspecting. |
Indubitable (a.) Not dubitable or doubtful; too evident to admit of doubt; unquestionable; evident; apparently certain; as, an indubitable conclusion. |
Indubitable (n.) That which is indubitable. |
Indubitableness (n.) The state or quality of being indubitable. |
Indubitably (adv.) Undoubtedly; unquestionably; in a manner to remove all doubt. |
Indubitate (a.) Not questioned or doubtful; evident; certain. |
Indubitate (v. t.) To bring into doubt; to cause to be doubted. |
Induced (imp. & p. p.) of Induce |
Inducing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Induce |
Induce (v. t.) To lead in; to introduce. |
Induce (v. t.) To draw on; to overspread. |
Induce (v. t.) To lead on; to influence; to prevail on; to incite; to move by persuasion or influence. |
Induce (v. t.) To bring on; to effect; to cause; as, a fever induced by fatigue or exposure. |
Induce (v. t.) To produce, or cause, by proximity without contact or transmission, as a particular electric or magnetic condition in a body, by the approach of another body in an opposite electric or magnetic state. |
Induce (v. t.) To generalize or conclude as an inference from all the particulars; -- the opposite of deduce. |
Inducement (n.) The act of inducing, or the state of being induced. |
Inducement (n.) That which induces; a motive or consideration that leads one to action or induces one to act; as, reward is an inducement to toil. |
Inducement (n.) Matter stated by way of explanatory preamble or introduction to the main allegations of a pleading; a leading to. |
Inducer (n.) One who, or that which, induces or incites. |
Inducible (a.) Capable of being induced, caused, or made to take place. |
Inducible (a.) Obtainable by induction; derivable; inferable. |
Inducted (imp. & p. p.) of Induct |
Inducting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Induct |
Induct (v. t.) To bring in; to introduce; to usher in. |
Induct (v. t.) To introduce, as to a benefice or office; to put in actual possession of the temporal rights of an ecclesiastical living, or of any other office, with the customary forms and ceremonies. |
Inducteous (a.) Rendered electro-polar by induction, or brought into the opposite electrical state by the influence of inductive bodies. |
Inductile (a.) Not ductile; incapable of being drawn into threads, as a metal; inelastic; tough. |
Inductility (n.) The quality or state of being inductile. |
Induction (n.) The act or process of inducting or bringing in; introduction; entrance; beginning; commencement. |
Induction (n.) An introduction or introductory scene, as to a play; a preface; a prologue. |
Induction (n.) The act or process of reasoning from a part to a whole, from particulars to generals, or from the individual to the universal; also, the result or inference so reached. |
Induction (n.) The introduction of a clergyman into a benefice, or of an official into a office, with appropriate acts or ceremonies; the giving actual possession of an ecclesiastical living or its temporalities. |
Induction (n.) A process of demonstration in which a general truth is gathered from an examination of particular cases, one of which is known to be true, the examination being so conducted that each case is made to depend on the preceding one; -- called also successive induction. |
Induction (n.) The property by which one body, having electrical or magnetic polarity, causes or induces it in another body without direct contact; an impress of electrical or magnetic force or condition from one body on another without actual contact. |
Inductional (a.) Pertaining to, or proceeding by, induction; inductive. |
Inductive (a.) Leading or drawing; persuasive; tempting; -- usually followed by to. |
Inductive (a.) Tending to induce or cause. |
Inductive (a.) Leading to inferences; proceeding by, derived from, or using, induction; as, inductive reasoning. |
Inductive (a.) Operating by induction; as, an inductive electrical machine. |
Inductive (a.) Facilitating induction; susceptible of being acted upon by induction; as certain substances have a great inductive capacity. |
Inductively (adv.) By induction or inference. |
Inductometer (n.) An instrument for measuring or ascertaining the degree or rate of electrical induction. |
Inductor (n.) The person who inducts another into an office or benefice. |
Inductor (n.) That portion of an electrical apparatus, in which is the inducing charge or current. |
Inductoriums (pl. ) of Inductorium |
Inductoria (pl. ) of Inductorium |
Inductorium (n.) An induction coil. |
Inductric (a.) Alt. of Inductrical |
Inductrical (a.) Acting by, or in a state of, induction; relating to electrical induction. |
Indued (imp. & p. p.) of Indue |
Induing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Indue |
Indue (v. t.) To put on, as clothes; to draw on. |
Indue (v. t.) To clothe; to invest; hence, to endow; to furnish; to supply with moral or mental qualities. |
Induement (n.) The act of induing, or state of being indued; investment; endowment. |
Indulged (imp. & p. p.) of Indulge |
Indulging (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Indulge |
Indulge (v. t.) To be complacent toward; to give way to; not to oppose or restrain |
Indulge (v. t.) to give free course to; to give one's self up to; as, to indulge sloth, pride, selfishness, or inclinations; |
Indulge (v. t.) to yield to the desire of; to gratify by compliance; to humor; to withhold restraint from; as, to indulge children in their caprices or willfulness; to indulge one's self with a rest or in pleasure. |
Indulge (v. t.) To grant as by favor; to bestow in concession, or in compliance with a wish or request. |
Indulge (v. i.) To indulge one's self; to gratify one's tastes or desires; esp., to give one's self up (to); to practice a forbidden or questionable act without restraint; -- followed by in, but formerly, also, by to. |
Indulgement (n.) Indulgence. |
Indulgence (n.) The act of indulging or humoring; the quality of being indulgent; forbearance of restrain or control. |
Indulgence (n.) An indulgent act; favor granted; gratification. |
Indulgence (n.) Remission of the temporal punishment due to sins, after the guilt of sin has been remitted by sincere repentance; absolution from the censures and public penances of the church. It is a payment of the debt of justice to God by the application of the merits of Christ and his saints to the contrite soul through the church. It is therefore believed to diminish or destroy for sins the punishment of purgatory. |
Indulgence (v. t.) To grant an indulgence to. |
Indulgency (n.) Indulgence. |
Indulgent (a.) Prone to indulge; yielding to the wishes, humor, or appetites of those under one's care; compliant; not opposing or restraining; tolerant; mild; favorable; not severe; as, an indulgent parent. |
Indulgential (a.) Relating to the indulgences of the Roman Catholic Church. |
Indulgently (adv.) In an indulgent manner; mildly; favorably. |
Indulger (n.) One who indulges. |
Indulgiate (v. t.) To indulge. |
Induline (n.) Any one of a large series of aniline dyes, colored blue or violet, and represented by aniline violet. |
Induline (n.) A dark green amorphous dyestuff, produced by the oxidation of aniline in the presence of copper or vanadium salts; -- called also aniline black. |
Indult (n.) Alt. of Indulto |
Indulto (n.) A privilege or exemption; an indulgence; a dispensation granted by the pope. |
Indulto (n.) A duty levied on all importations. |
Indument (n.) Plumage; feathers. |
Induplicate (a.) Having the edges bent abruptly toward the axis; -- said of the parts of the calyx or corolla in aestivation. |
Induplicate (a.) Having the edges rolled inward and then arranged about the axis without overlapping; -- said of leaves in vernation. |
Induplicative (a.) Having induplicate sepals or petals in aestivation. |
Induplicative (a.) Having induplicate leaves in vernation. |
Indurance (n.) See Endurance. |
Indurate (a.) Hardened; not soft; indurated. |
Indurate (a.) Without sensibility; unfeeling; obdurate. |
Indurated (imp. & p. p.) of Indurate |
Indurating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Indurate |
Indurate (v. t.) To make hard; as, extreme heat indurates clay; some fossils are indurated by exposure to the air. |
Indurate (v. t.) To make unfeeling; to deprive of sensibility; to render obdurate. |
Indurate (v. i.) To grow hard; to harden, or become hard; as, clay indurates by drying, and by heat. |
Indurated (a.) Hardened; as, indurated clay; an indurated heart. |
Induration (n.) The act of hardening, or the process of growing hard. |
Induration (n.) State of being indurated, or of having become hard. |
Induration (n.) Hardness of character, manner, sensibility, etc.; obduracy; stiffness; want of pliancy or feeling. |
Indusial (a.) Of, pertaining to, or containing, the petrified cases of the larvae of certain insects. |
Indusiate (a.) Alt. of Indusiated |
Indusiated (a.) Furnished with an indusium. |
Indusia (pl. ) of Indusium |
Indusium (n.) A collection of hairs united so as to form a sort of cup, and inclosing the stigma of a flower. |
Indusium (n.) The immediate covering of the fruit dots or sori in many ferns, usually a very thin scale attached by the middle or side to a veinlet. |
Indusium (n.) A peculiar covering found in certain fungi. |
Industrial (a.) Consisting in industry; pertaining to industry, or the arts and products of industry; concerning those employed in labor, especially in manual labor, and their wages, duties, and rights. |
Industrialism (n.) Devotion to industrial pursuits; labor; industry. |
Industrialism (n.) The principles or policy applicable to industrial pursuits or organized labor. |
Industrially (adv.) With reference to industry. |
Industrious (a.) Given to industry; characterized by diligence; constantly, regularly, or habitually occupied; busy; assiduous; not slothful or idle; -- commonly implying devotion to lawful and useful labor. |
Industrious (a.) Steadily and perseveringly active in a particular pursuit or aim; as, he was negligent in business, but industrious in pleasure; an industrious mischief maker. |
Industries (pl. ) of Industry |
Industry (n.) Habitual diligence in any employment or pursuit, either bodily or mental; steady attention to business; assiduity; -- opposed to sloth and idleness; as, industry pays debts, while idleness or despair will increase them. |
Industry (n.) Any department or branch of art, occupation, or business; especially, one which employs much labor and capital and is a distinct branch of trade; as, the sugar industry; the iron industry; the cotton industry. |
Industry (n.) Human exertion of any kind employed for the creation of value, and regarded by some as a species of capital or wealth; labor. |
Indutive (a.) Covered; -- applied to seeds which have the usual integumentary covering. |
Induviae (n. pl.) Persistent portions of a calyx or corolla; also, leaves which do not disarticulate from the stem, and hence remain for a long time. |
Induviate (a.) Covered with induviae, as the upper part of the trunk of a palm tree. |
Indwelt (imp. & p. p.) of Indwell |
Indwelling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Indwell |
Indwell (v. t. & i.) To dwell in; to abide within; to remain in possession. |
Indweller (n.) An inhabitant. |
Indwelling (n.) Residence within, as in the heart. |
-ine () A suffix, indicating that those substances of whose names it is a part are basic, and alkaloidal in their nature. |
-ine () A suffix, used to indicate hydrocarbons of the second degree of unsaturation; i. e., members of the acetyline series; as, hexine, heptine, etc. |
Inearth (v. t.) To inter. |
Inebriant (a.) Intoxicating. |
Inebriant (n.) Anything that intoxicates, as opium, alcohol, etc.; an intoxicant. |
Inebriated (imp. & p. p.) of Inebriate |
Inebriating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inebriate |
Inebriate (v. t.) To make drunk; to intoxicate. |
Inebriate (v. t.) Fig.: To disorder the senses of; to exhilarate or elate as if by spirituous drink; to deprive of sense and judgment; also, to stupefy. |
Inebriate (v. i.) To become drunk. |
Inebriate (a.) Intoxicated; drunk; habitually given to drink; stupefied. |
Inebriate (n.) One who is drunk or intoxicated; esp., an habitual drunkard; as, an asylum fro inebriates. |
Inebriation (n.) The condition of being inebriated; intoxication; figuratively, deprivation of sense and judgment by anything that exhilarates, as success. |
Inebriety (n.) Drunkenness; inebriation. |
Inebrious (a.) Intoxicated, or partially so; intoxicating. |
Inedited (a.) Not edited; unpublished; as, an inedited manuscript. |
Inee (n.) An arrow poison, made from an apocynaceous plant (Strophanthus hispidus) of the Gaboon country; -- called also onaye. |
Ineffability (n.) The quality or state of being ineffable; ineffableness; unspeakableness. |
Ineffable (a.) Incapable of being expresses in words; unspeakable; unutterable; indescribable; as, the ineffable joys of heaven. |
Ineffableness (n.) The quality or state of being ineffable or unutterable; unspeakableness. |
Ineffably (adv.) In a manner not to be expressed in words; unspeakably. |
Ineffaceable (a.) Incapable of being effaced; indelible; ineradicable. |
Ineffaceably (adv.) So as not to be effaceable. |
Ineffectible (a.) Ineffectual; impracticable. |
Ineffective (a.) Not effective; ineffectual; futile; inefficient; useless; as, an ineffective appeal. |
Ineffectively (adv.) In an ineffective manner; without effect; inefficiently; ineffectually. |
Ineffectiveness (n.) Quality of being ineffective. |
Ineffectual (a.) Not producing the proper effect; without effect; inefficient; weak; useless; futile; unavailing; as, an ineffectual attempt; an ineffectual expedient. |
Ineffectuality (n.) Ineffectualness. |
Ineffectually (adv.) Without effect; in vain. |
Ineffectualness (n.) Want of effect, or of power to produce it; inefficacy. |
Ineffervescence (n.) Want of effervescence. |
Ineffervescent (a.) Not effervescing, or not susceptible of effervescence; quiescent. |
Ineffervescibility (n.) The quality of being ineffervescible. |
Ineffervescible (a.) Not capable or susceptible of effervescence. |
Inefficacious (a.) Not efficacious; not having power to produce the effect desired; inadequate; incompetent; inefficient; impotent. |
Inefficaciously (adv.) without efficacy or effect. |
Inefficaciousness (n.) Want of effect, or of power to produce the effect; inefficacy. |
Inefficacy (n.) Want of power to produce the desired or proper effect; inefficiency; ineffectualness; futility; uselessness; fruitlessness; as, the inefficacy of medicines or means. |
Inefficiency (n.) The quality of being inefficient; want of power or energy sufficient; want of power or energy sufficient for the desired effect; inefficacy; incapacity; as, he was discharged from his position for inefficiency. |
Inefficient (a.) Not efficient; not producing the effect intended or desired; inefficacious; as, inefficient means or measures. |
Inefficient (a.) Incapable of, or indisposed to, effective action; habitually slack or remiss; effecting little or nothing; as, inefficient workmen; an inefficient administrator. |
Inefficiently (adv.) In an inefficient manner. |
Inelaborate (a.) Not elaborate; not wrought with care; unpolished; crude; unfinished. |
Inelastic (a.) Not elastic. |
Inelasticity (n.) Want of elasticity. |
Inelegances (pl. ) of Inelegancy |
Inelegancies (pl. ) of Inelegancy |
Inelegance (n.) Alt. of Inelegancy |
Inelegancy (n.) The quality of being inelegant; want of elegance or grace; want of refinement, beauty, or polish in language, composition, or manners. |
Inelegancy (n.) Anything inelegant; as, inelegance of style in literary composition. |
Inelegant (a.) Not elegant; deficient in beauty, polish, refinement, grave, or ornament; wanting in anything which correct taste requires. |
Inelegantly (adv.) In an inelegant manner. |
Ineligibility (n.) The state or quality of being ineligible. |
Ineligible (a.) Not eligible; not qualified to be chosen for an office; not worthy to be chosen or prefered; not expedient or desirable. |
Inelligibly (adv.) In an ineligible manner. |
Ineloquent (a.) Not eloquent; not fluent, graceful, or pathetic; not persuasive; as, ineloquent language. |
Ineloquently (adv.) Without eloquence. |
Ineluctable (a.) Not to be overcome by struggling; irresistible; inevitable. |
Ineludible (a.) Incapable of being eluded or evaded; unvoidable. |
Inembryonate (a.) Not embryonate. |
Inernarrable (a.) Incapable of being narrated; indescribable; ineffable. |
Inept (a.) Not apt or fit; unfit; unsuitable; improper; unbecoming. |
Inept (a.) Silly; useless; nonsensical; absurd; foolish. |
Ineptitude (n.) The quality of being inept; unfitness; inaptitude; unsuitableness. |
Ineptitude (n.) Absurdity; nonsense; foolishness. |
Ineptly (adv.) Unfitly; unsuitably; awkwardly. |
Ineptness (n.) Unfitness; ineptitude. |
Inequable (a.) Unequable. |
Inequal (a.) Unequal; uneven; various. |
Inequalities (pl. ) of Inequality |
Inequality (n.) The quality of being unequal; difference, or want of equality, in any respect; lack of uniformity; disproportion; unevenness; disparity; diversity; as, an inequality in size, stature, numbers, power, distances, motions, rank, property, etc. |
Inequality (n.) Unevenness; want of levelness; the alternate rising and falling of a surface; as, the inequalities of the surface of the earth, or of a marble slab, etc. |
Inequality (n.) Variableness; changeableness; inconstancy; lack of smoothness or equability; deviation; unsteadiness, as of the weather, feelings, etc. |
Inequality (n.) Disproportion to any office or purpose; inadequacy; competency; as, the inequality of terrestrial things to the wants of a rational soul. |
Inequality (n.) An expression consisting of two unequal quantities, with the sign of inequality (< or >) between them; as, the inequality 2 < 3, or 4 > 1. |
Inequality (n.) An irregularity, or a deviation, in the motion of a planet or satellite from its uniform mean motion; the amount of such deviation. |
Inequation (n.) An inequality. |
Inequidistant (a.) Not equally distant; not equidistant. |
Inequilateral (a.) Having unequal sides; unsymmetrical; unequal-sided. |
Inequilateral (a.) Having the two ends unequal, as in the clam, quahaug, and most lamellibranch shells. |
Inequilobate (a.) Unequally lobed; cut into lobes of different shapes or sizes. |
Inequitable (a.) Not equitable; not just. |
Inequitate (v. t.) To ride over or through. |
Inequity (n.) Want of equity; injustice; wrong. |
Inequivalve (a.) Alt. of Inequivalvular |
Inequivalvular (a.) Having unequal valves, as the shell of an oyster. |
Ineradicable (a.) Incapable of being /radicated or rooted out. |
Ineradicably (adv.) So as not to be eradicable. |
Inergetic (a.) Alt. of Inergetical |
Inergetical (a.) Having no energy; sluggish. |
Inergetically (adv.) Without energy. |
Inerm (a.) Alt. of Inermous |
Inermous (a.) Same as Inermis. |
Inermis (a.) Unarmed; destitute of prickles or thorns, as a leaf. |
Inerrability (n.) Freedom or exemption from error; infallibility. |
Inerrable (a.) Incapable of erring; infallible; unerring. |
Inerrableness (n.) Exemption from error; inerrability; infallibility. |
Inerrably (adv.) With security from error; infallibly; unerringly. |
Inerrancy (n.) Exemption from error. |
Inerratic (a.) Not erratic or wandering; fixed; settled; established. |
Inerringly (adv.) Without error, mistake, or deviation; unerringly. |
Inert (a.) Destitute of the power of moving itself, or of active resistance to motion; as, matter is inert. |
Inert (a.) Indisposed to move or act; very slow to act; sluggish; dull; inactive; indolent; lifeless. |
Inert (a.) Not having or manifesting active properties; not affecting other substances when brought in contact with them; powerless for an expected or desired effect. |
Inertia (n.) That property of matter by which it tends when at rest to remain so, and when in motion to continue in motion, and in the same straight line or direction, unless acted on by some external force; -- sometimes called vis inertiae. |
Inertia (n.) Inertness; indisposition to motion, exertion, or action; want of energy; sluggishness. |
Inertia (n.) Want of activity; sluggishness; -- said especially of the uterus, when, in labor, its contractions have nearly or wholly ceased. |
Inertion (n.) Want of activity or exertion; inertness; quietude. |
Inertitude (n.) Inertness; inertia. |
Inertly (adv.) Without activity; sluggishly. |
Inertness (n.) Want of activity or exertion; habitual indisposition to action or motion; sluggishness; apathy; insensibility. |
Inertness (n.) Absence of the power of self-motion; inertia. |
Inerudite (a.) Not erudite; unlearned; ignorant. |
Inescapable (a.) Not escapable. |
Inescate (v. t.) To allure; to lay a bait for. |
Inescation (n.) The act of baiting; allurement. |
Inescutcheon (n.) A small escutcheon borne within a shield. |
In esse () In being; actually existing; -- distinguished from in posse, or in potentia, which denote that a thing is not, but may be. |
Inessential (a.) Having no essence or being. |
Inessential (a.) Not essential; unessential. |
Inestimable (a.) Incapable of being estimated or computed; especially, too valuable or excellent to be measured or fully appreciated; above all price; as, inestimable rights or privileges. |
Inestimably (adv.) In a manner, or to a degree, above estimation; as, things inestimably excellent. |
Inevasible (a.) Incapable of being evaded; inevitable; unavoidable. |
Inevidence (n.) Want of evidence; obscurity. |
Inevident (a.) Not evident; not clear or obvious; obscure. |
Inevitability (n.) Impossibility to be avoided or shunned; inevitableness. |
Inevitable (a.) Not evitable; incapable of being shunned; unavoidable; certain. |
Inevitable (a.) Irresistible. |
Inevitableness (n.) The state of being unavoidable; certainty to happen. |
Inevitably (adv.) Without possibility of escape or evasion; unavoidably; certainly. |
Inexact (a.) Not exact; not precisely correct or true; inaccurate. |
Inexactitude (n.) Inexactness; uncertainty; as, geographical inexactitude. |
Inexactly (adv.) In a manner not exact or precise; inaccurately. |
Inexactness (n.) Incorrectness; want of exactness. |
Inexcitability (n.) The quality of being inexcitable; insusceptibility to excitement. |
Inexcitable (a.) Not susceptible of excitement; dull; lifeless; torpid. |
Inexcusable (a.) Not excusable; not admitting excuse or justification; as, inexcusable folly. |
Inexcusableness (n.) The quality of being inexcusable; enormity forgiveness. |
Inexcusably (adv.) With a degree of guilt or folly beyond excuse or justification. |
Inexecrable (a.) That can not be execrated enough. |
Inexecutable (a.) Incapable of being executed or performed; impracticable; infeasible. |
Inexecution (n.) Neglect of execution; nonperformance; as, the inexecution of a treaty. |
Inexertion (n.) Want of exertion; want of effort; defect of action; indolence; laziness. |
Inexhalable (a.) Incapable of being exhaled. |
Inexhausted (a.) Not exhausted; not emptied; not spent; not having lost all strength or resources; unexhausted. |
Inexhaustedly (adv.) Without exhaustion. |
Inexhaustibility (n.) The state or quality of being inexhaustible; abundance. |
Inexhaustible (a.) Incapable of being exhausted, emptied, or used up; unfailing; not to be wasted or spent; as, inexhaustible stores of provisions; an inexhaustible stock of elegant words. |
Inexhaustive (a.) Inexhaustible. |
Inexist (v. i.) To exist within; to dwell within. |
Inexistant (a.) Inexistent; not existing. |
Inexistence (n.) Inherence; subsistence. |
Inexistence (n.) That which exists within; a constituent. |
Inexistence (n.) Want of being or existence. |
Inexistent (a.) Not having being; not existing. |
Inexistent (a.) Inherent; innate; indwelling. |
Inexorability (n.) The quality of being inexorable, or unyielding to entreaty. |
Inexorable (a.) Not to be persuaded or moved by entreaty or prayer; firm; determined; unyielding; unchangeable; inflexible; relentless; as, an inexorable prince or tyrant; an inexorable judge. |
Inexorableness (n.) The quality or state of being inexorable. |
Inexorably (adv.) In an inexorable manner; inflexibly. |
Inexpansible (a.) Incapable of expansion, enlargement, or extension. |
Inexpectable (a.) Not to be expected or anticipated. |
Inexpectant (a.) Not expectant. |
Inexpectation (n.) Absence of expectation. |
Inexpected (a.) Unexpected. |
Inexpectedly (adv.) Unexpectedly. |
Inexpectedness (n.) Unexpectedness. |
Inexpedience (n.) Alt. of Inexpediency |
Inexpediency (n.) The quality or state of being inexpedient; want of fitness; unsuitableness to the end or object; impropriety; as, the inexpedience of some measures. |
Inexpedient (a.) Not expedient; not tending to promote a purpose; not tending to the end desired; inadvisable; unfit; improper; unsuitable to time and place; as, what is expedient at one time may be inexpedient at another. |
Inexpediently (adv.) Not expediently; unfitly. |
Inexpensive (a.) Not expensive; cheap. |
Inexperience (n.) Absence or want of experience; lack of personal and experimental knowledge; as, the inexperience of youth. |
Inexperienced (a.) Not having experience unskilled. |
Inexpert (a.) Destitute of experience or of much experience. |
Inexpert (a.) Not expert; not skilled; destitute of knowledge or dexterity derived from practice. |
Inexpertness (n.) Want of expertness or skill. |
Inexpiable (a.) Admitting of no expiation, atonement, or satisfaction; as, an inexpiable crime or offense. |
Inexpiable (a.) Incapable of being mollified or appeased; relentless; implacable. |
Inexpiableness (n.) Quality of being inexpiable. |
Inexpiably (adv.) In an inexpiable manner of degree; to a degree that admits of no atonement. |
Inexpiate (a.) Not appeased or placated. |
Inexplainable (a.) Incapable of being explained; inexplicable. |
Inexpleably (adv.) Insatiably. |
Inexplicability (n.) The quality or state of being inexplicable. |
Inexplicable (a.) Not explicable; not explainable; incapable of being explained, interpreted, or accounted for; as, an inexplicable mystery. |
Inexplicableness (n.) A state of being inexplicable; inexplicability. |
Inexplicably (adv.) In an inexplicable manner. |
Inexplicit (a.) Not explicit; not clearly stated; indefinite; vague. |
Inexplorable (a.) Incapable of being explored, searched out, or discovered. |
Inexplosive (a.) Not explosive. |
Inexposure (n.) A state of not being exposed. |
Inexpressible (a.) Not capable of expression or utterance in language; ineffable; unspeakable; indescribable; unutterable; as, inexpressible grief or pleasure. |
Inexpressibles (n. pl.) Breeches; trousers. |
Inexpressibly (adv.) In an inexpressible manner or degree; unspeakably; unutterably. |
Inexpressive (a.) Inexpressible. |
Inexpressive (a.) Without expression or meaning; not expressive; dull; unintelligent; as, an inexpressive countenance. |
Inexpressiveness (n.) The state or quality of being inexpressive. |
Inexpugnable (a.) Incapable of being subdued by force; impregnable; unconquerable. |
Inexpugnably (adv.) So as to be inexpugnable; in an inexpugnable manner. |
Inexsuperable (a.) Not capable of being passed over; insuperable; insurmountable. |
Inextended (a.) Not extended. |
Inextensible (a.) Not capable of being extended; not elastic; as, inextensible fibers. |
Inextension (n.) Want of extension; unextended state. |
Inexterminable (a.) Incapable of extermination. |
Inextinct (a.) Not quenched; not extinct. |
Inextinguible (a.) Inextinguishable. |
Inextinguishable (a.) Not capable of being extinguished; extinguishable; unquenchable; as, inextinguishable flame, light, thirst, desire, feuds. |
Inextinguishably (adv.) So as not to be extinguished; in an inextinguishable manner. |
Inextirpable (a.) Not capable of being extirpated or rooted out; ineradicable. |
Inextricable (a.) Incapable of being extricated, untied, or disentangled; hopelessly intricate, confused, or obscure; as, an inextricable knot or difficulty; inextricable confusion. |
Inextricable (a.) Inevitable. |
Inextricableness (n.) The state of being inextricable. |
Inextricably (adv.) In an inextricable manner. |
Ineyed (imp. & p. p.) of Ineye |
Ineyeing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ineye |
Ineye (v. t.) To ingraft, as a tree or plant, by the insertion of a bud or eye; to inoculate. |
Infabricated (a.) Not fabricated; unwrought; not artificial; natural. |
Infallibilist (n.) One who accepts or maintains the dogma of papal infallibility. |
Infallibility (n.) The quality or state of being infallible, or exempt from error; inerrability. |
Infallible (a.) Not fallible; not capable of erring; entirely exempt from liability to mistake; unerring; inerrable. |
Infallible (a.) Not liable to fail, deceive, or disappoint; indubitable; sure; certain; as, infallible evidence; infallible success; an infallible remedy. |
Infallible (a.) Incapable of error in defining doctrines touching faith or morals. See Papal infallibility, under Infallibility. |
Infallibleness (n.) The state or quality of being infallible; infallibility. |
Infallibly (adv.) In an infallible manner; certainly; unfailingly; unerringly. |
Infame (v. t.) To defame; to make infamous. |
Infamized (imp. & p. p.) of Infamize |
Infamizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Infamize |
Infamize (v. t.) To make infamous; to defame. |
Infamous (a.) Of very bad report; having a reputation of the worst kind; held in abhorrence; guilty of something that exposes to infamy; base; notoriously vile; detestable; as, an infamous traitor; an infamous perjurer. |
Infamous (a.) Causing or producing infamy; deserving detestation; scandalous to the last degree; as, an infamous act; infamous vices; infamous corruption. |
Infamous (a.) Branded with infamy by conviction of a crime; as, at common law, an infamous person can not be a witness. |
Infamous (a.) Having a bad name as being the place where an odious crime was committed, or as being associated with something detestable; hence, unlucky; perilous; dangerous. |
Infamously (adv.) In an infamous manner or degree; scandalously; disgracefully; shamefully. |
Infamousness (n.) The state or quality of being infamous; infamy. |
Infamies (pl. ) of Infamy |
Infamy (n.) Total loss of reputation; public disgrace; dishonor; ignominy; indignity. |
Infamy (n.) A quality which exposes to disgrace; extreme baseness or vileness; as, the infamy of an action. |
Infamy (n.) That loss of character, or public disgrace, which a convict incurs, and by which he is at common law rendered incompetent as a witness. |
Infancy (n.) The state or period of being an infant; the first part of life; early childhood. |
Infancy (n.) The first age of anything; the beginning or early period of existence; as, the infancy of an art. |
Infancy (n.) The state or condition of one under age, or under the age of twenty-one years; nonage; minority. |
Infandous (a.) Too odious to be expressed or mentioned. |
Infangthef (n.) The privilege granted to lords of certain manors to judge thieves taken within the seigniory of such lords. |
Infant (n.) A child in the first period of life, beginning at his birth; a young babe; sometimes, a child several years of age. |
Infant (n.) A person who is not of full age, or who has not attained the age of legal capacity; a person under the age of twenty-one years; a minor. |
Infant (n.) Same as Infante. |
Infant (a.) Of or pertaining to infancy, or the first period of life; tender; not mature; as, infant strength. |
Infant (a.) Intended for young children; as, an infant school. |
Infant (v. t.) To bear or bring forth, as a child; hence, to produce, in general. |
Infanta (n.) A title borne by every one of the daughters of the kings of Spain and Portugal, except the eldest. |
Infante (n.) A title given to every one of sons of the kings of Spain and Portugal, except the eldest or heir apparent. |
Infanthood (n.) Infancy. |
Infanticidal (a.) Of or pertaining to infanticide; engaged in, or guilty of, child murder. |
Infanticide (n.) The murder of an infant born alive; the murder or killing of a newly born or young child; child murder. |
Infanticide (n.) One who commits the crime of infanticide; one who kills an infant. |
Infantile (a.) Of or pertaining to infancy, or to an infant; similar to, or characteristic of, an infant; childish; as, infantile behavior. |
Infantine (a.) Infantile; childish. |
Infantlike (a.) Like an infant. |
Infantly (a.) Like an infant. |
Infantry (n.) A body of children. |
Infantry (n.) A body of soldiers serving on foot; foot soldiers, in distinction from cavalry. |
Infarce (v. t.) To stuff; to swell. |
Infarction (n.) The act of stuffing or filling; an overloading and obstruction of any organ or vessel of the body; constipation. |
Infare (n.) A house-warming; especially, a reception, party, or entertainment given by a newly married couple, or by the husband upon receiving the wife to his house. |
Infashionable (a.) Unfashionable. |
Infatigable (a.) Indefatigable. |
Infatuate (a.) Infatuated. |
Infatuated (imp. & p. p.) of Infatuate |
Infatuating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Infatuate |
Infatuate (v. t.) To make foolish; to affect with folly; to weaken the intellectual powers of, or to deprive of sound judgment. |
Infatuate (v. t.) To inspire with a foolish and extravagant passion; as, to be infatuated with gaming. |
Infatuated (a.) Overcome by some foolish passion or desire; affected by infatuation. |
Infatuation (n.) The act of infatuating; the state of being infatuated; folly; that which infatuates. |
Infaust (a.) Not favorable; unlucky; unpropitious; sinister. |
Infausting (n.) The act of making unlucky; misfortune; bad luck. |
Infeasibility (n.) The state of being infeasible; impracticability. |
Infeasible (a.) Not capable of being done or accomplished; impracticable. |
Infeasibleness (n.) The state of quality of being infeasible; infeasibility. |
Infect (v. t.) Infected. Cf. Enfect. |
Infected (imp. & p. p.) of Infect |
Infecting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Infect |
Infect (v. t.) To taint with morbid matter or any pestilential or noxious substance or effluvium by which disease is produced; as, to infect a lancet; to infect an apartment. |
Infect (v. t.) To affect with infectious disease; to communicate infection to; as, infected with the plague. |
Infect (v. t.) To communicate to or affect with, as qualities or emotions, esp. bad qualities; to corrupt; to contaminate; to taint by the communication of anything noxious or pernicious. |
Infect (v. t.) To contaminate with illegality or to expose to penalty. |
Infecter (n.) One who, or that which, infects. |
Infectible (a.) Capable of being infected. |
Infection (n.) The act or process of infecting. |
Infection (n.) That which infects, or causes the communicated disease; any effluvium, miasm, or pestilential matter by which an infectious disease is caused. |
Infection (n.) The state of being infected; contamination by morbific particles; the result of infecting influence; a prevailing disease; epidemic. |
Infection (n.) That which taints or corrupts morally; as, the infection of vicious principles. |
Infection (n.) Contamination by illegality, as in cases of contraband goods; implication. |
Infection (n.) Sympathetic communication of like qualities or emotions; influence. |
Infectious (a.) Having qualities that may infect; communicable or caused by infection; pestilential; epidemic; as, an infectious fever; infectious clothing; infectious air; infectious vices. |
Infectious (a.) Corrupting, or tending to corrupt or contaminate; vitiating; demoralizing. |
Infectious (a.) Contaminating with illegality; exposing to seizure and forfeiture. |
Infectious (a.) Capable of being easily diffused or spread; sympathetic; readily communicated; as, infectious mirth. |
Infectiously (adv.) In an infectious manner. |
Infectiousness (n.) The quality of being infectious. |
Infective (a.) Infectious. |
Infecund (a.) Unfruitful; not producing young; barren; infertile. |
Infecundity (n.) Want of fecundity or fruitfulness; barrenness; sterility; unproductiveness. |
Infecundous (a.) Infertile; barren; unprofitable; unproductive. |
Infeeble (v. t.) See Enfeeble. |
Infelicitous (a.) Not felicitous; unhappy; unfortunate; not fortunate or appropriate in application; not well said, expressed, or done; as, an infelicitous condition; an infelicitous remark; an infelicitous description; infelicitous words. |
Infelicities (pl. ) of Infelicity |
Infelicity (n.) The state or quality of being infelicitous; unhappiness; misery; wretchedness; misfortune; want of suitableness or appropriateness. |
Infelicity (n.) That (as an act, word, expression, etc.) which is infelicitous; as, infelicities of speech. |
Infelonious (a.) Not felonious, malignant, or criminal. |
Infelt (a.) Felt inwardly; heartfelt. |
Infeodation (n.) See Infeudation. |
Infeoff (v. t.) See Enfeoff. |
Infeoffment (n.) See Enfeoffment. |
Inferred (imp. & p. p.) of Infer |
Inferring (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Infer |
Infer (v. t.) To bring on; to induce; to occasion. |
Infer (v. t.) To offer, as violence. |
Infer (v. t.) To bring forward, or employ as an argument; to adduce; to allege; to offer. |
Infer (v. t.) To derive by deduction or by induction; to conclude or surmise from facts or premises; to accept or derive, as a consequence, conclusion, or probability; to imply; as, I inferred his determination from his silence. |
Infer (v. t.) To show; to manifest; to prove. |
Inferable (a.) Capable of being inferred or deduced from premises. |
Inference (n.) The act or process of inferring by deduction or induction. |
Inference (n.) That which inferred; a truth or proposition drawn from another which is admitted or supposed to be true; a conclusion; a deduction. |
Inferential (a.) Deduced or deducible by inference. |
Inferentially (adv.) By way of inference. |
Inferiae (n. pl.) Sacrifices offered to the souls of deceased heroes or friends. |
Inferior (a.) Lower in place, rank, excellence, etc.; less important or valuable; subordinate; underneath; beneath. |
Inferior (a.) Poor or mediocre; as, an inferior quality of goods. |
Inferior (a.) Nearer the sun than the earth is; as, the inferior or interior planets; an inferior conjunction of Mercury or Venus. |
Inferior (a.) Below the horizon; as, the inferior part of a meridian. |
Inferior (a.) Situated below some other organ; -- said of a calyx when free from the ovary, and therefore below it, or of an ovary with an adherent and therefore inferior calyx. |
Inferior (a.) On the side of a flower which is next the bract; anterior. |
Inferior (a.) Junior or subordinate in rank; as, an inferior officer. |
Inferior (n.) A person lower in station, rank, intellect, etc., than another. |
Inferiority () The state of being inferior; a lower state or condition; as, inferiority of rank, of talents, of age, of worth. |
Inferiorly (adv.) In an inferior manner, or on the inferior part. |
Infernal (a.) Of or pertaining to or suitable for the lower regions, inhabited, according to the ancients, by the dead; pertaining to Pluto's realm of the dead, the Tartarus of the ancients. |
Infernal (a.) Of or pertaining to, resembling, or inhabiting, hell; suitable for hell, or to the character of the inhabitants of hell; hellish; diabolical; as, infernal spirits, or conduct. |
Infernal (n.) An inhabitant of the infernal regions; also, the place itself. |
Infernally (adv.) In an infernal manner; diabolically. |
Inferobranchian (n.) One of the Inferobranchiata. |
Inferobranchiata (n. pl.) A suborder of marine gastropod mollusks, in which the gills are between the foot and the mantle. |
Inferobranchiate (a.) Having the gills on the sides of the body, under the margin of the mantle; belonging to the Inferobranchiata. |
Inferrible (a.) Inferable. |
Infertile (a.) Not fertile; not productive; barren; sterile; as, an infertile soil. |
Infertilely (adv.) In an infertile manner. |
Infertility (n.) The state or quality of being infertile; unproductiveness; barrenness. |
Infest (v. t.) Mischievous; hurtful; harassing. |
Infested (imp. & p. p.) of Infest |
Infesting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Infest |
Infest (v. t.) To trouble greatly by numbers or by frequency of presence; to disturb; to annoy; to frequent and molest or harass; as, fleas infest dogs and cats; a sea infested with pirates. |
Infesttation (n.) The act of infesting or state of being infested; molestation; vexation; annoyance. |
Infester (n.) One who, or that which, infests. |
Infestive (a.) Having no mirth; not festive or merry; dull; cheerless; gloomy; forlorn. |
Infestivity (n.) Want of festivity, cheerfulness, or mirth; dullness; cheerlessness. |
Infestuous (a.) Mischievous; harmful; dangerous. |
Infeudation (n.) The act of putting one in possession of an estate in fee. |
Infeudation (n.) The granting of tithes to laymen. |
Infibulation (n.) The act of clasping, or fastening, as with a buckle or padlock. |
Infibulation (n.) The act of attaching a ring, clasp, or frame, to the genital organs in such a manner as to prevent copulation. |
Infidel (a.) Not holding the faith; -- applied esp. to one who does not believe in the inspiration of the Scriptures, and the supernatural origin of Christianity. |
Infidel (n.) One who does not believe in the prevailing religious faith; especially, one who does not believe in the divine origin and authority of Christianity; a Mohammedan; a heathen; a freethinker. |
Infidelities (pl. ) of Infidelity |
Infidelity (n.) Want of faith or belief in some religious system; especially, a want of faith in, or disbelief of, the inspiration of the Scriptures, of the divine origin of Christianity. |
Infidelity (n.) Unfaithfulness to the marriage vow or contract; violation of the marriage covenant by adultery. |
Infidelity (n.) Breach of trust; unfaithfulness to a charge, or to moral obligation; treachery; deceit; as, the infidelity of a servant. |
Infield (v. t.) To inclose, as a field. |
Infield (n.) Arable and manured land kept continually under crop; -- distinguished from outfield. |
Infield (n.) The diamond; -- opposed to outfield. See Diamond, n., 5. |
Infile (v. t.) To arrange in a file or rank; to place in order. |
Infilm (v. t.) To cover with a film; to coat thinly; as, to infilm one metal with another in the process of gilding; to infilm the glass of a mirror. |
Infiltered (imp. & p. p.) of Infilter |
Infiltering (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Infilter |
Infilter (v. t. & i.) To filter or sift in. |
Infiltrated (imp. & p. p.) of Infiltrate |
Infiltrating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Infiltrate |
Infiltrate (v. i.) To enter by penetrating the pores or interstices of a substance; to filter into or through something. |
Infiltrate (v. t.) To penetrate gradually; -- sometimes used reflexively. |
Infiltration (n.) The act or process of infiltrating, as if water into a porous substance, or of a fluid into the cells of an organ or part of the body. |
Infiltration (n.) The substance which has entered the pores or cavities of a body. |
Infiltrative (a.) Of or pertaining to infiltration. |
Infinite (a.) Unlimited or boundless, in time or space; as, infinite duration or distance. |
Infinite (a.) Without limit in power, capacity, knowledge, or excellence; boundless; immeasurably or inconceivably great; perfect; as, the infinite wisdom and goodness of God; -- opposed to finite. |
Infinite (a.) Indefinitely large or extensive; great; vast; immense; gigantic; prodigious. |
Infinite (a.) Greater than any assignable quantity of the same kind; -- said of certain quantities. |
Infinite (a.) Capable of endless repetition; -- said of certain forms of the canon, called also perpetual fugues, so constructed that their ends lead to their beginnings, and the performance may be incessantly repeated. |
Infinite (n.) That which is infinite; boundless space or duration; infinity; boundlessness. |
Infinite (n.) An infinite quantity or magnitude. |
Infinite (n.) An infinity; an incalculable or very great number. |
Infinite (n.) The Infinite Being; God; the Almighty. |
Infinitely (adv.) Without bounds or limits; beyond or below assignable limits; as, an infinitely large or infinitely small quantity. |
Infinitely (adv.) Very; exceedingly; vastly; highly; extremely. |
Infiniteness (n.) The state or quality of being infinite; infinity; greatness; immensity. |
Infinitesimal (a.) Infinitely or indefinitely small; less than any assignable quantity or value; very small. |
Infinitesimal (n.) An infinitely small quantity; that which is less than any assignable quantity. |
Infinitesimally (adv.) By infinitesimals; in infinitely small quantities; in an infinitesimal degree. |
Infinitival (a.) Pertaining to the infinite mood. |
Infinitive (n.) Unlimited; not bounded or restricted; undefined. |
Infinitive (n.) An infinitive form of the verb; a verb in the infinitive mood; the infinitive mood. |
Infinitive (adv.) In the manner of an infinitive mood. |
Infinito (a.) Infinite; perpetual, as a canon whose end leads back to the beginning. See Infinite, a., 5. |
Infinitude (n.) The quality or state of being infinite, or without limits; infiniteness. |
Infinitude (n.) Infinite extent; unlimited space; immensity; infinity. |
Infinitude (n.) Boundless number; countless multitude. |
Infinituple (a.) Multipied an infinite number of times. |
Infinities (pl. ) of Infinity |
Infinity (n.) Unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity; eternity; boundlessness; immensity. |
Infinity (n.) Unlimited capacity, energy, excellence, or knowledge; as, the infinity of God and his perfections. |
Infinity (n.) Endless or indefinite number; great multitude; as an infinity of beauties. |
Infinity (n.) A quantity greater than any assignable quantity of the same kind. |
Infinity (n.) That part of a line, or of a plane, or of space, which is infinitely distant. In modern geometry, parallel lines or planes are sometimes treated as lines or planes meeting at infinity. |
Infirm (a.) Not firm or sound; weak; feeble; as, an infirm body; an infirm constitution. |
Infirm (a.) Weak of mind or will; irresolute; vacillating. |
Infirm (a.) Not solid or stable; insecure; precarious. |
Infirm (v. t.) To weaken; to enfeeble. |
Infirmarian (n.) A person dwelling in, or having charge of, an infirmary, esp. in a monastic institution. |
Infirmaries (pl. ) of Infirmary |
Infirmary (n.) A hospital, or place where the infirm or sick are lodged and nursed gratuitously, or where out-patients are treated. |
Infirmative (a.) Weakening; annulling, or tending to make void. |
Infirmatory (n.) An infirmary. |
Infirmities (pl. ) of Infirmity |
Infirmity (a.) The state of being infirm; feebleness; an imperfection or weakness; esp., an unsound, unhealthy, or debilitated state; a disease; a malady; as, infirmity of body or mind. |
Infirmity (a.) A personal frailty or failing; foible; eccentricity; a weakness or defect. |
Infirmly (adv.) In an infirm manner. |
Infirmness (n.) Infirmity; feebleness. |
Infixed (imp. & p. p.) of Infix |
Infixing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Infix |
Infix (v. t.) To set; to fasten or fix by piercing or thrusting in; as, to infix a sting, spear, or dart. |
Infix (v. t.) To implant or fix; to instill; to inculcate, as principles, thoughts, or instructions; as, to infix good principles in the mind, or ideas in the memory. |
Infix (n.) Something infixed. |
Inflamed (imp. & p. p.) of Inflame |
Inflaming (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inflame |
Inflame (v. t.) To set on fire; to kindle; to cause to burn, flame, or glow. |
Inflame (v. t.) Fig.: To kindle or intensify, as passion or appetite; to excite to an excessive or unnatural action or heat; as, to inflame desire. |
Inflame (v. t.) To provoke to anger or rage; to exasperate; to irritate; to incense; to enrage. |
Inflame (v. t.) To put in a state of inflammation; to produce morbid heat, congestion, or swelling, of; as, to inflame the eyes by overwork. |
Inflame (v. t.) To exaggerate; to enlarge upon. |
Inflame (v. i.) To grow morbidly hot, congested, or painful; to become angry or incensed. |
Inflamed (p. a.) Set on fire; enkindled; heated; congested; provoked; exasperated. |
Inflamed (p. a.) Represented as burning, or as adorned with tongues of flame. |
Inflamer (n.) The person or thing that inflames. |
Inflammabillty (n.) Susceptibility of taking fire readily; the state or quality of being inflammable. |
Inflammable (a.) Capable of being easily set fire; easily enkindled; combustible; as, inflammable oils or spirits. |
Inflammable (a.) Excitable; irritable; irascible; easily provoked; as, an inflammable temper. |
Inflammableness (n.) The quality or state of being inflammable; inflammability. |
Inflammbly (adv.) In an inflammable manner. |
Inflammation (n.) The act of inflaming, kindling, or setting on fire; also, the state of being inflamed. |
Inflammation (n.) A morbid condition of any part of the body, consisting in congestion of the blood vessels, with obstruction of the blood current, and growth of morbid tissue. It is manifested outwardly by redness and swelling, attended with heat and pain. |
Inflammation (n.) Violent excitement; heat; passion; animosity; turbulence; as, an inflammation of the mind, of the body politic, or of parties. |
Inflammative (a.) Inflammatory. |
Inflammatory (a.) Tending to inflame, kindle, or irritate. |
Inflammatory (a.) Tending to excite anger, animosity, tumult, or sedition; seditious; as, inflammatory libels, writings, speeches, or publications. |
Inflammatory (a.) Accompanied with, or tending to cause, preternatural heat and excitement of arterial action; as, an inflammatory disease. |
Inflatable (a.) That may be inflated. |
Inflate (p. a.) Blown in; inflated. |
Inflated (imp. & p. p.) of Inflate |
Inflating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inflate |
Inflate (v. t.) To swell or distend with air or gas; to dilate; to expand; to enlarge; as, to inflate a bladder; to inflate the lungs. |
Inflate (v. t.) Fig.: To swell; to puff up; to elate; as, to inflate one with pride or vanity. |
Inflate (v. t.) To cause to become unduly expanded or increased; as, to inflate the currency. |
Inflate (v. i.) To expand; to fill; to distend. |
Inflated (a.) Filled, as with air or gas; blown up; distended; as, a balloon inflated with gas. |
Inflated (a.) Turgid; swelling; puffed up; bombastic; pompous; as, an inflated style. |
Inflated (a.) Hollow and distended, as a perianth, corolla, nectary, or pericarp. |
Inflated (a.) Distended or enlarged fictitiously; as, inflated prices, etc. |
Inflater (n.) One who, or that which, inflates; as, the inflaters of the stock exchange. |
Inflatingly (adv.) In a manner tending to inflate. |
Inflation (n.) The act or process of inflating, or the state of being inflated, as with air or gas; distention; expansion; enlargement. |
Inflation (n.) The state of being puffed up, as with pride; conceit; vanity. |
Inflation (n.) Undue expansion or increase, from overissue; -- said of currency. |
Inflationist (n.) One who favors an increased or very large issue of paper money. |
Inflatus (v. t.) A blowing or breathing into; inflation; inspiration. |
Inflected (imp. & p. p.) of Inflect |
Inflecting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inflect |
Inflect (v. t.) To turn from a direct line or course; to bend; to incline, to deflect; to curve; to bow. |
Inflect (v. t.) To vary, as a noun or a verb in its terminations; to decline, as a noun or adjective, or to conjugate, as a verb. |
Inflect (v. t.) To modulate, as the voice. |
Inflected (a.) Bent; turned; deflected. |
Inflected (a.) Having inflections; capable of, or subject to, inflection; inflective. |
Inflection (n.) The act of inflecting, or the state of being inflected. |
Inflection (n.) A bend; a fold; a curve; a turn; a twist. |
Inflection (n.) A slide, modulation, or accent of the voice; as, the rising and the falling inflection. |
Inflection (n.) The variation or change which words undergo to mark case, gender, number, comparison, tense, person, mood, voice, etc. |
Inflection (n.) Any change or modification in the pitch or tone of the voice. |
Inflection (n.) A departure from the monotone, or reciting note, in chanting. |
Inflection (n.) Same as Diffraction. |
Inflectional (a.) Of or pertaining to inflection; having, or characterized by, inflection. |
Inflective (a.) Capable of, or pertaining to, inflection; deflecting; as, the inflective quality of the air. |
Inflective (a.) Inflectional; characterized by variation, or change in form, to mark case, tense, etc.; subject to inflection. |
Inflesh (v. t.) To incarnate. |
Inflex (v. t.) To bend; to cause to become curved; to make crooked; to deflect. |
Inflexed (a.) Turned; bent. |
Inflexed (a.) Bent or turned abruptly inwards, or toward the axis, as the petals of a flower. |
Inflexibility (n.) The quality or state of being inflexible, or not capable of being bent or changed; unyielding stiffness; inflexibleness; rigidity; firmness of will or purpose; unbending pertinacity; steadfastness; resoluteness; unchangeableness; obstinacy. |
Inflexible (a.) Not capable of being bent; stiff; rigid; firm; unyielding. |
Inflexible (a.) Firm in will or purpose; not to be turned, changed, or altered; resolute; determined; unyieding; inexorable; stubborn. |
Inflexible (a.) Incapable of change; unalterable; immutable. |
Inflexibleness (n.) The quality or state of being inflexible; inflexibility; rigidity; firmness. |
Inflexibly (adv.) In an inflexible manner. |
Inflexion (n.) Inflection. |
Inflexive (a.) Inflective. |
Inflexive (a.) Inflexible. |
Inflexure (n.) An inflection; a bend or fold. |
Inflicted (imp. & p. p.) of Inflict |
Inflicting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inflict |
Inflict (v. t.) To give, cause, or produce by striking, or as if by striking; to apply forcibly; to lay or impose; to send; to cause to bear, feel, or suffer; as, to inflict blows; to inflict a wound with a dagger; to inflict severe pain by ingratitude; to inflict punishment on an offender; to inflict the penalty of death on a criminal. |
Inflicter (n.) One who inflicts. |
Infliction (n.) The act of inflicting or imposing; as, the infliction of torment, or of punishment. |
Infliction (n.) That which is inflicted or imposed, as punishment, disgrace, calamity, etc. |
Inflictive (a.) Causing infliction; acting as an infliction. |
Inflorescence (n.) A flowering; the putting forth and unfolding of blossoms. |
Inflorescence (n.) The mode of flowering, or the general arrangement and disposition of the flowers with reference to the axis, and to each other. |
Inflorescence (n.) An axis on which all the flower buds. |
Inflow (v. i.) To flow in. |
Influence (n.) A flowing in or upon; influx. |
Influence (n.) Hence, in general, the bringing about of an effect, phusical or moral, by a gradual process; controlling power quietly exerted; agency, force, or tendency of any kind which the sun exerts on animal and vegetable life; the influence of education on the mind; the influence, according to astrologers,of the stars over affairs. |
Influence (n.) Power or authority arising from elevated station, excelence of character or intellect, wealth, etc.; reputation; acknowledged ascendency; as, he is a man of influence in the community. |
Influence (n.) Induction. |
Influenced (imp. & p. p.) of Influence |
Influencing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Influence |
Influence (v. t.) To control or move by power, physical or moral; to affect by gentle action; to exert an influence upon; to modify, bias, or sway; to move; to persuade; to induce. |
Influencer (n.) One who, or that which, influences. |
Influencive (a.) Tending toinfluence; influential. |
Influent (a.) Flowing in. |
Influent (a.) Exerting influence; influential. |
Inflential (a.) Exerting or possessing influence or power; potent; efficacious; effective; strong; having authority or ascendency; as, an influential man, station, argument, etc. |
Influentially (adv.) In an influential manner. |
Influenza (n.) An epidemic affection characterized by acute nasal catarrh, or by inflammation of the throat or the bronchi, and usually accompanied by fever. |
Influx (n.) The act of flowing in; as, an influx of light. |
Influx (n.) A coming in; infusion; intromission; introduction; importation in abundance; also, that which flows or comes in; as, a great influx of goods into a country, or an influx of gold and silver. |
Influx (n.) Influence; power. |
Influxion (n.) A flowing in; infusion. |
Influxious (a.) Influential. |
Influxive (a.) Having a tendency to flow in; having influence; influential. |
Influxively (adv.) By influxion. |
Infolded (imp. & p. p.) of Infold |
Infolding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Infold |
Infold (v. t.) To wrap up or cover with folds; to envelop; to inwrap; to inclose; to involve. |
Infold (v. t.) To clasp with the arms; to embrace. |
Infoldment (n.) The act of infolding; the state of being infolded. |
Infoliate (v. t.) To cover or overspread with, or as with, leaves. |
Inform (a.) Without regular form; shapeless; ugly; deformed. |
Informed (imp. & p. p.) of Inform |
Informing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inform |
Inform (v. t.) To give form or share to; to give vital ororganizing power to; to give life to; to imbue and actuate with vitality; to animate; to mold; to figure; to fashion. |
Inform (v. t.) To communicate knowledge to; to make known to; to acquaint; to advise; to instruct; to tell; to notify; to enlighten; -- usually followed by of. |
Inform (v. t.) To communicate a knowledge of facts to,by way of accusation; to warn against anybody. |
Inform (v. t.) To take form; to become visible or manifest; to appear. |
Inform (v. t.) To give intelligence or information; to tell. |
Informal (a.) Not in the regular, usual, or established form; not according to official, conventional, prescribed, or customary forms or rules; irregular; hence, without ceremony; as, an informal writting, proceeding, or visit. |
Informal (a.) Deranged in mind; out of one's senses. |
Informalities (pl. ) of Informality |
Informality (n.) The state of being informal; want of regular, prescribed, or customary form; as, the informality of legal proceedings. |
Informality (n.) An informal, unconventional, or unofficial act or proceeding; something which is not in proper or prescribed form or does not conform to the established rule. |
Informally (adv.) In an informal manner. |
Informant (v. t.) One who, or that which, informs, animates, or vivifies. |
Informant (v. t.) One who imparts information or instruction. |
Informant (v. t.) One who offers an accusation; an informer. See Informer. |
Information (v. t.) The act of informing, or communicating knowledge or intelligence. |
Information (v. t.) News, advice, or knowledge, communicated by others or obtained by personal study and investigation; intelligence; knowledge derived from reading, observation, or instruction. |
Information (v. t.) A proceeding in the nature of a prosecution for some offens against the government, instituted and prosecuted, really or nominally, by some authorized public officer on behalt of the government. It differs from an indictment in criminal cases chiefly in not being based on the finding of a grand juri. See Indictment. |
Informative (a.) Having power to inform, animate, or vivify. |
Informatory (a.) Full of, or conveying, information; instructive. |
Informed (a.) Unformed or ill-formed; deformed; shapeless. |
Informer (v.) One who informs, animates, or inspires. |
Informer (v.) One who informs, or imparts knowledge or news. |
Informer (v.) One who informs a magistrate of violations of law; one who informs against another for violation of some law or penal statute. |
Informidable (a.) Not formidable; not to be feared or dreaded. |
Informity (a.) Want of regular form; shapelessness. |
Informous (a.) Of irregular form; shapeless. |
Infortunate (a.) Unlucky; unfortunate. |
Infortune (n.) Misfortune. |
Infortuned (a.) Unfortunate. |
Infound (v. t.) To pour in; to infuse. |
Infra (adv.) Below; beneath; under; after; -- often used as a prefix. |
Infra-axillary (a.) Situated below the axil, as a bud. |
Infrabranchial (a.) Below the gills; -- applied to the ventral portion of the pallial chamber in the lamellibranchs. |
Infraclavicular (a.) Below the clavicle; as, the infraclavicular fossa. |
Infract (a.) Not broken or fractured; unharmed; whole. |
Infracted (imp. & p. p.) of Infract |
Infracting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Infract |
Infract (v. t.) To break; to infringe. |
Infractible (a.) Capable of being broken. |
Infraction (n.) The act of infracting or breaking; breach; violation; nonobservance; infringement; as, an infraction of a treaty, compact, rule, or law. |
Infractor (n.) One who infracts or infringes; a violator; a breaker. |
Infragrant (a.) Not fragrant. |
Infrahyoid (a.) Same as Hyosternal (a). |
Infralabial (a.) Below the lower lip; -- said of certain scales of reptiles and fishes. |
Infralapsarian (n.) One of that class of Calvinists who consider the decree of election as contemplating the apostasy as past and the elect as being at the time of election in a fallen and guilty state; -- opposed to Supralapsarian. The former considered the election of grace as a remedy for an existing evil; the latter regarded the fall as a part of God's original purpose in regard to men. |
Infralapsarian (a.) Of or pertaining to the Infralapsarians, or to their doctrine. |
Infralapsarianism (n.) The doctrine, belief, or principles of the Infralapsarians. |
Inframarginal (a.) Below the margin; submarginal; as, an inframarginal convolution of the brain. |
Inframaxillary (a.) Under the lower jaw; submaxillary; as, the inframaxillary nerve. |
Inframaxillary (a.) Of or pertaining to the lower iaw. |
Inframedian (a.) Of or pertaining to the interval or zone along the sea bottom, at the depth of between fifty and one hundred fathoms. |
Inframundane (a.) Lying or situated beneath the world. |
Infranchise (v. t.) See Enfranchise. |
Infrangibility (n.) The quality or state of being infrangible; infrangibleness. |
Infrangible (a.) Not capable of being broken or separated into parts; as, infrangible atoms. |
Infrangible (a.) Not to be infringed or violated. |
Infrangibleness (n.) The state or quality of being infrangible; infrangibility. |
Infraocular (a.) Situated below the eyes, as the antenna of certain insects. |
Infraorbital (a.) Below the orbit; as, the infraorbital foramen; the infraorbital nerve. |
Infrapose (v. t.) To place under or beneath. |
Infraposition (n.) A situation or position beneath. |
Infrascapular (a.) Beneath the scapula, or shoulder blade; subscapular. |
Infraspinal (a.) Below the vertebral column, subvertebral. |
Infraspinal (a.) Below the spine; infraspinate; infraspinous. |
Infraspinate (a.) Alt. of Infraspinous |
Infraspinous (a.) Below the spine; infraspinal; esp., below the spine of the scapula; as, the infraspinous fossa; the infraspinate muscle. |
Infrastapedial (a.) Of or pertaining to a part of the columella of the ear, which in many animals projects below the connection with the stapes. |
Infrastapedial (n.) The infrastapedial part of the columella. |
Infrasternal (a.) Below the sternum; as, the infrasternal depression, or pit of the stomach. |
Infratemporal (a.) Below the temple; below the temporal bone. |
Infraterritorial (a.) Within the territory of a state. |
Infratrochlear (a.) Below a trochlea, or pulley; -- applied esp. to one of the subdivisions of the trigeminal nerve. |
Infrequence (n.) Alt. of Infrequency |
Infrequency (n.) The state of rarely occuring; uncommonness; rareness; as, the infrquence of his visits. |
Infrequency (n.) The state of not being frequented; solitude; isolation; retirement; seclusion. |
Infrequent (a.) Seldom happening or occurring; rare; uncommon; unusual. |
Infrequently (adv.) Not frequently; rarely. |
Infrigidate (v. t.) To chill; to make cold; to cool. |
Infrigidation (n.) The act of chilling or causing to become cold; a chilling; coldness; congelation. |
Infringed (imp. & p. p.) of Infringe |
Infringing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Infringe |
Infringe (v. t.) To break; to violate; to transgress; to neglect to fulfill or obey; as, to infringe a law or contract. |
Infringe (v. t.) To hinder; to destroy; as, to infringe efficacy; to infringe delight or power. |
Infringe (v. i.) To break, violate, or transgress some contract, rule, or law; to injure; to offend. |
Infringe (v. i.) To encroach; to trespass; -- followed by on or upon; as, to infringe upon the rights of another. |
Infringement (n.) The act of infringing; breach; violation; nonfulfillment; as, the infringement of a treaty, compact, law, or constitution. |
Infringement (n.) An encroachment on a patent, copyright, or other special privilege; a trespass. |
Infringer (n.) One who infringes or violates; a violator. |
Infructuose (a.) Not producing fruit; unfruitful; unprofitable. |
Infrugal (a.) Not frugal; wasteful; as, an infrugal expense of time. |
Infrugiferous (a.) Not bearing fruit; not fructiferous. |
Infucate (v. t.) To stain; to paint; to daub. |
Infucation (n.) The act of painting or staining, especially of painting the face. |
Infule (pl. ) of Infula |
Infula (n.) A sort of fillet worn by dignitaries, priests, and others among the ancient Romans. It was generally white. |
Infumated (imp. & p. p.) of Infumate |
Infumating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Infumate |
Infumate (v. t.) To dry by exposing to smoke; to expose to smoke. |
Infumated (a.) Clouded; having a cloudy appearance. |
Infumation (n.) Act of drying in smoke. |
Infumed (a.) Dried in smoke; smoked. |
Infundibular (a.) Alt. of Infundibulate |
Infundibulate (a.) Having the form of a funnel; pertaining to an infundibulum. |
Infundibuliform (a.) Having the form of a funnel or cone; funnel-shaped. |
Infundibuliform (a.) Same as Funnelform. |
Infundibula (pl. ) of Infundibulum |
Infundibulums (pl. ) of Infundibulum |
Infundibulum (n.) A funnel-shaped or dilated organ or part; as, the infundibulum of the brain, a hollow, conical process, connecting the floor of the third ventricle with the pituitary body; the infundibula of the lungs, the enlarged terminations of the bronchial tubes. |
Infundibulum (n.) A central cavity in the Ctenophora, into which the gastric sac leads. |
Infundibulum (n.) The siphon of Cephalopoda. See Cephalopoda. |
Infuneral (v. t.) To inter with funeral rites; to bury. |
Infurcation (n.) A forked exlpansion or divergence; a bifurcation; a branching. |
Infuriate (v. t.) Enraged; rading; furiously angry; infuriated. |
Infuriated (imp. & p. p.) of Infuriate |
Infuriating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Infuriate |
Infuriate (v. t.) To render furious; to enrage; to exasperate. |
Infuriated (a.) Enraged; furious. |
Infuscate (v. t.) To darken; to make black; to obscure. |
Infuscated (a.) Darkened with a blackish tinge. |
Infuscation (n.) The act of darkening, or state of being dark; darkness; obscurity. |
Infused (imp. & p. p.) of Infuse |
Infusing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Infuse |
Infuse (v. t.) To pour in, as a liquid; to pour (into or upon); to shed. |
Infuse (v. t.) To instill, as principles or qualities; to introduce. |
Infuse (v. t.) To inspire; to inspirit or animate; to fill; -- followed by with. |
Infuse (v. t.) To steep in water or other fluid without boiling, for the propose of extracting medicinal qualities; to soak. |
Infuse (v. t.) To make an infusion with, as an ingredient; to tincture; to saturate. |
Infuse (n.) Infusion. |
Infuser (n.) One who, or that which, infuses. |
Infusibility (n.) Capability of being infused, pouredin, or instilled. |
Infusibility (n.) Incapability or difficulty of being fused, melted, or dissolved; as, the infusibility of carbon. |
Infusible (v.) Capable of being infused. |
Infusible (a.) Not fusible; incapble or difficalt of fusion, or of being dissolved or melted. |
Infusibleness (n.) Infusibility. |
Infusion (v. t.) The act of infusing, pouring in, or instilling; instillation; as, the infusion of good principles into the mind; the infusion of ardor or zeal. |
Infusion (v. t.) That which is infused; suggestion; inspiration. |
Infusion (v. t.) The act of plunging or dipping into a fluid; immersion. |
Infusion (v. t.) The act or process of steeping or soaking any substance in water in order to extract its virtues. |
Infusion (v. t.) The liquid extract obtained by this process. |
Infusionism (n.) The doctrine that the soul is preexistent to the body, and is infused into it at conception or birth; -- opposed to tradicianism and creationism. |
Infusive (a.) Having the power of infusion; inspiring; influencing. |
Infusoria (n. pl.) One of the classes of Protozoa, including a large number of species, all of minute size. |
Infusorial (a.) Belonging to the Infusoria; composed of, or containing, Infusoria; as, infusorial earth. |
Infusorian (n.) One of the Infusoria. |
Infusory (a.) Infusorial. |
Infusories (pl. ) of Infusory |
Infusory (n.) One of the Infusoria; -- usually in the pl. |
-ing () A suffix used to from present participles; as, singing, playing. |
-ing () A suffix used to form nouns from verbs, and signifying the act of; the result of the act; as, riding, dying, feeling. It has also a secondary collective force; as, shipping, clothing. |
-ing () A suffix formerly used to form diminutives; as, lording, farthing. |
Ing (n.) A pasture or meadow; generally one lying low, near a river. |
Ingannation (n.) Cheat; deception. |
Ingate (n.) Entrance; ingress. |
Ingate (n.) The aperture in a mold for pouring in the metal; the gate. |
Ingathering (n.) The act or business of gathering or collecting anything; especially, the gathering of the fruits of the earth; harvest. |
Ingelable (a.) Not congealable. |
Ingeminate (a.) Redoubled; repeated. |
Ingeminated (imp. & p. p.) of Ingeminate |
Ingeminating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ingeminate |
Ingeminate (v. t.) To redouble or repeat; to reiterate. |
Ingemination (n.) Repetition; reduplication; reiteration. |
Ingena (n.) The gorilla. |
Ingender (v. t.) See Engender. |
Ingenerabillty (n.) Incapacity of being engendered or produced. |
Ingenerable (a.) Incapble of being engendered or produced; original. |
Ingenerably (adv.) In an ingenerable manner. |
Ingenerate (a.) Generated within; inborn; innate; as, ingenerate powers of body. |
Ingenerat (imp. & p. p.) of Ingenerate |
Ingenerating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ingenerate |
Ingenerate (v. t.) To generate or produce within; to begete; to engener; to occasion; to cause. |
Ingeneration (n.) Act of ingenerating. |
Ingeniate (v. t. & i.) To invent; to contrive. |
Ingenie (n.) See Ingeny. |
Ingeniosity (n.) Ingenuity; skill; cunning. |
Ingenious (a.) Possessed of genius, or the faculty of invention; skillful or promp to invent; having an aptitude to contrive, or to form new combinations; as, an ingenious author, mechanic. |
Ingenious (a.) Proseeding from, pertaining to, or characterized by, genius or ingenuity; of curious design, structure, or mechanism; as, an ingenious model, or machine; an ingenious scheme, contrivance, etc. |
Ingenious (a.) Witty; shrewd; adroit; keen; sagacious; as, an ingenious reply. |
Ingenious (a.) Mental; intellectual. |
Ingeniously (adv.) In an ingenious manner; with ingenuity; skillfully; wittily; cleverly. |
Ingeniousness (n.) The quality or state of being ingenious; ingenuity. |
Ingenite (a.) Alt. of Ingenit |
Ingenit (a.) Innate; inborn; inbred; inherent; native; ingenerate. |
Ingenuity (n.) The quality or power of ready invention; quickness or acuteness in forming new combinations; ingeniousness; skill in devising or combining. |
Ingenuity (n.) Curiousness, or cleverness in design or contrivance; as, the ingenuity of a plan, or of mechanism. |
Ingenuity (n.) Openness of heart; ingenuousness. |
Ingenuous (a.) Of honorable extraction; freeborn; noble; as, ingenuous blood of birth. |
Ingenuous (a.) Noble; generous; magnanimous; honorable; upright; high-minded; as, an ingenuous ardor or zeal. |
Ingenuous (a.) Free from reserve, disguise, equivocation, or dissimulation; open; frank; as, an ingenuous man; an ingenuous declaration, confession, etc. |
Ingenuous (a.) Ingenious. |
Ingenuously (adv.) In an ingenuous manner; openly; fairly; candidly; artlessly. |
Ingenuousness (n.) The state or quality of being ingenuous; openness of heart; frankness. |
Ingenuousness (n.) Ingenuity. |
Ingeny (n.) Natural gift or talent; ability; wit; ingenuity. |
Ingerminate (v. t.) To cause to germinate. |
Ingest (v. t.) To take into, or as into, the stomach or alimentary canal. |
Ingesta (n. pl.) That which is introduced into the body by the stomach or alimentary canal; -- opposed to egesta. |
Ingestion (n.) The act of taking or putting into the stomach; as, the ingestion of milk or other food. |
Inghalla (n.) The reedbuck of South Africa. |
Ingirt (v. t.) To encircle to gird; to engirt. |
Ingirt (a.) Surrounded; encircled. |
Ingle (n.) Flame; blaze; a fire; a fireplace. |
Ingle (n.) A paramour; a favourite; a sweetheart; an engle. |
Ingle (v. t.) To cajole or coax; to wheedle. See Engle. |
Inglobate (a.) In the form of a globe or sphere; -- applied to nebulous matter collected into a sphere by the force of gravitation. |
Inglobe (v. t.) To infix, as in a globe; to fix or secure firmly. |
Inglorious (a.) Not glorious; not bringing honor or glory; not accompanied with fame, honor, or celebrity; obscure; humble; as, an inglorious life of ease. |
Inglorious (a.) Shameful; disgraceful; ignominious; as, inglorious flight, defeat, etc. |
Ingloriously (adv.) In an inglorious manner; dishonorably; with shame; ignominiously; obscurely. |
Ingloriousness (n.) The state of being inglorious. |
Inglut (v. t.) To glut. |
Ingluvial (a.) Of or pertaining to the indulges or crop of birds. |
Ingluvies (n.) The crop, or craw, of birds. |
Ingluvious (a.) Gluttonous. |
In-going (n.) The act of going in; entrance. |
In-going (a.) Going; entering, as upon an office or a possession; as, an in-going tenant. |
Ingorge (v. t. & i.) See Engorge. |
Ingot (n.) That in which metal is cast; a mold. |
Ingot (n.) A bar or wedge of steel, gold, or other malleable metal, cast in a mold; a mass of unwrought cast metal. |
Ingrace (v. t.) To ingratiate. |
Ingracious (a.) Ungracious; unkind. |
Ingraff (v. t.) See Ingraft. |
Ingrafted (imp. & p. p.) of Ingraft |
Ingrafting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ingraft |
Ingraft (v. t.) To insert, as a scion of one tree, shrub, or plant in another for propagation; as, to ingraft a peach scion on a plum tree; figuratively, to insert or introduce in such a way as to make a part of something. |
Ingraft (v. t.) To subject to the process of grafting; to furnish with grafts or scions; to graft; as, to ingraft a tree. |
Ingrafter (n.) A person who ingrafts. |
Ingraftment (n.) The act of ingrafting. |
Ingraftment (n.) The thing ingrafted; a scion. |
Ingrain (a.) Dyed with grain, or kermes. |
Ingrain (a.) Dyed before manufacture, -- said of the material of a textile fabric; hence, in general, thoroughly inwrought; forming an essential part of the substance. |
Ingrain (n.) An ingrain fabric, as a carpet. |
Ingrained (imp. & p. p.) of Ingrain |
Ingraining (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ingrain |
Ingrain (v. t.) To dye with or in grain or kermes. |
Ingrain (v. t.) To dye in the grain, or before manufacture. |
Ingrain (v. t.) To work into the natural texture or into the mental or moral constitution of; to stain; to saturate; to imbue; to infix deeply. |
Ingrapple (v. t. & i.) To seize; to clutch; to grapple. |
Ingrate (a.) Ingrateful. |
Ingrate (n.) An ungrateful person. |
Ingrateful (a.) Ungrateful; thankless; unappreciative. |
Ingrateful (a.) Unpleasing to the sense; distasteful; offensive. |
Ingrately (adv.) Ungratefully. |
Ingratiated (imp. & p. p.) of Ingratiate |
Ingratiating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ingratiate |
Ingratiate (v. t.) To introduce or commend to the favor of another; to bring into favor; to insinuate; -- used reflexively, and followed by with before the person whose favor is sought. |
Ingratiate (v. t.) To recommend; to render easy or agreeable; -- followed by to. |
Ingratiate (v. i.) To gain favor. |
Ingratitude (n.) Want of gratitude; insensibility to, forgetfulness of, or ill return for, kindness or favors received; unthankfulness; ungratefulness. |
Ingrave (v. t.) To engrave. |
Ingrave (v. t.) To bury. |
Ingravidate (v. t.) To impregnate. |
Ingravidation (n.) The state of being pregnant or impregnated. |
Ingreat (v. t.) To make great; to enlarge; to magnify. |
Ingredience (n.) Alt. of Ingrediency |
Ingrediency (n.) Entrance; ingress. |
Ingrediency (n.) The quality or state of being an ingredient or component part. |
Ingredient (n.) That which enters into a compound, or is a component part of any combination or mixture; an element; a constituent. |
Ingredient (a.) Entering as, or forming, an ingredient or component part. |
Ingress (n.) The act of entering; entrance; as, the ingress of air into the lungs. |
Ingress (n.) Power or liberty of entrance or access; means of entering; as, all ingress was prohibited. |
Ingress (n.) The entrance of the moon into the shadow of the earth in eclipses, the sun's entrance into a sign, etc. |
Ingress (v. i.) To go in; to enter. |
Ingression (n.) Act of entering; entrance. |
Ingrieve (v. t.) To render more grievous; to aggravate. |
Ingroove (v. t.) To groove in; to join in or with a groove. |
Ingross (v. t.) See Engross. |
Ingrowing (a.) Growing or appearing to grow into some other substance. |
Ingrowth (n.) A growth or development inward. |
Inguen (n.) The groin. |
Inguilty (a.) Not guilty. |
Inguinal (a.) Of or pertaining to, or in the region of, the inguen or groin; as, an inguinal canal or ligament; inguinal hernia. |
Ingulfed (imp. & p. p.) of Ingulf |
Ingulfing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ingulf |
Ingulf (v. t.) To swallow up or overwhelm in, or as in, a gulf; to cast into a gulf. See Engulf. |
Ingulfment (n.) The act of ingulfing, or the state of being ingulfed. |
Ingurgitate (v. t.) To swallow, devour, or drink greedily or in large quantity; to guzzle. |
Ingurgitate (v. t.) To swallow up, as in a gulf. |
Ingurgitate (v. i.) To guzzle; to swill. |
Ingurgitation (n.) The act of swallowing greedily or immoderately; that which is so swallowed. |
Ingustable (a.) Tasteless; insipid. |
Inhabile (a.) Not apt or fit; unfit; not convenient; inappropriate; unsuitable; as, inhabile matter. |
Inhabile (a.) Unskilled; unready; awkward; incompetent; unqualified; -- said of person. |
Inhability (n.) Unsuitableness; unaptness; unfitness; inability. |
Inhabited (imp. & p. p.) of Inhabit |
Inhabiting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inhabit |
Inhabit (v. t.) To live or dwell in; to occupy, as a place of settled residence; as, wild beasts inhabit the forest; men inhabit cities and houses. |
Inhabit (v. i.) To have residence in a place; to dwell; to live; to abide. |
Inhabitable (a.) Capable of being inhabited; habitable. |
Inhabitable (a.) Not habitable; not suitable to be inhabited. |
Inhabitance (n.) Alt. of Inhabitancy |
Inhabitancy (n.) The act of inhabiting, or the state of being inhabited; the condition of an inhabitant; residence; occupancy. |
Inhabitancy (n.) The state of having legal right to claim the privileges of a recognized inhabitant; especially, the right to support in case of poverty, acquired by residence in a town; habitancy. |
Inhabitant (n.) One who dwells or resides permanently in a place, as distinguished from a transient lodger or visitor; as, an inhabitant of a house, a town, a city, county, or state. |
Inhabitant (n.) One who has a legal settlement in a town, city, or parish; a permanent resident. |
Inhabitate (v. t.) To inhabit. |
Inhabitation (n.) The act of inhabiting, or the state of being inhabited; indwelling. |
Inhabitation (n.) Abode; place of dwelling; residence. |
Inhabitation (n.) Population; inhabitants. |
Inhabitativeness (n.) A tendency or propensity to permanent residence in a place or abode; love of home and country. |
Inhabited (a.) Uninhabited. |
Inhabiter (n.) An inhabitant. |
Inhabitiveness (n.) See Inhabitativeness. |
Inhabitress (n.) A female inhabitant. |
Inhalant (a.) Inhaling; used for inhaling. |
Inhalant (n.) An apparatus also called an inhaler (which see); that which is to be inhaled. |
Inhalation (n.) The act of inhaling; also, that which is inhaled. |
Inhaled (imp. & p. p.) of Inhale |
Inhaling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inhale |
Inhale (v. t.) To breathe or draw into the lungs; to inspire; as, to inhale air; -- opposed to exhale. |
Inhalent (a.) Used for inhaling; as, the inhalent end of a duct. |
Inhaler (n.) One who inhales. |
Inhaler (n.) An apparatus for inhaling any vapor or volatile substance, as ether or chloroform, for medicinal purposes. |
Inhaler (n.) A contrivance to filter, as air, in order to protect the lungs from inhaling damp or cold air, noxious gases, dust, etc.; also, the respiratory apparatus for divers. |
Inhance (v. t.) See Enhance. |
Inharmonic (a.) Alt. of Inharmonical |
Inharmonical (a.) Not harmonic; inharmonious; discordant; dissonant. |
Inharmonious (a.) Not harmonious; unmusical; discordant; dissonant. |
Inharmonious (a.) Conflicting; jarring; not in harmony. |
Inharmoniously (adv.) Without harmony. |
Inharmoniousness (n.) The quality of being inharmonious; want of harmony; discord. |
Inharmony (n.) Want of harmony. |
Inhaul (n.) Alt. of Inhauler |
Inhauler (n.) A rope used to draw in the jib boom, or flying jib boom. |
Inhearsed (imp. & p. p.) of Inhearse |
Inhearsing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inhearse |
Inhearse (v. t.) To put in, or as in, a hearse or coffin. |
Inhered (imp. & p. p.) of Inhere |
Inhering (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inhere |
Inhere (v. i.) To be inherent; to stick (in); to be fixed or permanently incorporated with something; to cleave (to); to belong, as attributes or qualities. |
Inherence (n.) Alt. of Inherency |
Inherency (n.) The state of inhering; permanent existence in something; innateness; inseparable and essential connection. |
Inherent (a.) Permanently existing in something; inseparably attached or connected; naturally pertaining to; innate; inalienable; as, polarity is an inherent quality of the magnet; the inherent right of men to life, liberty, and protection. |
Inherently (adv.) By inherence; inseparably. |
Inherited (imp. & p. p.) of Inherit |
Inheriting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inherit |
Inherit (v. t.) To take by descent from an ancestor; to take by inheritance; to take as heir on the death of an ancestor or other person to whose estate one succeeds; to receive as a right or title descendible by law from an ancestor at his decease; as, the heir inherits the land or real estate of his father; the eldest son of a nobleman inherits his father's title; the eldest son of a king inherits the crown. |
Inherit (v. t.) To receive or take by birth; to have by nature; to derive or acquire from ancestors, as mental or physical qualities; as, he inherits a strong constitution, a tendency to disease, etc. |
Inherit (v. t.) To come into possession of; to possess; to own; to enjoy as a possession. |
Inherit (v. t.) To put in possession of. |
Inherit (v. i.) To take or hold a possession, property, estate, or rights by inheritance. |
Inheritability (n.) The quality of being inheritable or descendible to heirs. |
Inheritable (a.) Capable of being inherited; transmissible or descendible; as, an inheritable estate or title. |
Inheritable (a.) Capable of being transmitted from parent to child; as, inheritable qualities or infirmities. |
Inheritable (a.) Capable of taking by inheritance, or of receiving by descent; capable of succeeding to, as an heir. |
Inheritably (adv.) By inheritance. |
Inheritance (n.) The act or state of inheriting; as, the inheritance of an estate; the inheritance of mental or physical qualities. |
Inheritance (n.) That which is or may be inherited; that which is derived by an heir from an ancestor or other person; a heritage; a possession which passes by descent. |
Inheritance (n.) A permanent or valuable possession or blessing, esp. one received by gift or without purchase; a benefaction. |
Inheritance (n.) Possession; ownership; acquisition. |
Inheritance (n.) Transmission and reception by animal or plant generation. |
Inheritance (n.) A perpetual or continuing right which a man and his heirs have to an estate; an estate which a man has by descent as heir to another, or which he may transmit to another as his heir; an estate derived from an ancestor to an heir in course of law. |
Inheritor (n.) One who inherits; an heir. |
Inheritress (n.) A heiress. |
Inheritrix (n.) Same as Inheritress. |
Inherse (v. t.) See Inhearse. |
Inhesion (n.) The state of existing, of being inherent, in something; inherence. |
Inhiation (n.) A gaping after; eager desire; craving. |
Inhibited (imp. & p. p.) of Inhibit |
Inhibiting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inhibit |
Inhibit (v. t.) To check; to hold back; to restrain; to hinder. |
Inhibit (v. t.) To forbid; to prohibit; to interdict. |
Inhibition (n.) The act of inhibiting, or the state of being inhibited; restraint; prohibition; embargo. |
Inhibition (n.) A stopping or checking of an already present action; a restraining of the function of an organ, or an agent, as a digestive fluid or ferment, etc.; as, the inhibition of the respiratory center by the pneumogastric nerve; the inhibition of reflexes, etc. |
Inhibition (n.) A writ from a higher court forbidding an inferior judge from further proceedings in a cause before; esp., a writ issuing from a higher ecclesiastical court to an inferior one, on appeal. |
Inhibitor (n.) That which causes inhibitory action; esp., an inhibitory nerve. |
Inhibitory (a.) Of or pertaining to, or producing, inhibition; consisting in inhibition; tending or serving to inhibit; as, the inhibitory action of the pneumogastric on the respiratory center. |
Inhibitory-motor (a.) A term applied to certain nerve centers which govern or restrain subsidiary centers, from which motor impressions issue. |
Inhive (v. t.) To place in a hive; to hive. |
Inheld (imp. & p. p.) of Inhold |
Inholding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inhold |
Inhold (v. t.) To have inherent; to contain in itself; to possess. |
Inholder (n.) An inhabitant. |
Inhoop (v. t.) To inclose in a hoop, or as in a hoop. |
Inhospitable (a.) Not hospitable; not disposed to show hospitality to strangers or guests; as, an inhospitable person or people. |
Inhospitable (a.) Affording no shelter or sustenance; barren; desert; bleak; cheerless; wild. |
Inhospitality (n.) The quality or state of being inhospitable; inhospitableness; lack of hospitality. |
Inhuman (a.) Destitute of the kindness and tenderness that belong to a human being; cruel; barbarous; savage; unfeeling; as, an inhuman person or people. |
Inhuman (a.) Characterized by, or attended with, cruelty; as, an inhuman act or punishment. |
Inhumanities (pl. ) of Inhumanity |
Inhumanity (n.) The quality or state of being inhuman; cruelty; barbarity. |
Inhumanly (adv.) In an inhuman manner; cruelly; barbarously. |
Inhumate (v. t.) To inhume; to bury; to inter. |
Inhumation (n.) The act of inhuming or burying; interment. |
Inhumation (n.) The act of burying vessels in warm earth in order to expose their contents to a steady moderate heat; the state of being thus exposed. |
Inhumation (n.) Arenation. |
Inhumed (imp. & p. p.) of Inhume |
Inhuming (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inhume |
Inhume (v. t.) To deposit, as a dead body, in the earth; to bury; to inter. |
Inhume (v. t.) To bury or place in warm earth for chemical or medicinal purposes. |
Inia (n.) A South American freshwater dolphin (Inia Boliviensis). It is ten or twelve feet long, and has a hairy snout. |
Inial (a.) Pertaining to the inion. |
Inimaginable (a.) Unimaginable; inconceivable. |
Inimical (a.) Having the disposition or temper of an enemy; unfriendly; unfavorable; -- chiefly applied to private, as hostile is to public, enmity. |
Inimical (a.) Opposed in tendency, influence, or effects; antagonistic; inconsistent; incompatible; adverse; repugnant. |
Inimicality (n.) The state or quality of being inimical or hostile; hostility; unfriendliness. |
Inimically (adv.) In an inimical manner. |
Inimicitious (a.) Inimical; unfriendly. |
Inimicous (a.) Inimical; hurtful. |
Inimitability (n.) The quality or state of being inimitable; inimitableness. |
Inimitable (a.) Not capable of being imitated, copied, or counterfeited; beyond imitation; surpassingly excellent; matchless; unrivaled; exceptional; unique; as, an inimitable style; inimitable eloquence. |
Inion (n.) The external occipital protuberance of the skull. |
Iniquitous (a.) Characterized by iniquity; unjust; wicked; as, an iniquitous bargain; an iniquitous proceeding. |
Iniquitously (adv.) In an iniquitous manner; unjustly; wickedly. |
Iniquities (pl. ) of Iniquity |
Iniquity (n.) Absence of, or deviation from, just dealing; want of rectitude or uprightness; gross injustice; unrighteousness; wickedness; as, the iniquity of bribery; the iniquity of an unjust judge. |
Iniquity (n.) An iniquitous act or thing; a deed of injustice o/ unrighteousness; a sin; a crime. |
Iniquity (n.) A character or personification in the old English moralities, or moral dramas, having the name sometimes of one vice and sometimes of another. See Vice. |
Iniquous (a.) Iniquitous. |
Inirritable (a.) Not irritable; esp. (Physiol.), incapable of being stimulated to action, as a muscle. |
Inirritative (a.) Not accompanied with excitement; as, an inirritative fever. |
Inisle (v. t.) To form into an island; to surround. |
Initial (a.) Of or pertaining to the beginning; marking the commencement; incipient; commencing; as, the initial symptoms of a disease. |
Initial (a.) Placed at the beginning; standing at the head, as of a list or series; as, the initial letters of a name. |
Initial (n.) The first letter of a word or a name. |
Initialed (imp. & p. p.) of Initial |
Initialing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Initial |
Initial (v. t.) To put an initial to; to mark with an initial of initials. |
Initially (adv.) In an initial or incipient manner or degree; at the beginning. |
Initiated (imp. & p. p.) of Initiate |
Initiating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Initiate |
Initiate (v. t.) To introduce by a first act; to make a beginning with; to set afoot; to originate; to commence; to begin or enter upon. |
Initiate (v. t.) To acquaint with the beginnings; to instruct in the rudiments or principles; to introduce. |
Initiate (v. t.) To introduce into a society or organization; to confer membership on; especially, to admit to a secret order with mysterious rites or ceremonies. |
Initiate (v. i.) To do the first act; to perform the first rite; to take the initiative. |
Initiate (a.) Unpracticed; untried; new. |
Initiate (a.) Begun; commenced; introduced to, or instructed in, the rudiments; newly admitted. |
Initiate (n.) One who is, or is to be, initiated. |
Initiation (n.) The act of initiating, or the process of being initiated or introduced; as, initiation into a society, into business, literature, etc. |
Initiation (n.) The form or ceremony by which a person is introduced into any society; mode of entrance into an organized body; especially, the rite of admission into a secret society or order. |
Initiative (a.) Serving to initiate; inceptive; initiatory; introductory; preliminary. |
Initiative (n.) An introductory step or movement; an act which originates or begins. |
Initiative (n.) The right or power to introduce a new measure or course of action, as in legislation; as, the initiative in respect to revenue bills is in the House of Representatives. |
Initiator (n.) One who initiates. |
Initiatory (a.) Suitable for an introduction or beginning; introductory; prefatory; as, an initiatory step. |
Initiatory (a.) Tending or serving to initiate; introducing by instruction, or by the use and application of symbols or ceremonies; elementary; rudimentary. |
Initiatory (n.) An introductory act or rite. |
Inition (n.) Initiation; beginning. |
Injected (imp. & p. p.) of Inject |
Injecting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inject |
Inject (v. t.) To throw in; to dart in; to force in; as, to inject cold water into a condenser; to inject a medicinal liquid into a cavity of the body; to inject morphine with a hypodermic syringe. |
Inject (v. t.) Fig.: To throw; to offer; to propose; to instill. |
Inject (v. t.) To cast or throw; -- with on. |
Inject (v. t.) To fill (a vessel, cavity, or tissue) with a fluid or other substance; as, to inject the blood vessels. |
Injection (n.) The act of injecting or throwing in; -- applied particularly to the forcible throwing in of a liquid, or aeriform body, by means of a syringe, pump, etc. |
Injection (n.) That which is injected; especially, a liquid medicine thrown into a cavity of the body by a syringe or pipe; a clyster; an enema. |
Injection (n.) The act or process of filling vessels, cavities, or tissues with a fluid or other substance. |
Injection (n.) A specimen prepared by injection. |
Injection (n.) The act of throwing cold water into a condenser to produce a vacuum. |
Injection (n.) The cold water thrown into a condenser. |
Injector (n.) One who, or that which, injects. |
Injector (n.) A contrivance for forcing feed water into a steam boiler by the direct action of the steam upon the water. The water is driven into the boiler by the impulse of a jet of the steam which becomes condensed as soon as it strikes the stream of cold water it impels; -- also called Giffard's injector, from the inventor. |
Injelly (v. t.) To place in jelly. |
Injoin (v. t.) See Enjoin. |
Injoint (v. t.) To join; to unite. |
Injoint (v. t.) To disjoint; to separate. |
Injucundity (n.) Unpleasantness; disagreeableness. |
Injudicable (a.) Not cognizable by a judge. |
Injudicial (a.) Not according to the forms of law; not judicial. |
Injudicious (a.) Not judicious; wanting in sound judgment; undiscerning; indiscreet; unwise; as, an injudicious adviser. |
Injudicious (a.) Not according to sound judgment or discretion; unwise; as, an injudicious measure. |
Injudiciously (adv.) In an injudicious manner. |
Injudiciousness (n.) The quality of being injudicious; want of sound judgment; indiscretion. |
Injunction (n.) The act of enjoining; the act of directing, commanding, or prohibiting. |
Injunction (n.) That which is enjoined; an order; a mandate; a decree; a command; a precept; a direction. |
Injunction (n.) A writ or process, granted by a court of equity, and, insome cases, under statutes, by a court of law,whereby a party is required to do or to refrain from doing certain acts, according to the exigency of the writ. |
Injured (imp. & p. p.) of Injure |
Injuring (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Injure |
Injure (v. t.) To do harm to; to impair the excellence and value of; to hurt; to damage; -- used in a variety of senses; as: (a) To hurt or wound, as the person; to impair soundness, as of health. (b) To damage or lessen the value of, as goods or estate. (c) To slander, tarnish, or impair, as reputation or character. (d) To impair or diminish, as happiness or virtue. (e) To give pain to, as the sensibilities or the feelings; to grieve; to annoy. (f) To impair, as the intellect or mind. |
Injurer (n.) One who injures or wrongs. |
Injurie (pl. ) of Injuria |
Injuria (n.) Injury; invasion of another's rights. |
Injurious (a.) Not just; wrongful; iniquitous; culpable. |
Injurious (a.) Causing injury or harm; hurtful; harmful; detrimental; mischievous; as, acts injurious to health, credit, reputation, property, etc. |
Injuriously (adv.) In an injurious or hurtful manner; wrongfully; hurtfully; mischievously. |
Injuriousness (n.) The quality of being injurious or hurtful; harmfulness; injury. |
Injuries (pl. ) of Injury |
Injury (a.) Any damage or violation of, the person, character, feelings, rights, property, or interests of an individual; that which injures, or occasions wrong, loss, damage, or detriment; harm; hurt; loss; mischief; wrong; evil; as, his health was impaired by a severe injury; slander is an injury to the character. |
Injustice (n.) Want of justice and equity; violation of the rights of another or others; iniquity; wrong; unfairness; imposition. |
Injustice (n.) An unjust act or deed; a sin; a crime; a wrong. |
Ink (n.) The step, or socket, in which the lower end of a millstone spindle runs. |
Ink (n.) A fluid, or a viscous material or preparation of various kinds (commonly black or colored), used in writing or printing. |
Ink (n.) A pigment. See India ink, under India. |
Inked (imp. & p. p.) of Ink |
Inking (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ink |
Ink (v. t.) To put ink upon; to supply with ink; to blacken, color, or daub with ink. |
Inker (n.) One who, or that which, inks; especially, in printing, the pad or roller which inks the type. |
Inkfish (n.) A cuttlefish. See Cuttlefish. |
Inkhorn (n.) A small bottle of horn or other material formerly used for holding ink; an inkstand; a portable case for writing materials. |
Inkhorn (a.) Learned; pedantic; affected. |
Inkhornism (n.) Pedantry. |
Inkiness (n.) The state or quality of being inky; blackness. |
Inking (a.) Supplying or covering with ink. |
Inkle (n.) A kind of tape or braid. |
Inkle (v. t.) To guess. |
Inkling (n.) A hint; an intimation. |
Inknee (n.) Same as Knock-knee. |
Inkneed (a.) See Knock-kneed. |
Inknot (v. t.) To fasten or bind, as with a knot; to knot together. |
Inkstand (n.) A small vessel for holding ink, to dip the pen into; also, a device for holding ink and writing materials. |
Inkstone (n.) A kind of stone containing native vitriol or subphate of iron, used in making ink. |
Inky (a.) Consisting of, or resembling, ink; soiled with ink; black. |
Inlaced (imp. & p. p.) of Inlace |
Inlacing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inlace |
Inlace (v. t.) To work in, as lace; to embellish with work resembling lace; also, to lace or enlace. |
Inlagation (n.) The restitution of an outlawed person to the protection of the law; inlawing. |
Inlaid (p. p.) of Inlay. |
Inland (a.) Within the land; more or less remote from the ocean or from open water; interior; as, an inland town. |
Inland (a.) Limited to the land, or to inland routes; within the seashore boundary; not passing on, or over, the sea; as, inland transportation, commerce, navigation, etc. |
Inland (a.) Confined to a country or state; domestic; not foreing; as, an inland bill of exchange. See Exchange. |
Inland (n.) The interior part of a country. |
Inland (adv.) Into, or towards, the interior, away from the coast. |
Inlander (n.) One who lives in the interior of a country, or at a distance from the sea. |
Inlandish (a.) Inland. |
Inlapidate (v. t.) To convert into a stony substance; to petrity. |
Inlard (v. t.) See Inlard. |
Inlaw (v. t.) To clear of outlawry or attainder; to place under the protection of the law. |
Inlaied (imp. & p. p.) of Inlay |
Inlaying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inlay |
Inlay (v. t.) To lay within; hence, to insert, as pieces of pearl, iviry, choice woods, or the like, in a groundwork of some other material; to form an ornamental surface; to diversify or adorn with insertions. |
Inlay (n.) Matter or pieces of wood, ivory, etc., inlaid, or prepared for inlaying; that which is inserted or inlaid for ornament or variety. |
Inlayer (n.) One who inlays, or whose occupation it is to inlay. |
Inleagued (imp. & p. p.) of Inleague |
Inleaguing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inleague |
Inleague (v. t.) To ally, or form an alliance witgh; to unite; to combine. |
Inleaguer (v. t.) To beleaguer. |
Inlet (n.) A passage by which an inclosed place may be entered; a place of ingress; entrance. |
Inlet (n.) A bay or recess,as in the shore of a sea, lake, or large river; a narrow strip of water running into the land or between islands. |
Inlet (n.) That which is let in or inland; an inserted material. |
Inlighten (v. t.) See Enlighten. |
Inlist (v. t.) See Enlist. |
Inlive (v. t.) To animate. |
Inlock (v. t.) To lock in, or inclose. |
In loco () In the place; in the proper or natural place. |
Inlumine (v. t.) See Illumine. |
Inly (a.) Internal; interior; secret. |
Inly (adv.) Internally; within; in the heart. |
Inmacy (n.) The state of being an inmate. |
Inmate (n.) One who lives in the same house or apartment with another; a fellow lodger; esp.,one of the occupants of an asylum, hospital, or prison; by extension, one who occupies or lodges in any place or dwelling. |
Inmate (a.) Admitted as a dweller; resident; internal. |
Inmeats (n.pl.) The edible viscera of animals, as the heart, liver, etc. |
Inmeshed (imp. & p. p.) of Inmesh |
Inmeshing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inmesh |
Inmesh (v. t.) To bring within meshes, as of a net; to enmesh. |
Inmew (v. t.) To inclose, as in a mew or cage. |
Inmost (a.) Deepest within; farthest from the surface or external part; innermost. |
Inn (n.) A place of shelter; hence, dwelling; habitation; residence; abode. |
Inn (n.) A house for the lodging and entertainment of travelers or wayfarers; a tavern; a public house; a hotel. |
Inn (n.) The town residence of a nobleman or distinguished person; as, Leicester Inn. |
Inn (n.) One of the colleges (societies or buildings) in London, for students of the law barristers; as, the Inns of Court; the Inns of Chancery; Serjeants' Inns. |
Inned (imp. & p. p.) of Inn |
Inning (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inn |
Inn (v. i.) To take lodging; to lodge. |
Inn (v. t.) To house; to lodge. |
Inn (v. t.) To get in; to in. See In, v. t. |
Innate (a.) Inborn; native; natural; as, innate vigor; innate eloquence. |
Innate (a.) Originating in, or derived from, the constitution of the intellect, as opposed to acquired from experience; as, innate ideas. See A priori, Intuitive. |
Innate (a.) Joined by the base to the very tip of a filament; as, an innate anther. |
Innate (v. t.) To cause to exit; to call into being. |
Innately (adv.) Naturally. |
Innateness (n.) The quality of being innate. |
Innative (a.) Native. |
Innavigable (a.) Incapable of being navigated; impassable by ships or vessels. |
Inne (adv. & prep.) In. |
Inner (a.) Further in; interior; internal; not outward; as, an spirit or its phenomena. |
Inner (a.) Not obvious or easily discovered; obscure. |
Innerly (adv.) More within. |
Innermost (a.) Farthest inward; most remote from the outward part; inmost; deepest within. |
Innermostly (adv.) In the innermost place. |
Innervate (v. t.) To supply with nerves; as, the heart is innervated by pneumogastric and sympathetic branches. |
Innervation (n.) The act of innerving or stimulating. |
Innervation (n.) Special activity excited in any part of the nervous system or in any organ of sense or motion; the nervous influence necessary for the maintenance of life,and the functions of the various organs. |
Innervation (n.) The distribution of nerves in an animal, or to any of its parts. |
Innerved (imp. & p. p.) of Innerve |
Innerving (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Innerve |
Innerve (v. t.) To give nervous energy or power to; to give increased energy,force,or courage to; to invigorate; to stimulate. |
Innholder (n.) One who keeps an inn. |
Inning (n.) Ingathering; harvesting. |
Inning (n.) The state or turn of being in; specifically, in cricket, baseball, etc.,the turn or time of a player or of a side at the bat; -- often in the pl. Hence: The turn or time of a person, or a party, in power; as, the Whigs went out, and the Democrats had their innings. |
Inning (n.) Lands recovered from the sea. |
Innitency (n.) A leaning; pressure; weight. |
Innixion (n.) Act of leaning upon something; incumbency. |
Innkeeper (n.) An innholder. |
Innocence (n.) The state or quality of being innocent; freedom from that which is harmful or infurious; harmlessness. |
Innocence (n.) The state or quality of being morally free from guilt or sin; purity of heart; blamelessness. |
Innocence (n.) The state or quality of being not chargeable for, or guilty of, a particular crime or offense; as, the innocence of the prisoner was clearly shown. |
Innocence (n.) Simplicity or plainness, bordering on weakness or silliness; artlessness; ingenuousness. |
Innocency (n.) Innocence. |
Innocent (a.) Not harmful; free from that which can injure; innoxious; innocuous; harmless; as, an innocent medicine or remedy. |
Innocent (a.) Morally free from guilt; guiltless; not tainted with sin; pure; upright. |
Innocent (a.) Free from the guilt of a particular crime or offense; as, a man is innocent of the crime charged. |
Innocent (a.) Simple; artless; foolish. |
Innocent (a.) Lawful; permitted; as, an innocent trade. |
Innocent (a.) Not contraband; not subject to forfeiture; as, innocent goods carried to a belligerent nation. |
Innocent (n.) An innocent person; one free from, or unacquainted with, guilt or sin. |
Innocent (n.) An unsophisticated person; hence, a child; a simpleton; an idiot. |
Innocently (adv.) In an innocent manner. |
Innocuity (n.) Innocuousness. |
Innocuous (a.) Harmless; producing no ill effect; innocent. |
Innodated (imp. & p. p.) of Innodate |
Innodating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Innodate |
Innodate (v. t.) To bind up,as in a knot; to include. |
Innominable (a.) Not to be named. |
Innominate (a.) Having no name; unnamed; as, an innominate person or place. |
Innominate (a.) A term used in designating many parts otherwise unnamed; as, the innominate artery, a great branch of the arch of the aorta; the innominate vein, a great branch of the superior vena cava. |
Innovated (imp. & p. p.) of Innovate |
Innovating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Innovate |
Innovate (v. t.) To bring in as new; to introduce as a novelty; as, to innovate a word or an act. |
Innovate (v. t.) To change or alter by introducing something new; to remodel; to revolutionize. |
Innovate (v. i.) To introduce novelties or changes; -- sometimes with in or on. |
Innovation (n.) The act of innovating; introduction of something new, in customs, rites, etc. |
Innovation (n.) A change effected by innovating; a change in customs; something new, and contrary to established customs, manners, or rites. |
Innovation (n.) A newly formed shoot, or the annually produced addition to the stems of many mosses. |
Innovationist (n.) One who favors innovation. |
Innovative (a.) Characterized by, or introducing, innovations. |
Innovator (n.) One who innovates. |
Innoxious (a.) Free from hurtful qualities or effects; harmless. |
Innoxious (a.) Free from crime; pure; innocent. |
Innubilous (a.) Cloudless. |
Innuedoes (pl. ) of Innuendo |
Innuendo (n.) An oblique hint; a remote allusion or reference, usually derogatory to a person or thing not named; an insinuation. |
Innuendo (n.) An averment employed in pleading, to point the application of matter otherwise unintelligible; an interpretative parenthesis thrown into quoted matter to explain an obscure word or words; -- as, the plaintiff avers that the defendant said that he (innuendo the plaintiff) was a thief. |
Innuent (a.) Conveying a hint; significant. |
Innuit (n.) An Eskimo. |
Innumerability (n.) State of being innumerable. |
Innumerable (a.) Not capable of being counted, enumerated, or numbered, for multitude; countless; numberless; unnumbered, hence, indefinitely numerous; of great number. |
Innumerous (a.) Innumerable. |
Innutrition (n.) Want of nutrition; failure of nourishment. |
Innutritious (a.) Not nutritious; not furnishing nourishment. |
Innutritive (a.) Innutritious. |
Innyard (n.) The yard adjoining an inn. |
Inobedience (n.) Disobedience. |
Inobedient (a.) Not obedient; disobedient. |
Inobservable (a.) Not observable. |
Inobservance (a.) Want or neglect of observance. |
Inobservant (a.) Not observant; regardless; heedless. |
Inobservation (n.) Neglect or want of observation. |
Inobtrusive (a.) Not obtrusive; unobtrusive. |
Inocarpin (n.) A red, gummy, coloring matter, extracted from the colorless juice of the Otaheite chestnut (Inocarpus edulis). |
Inoccupation (n.) Want of occupation. |
Inoceramus (n.) An extinct genus of large, fossil, bivalve shells,allied to the mussels. The genus is characteristic of the Cretaceous period. |
Inoculability (n.) The qual ity or state of being inoculable. |
Inoculable (a.) Capable of being inoculated; capable of communicating disease, or of being communicated, by inoculation. |
Inocular (a.) Inserted in the corner of the eye; -- said of the antenn/ of certain insects. |
Inoculated (imp. & p. p.) of Inoculate |
Inoculating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inoculate |
Inoculate (v. t.) To bud; to insert, or graft, as the bud of a tree or plant in another tree or plant. |
Inoculate (v. t.) To insert a foreign bud into; as, to inoculate a tree. |
Inoculate (v. t.) To communicate a disease to ( a person ) by inserting infectious matter in the skin or flesh; as, to inoculate a person with the virus of smallpox,rabies, etc. See Vaccinate. |
Inoculate (v. t.) Fig.: To introduce into the mind; -- used especially of harmful ideas or principles; to imbue; as, to inoculate one with treason or infidelity. |
Inoculate (v. i.) To graft by inserting buds. |
Inoculate (v. i.) To communicate disease by inoculation. |
Inoculation (n.) The act or art of inoculating trees or plants. |
Inoculation (n.) The act or practice of communicating a disease to a person in health, by inserting contagious matter in his skin or flesh. |
Inoculation (n.) Fig.: The communication of principles, especially false principles, to the mind. |
Inoculator (n.) One who inoculates; one who propagates plants or diseases by inoculation. |
Inodiate (v. t.) To make odious or hateful. |
Inodorate (a.) Inodorous. |
Inodorous (a.) Emitting no odor; wthout smell; scentless; odorless. |
Inoffensive (a.) Giving no offense, or provocation; causing no uneasiness, annoyance, or disturbance; as, an inoffensive man, answer, appearance. |
Inoffensive (a.) Harmless; doing no injury or mischief. |
Inoffensive (a.) Not obstructing; presenting no interruption bindrance. |
Inofficial (a.) Not official; not having official sanction or authoriy; not according to the forms or ceremony of official business; as, inofficial intelligence. |
Inofficially (adv.) Without the usual forms, or not in the official character. |
Inofficious (a.) Indifferent to obligation or duty. |
Inofficious (a.) Not officious; not civil or attentive. |
Inofficious (a.) Regardless of natural obligation; contrary to natural duty; unkind; -- commonly said of a testament made without regard to natural obligation, or by which a child is unjustly deprived of inheritance. |
Inofficiously (adv.) Not-officiously. |
Inogen (n.) A complex nitrogenous substance, which, by Hermann's hypothesis, is continually decomposed and reproduced in the muscles, during their life. |
Inoperation (n.) Agency; influence; production of effects. |
Inoperative (a.) Not operative; not active; producing no effects; as, laws renderd inoperative by neglect; inoperative remedies or processes. |
Inopercular (a.) Alt. of Inoperculate |
Inoperculate (a.) Having no operculum; -- said of certain gastropod shells. |
Inopinable (a.) Not to be expected; inconceivable. |
Inopinate (a.) Not expected or looked for. |
Inopportune (a.) Not opportune; inconvenient; unseasonable; as, an inopportune occurrence, remark, etc. |
Inopportunely (adv.) Not opportunely; unseasonably; inconveniently. |
Inopportunity (n.) Want of opportunity; unseasonableness; inconvenience. |
Inoppressive (a.) Not oppressive or burdensome. |
Inopulent (a.) Not opulent; not affluent or rich. |
Inordinacy (n.) The state or quality of being inordinate; excessiveness; immoderateness; as, the inordinacy of love or desire. |
Inordinate (a.) Not limited to rules prescribed, or to usual bounds; irregular; excessive; immoderate; as, an inordinate love of the world. |
Inordination (n.) Deviation from custom, rule, or right; irregularity; inordinacy. |
Inorganic (a.) Not organic; without the organs necessary for life; devoid of an organized structure; unorganized; lifeness; inanimate; as, all chemical compounds are inorganic substances. |
Inorganical (a.) Inorganic. |
Inorganically (adv.) In an inorganic manner. |
Inorganity (n.) Quality of being inorganic. |
Inorganization (n.) The state of being without organization. |
Inorganized (a.) Not having organic structure; devoid of organs; inorganic. |
Inorthography (n.) Deviation from correct orthography; bad spelling. |
Inosculated (imp. & p. p.) of Inosculate |
Inosculating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inosculate |
Inosculate (v. i.) To unite by apposition or contact, as two tubular vessels at their extremities; to anastomose. |
Inosculate (v. i.) To intercommunicate; to interjoin. |
Inosculate (v. t.) To unite by apposition or contact, as two vessels in an animal body. |
Inosculate (v. t.) To unite intimately; to cause to become as one. |
Inosculation (n.) The junction or connection of vessels, channels, or passages, so that their contents pass from one to the other; union by mouths or ducts; anastomosis; intercommunication; as, inosculation of veins, etc. |
Inosinic (a.) Pertaining to, or derived from, inosite; as, inosinic acid. |
Inosite (n.) A white crystalline substance with a sweet taste, found in certain animal tissues and fluids, particularly in the muscles of the heart and lungs, also in some plants, as in unripe pease, beans, potato sprouts, etc. Called also phaseomannite. |
Inoxidizable (a.) Incapable of being oxidized; as, gold and platinum are inoxidizable in the air. |
Inoxidize (v. i.) To prevent or hinder oxidation, rust, or decay; as, inoxidizing oils or varnishes. |
In posse () In possibility; possible, although not yet in existence or come to pass; -- contradistinguished from in esse. |
Inquartation (n.) Quartation. |
Inquest (n.) Inquiry; quest; search. |
Inquest (n.) Judicial inquiry; official examination, esp. before a jury; as, a coroner's inquest in case of a sudden death. |
Inquest (n.) A body of men assembled under authority of law to inquire into any matterm civil or criminal, particularly any case of violent or sudden death; a jury, particularly a coroner's jury. The grand jury is sometimes called the grand inquest. See under Grand. |
Inquest (n.) The finding of the jury upon such inquiry. |
Inquiet (v. t.) To disquiet. |
Inquietation (n.) Disturbance. |
Inquietness (n.) Unquietness. |
Inquietude (n.) Disturbed state; uneasiness either of body or mind; restlessness; disquietude. |
Inquiline (n.) A gallfly which deposits its eggs in galls formed by other insects. |
Inquinate (v. t.) To defile; to pollute; to contaminate; to befoul. |
Inquination (n.) A defiling; pollution; stain. |
Inquirable (a.) Capable of being inquired into; subject or liable to inquisition or inquest. |
Inquirance (n.) Inquiry. |
Inquired (imp. & p. p.) of Inquire |
Inquiring (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inquire |
Inquire (v. i.) To ask a question; to seek for truth or information by putting queries. |
Inquire (v. i.) To seek to learn anything by recourse to the proper means of knoledge; to make examination. |
Inquire (v. t.) To ask about; to seek to know by asking; to make examination or inquiry respecting. |
Inquire (v. t.) To call or name. |
Inquirent (a.) Making inquiry; inquiring; questioning. |
Inquirer (n.) One who inquires or examines; questioner; investigator. |
Inquiring (a.) Given to inquiry; disposed to investigate causes; curious; as, an inquiring mind. |
Inquiringly (adv.) In an inquiring manner. |
Inquiries (pl. ) of Inquiry |
Inquiry (n.) The act of inquiring; a seeking for information by asking questions; interrogation; a question or questioning. |
Inquiry (n.) Search for truth, information, or knoledge; examination into facts or principles; research; invextigation; as, physical inquiries. |
Inquisible (a.) Admitting judicial inquiry. |
Inquisition (n.) The act of inquiring; inquiry; search; examination; inspection; investigation. |
Inquisition (n.) Judicial inquiry; official examination; inquest. |
Inquisition (n.) The finding of a jury, especially such a finding under a writ of inquiry. |
Inquisition (n.) A court or tribunal for the examination and punishment of heretics, fully established by Pope Gregory IX. in 1235. Its operations were chiefly confined to Spain, Portugal, and their dependencies, and a part of Italy. |
Inquisition (v. t.) To make inquisistion concerning; to inquire into. |
Inquisitional (a.) Relating to inquiry or inquisition; inquisitorial; also, of or pertaining to, or characteristic of, the Inquisition. |
Inquisitionary (a.) Inquisitional. |
Inquisitive (a.) Disposed to ask questions, especially in matters which do not concern the inquirer. |
Inquisitive (a.) Given to examination, investigation, or research; searching; curious. |
Inquisitive (n.) A person who is inquisitive; one curious in research. |
Inquisitively (adv.) In an inquisitive manner. |
Inquisitiveness (n.) The quality or state of being inquisitive; the disposition to seek explanation and information; curiosity to learn what is unknown; esp., uncontrolled and impertinent curiosity. |
Inquisitor (n.) An inquisitive person; one fond of asking questions. |
Inquisitor (n.) One whose official duty it is to examine and inquire, as coroners, sheriffs, etc. |
Inquisitor (n.) A member of the Court of Inquisition. |
Inquisitorial (a.) Pertaining to inquisition; making rigorous and unfriendly inquiry; searching; as, inquisitorial power. |
Inquisitorial (a.) Pertaining to the Court of Inquisition or resembling its practices. |
Inquisitorially (adv.) In an inquisitorial manner. |
Inquisitorious (a.) Making strict inquiry; inquisitorial. |
Inquisiturient (a.) Inquisitorial. |
Inracinate (v. t.) To enroot or implant. |
Inrailed (imp. & p. p.) of Inrail |
Inrailing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inrail |
Inrail (v. t.) To rail in; to inclose or surround, as with rails. |
Inreristered (imp. & p. p.) of Inregister |
Inregistering (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inregister |
Inregister (v. t.) To register; to enter, as in a register. |
Inroad (n.) The entrance of an enemy into a country with purposes of hostility; a sudden or desultory incursion or invasion; raid; encroachment. |
Inroaded (imp. & p. p.) of Inroad |
Inroading (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inroad |
Inroad (v. t.) To make an inroad into; to invade. |
Inroll (v. t.) See Enroll. |
Inrunning (n.) The act or the place of entrance; an inlet. |
Inrush (n.) A rush inwards; as, the inrush of the tide. |
Inrush (v. i.) To rush in. |
Insabbatati (n. pl.) The Waldenses; -- so called from their peculiary cut or marked sabots, or shoes. |
Insafety (n.) Insecurity; danger. |
Insalivation (n.) The mixing of the food with the saliva and other secretions of the mouth in eating. |
Insalubrious (a.) Not salubrious or healthful; unwholesome; as, an insalubrious air or climate. |
Insalubrity (n.) Unhealthfulness; unwholesomeness; as, the insalubrity of air, water, or climate. |
Insalutary (a.) Not salutary or wholesome; unfavorable to health. |
Insalutary (a.) Not tending to safety; productive of evil. |
Insanability (n.) The state of being insanable or incurable; insanableness. |
Insanable (a.) Not capable of being healed; incurable; irremediable. |
Insanableness (n.) The state of being insanable; insanability; incurableness. |
Insanably (adv.) In an incurable manner. |
Insane (a.) Exhibiting unsoundness or disorded of mind; not sane; mad; deranged in mind; delirious; distracted. See Insanity, 2. |
Insane (a.) Used by, or appropriated to, insane persons; as, an insane hospital. |
Insane (a.) Causing insanity or madness. |
Insane (a.) Characterized by insanity or the utmost folly; chimerical; unpractical; as, an insane plan, attempt, etc. |
Insanely (adv.) Without reason; madly; foolishly. |
Insaneness (n.) Insanity; madness. |
Insaniate (v. t.) To render unsound; to make mad. |
Insanie (n.) Insanity. |
Insanitary (a.) Not sanitary; unhealthy; as, insanitary conditions of drainage. |
Insanitation (n.) Lack of sanitation; careless or dangerous hygienic conditions. |
Insanity (n.) The state of being insane; unsoundness or derangement of mind; madness; lunacy. |
Insanity (n.) Such a mental condition, as, either from the existence of delusions, or from incapacity to distinguish between right and wrong, with regard to any matter under action, does away with individual responsibility. |
Insapory (a.) Tasteless; unsavory. |
Insatiability (n.) The state or quality of being insatiable; insatiableness. |
Insatiable (a.) Not satiable; incapable of being satisfied or appeased; very greedy; as, an insatiable appetite, thirst, or desire. |
Insatiableness (n.) Greediness of appetite that can not be satisfied or appeased; insatiability. |
Insatiably (adv.) In an insatiable manner or degree; unappeasably. |
Insatiate (a.) Insatiable; as, insatiate thirst. |
Insatiately (adv.) Insatiably. |
Insatiateness (n.) The state of being insatiate. |
Insatiety (n.) Insatiableness. |
Insatisfaction (n.) Insufficiency; emptiness. |
Insatisfaction (n.) Dissatisfaction. |
Insaturable (a.) Not capable of being saturated or satisfied. |
Inscience (n.) Want of knowledge; ignorance. |
Inscient (a.) Having little or no knowledge; ignorant; stupid; silly. |
Inscient (a.) Having knowledge or insight; intelligent. |
Insconce (v. t.) See Ensconce. |
Inscribable (a.) Capable of being inscribed, -- used specif. (Math.) of solids or plane figures capable of being inscribed in other solids or figures. |
Inscribableness (n.) Quality of being inscribable. |
Inscribed (imp. & p. p.) of Inscribe |
Inscribing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inscribe |
Inscribe (v. t.) To write or engrave; to mark down as something to be read; to imprint. |
Inscribe (v. t.) To mark with letters, charakters, or words. |
Inscribe (v. t.) To assign or address to; to commend to by a shot address; to dedicate informally; as, to inscribe an ode to a friend. |
Inscribe (v. t.) To imprint deeply; to impress; to stamp; as, to inscribe a sentence on the memory. |
Inscribe (v. t.) To draw within so as to meet yet not cut the boundaries. |
Inscriber (n.) One who inscribes. |
Inscriptible (a.) Capable of being inscribed; inscribable. |
Inscription (n.) The act or process of inscribing. |
Inscription (n.) That which is inscribed; something written or engraved; especially, a word or words written or engraved on a solid substance for preservation or public inspection; as, inscriptions on monuments, pillars, coins, medals, etc. |
Inscription (n.) A line of division or intersection; as, the tendinous inscriptions, or intersections, of a muscle. |
Inscription (n.) An address, consignment, or informal dedication, as of a book to a person, as a mark of respect or an invitation of patronage. |
Inscriptive (a.) Bearing inscription; of the character or nature of an inscription. |
Inscrolled (imp. & p. p.) of Inscroll |
Inscrolling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inscroll |
Inscroll (v. t.) To write on a scroll; to record. |
Inscrutability (n.) The quality or state of being inscrutable; inscrutableness. |
Inscrutable (a.) Unsearchable; incapable of being searched into and understood by inquiry or study; impossible or difficult to be explained or accounted for satisfactorily; obscure; incomprehensible; as, an inscrutable design or event. |
Inscrutableness (n.) The quality or state of being inscrutable; inscrutability. |
Inscrutably (adv.) In an inscrutable manner. |
Insculp (v. t.) To engrave; to carve; to sculpture. |
Insculption (n.) Inscription. |
Insculpture (n.) An engraving, carving, or inscription. |
Insculptured (p. a.) Engraved. |
Inseamed (imp. & p. p.) of Inseam |
Inseaming (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inseam |
Inseam (v. t.) To impress or mark with a seam or cicatrix. |
Insearch (v. t.) To make search after; to investigate or examine; to ensearch. |
Insecable (a.) Incapable of being divided by cutting; indivisible. |
Insect (n.) One of the Insecta; esp., one of the Hexapoda. See Insecta. |
Insect (n.) Any air-breathing arthropod, as a spider or scorpion. |
Insect (n.) Any small crustacean. In a wider sense, the word is often loosely applied to various small invertebrates. |
Insect (n.) Fig.: Any small, trivial, or contemptible person or thing. |
Insect (a.) Of or pertaining to an insect or insects. |
Insect (a.) Like an insect; small; mean; ephemeral. |
Insecta (n. pl.) One of the classes of Arthropoda, including those that have one pair of antennae, three pairs of mouth organs, and breathe air by means of tracheae, opening by spiracles along the sides of the body. In this sense it includes the Hexapoda, or six-legged insects and the Myriapoda, with numerous legs. See Insect, n. |
Insecta (n.) In a more restricted sense, the Hexapoda alone. See Hexapoda. |
Insecta (n.) In the most general sense, the Hexapoda, Myriapoda, and Arachnoidea, combined. |
Insectary (n.) A place for keeping living insects. |
Insectation (n.) The act of pursuing; pursuit; harassment; persecution. |
Insectator (n.) A pursuer; a persecutor; a censorious critic. |
Insected (a.) Pertaining to, having the nature of, or resembling, an insect. |
Insecticide (n.) An agent or preparation for destroying insects; an insect powder. |
Insectile (a.) Pertaining to, or having the nature of, insects. |
Insection (n.) A cutting in; incisure; incision. |
Insectivora (n. pl.) An order of mammals which feed principally upon insects. |
Insectivora (n. pl.) A division of the Cheiroptera, including the common or insect-eating bats. |
Insectivores (pl. ) of Insectivore |
Insectivore (n.) One of the Insectivora. |
Insectivorous (a.) Feeding or subsisting on insects; carnivorous. |
Insectivorous (a.) plants which have some special adaptation for catching and digesting insects, as the sundew, Venus's flytrap, Sarracenia, etc. |
Insectivorous (a.) the Insectivora, and to many bats, birds, and reptiles. |
Insectologer (n.) An entomologist. |
Insectology (n.) Entomology. |
Insecure (a.) Not secure; not confident of safety or permanence; distrustful; suspicious; apprehensive of danger or loss. |
Insecure (a.) Not effectually guarded, protected, or sustained; unsafe; unstable; exposed to danger or loss. |
Insecurely (adv.) In an insecure manner. |
Insecureness (n.) Insecurity. |
Insecurities (pl. ) of Insecurity |
Insecurity (n.) The condition or quality of being insecure; want of safety; danger; hazard; as, the insecurity of a building liable to fire; insecurity of a debt. |
Insecurity (n.) The state of feeling insecure; uncertainty; want of confidence. |
Insecution (n.) A following after; close pursuit. |
Inseminate (v. t.) To sow; to impregnate. |
Insemination (n.) A sowing. |
Insensate (a.) Wanting sensibility; destitute of sense; stupid; foolish. |
Insense (v. t.) To make to understand; to instruct. |
Insensibility (n.) The state or quality of being insensible; want of sensibility; torpor; unconsciousness; as, the insensibility produced by a fall, or by opiates. |
Insensibility (n.) Want of tenderness or susceptibility of emotion or passion; dullness; stupidity. |
Insensible (a.) Destitute of the power of feeling or perceiving; wanting bodily sensibility. |
Insensible (a.) Not susceptible of emotion or passion; void of feeling; apathetic; unconcerned; indifferent; as, insensible to danger, fear, love, etc.; -- often used with of or to. |
Insensible (a.) Incapable of being perceived by the senses; imperceptible. Hence: Progressing by imperceptible degrees; slow; gradual; as, insensible motion. |
Insensible (a.) Not sensible or reasonable; meaningless. |
Insensibleness (n.) Insensibility. |
Insensibly (adv.) In a manner not to be felt or perceived; imperceptibly; gradually. |
Insensitive (a.) Not sensitive; wanting sensation, or wanting acute sensibility. |
Insensuous (a.) Not sensuous; not pertaining to, affecting, or addressing, the senses. |
Insentiment (a.) Not sentient; not having perception, or the power of perception. |
Inseparability (n.) The quality or state of being inseparable; inseparableness. |
Inseparable (a.) Not separable; incapable of being separated or disjoined. |
Inseparable (a.) Invariably attached to some word, stem, or root; as, the inseparable particle un-. |
Inseparableness (n.) The quality or state of being inseparable; inseparability. |
Inseparably (adv.) In an inseparable manner or condition; so as not to be separable. |
Inseparate (a.) Not separate; together; united. |
Inseparately (adv.) Inseparably. |
Inserted (imp. & p. p.) of Insert |
Inserting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Insert |
Insert (v. t.) To set within something; to put or thrust in; to introduce; to cause to enter, or be included, or contained; as, to insert a scion in a stock; to insert a letter, word, or passage in a composition; to insert an advertisement in a newspaper. |
Inserted (a.) Situated upon, attached to, or growing out of, some part; -- said especially of the parts of the flower; as, the calyx, corolla, and stamens of many flowers are inserted upon the receptacle. |
Inserting (n.) A setting in. |
Inserting (n.) Something inserted or set in, as lace, etc., in garments. |
Insertion (n.) The act of inserting; as, the insertion of scions in stocks; the insertion of words or passages in writings. |
Insertion (n.) The condition or mode of being inserted or attached; as, the insertion of stamens in a calyx. |
Insertion (n.) That which is set in or inserted, especially a narrow strip of embroidered lace, muslin, or cambric. |
Insertion (n.) The point or part by which a muscle or tendon is attached to the part to be moved; -- in contradistinction to its origin. |
Inserve (v. i.) To be of use to an end; to serve. |
Inservient (a.) Conducive; instrumental. |
Insession (n.) The act of sitting, as in a tub or bath. |
Insession (n.) That in which one sits, as a bathing tub. |
Insessores (pl. ) of Insessor |
Insessor (n.) One of the Insessores. The group includes most of the common singing birds. |
Insessores (n. pl.) An order of birds, formerly established to include the perching birds, but now generally regarded as an artificial group. |
Insessorial (a.) Pertaining to, or having the character of, perching birds. |
Insessorial (a.) Belonging or pertaining to the Insessores. |
Inset (v. t.) To infix. |
Inset (n.) That which is inserted or set in; an insertion. |
Inset (n.) One or more separate leaves inserted in a volume before binding; as: (a) A portion of the printed sheet in certain sizes of books which is cut off before folding, and set into the middle of the folded sheet to complete the succession of paging; -- also called offcut. (b) A page or pages of advertisements inserted. |
Inseverable (a.) Incapable of being severed; indivisible; inseparable. |
Inshaded (a.) Marked with different shades. |
Inshave (n.) A plane for shaving or dressing the concave or inside faces of barrel staves. |
Insheathe (v. t.) To insert as in a sheath; to sheathe. |
Inshell (v. t.) To hide in a shell. |
Inship (v. t.) To embark. |
Inshore (a.) Being near or moving towards the shore; as, inshore fisheries; inshore currents. |
Inshore (adv.) Towards the shore; as, the boat was headed inshore. |
Inshrine (v. t.) See Enshrine. |
Insiccation (n.) The act or process of drying in. |
Inside (adv.) Within the sides of; in the interior; contained within; as, inside a house, book, bottle, etc. |
Inside (a.) Being within; included or inclosed in anything; contained; interior; internal; as, the inside passengers of a stagecoach; inside decoration. |
Inside (a.) Adapted to the interior. |
Inside (n.) The part within; interior or internal portion; content. |
Inside (n.) The inward parts; entrails; bowels; hence, that which is within; private thoughts and feelings. |
Inside (n.) An inside passenger of a coach or carriage, as distinguished from one upon the outside. |
Insidiate (v. t.) To lie in ambush for. |
Insidiator (n.) One who lies in ambush. |
Insidious (a.) Lying in wait; watching an opportunity to insnare or entrap; deceitful; sly; treacherous; -- said of persons; as, the insidious foe. |
Insidious (a.) Intended to entrap; characterized by treachery and deceit; as, insidious arts. |
Insight (n.) A sight or view of the interior of anything; a deep inspection or view; introspection; -- frequently used with into. |
Insight (n.) Power of acute observation and deduction; penetration; discernment; perception. |
Insignia (n. pl.) Distinguishing marks of authority, office, or honor; badges; tokens; decorations; as, the insignia of royalty or of an order. |
Insignia (n. pl.) Typical and characteristic marks or signs, by which anything is known or distinguished; as, the insignia of a trade. |
Insignificance (n.) The condition or quality of being insignificant; want of significance, sense, or meaning; as, the insignificance of words or phrases. |
Insignificance (n.) Want of force or effect; unimportance; pettiness; inefficacy; as, the insignificance of human art. |
Insignificance (n.) Want of claim to consideration or notice; want of influence or standing; meanness. |
Insignificancy (n.) Insignificance. |
Insignificant (a.) Not significant; void of signification, sense, or import; meaningless; as, insignificant words. |
Insignificant (a.) Having no weight or effect; answering no purpose; unimportant; valueless; futile. |
Insignificant (a.) Without weight of character or social standing; mean; contemptible; as, an insignificant person. |
Insignificantly (adv.) without significance, importance, or effect; to no purpose. |
Insignificative (a.) Not expressing meaning; not significant. |
Insignment (n.) A token, mark, or explanation. |
Insimulate (v. t.) To accuse. |
Insincere (a.) Not being in truth what one appears to be; not sincere; dissembling; hypocritical; disingenuous; deceitful; false; -- said of persons; also of speech, thought; etc.; as, insincere declarations. |
Insincere (a.) Disappointing; imperfect; unsound. |
Insincerely (adv.) Without sincerity. |
Insincerity (n.) The quality of being insincere; want of sincerity, or of being in reality what one appears to be; dissimulation; hypocritical; deceitfulness; hollowness; untrustworthiness; as, the insincerity of a professed friend; the insincerity of professions of regard. |
Insinewed (imp. & p. p.) of Insinew |
Insinewing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Insinew |
Insinew (v. t.) To strengthen, as with sinews; to invigorate. |
Insinuant (a.) Insinuating; insinuative. |
Insinuated (imp. & p. p.) of Insinuate |
Insinuating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Insinuate |
Insinuate (v. t.) To introduce gently or slowly, as by a winding or narrow passage, or a gentle, persistent movement. |
Insinuate (v. t.) To introduce artfully; to infuse gently; to instill. |
Insinuate (v. t.) To hint; to suggest by remote allusion; -- often used derogatorily; as, did you mean to insinuate anything? |
Insinuate (v. t.) To push or work (one's self), as into favor; to introduce by slow, gentle, or artful means; to ingratiate; -- used reflexively. |
Insinuate (v. i.) To creep, wind, or flow in; to enter gently, slowly, or imperceptibly, as into crevices. |
Insinuate (v. i.) To ingratiate one's self; to obtain access or favor by flattery or cunning. |
Insinuating (a.) Winding, creeping, or flowing in, quietly or stealthily; suggesting; winning favor and confidence insensibly. |
Insinuatingly (adv.) By insinuation. |
Insinuation (n.) The act or process of insinuating; a creeping, winding, or flowing in. |
Insinuation (n.) The act of gaining favor, affection, or influence, by gentle or artful means; -- formerly used in a good sense, as of friendly influence or interposition. |
Insinuation (n.) The art or power of gaining good will by a prepossessing manner. |
Insinuation (n.) That which is insinuated; a hint; a suggestion or intimation by distant allusion; as, slander may be conveyed by insinuations. |
Insinuative (a.) Stealing on or into the confidence or affections; having power to gain favor. |
Insinuative (a.) Using insinuations; giving hints; insinuating; as, insinuative remark. |
Insinuator (n.) One who, or that which, insinuates. |
Insinuatory (a.) Insinuative. |
Insipid (a.) Wanting in the qualities which affect the organs of taste; without taste or savor; vapid; tasteless; as, insipid drink or food. |
Insipid (a.) Wanting in spirit, life, or animation; uninteresting; weak; vapid; flat; dull; heavy; as, an insipid woman; an insipid composition. |
Insipidity (n.) Alt. of Insipidness |
Insipidness (n.) The quality or state of being insipid; vapidity. |
Insipidly (adv.) In an insipid manner; without taste, life, or spirit; flatly. |
Insipience (n.) Want of intelligence; stupidity; folly. |
Insipient (a.) Wanting wisdom; stupid; foolish. |
Insipient (n.) An insipient person. |
Insisted (imp. & p. p.) of Insist |
Insisting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Insist |
Insist (v. i.) To stand or rest; to find support; -- with in, on, or upon. |
Insist (v. i.) To take a stand and refuse to give way; to hold to something firmly or determinedly; to be persistent, urgent, or pressing; to persist in demanding; -- followed by on, upon, or that; as, he insisted on these conditions; he insisted on going at once; he insists that he must have money. |
Insistence (n.) The quality of insisting, or being urgent or pressing; the act of dwelling upon as of special importance; persistence; urgency. |
Insistent (a.) Standing or resting on something; as, an insistent wall. |
Insistent (a.) Insisting; persistent; persevering. |
Insistent (a.) See Incumbent. |
Insistently (adv.) In an insistent manner. |
Insisture (n.) A dwelling or standing on something; fixedness; persistence. |
Insitency (n.) Freedom from thirst. |
Insition (n.) The insertion of a scion in a stock; ingraftment. |
In situ () In its natural position or place; -- said of a rock or fossil, when found in the situation in which it was originally formed or deposited. |
Insnared (imp. & p. p.) of Insnare |
Insnaring (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Insnare |
Insnare (v. t.) To catch in a snare; to entrap; to take by artificial means. |
Insnare (v. t.) To take by wiles, stratagem, or deceit; to involve in difficulties or perplexities; to seduce by artifice; to inveigle; to allure; to entangle. |
Insnarer (n.) One who insnares. |
Insnarl (v. t.) To make into a snarl or knot; to entangle; to snarl. |
Insobriety (n.) Want of sobriety, moderation, or calmness; intemperance; drunkenness. |
Insociability (n.) The quality of being insociable; want of sociability; unsociability. |
Insociable (a.) Incapable of being associated, joined, or connected. |
Insociable (a.) Not sociable or companionable; disinclined to social intercourse or conversation; unsociable; taciturn. |
Insociably (adv.) Unsociably. |
Insociate (a.) Not associate; without a companion; single; solitary; recluse. |
Insolated (imp. & p. p.) of Insolate |
Insolating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Insolate |
Insolate (v. t.) To dry in, or to expose to, the sun's rays; to ripen or prepare by such exposure. |
Insolation (n.) The act or process to exposing to the rays of the sun fro the purpose of drying or maturing, as fruits, drugs, etc., or of rendering acid, as vinegar. |
Insolation (n.) A sunstroke. |
Insolation (n.) Exposure of a patient to the sun's rays; a sun bath. |
Insole (n.) The inside sole of a boot or shoe; also, a loose, thin strip of leather, felt, etc., placed inside the shoe for warmth or ease. |
Insolence (n.) The quality of being unusual or novel. |
Insolence (n.) The quality of being insolent; pride or haughtiness manifested in contemptuous and overbearing treatment of others; arrogant contempt; brutal impudence. |
Insolence (n.) Insolent conduct or treatment; insult. |
Insolence (v. t.) To insult. |
Insolency (n.) Insolence. |
Insolent (a.) Deviating from that which is customary; novel; strange; unusual. |
Insolent (a.) Haughty and contemptuous or brutal in behavior or language; overbearing; domineering; grossly rude or disrespectful; saucy; as, an insolent master; an insolent servant. |
Insolent (a.) Proceeding from or characterized by insolence; insulting; as, insolent words or behavior. |
Insolently (adv.) In an insolent manner. |
Insolidity (n.) Want of solidity; weakness; as, the insolidity of an argument. |
Insolubility (n.) The quality or state of being insoluble or not dissolvable, as in a fluid. |
Insolubility (n.) The quality of being inexplicable or insolvable. |
Insoluble (a.) Not soluble; in capable or difficult of being dissolved, as by a liquid; as, chalk is insoluble in water. |
Insoluble (a.) Not to be solved or explained; insolvable; as, an insoluble doubt, question, or difficulty. |
Insoluble (a.) Strong. |
Insolubleness (n.) The quality or state of being insoluble; insolubility. |
Insolvable (a.) Not solvable; insoluble; admitting no solution or explanation; as, an insolvable problem or difficulty. |
Insolvable (a.) Incapable of being paid or discharged, as debts. |
Insolvable (a.) Not capable of being loosed or disentangled; inextricable. |
Insolvencies (pl. ) of Insolvency |
Insolvency (n.) The condition of being insolvent; the state or condition of a person who is insolvent; the condition of one who is unable to pay his debts as they fall due, or in the usual course of trade and business; as, a merchant's insolvency. |
Insolvency (n.) Insufficiency to discharge all debts of the owner; as, the insolvency of an estate. |
Insolvent (a.) Not solvent; not having sufficient estate to pay one's debts; unable to pay one's debts as they fall due, in the ordinary course of trade and business; as, in insolvent debtor. |
Insolvent (a.) Not sufficient to pay all the debts of the owner; as, an insolvent estate. |
Insolvent (a.) Relating to persons unable to pay their debts. |
Insolvent (n.) One who is insolvent; as insolvent debtor; -- in England, before 1861, especially applied to persons not traders. |
Insomnia (n.) Want of sleep; inability to sleep; wakefulness; sleeplessness. |
Insomnious (a.) Restless; sleepless. |
Insomnolence (n.) Sleeplessness. |
Insomuch (adv.) So; to such a degree; in such wise; -- followed by that or as, and formerly sometimes by both. Cf. Inasmuch. |
Insonorous (a.) Not clear or melodious. |
Insooth (adv.) In sooth; truly. |
Insouciance (n.) Carelessness; heedlessness; thoughtlessness; unconcern. |
Insouciant (a.) Careless; heedless; indifferent; unconcerned. |
Insoul (v. t.) To set a soul in; reflexively, to fix one's strongest affections on. |
Inspan (v. t. & i.) To yoke or harness, as oxen to a vehicle. |
Inspected (imp. & p. p.) of Inspect |
Inspecting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inspect |
Inspect (v. t.) To look upon; to view closely and critically, esp. in order to ascertain quality or condition, to detect errors, etc., to examine; to scrutinize; to investigate; as, to inspect conduct. |
Inspect (v. t.) To view and examine officially, as troops, arms, goods offered, work done for the public, etc.; to oversee; to superintend. |
Inspect (v. t.) Inspection. |
Inspecttion (n.) The act or process of inspecting or looking at carefully; a strict or prying examination; close or careful scrutiny; investigation. |
Inspecttion (n.) The act of overseeing; official examination or superintendence. |
Inspective (a.) Engaged in inspection; inspecting; involving inspection. |
Inspector (n.) One who inspects, views, or oversees; one to whom the supervision of any work is committed; one who makes an official view or examination, as a military or civil officer; a superintendent; a supervisor; an overseer. |
Inspectorate (n.) Inspectorship. |
Inspectorial (a.) Of or pertaining to an inspector or to inspection. |
Inspectorship (n.) The office of an inspector. |
Inspectorship (n.) The district embraced by an inspector's jurisdiction. |
Inspectress (n.) A female inspector. |
Insperse (v. t.) To sprinkle; to scatter. |
Inspersion (n.) The act of sprinkling. |
Inspeximus (n.) The first word of ancient charters in England, confirming a grant made by a former king; hence, a royal grant. |
Insphered (imp. & p. p.) of Insphere |
Insphering (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Insphere |
Insphere (v. t.) To place in, or as in, an orb a sphere. Cf. Ensphere. |
Inspirable (a.) Capable of being inspired or drawn into the lungs; inhalable; respirable; admitting inspiration. |
Inspiration (n.) The act of inspiring or breathing in; breath; specif. (Physiol.), the drawing of air into the lungs, accomplished in mammals by elevation of the chest walls and flattening of the diaphragm; -- the opposite of expiration. |
Inspiration (n.) The act or power of exercising an elevating or stimulating influence upon the intellect or emotions; the result of such influence which quickens or stimulates; as, the inspiration of occasion, of art, etc. |
Inspiration (n.) A supernatural divine influence on the prophets, apostles, or sacred writers, by which they were qualified to communicate moral or religious truth with authority; a supernatural influence which qualifies men to receive and communicate divine truth; also, the truth communicated. |
Inspirational (a.) Pertaining to inspiration. |
Inspirationist (n.) One who holds to inspiration. |
Inspirator (n.) A kind of injector for forcing water by steam. See Injector, n., 2. |
Inspirtory (a.) Pertaining to, or aiding, inspiration; as, the inspiratory muscles. |
Inspire (v. t.) To breathe into; to fill with the breath; to animate. |
Inspire (v. t.) To infuse by breathing, or as if by breathing. |
Inspire (v. t.) To draw in by the operation of breathing; to inhale; -- opposed to expire. |
Inspire (v. t.) To infuse into the mind; to communicate to the spirit; to convey, as by a divine or supernatural influence; to disclose preternaturally; to produce in, as by inspiration. |
Inspire (v. t.) To infuse into; to affect, as with a superior or supernatural influence; to fill with what animates, enlivens, or exalts; to communicate inspiration to; as, to inspire a child with sentiments of virtue. |
Inspired (imp. & p. p.) of Inspire |
Inspiring (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inspire |
Inspire (v. i.) To draw in breath; to inhale air into the lungs; -- opposed to expire. |
Inspire (v. i.) To breathe; to blow gently. |
Inspired (a.) Breathed in; inhaled. |
Inspired (a.) Moved or animated by, or as by, a supernatural influence; affected by divine inspiration; as, the inspired prophets; the inspired writers. |
Inspired (a.) Communicated or given as by supernatural or divine inspiration; having divine authority; hence, sacred, holy; -- opposed to uninspired, profane, or secular; as, the inspired writings, that is, the Scriptures. |
Inspirer (n.) One who, or that which, inspirer. |
Inspiring (a.) Animating; cheering; moving; exhilarating; as, an inspiring or scene. |
Inspirited (imp. & p. p.) of Inspirit |
Inspiriting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inspirit |
Inspirit (v. t.) To infuse new life or spirit into; to animate; to encourage; to invigorate. |
Inspissated (imp. & p. p.) of Inspissate |
Inspissating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inspissate |
Inspissate (v. t.) To thicken or bring to greater consistence, as fluids by evaporation. |
Inspissate (a.) Thick or thickened; inspissated. |
Inspissation (n.) The act or the process of inspissating, or thickening a fluid substance, as by evaporation; also, the state of being so thickened. |
Instabilities (pl. ) of Instability |
Instability (n.) The quality or condition of being unstable; want of stability, firmness, or steadiness; liability to give way or to fail; insecurity; precariousness; as, the instability of a building. |
Instability (n.) Lack of determination of fixedness; inconstancy; fickleness; mutability; changeableness; as, instability of character, temper, custom, etc. |
Instable (a.) Not stable; not standing fast or firm; unstable; prone to change or recede from a purpose; mutable; inconstant. |
Instableness (n.) Instability; unstableness. |
Installed (imp. & p. p.) of Install |
Installing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Install |
Install (v. t.) To set in a seat; to give a place to; establish (one) in a place. |
Install (v. t.) To place in an office, rank, or order; to invest with any charge by the usual ceremonies; to instate; to induct; as, to install an ordained minister as pastor of a church; to install a college president. |
Installation (n.) The act of installing or giving possession of an office, rank, or order, with the usual rites or ceremonies; as, the installation of an ordained minister in a parish. |
Installation (n.) The whole of a system of machines, apparatus, and accessories, when set up and arranged for practical working, as in electric lighting, transmission of power, etc. |
Installment (n.) The act of installing; installation. |
Installment (n.) The seat in which one is placed. |
Installment (n.) A portion of a debt, or sum of money, which is divided into portions that are made payable at different times. Payment by installment is payment by parts at different times, the amounts and times being often definitely stipulated. |
Instamp (v. t.) See Enstamp. |
Instance (n.) The act or quality of being instant or pressing; urgency; solicitation; application; suggestion; motion. |
Instance (n.) That which is instant or urgent; motive. |
Instance (n.) Occasion; order of occurrence. |
Instance (n.) That which offers itself or is offered as an illustrative case; something cited in proof or exemplification; a case occurring; an example. |
Instance (n.) A token; a sign; a symptom or indication. |
Instanced (imp. & p. p.) of Instance |
Instancing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Instance |
Instance (v. t.) To mention as a case or example; to refer to; to cite; as, to instance a fact. |
Instance (v. i.) To give an example. |
Instancy (n.) Instance; urgency. |
Instant (a.) Pressing; urgent; importunate; earnest. |
Instant (a.) Closely pressing or impending in respect to time; not deferred; immediate; without delay. |
Instant (a.) Present; current. |
Instant (adv.) Instantly. |
Instant (a.) A point in duration; a moment; a portion of time too short to be estimated; also, any particular moment. |
Instant (a.) A day of the present or current month; as, the sixth instant; -- an elliptical expression equivalent to the sixth of the month instant, i. e., the current month. See Instant, a., 3. |
Instantaneity (n.) Quality of being instantaneous. |
Instantaneous (a.) Done or occurring in an instant, or without any perceptible duration of time; as, the passage of electricity appears to be instantaneous. |
Instantaneous (a.) At or during a given instant; as, instantaneous acceleration, velocity, etc. |
Instanter (a.) Immediately; instantly; at once; as, he left instanter. |
Instantly (adv.) Without the least delay or interval; at once; immediately. |
Instantly (adv.) With urgency or importunity; earnestly; pressingly. |
Instar (v. t.) To stud as with stars. |
Instated (imp. & p. p.) of Instate |
Instating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Instate |
Instate (v. t.) To set, place, or establish, as in a rank, office, or condition; to install; to invest; as, to instate a person in greatness or in favor. |
Instaurated (imp. & p. p.) of Instaurate |
Instaurating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Instaurate |
Instaurate (v. t.) To renew or renovate. |
Instauration (n.) Restoration after decay, lapse, or dilapidation; renewal; repair; renovation; renaissance. |
Instaurator (n.) One who renews or restores to a former condition. |
Instaure (v. t.) To renew or renovate; to instaurate. |
Instead (adv.) In the place or room; -- usually followed by of. |
Instead (adv.) Equivalent; equal to; -- usually with of. |
Insteeped (imp. & p. p.) of Insteep |
Insteeping (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Insteep |
Insteep (v. t.) To steep or soak; to drench. |
Instep (n.) The arched middle portion of the human foot next in front of the ankle joint. |
Instep (n.) That part of the hind leg of the horse and allied animals, between the hock, or ham, and the pastern joint. |
Instigated (imp. & p. p.) of Instigate |
Instigating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Instigate |
Instigate (v. t.) To goad or urge forward; to set on; to provoke; to incite; -- used chiefly with reference to evil actions; as to instigate one to a crime. |
Instigatingly (adv.) Incitingly; temptingly. |
Instigation (n.) The act of instigating, or the state of being instigated; incitement; esp. to evil or wickedness. |
Instigator (n.) One who instigates or incites. |
Instilled (imp. & p. p.) of Instill |
Instilling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Instill |
Instill (v. t.) To drop in; to pour in drop by drop; hence, to impart gradually; to infuse slowly; to cause to be imbibed. |
Instillation (n.) The of instilling; also, that which is instilled. |
Instilllator (n.) An instiller. |
Instilllatory (a.) Belonging to instillation. |
Instiller (n.) One who instills. |
Instillment (n.) The act of instilling; also, that which is instilled. |
Instimulate (v. t.) Not to stimulate; to soothe; to quiet. |
Instimulate (v. t.) To stimulate; to excite. |
Instimulation (n.) Stimulation. |
Instinct (a.) Urged or stimulated from within; naturally moved or impelled; imbued; animated; alive; quick; as, birds instinct with life. |
Instinct (a.) Natural inward impulse; unconscious, involuntary, or unreasoning prompting to any mode of action, whether bodily, or mental, without a distinct apprehension of the end or object to be accomplished. |
Instinct (a.) Specif., the natural, unreasoning, impulse by which an animal is guided to the performance of any action, without of improvement in the method. |
Instinct (a.) A natural aptitude or knack; a predilection; as, an instinct for order; to be modest by instinct. |
Instinct (v. t.) To impress, as an animating power, or instinct. |
Instinction (n.) Instinct; incitement; inspiration. |
Instinctive (a.) Of or pertaining to instinct; derived from, or prompted by, instinct; of the nature of instinct; determined by natural impulse or propensity; acting or produced without reasoning, deliberation, instruction, or experience; spontaneous. |
Instinctively (adv.) In an instinctive manner; by force of instinct; by natural impulse. |
Instinctivity (n.) The quality of being instinctive, or prompted by instinct. |
Instipulate (a.) See Exstipulate. |
Institute (p. a.) Established; organized; founded. |
Instituted (imp. & p. p.) of Institute |
Instituting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Institute |
Institute (v. t.) To set up; to establish; to ordain; as, to institute laws, rules, etc. |
Institute (v. t.) To originate and establish; to found; to organize; as, to institute a court, or a society. |
Institute (v. t.) To nominate; to appoint. |
Institute (v. t.) To begin; to commence; to set on foot; as, to institute an inquiry; to institute a suit. |
Institute (v. t.) To ground or establish in principles and rudiments; to educate; to instruct. |
Institute (v. t.) To invest with the spiritual charge of a benefice, or the care of souls. |
Institute (a.) The act of instituting; institution. |
Institute (a.) That which is instituted, established, or fixed, as a law, habit, or custom. |
Institute (a.) Hence: An elementary and necessary principle; a precept, maxim, or rule, recognized as established and authoritative; usually in the plural, a collection of such principles and precepts; esp., a comprehensive summary of legal principles and decisions; as, the Institutes of Justinian; Coke's Institutes of the Laws of England. Cf. Digest, n. |
Institute (n.) An institution; a society established for the promotion of learning, art, science, etc.; a college; as, the Institute of Technology; also, a building owned or occupied by such an institute; as, the Cooper Institute. |
Institute (n.) The person to whom an estate is first given by destination or limitation. |
Instituter (n.) An institutor. |
Institution (n.) The act or process of instituting; as: (a) Establishment; foundation; enactment; as, the institution of a school. |
Institution (n.) Instruction; education. |
Institution (n.) The act or ceremony of investing a clergyman with the spiritual part of a benefice, by which the care of souls is committed to his charge. |
Institution (n.) That which instituted or established |
Institution (n.) Established order, method, or custom; enactment; ordinance; permanent form of law or polity. |
Institution (n.) An established or organized society or corporation; an establishment, especially of a public character, or affecting a community; a foundation; as, a literary institution; a charitable institution; also, a building or the buildings occupied or used by such organization; as, the Smithsonian Institution. |
Institution (n.) Anything forming a characteristic and persistent feature in social or national life or habits. |
Institution (n.) That which institutes or instructs; a textbook; a system of elements or rules; an institute. |
Institutional (a.) Pertaining to, or treating of, institutions; as, institutional legends. |
Institutional (a.) Instituted by authority. |
Institutional (a.) Elementary; rudimental. |
Institutionary (a.) Relating to an institution, or institutions. |
Institutionary (a.) Containing the first principles or doctrines; elemental; rudimentary. |
Institutist (n.) A writer or compiler of, or a commentator on, institutes. |
Institutive (a.) Tending or intended to institute; having the power to establish. |
Institutive (a.) Established; depending on, or characterized by, institution or order. |
Institutively (adv.) In conformity with an institution. |
Institutor (n.) One who institutes, founds, ordains, or establishes. |
Institutor (n.) One who educates; an instructor. |
Institutor (n.) A presbyter appointed by the bishop to institute a rector or assistant minister over a parish church. |
Instop (v. t.) To stop; to close; to make fast; as, to instop the seams. |
Instore (v. t.) To store up; to inclose; to contain. |
Instratified (a.) Interstratified. |
Instruct (a.) Arranged; furnished; provided. |
Instruct (a.) Instructed; taught; enlightened. |
Instructed (imp. & p. p.) of Instruct |
Instructing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Instruct |
Instruct (v. t.) To put in order; to form; to prepare. |
Instruct (v. t.) To form by communication of knowledge; to inform the mind of; to impart knowledge or information to; to enlighten; to teach; to discipline. |
Instruct (v. t.) To furnish with directions; to advise; to direct; to command; as, the judge instructs the jury. |
Instructer (n.) See Instructor. |
Instructible (a.) Capable of being instructed; teachable; docible. |
Instruction (n.) The act of instructing, teaching, or furnishing with knowledge; information. |
Instruction (n.) That which instructs, or with which one is instructed; the intelligence or information imparted |
Instruction (n.) Precept; information; teachings. |
Instruction (n.) Direction; order; command. |
Instructional (a.) Pertaining to, or promoting, instruction; educational. |
Instructive (a.) Conveying knowledge; serving to instruct or inform; as, experience furnishes very instructive lessons. |
Instructor (n.) One who instructs; one who imparts knowledge to another; a teacher. |
Instructress (n.) A woman who instructs; a preceptress; a governess. |
Instrument (n.) That by means of which any work is performed, or result is effected; a tool; a utensil; an implement; as, the instruments of a mechanic; astronomical instruments. |
Instrument (n.) A contrivance or implement, by which musical sounds are produced; as, a musical instrument. |
Instrument (n.) A writing, as the means of giving formal expression to some act; a writing expressive of some act, contract, process, as a deed, contract, writ, etc. |
Instrument (n.) One who, or that which, is made a means, or is caused to serve a purpose; a medium, means, or agent. |
Instrument (v. t.) To perform upon an instrument; to prepare for an instrument; as, a sonata instrumented for orchestra. |
Instrumental (a.) Acting as an instrument; serving as a means; contributing to promote; conductive; helpful; serviceable; as, he was instrumental in conducting the business. |
Instrumental (a.) Pertaining to, made by, or prepared for, an instrument, esp. a musical instrument; as, instrumental music, distinguished from vocal music. |
Instrumental (a.) Applied to a case expressing means or agency; as, the instrumental case. This is found in Sanskrit as a separate case, but in Greek it was merged into the dative, and in Latin into the ablative. In Old English it was a separate case, but has disappeared, leaving only a few anomalous forms. |
Instrumentalist (n.) One who plays upon an instrument of music, as distinguished from a vocalist. |
Instrumentalities (pl. ) of Instrumentality |
Instrumentality (n.) The quality or condition of being instrumental; that which is instrumental; anything used as a means; medium; agency. |
Instrumentally (adv.) By means of an instrument or agency; as means to an end. |
Instrumentally (adv.) With instruments of music; as, a song instrumentally accompanied. |
Instrumentalness (n.) Usefulness or agency, as means to an end; instrumentality. |
Instrumentary (a.) Instrumental. |
Instrumentation (n.) The act of using or adapting as an instrument; a series or combination of instruments; means; agency. |
Instrumentation (n.) The arrangement of a musical composition for performance by a number of different instruments; orchestration; instrumental composition; composition for an orchestra or military band. |
Instrumentation (n.) The act or manner of playing upon musical instruments; performance; as, his instrumentation is perfect. |
Instrumentist (n.) A performer on a musical instrument; an instrumentalist. |
Instyle (v. t.) To style. |
Insuavity (n.) Want of suavity; unpleasantness. |
Insubjection (n.) Want of subjection or obedience; a state of disobedience, as to government. |
Insubmergible (a.) Not capable of being submerged; buoyant. |
Insubmission (n.) Want of submission; disobedience; noncompliance. |
Insubordinate (a.) Not submitting to authority; disobedient; rebellious; mutinous. |
Insubordination (n.) The quality of being insubordinate; disobedience to lawful authority. |
Insubstantial (a.) Unsubstantial; not real or strong. |
Insubstantiality (n.) Unsubstantiality; unreality. |
Insuccation (n.) The act of soaking or moistening; maceration; solution in the juice of herbs. |
Insuccess (n.) Want of success. |
Insue (v. i.) See Ensue, v. i. |
Insuetude (n.) The state or quality of being unaccustomed; absence of use or habit. |
Insufferable (a.) Incapable of being suffered, borne, or endured; insupportable; unendurable; intolerable; as, insufferable heat, cold, or pain; insufferable wrongs. |
Insufferable (a.) Offensive beyond endurance; detestable. |
Insufferably (adv.) In a manner or to a degree beyond endurance; intolerably; as, a blaze insufferably bright; a person insufferably proud. |
Insufficience (n.) Insufficiency. |
Insufficiency (n.) The quality or state of being insufficient; want of sufficiency; deficiency; inadequateness; as, the insufficiency of provisions, of an excuse, etc. |
Insufficiency (n.) Want of power or skill; inability; incapacity; incompetency; as, the insufficiency of a man for an office. |
Insufficient (a.) Not sufficient; not enough; inadequate to any need, use, or purpose; as, the provisions are insufficient in quantity, and defective in quality. |
Insufficient (a.) Wanting in strength, power, ability, capacity, or skill; incompetent; incapable; unfit; as, a person insufficient to discharge the duties of an office. |
Insufficiently (adv.) In an insufficient manner or degree; unadequately. |
Insufflation (n.) The act of breathing on or into anything |
Insufflation (n.) The breathing upon a person in the sacrament of baptism to symbolize the inspiration of a new spiritual life. |
Insufflation (n.) The act of blowing (a gas, powder, or vapor) into any cavity of the body. |
Insuitable (a.) Unsuitable. |
Insular (a.) Of or pertaining to an island; of the nature, or possessing the characteristics, of an island; as, an insular climate, fauna, etc. |
Insular (a.) Of or pertaining to the people of an island; narrow; circumscribed; illiberal; contracted; as, insular habits, opinions, or prejudices. |
Insular (n.) An islander. |
Insularity (n.) The state or quality of being an island or consisting of islands; insulation. |
Insularity (n.) Narrowness or illiberality of opinion; prejudice; exclusiveness; as, the insularity of the Chinese or of the aristocracy. |
Insularly (adv.) In an insular manner. |
Insulary (a.) Insular. |
Insulated (imp. & p. p.) of Insulate |
Insulating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Insulate |
Insulate (v. t.) To make an island of. |
Insulate (v. t.) To place in a detached situation, or in a state having no communication with surrounding objects; to isolate; to separate. |
Insulate (v. t.) To prevent the transfer o/ electricity or heat to or from (bodies) by the interposition of nonconductors. |
Insulated (p. a.) Standing by itself; not being contiguous to other bodies; separated; unconnected; isolated; as, an insulated house or column. |
Insulated (p. a.) Separated from other bodies by means of nonconductors of heat or electricity. |
Insulated (p. a.) Situated at so great a distance as to be beyond the effect of gravitation; -- said of stars supposed to be so far apart that the affect of their mutual attraction is insensible. |
Insulation (n.) The act of insulating, or the state of being insulated; detachment from other objects; isolation. |
Insulation (n.) The act of separating a body from others by nonconductors, so as to prevent the transfer of electricity or of heat; also, the state of a body so separated. |
Insulator (n.) One who, or that which, insulates. |
Insulator (n.) The substance or body that insulates; a nonconductor. |
Insulite (n.) An insulating material, usually some variety of compressed cellulose, made of sawdust, paper pulp, cotton waste, etc. |
Insulous (a.) Abounding in islands. |
Insulse (a.) Insipid; dull; stupid. |
Insulsity (n.) Insipidity; stupidity; dullness. |
Insult (v. t.) The act of leaping on; onset; attack. |
Insult (v. t.) Gross abuse offered to another, either by word or act; an act or speech of insolence or contempt; an affront; an indignity. |
Insulted (imp. & p. p.) of Insult |
Insulting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Insult |
Insult (v. t.) To leap or trample upon; to make a sudden onset upon. |
Insult (v. t.) To treat with abuse, insolence, indignity, or contempt, by word or action; to abuse; as, to call a man a coward or a liar, or to sneer at him, is to insult him. |
Insult (v. i.) To leap or jump. |
Insult (v. i.) To behave with insolence; to exult. |
Insultable (a.) Capable of being insulted or affronted. |
Insultation (n.) The act of insulting; abusive or insolent treatment; insult. |
Insultation (n.) Exultation. |
Insulter (n.) One who insults. |
Insulting (a.) Containing, or characterized by, insult or abuse; tending to insult or affront; as, insulting language, treatment, etc. |
Insultment (n.) Insolent treatment; insult. |
Insume (v. t.) To take in; to absorb. |
Insuperability (n.) The quality or state of being insuperable; insuperableness. |
Insuperable (a.) Incapable of being passed over or surmounted; insurmountable; as, insuperable difficulties. |
Insupportable (a.) Incapable of being supported or borne; unendurable; insufferable; intolerable; as, insupportable burdens; insupportable pain. |
Insupposable (a.) Incapable of being supposed; not supposable; inconceivable. |
Insuppressible (a.) That can not be suppressed or concealed; irrepressible. |
Insuppressive (a.) Insuppressible. |
Insurable (a.) Capable of being insured against loss, damage, death, etc.; proper to be insured. |
Insurance (n.) The act of insuring, or assuring, against loss or damage by a contingent event; a contract whereby, for a stipulated consideration, called premium, one party undertakes to indemnify or guarantee another against loss by certain specified risks. Cf. Assurance, n., 6. |
Insurance (n.) The premium paid for insuring property or life. |
Insurance (n.) The sum for which life or property is insured. |
Insurance (n.) A guaranty, security, or pledge; assurance. |
Insurancer (n.) One who effects insurance; an insurer; an underwriter. |
Insurant (n.) The person insured. |
Insured (imp. & p. p.) of Insure |
Insuring (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Insure |
Insure (v. t.) To make sure or secure; as, to insure safety to any one. |
Insure (v. t.) Specifically, to secure against a loss by a contingent event, on certain stipulated conditions, or at a given rate or premium; to give or to take an insurance on or for; as, a merchant insures his ship or its cargo, or both, against the dangers of the sea; goods and buildings are insured against fire or water; persons are insured against sickness, accident, or death; and sometimes hazardous debts are insured. |
Insure (v. i.) To underwrite; to make insurance; as, a company insures at three per cent. |
Insurer (n.) One who, or that which, insures; the person or company that contracts to indemnify losses for a premium; an underwriter. |
Insurgence (n.) Alt. of Insurgency |
Insurgency (n.) A state of insurrection; an uprising; an insurrection. |
Insurgent (a.) Rising in opposition to civil or political authority, or against an established government; insubordinate; rebellious. |
Insurgent (n.) A person who rises in revolt against civil authority or an established government; one who openly and actively resists the execution of laws; a rebel. |
Insurmountability (n.) The state or quality of being insurmountable. |
Insurmountable (a.) Incapable of being passed over, surmounted, or overcome; insuperable; as, insurmountable difficulty or obstacle. |
Insurmountableness (n.) The state or quality of being insurmountable; insurmountability. |
Insurmountably (adv.) In a manner or to a degree not to be overcome. |
Insurrection (n.) A rising against civil or political authority, or the established government; open and active opposition to the execution of law in a city or state. |
Insurrection (n.) A rising in mass to oppose an enemy. |
Insurrectional (a.) Pertaining to insurrection; consisting in insurrection. |
Insurrectionary (a.) Pertaining to, or characterized by, insurrection; rebellious; seditious. |
Insurrectionist (n.) One who favors, or takes part in, insurrection; an insurgent. |
Insusceptibility (n.) Want of susceptibility, or of capacity to feel or perceive. |
Insusceptible (a.) Not susceptible; not capable of being moved, affected, or impressed; that can not feel, receive, or admit; as, a limb insusceptible of pain; a heart insusceptible of pity; a mind insusceptible to flattery. |
Insusceptive (a.) Not susceptive or susceptible. |
Insusurration (n.) The act of whispering into something. |
Inswathed (imp. & p. p.) of Inswathe |
Inswating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inswathe |
Inswathe (v. t.) To wrap up; to infold; to swathe. |
Intact (a.) Untouched, especially by anything that harms, defiles, or the like; uninjured; undefiled; left complete or entire. |
Intactible (a.) Alt. of Intactable |
Intactable (a.) Not perceptible to the touch. |
Intagliated (a.) Engraved in intaglio; as, an intagliated stone. |
Intaglius (pl. ) of Intaglio |
Intagli (pl. ) of Intaglio |
Intaglio (n.) A cutting or engraving; a figure cut into something, as a gem, so as to make a design depressed below the surface of the material; hence, anything so carved or impressed, as a gem, matrix, etc.; -- opposed to cameo. Also used adjectively. |
Intail (v. t.) See Entail, v. t. |
Intake (n.) The place where water or air is taken into a pipe or conduit; -- opposed to outlet. |
Intake (n.) the beginning of a contraction or narrowing in a tube or cylinder. |
Intake (n.) The quantity taken in; as, the intake of air. |
Intaminated (a.) Uncontaminated. |
Intangibilities (pl. ) of Intangibility |
Intangibility (n.) The quality or state of being intangible; intangibleness. |
Intangible (a.) Not tangible; incapable of being touched; not perceptible to the touch; impalpable; imperceptible. |
Intangle (v. t.) See Entangle. |
Intastable (a.) Incapable of being tasted; tasteless; unsavory. |
Integer (n.) A complete entity; a whole number, in contradistinction to a fraction or a mixed number. |
Integrability (n.) The quality of being integrable. |
Integrable (a.) Capable of being integrated. |
Integral (a.) Lacking nothing of completeness; complete; perfect; uninjured; whole; entire. |
Integral (a.) Essential to completeness; constituent, as a part; pertaining to, or serving to form, an integer; integrant. |
Integral (a.) Of, pertaining to, or being, a whole number or undivided quantity; not fractional. |
Integral (a.) Pertaining to, or proceeding by, integration; as, the integral calculus. |
Integral (n.) A whole; an entire thing; a whole number; an individual. |
Integral (n.) An expression which, being differentiated, will produce a given differential. See differential Differential, and Integration. Cf. Fluent. |
Integrality (n.) Entireness. |
Integrally (adv.) In an integral manner; wholly; completely; also, by integration. |
Integrant (a.) Making part of a whole; necessary to constitute an entire thing; integral. |
Integrated (imp. & p. p.) of Integrate |
Integrating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Integrate |
Integrate (v. t.) To form into one whole; to make entire; to complete; to renew; to restore; to perfect. |
Integrate (v. t.) To indicate the whole of; to give the sum or total of; as, an integrating anemometer, one that indicates or registers the entire action of the wind in a given time. |
Integrate (v. t.) To subject to the operation of integration; to find the integral of. |
Integration (n.) The act or process of making whole or entire. |
Integration (n.) The operation of finding the primitive function which has a given function for its differential coefficient. See Integral. |
Integration (n.) In the theory of evolution: The process by which the manifold is compacted into the relatively simple and permanent. It is supposed to alternate with differentiation as an agent in development. |
Integrator (n.) That which integrates; esp., an instrument by means of which the area of a figure can be measured directly, or its moment of inertia, or statical moment, etc., be determined. |
Integrity (n.) The state or quality of being entire or complete; wholeness; entireness; unbroken state; as, the integrity of an empire or territory. |
Integrity (n.) Moral soundness; honesty; freedom from corrupting influence or motive; -- used especially with reference to the fulfillment of contracts, the discharge of agencies, trusts, and the like; uprightness; rectitude. |
Integrity (n.) Unimpaired, unadulterated, or genuine state; entire correspondence with an original condition; purity. |
Integropallial (a.) Having the pallial line entire, or without a sinus, as certain bivalve shells. |
Integumation (n.) That part of physiology which treats of the integuments of animals and plants. |
Integument (n.) That which naturally invests or covers another thing, as the testa or the tegmen of a seed; specifically (Anat.), a covering which invests the body, as the skin, or a membrane that invests a particular. |
Integumentary (n.) Belonging to, or composed of, integuments. |
Integumentation (n.) The act or process of covering with integuments; the state or manner of being thus covered. |
Intellect (n.) The part or faculty of the human soul by which it knows, as distinguished from the power to feel and to will; sometimes, the capacity for higher forms of knowledge, as distinguished from the power to perceive objects in their relations; the power to judge and comprehend; the thinking faculty; the understanding. |
Intellected (a.) Endowed with intellect; having intellectual powers or capacities. |
Intellection (n.) A mental act or process; especially: (a) The act of understanding; simple apprehension of ideas; intuition. Bentley. (b) A creation of the mind itself. |
Intellective (a.) Pertaining to, or produced by, the intellect or understanding; intellectual. |
Intellective (a.) Having power to understand, know, or comprehend; intelligent; rational. |
Intellective (a.) Capable of being perceived by the understanding only, not by the senses. |
Intellectively (adv.) In an intellective manner. |
Intellectual (a.) Belonging to, or performed by, the intellect; mental; as, intellectual powers, activities, etc. |
Intellectual (a.) Endowed with intellect; having the power of understanding; having capacity for the higher forms of knowledge or thought; characterized by intelligence or mental capacity; as, an intellectual person. |
Intellectual (a.) Suitable for exercising the intellect; formed by, and existing for, the intellect alone; perceived by the intellect; as, intellectual employments. |
Intellectual (a.) Relating to the understanding; treating of the mind; as, intellectual philosophy, sometimes called "mental" philosophy. |
Intellectual (n.) The intellect or understanding; mental powers or faculties. |
Intellectualism (n.) Intellectual power; intellectuality. |
Intellectualism (n.) The doctrine that knowledge is derived from pure reason. |
Intellectualist (n.) One who overrates the importance of the understanding. |
Intellectualist (n.) One who accepts the doctrine of intellectualism. |
Intellectuality (n.) Intellectual powers; possession of intellect; quality of being intellectual. |
Intellectualize (v. t.) To treat in an intellectual manner; to discuss intellectually; to reduce to intellectual form; to express intellectually; to idealize. |
Intellectualize (v. t.) To endow with intellect; to bestow intellectual qualities upon; to cause to become intellectual. |
Intellectually (adv.) In an intellectual manner. |
Intelligence (n.) The act or state of knowing; the exercise of the understanding. |
Intelligence (n.) The capacity to know or understand; readiness of comprehension; the intellect, as a gift or an endowment. |
Intelligence (n.) Information communicated; news; notice; advice. |
Intelligence (n.) Acquaintance; intercourse; familiarity. |
Intelligence (n.) Knowledge imparted or acquired, whether by study, research, or experience; general information. |
Intelligence (n.) An intelligent being or spirit; -- generally applied to pure spirits; as, a created intelligence. |
Intelligencer (n.) One who, or that which, sends or conveys intelligence or news; a messenger. |
Intelligencing (a.) Informing; giving information; talebearing. |
Intelligency (n.) Intelligence. |
Intelligent (a.) Endowed with the faculty of understanding or reason; as, man is an intelligent being. |
Intelligent (a.) Possessed of intelligence, education, or judgment; knowing; sensible; skilled; marked by intelligence; as, an intelligent young man; an intelligent architect; an intelligent answer. |
Intelligent (a.) Gognizant; aware; communicate. |
Intelligential (a.) Of or pertaining to the intelligence; exercising or implying understanding; intellectual. |
Intelligential (a.) Consisting of unembodied mind; incorporeal. |
Intelligentiary (n.) One who gives information; an intelligencer. |
Intelligently (adv.) In an intelligent manner; with intelligence. |
Intelligibility () The quality or state of being intelligible; clearness; perspicuity; definiteness. |
Intelligible () Capable of being understood or comprehended; as, an intelligible account or description; intelligible pronunciation, writing, etc. |
Intelligibleness (n.) The quality or state of being intelligible; intelligibility. |
Intelligibly (adv.) In an intelligible manner; so as to be understood; clearly; plainly; as, to write or speak intelligibly. |
Intemerate (a.) Alt. of Intemerated |
Intemerated (a.) Pure; undefiled. |
Intemerateness (n.) The state of being unpolluted; purity. |
Intemerament (n.) A bad state; as, the intemperament of an ulcerated part. |
Intemperance (n.) The act of becoming, or state of being, intemperate; excess in any kind of action or indulgence; any immoderate indulgence of the appetites or passions. |
Intemperance (n.) Specifically: Habitual or excessive indulgence in alcoholic liquors. |
Intemperancy (n.) Intemperance. |
Intemperant (a.) Intemperate. |
Intemperate (a.) Indulging any appetite or passion to excess; immoderate to enjoyments or exertion. |
Intemperate (a.) Specifically, addicted to an excessive or habitual use of alcoholic liquors. |
Intemperate (a.) Excessive; ungovernable; inordinate; violent; immoderate; as, intemperate language, zeal, etc.; intemperate weather. |
Intemperate (v. t.) To disorder. |
Intemperately (adv.) In an intemperate manner; immoderately; excessively; without restraint. |
Intemperateness (n.) The state of being intemperate; excessive indulgence of any appetite or passion; as, intemperateness in eating or drinking. |
Intemperateness (n.) Severity of weather; inclemency. |
Intemperature (n.) Intemperateness. |
Intempestive (a.) Out of season; untimely. |
Intempestively (adv.) Unseasonably. |
Intempestivity (n.) Unseasonableness; untimeliness. |
Intenable (a.) Incapable of being held; untenable; not defensible; as, an intenable opinion; an intenable fortress. |
Intended (imp. & p. p.) of Intend |
Intending (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intend |
Intend (v. t.) To stretch' to extend; to distend. |
Intend (v. t.) To strain; to make tense. |
Intend (v. t.) To intensify; to strengthen. |
Intend (v. t.) To apply with energy. |
Intend (v. t.) To bend or turn; to direct, as one's course or journey. |
Intend (v. t.) To fix the mind on; to attend to; to take care of; to superintend; to regard. |
Intend (v. t.) To fix the mind upon (something to be accomplished); to be intent upon; to mean; to design; to plan; to purpose; -- often followed by an infinitely with to, or a dependent clause with that; as, he intends to go; he intends that she shall remain. |
Intend (v. t.) To design mechanically or artistically; to fashion; to mold. |
Intend (v. t.) To pretend; to counterfeit; to simulate. |
Intendancies (pl. ) of Intendancy |
Intendancy (n.) The office or employment of an intendant. |
Intendancy (n.) A territorial district committed to the charge of an intendant. |
Intendant (n.) One who has the charge, direction, or management of some public business; a superintendent; as, an intendant of marine; an intendant of finance. |
Intendant (a.) Attentive. |
Intended (a.) Made tense; stretched out; extended; forcible; violent. |
Intended (a.) Purposed; designed; as, intended harm or help. |
Intended (a.) Betrothed; affianced; as, an intended husband. |
Intended (n.) One with whom marriage is designed; one who is betrothed; an affianced lover. |
Intendedly (adv.) Intentionally. |
Intendent (n.) See Intendant, n. |
Intender (n.) One who intends. |
Intendiment (n.) Attention; consideration; knowledge; understanding. |
Intendment (n.) Charge; oversight. |
Intendment (n.) Intention; design; purpose. |
Intendment (n.) The true meaning, understanding, or intention of a law, or of any legal instrument. |
Intenerated (imp. & p. p.) of Intenerate |
Intenerating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intenerate |
Intenerate (a.) To make tender or sensitive; to soften. |
Intenerate (a.) Made tender or soft; softened. |
Inteneration (n.) The act or process of intenerating, or the state of being intenerated; softening. |
Intenible (a.) Incapable of holding or containing. |
Intensated (imp. & p. p.) of Intensate |
Intensating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intensate |
Intensate (v. t.) To intensify. |
Intensation (n.) The act or process of intensifying; intensification; climax. |
Intensative (a.) Adding intensity; intensifying. |
Intense (a.) Strained; tightly drawn; kept on the stretch; strict; very close or earnest; as, intense study or application; intense thought. |
Intense (a.) Extreme in degree; excessive; immoderate; as: (a) Ardent; fervent; as, intense heat. (b) Keen; biting; as, intense cold. (c) Vehement; earnest; exceedingly strong; as, intense passion or hate. (d) Very severe; violent; as, intense pain or anguish. (e) Deep; strong; brilliant; as, intense color or light. |
Intensely (adv.) Intently. |
Intensely (adv.) To an extreme degree; as, weather intensely cold. |
Intenseness (n.) The state or quality of being intense; intensity; as, the intenseness of heat or cold; the intenseness of study or thought. |
Intensification (n.) The act or process of intensifying, or of making more intense. |
Intensifier (n.) One who or that which intensifies or strengthens; in photography, an agent used to intensify the lights or shadows of a picture. |
Intensified (imp. & p. p.) of Intensify |
Intensifying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intensify |
Intensify (v. t.) To render more intense; as, to intensify heat or cold; to intensify colors; to intensify a photographic negative; to intensify animosity. |
Intensify (v. i.) To become intense, or more intense; to act with increasing power or energy. |
Intension (n.) A straining, stretching, or bending; the state of being strained; as, the intension of a musical string. |
Intension (n.) Increase of power or energy of any quality or thing; intenseness; fervency. |
Intension (n.) The collective attributes, qualities, or marks that make up a complex general notion; the comprehension, content, or connotation; -- opposed to extension, extent, or sphere. |
Intensitive (a.) Increasing the force or intensity of; intensive; as, the intensitive words of a sentence. |
Intensity (n.) The state or quality of being intense; intenseness; extreme degree; as, intensity of heat, cold, mental application, passion, etc. |
Intensity (n.) The amount or degree of energy with which a force operates or a cause acts; effectiveness, as estimated by results produced. |
Intensity (n.) The magnitude of a distributed force, as pressure, stress, weight, etc., per unit of surface, or of volume, as the case may be; as, the measure of the intensity of a total stress of forty pounds which is distributed uniformly over a surface of four square inches area is ten pounds per square inch. |
Intensity (n.) The degree or depth of shade in a picture. |
Intensive (a.) Stretched; admitting of intension, or increase of degree; that can be intensified. |
Intensive (a.) Characterized by persistence; intent; unremitted; assiduous; intense. |
Intensive (a.) Serving to give force or emphasis; as, an intensive verb or preposition. |
Intensive (n.) That which intensifies or emphasizes; an intensive verb or word. |
Intensively (adv.) In an intensive manner; by increase of degree. |
Intensiveness (n.) The quality or state of being intensive; intensity. |
Intent (a.) Closely directed; strictly attentive; bent; -- said of the mind, thoughts, etc.; as, a mind intent on self-improvement. |
Intent (a.) Having the mind closely directed to or bent on an object; sedulous; eager in pursuit of an object; -- formerly with to, but now with on; as, intent on business or pleasure. |
Intent (n.) The act of turning the mind toward an object; hence, a design; a purpose; intention; meaning; drift; aim. |
Intentation (n.) Intention. |
Intention (n.) A stretching or bending of the mind toward of the mind toward an object; closeness of application; fixedness of attention; earnestness. |
Intention (n.) A determination to act in a certain way or to do a certain thing; purpose; design; as, an intention to go to New York. |
Intention (n.) The object toward which the thoughts are directed; end; aim. |
Intention (n.) The state of being strained. See Intension. |
Intention (n.) Any mental apprehension of an object. |
Intentional (a.) Done by intention or design; intended; designed; as, the act was intentional, not accidental. |
Intentionality (n.) The quality or state of being intentional; purpose; design. |
Intentionally (adv.) In an intentional manner; with intention; by design; of purpose. |
Intentioned (a.) Having designs; -- chiefly used in composition; as, well-intentioned, having good designs; ill-intentioned, having ill designs. |
Intentive (n.) Attentive; intent. |
Intentively (adv.) Attentively; closely. |
Intentiveness (n.) Closeness of attention or application of mind; attentiveness. |
Intently (adv.) In an intent manner; as, the eyes intently fixed. |
Intentness (n.) The state or quality of being intent; close application; attention. |
Inter- () A prefix signifying among, between, amid; as, interact, interarticular, intermit. |
Interred (imp. & p. p.) of Inter |
Interring (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inter |
Inter (v. t.) To deposit and cover in the earth; to bury; to inhume; as, to inter a dead body. |
Interact (n.) A short act or piece between others, as in a play; an interlude; hence, intermediate employment or time. |
Interact (v. i.) To act upon each other; as, two agents mutually interact. |
Interaction (n.) Intermediate action. |
Interaction (n.) Mutual or reciprocal action or influence; as, the interaction of the heart and lungs on each other. |
Interadditive (a.) Added or placed between the parts of another thing, as a clause inserted parenthetically in a sentence. |
Interagency (n.) Intermediate agency. |
Interagent (n.) An intermediate agent. |
Interall (n.) Entrail or inside. |
Interalveolar (a.) Between alveoli; as, the interalveolar septa between adjacent air cells in the lungs. |
Interambulacral (a.) Of or pertaining to the interambulacra. |
Interambulacra (pl. ) of Interambulacrum |
Interambulacrums (pl. ) of Interambulacrum |
Interambulacrum (n.) In echinoderms, one of the areas or zones intervening between two ambulacra. See Illust. of Ambulacrum. |
Interamnian (a.) Situated between rivers. |
Interanimate (v. t.) To animate or inspire mutually. |
Interarboration (n.) The interweaving of branches of trees. |
Interarticular (a.) Situated between joints or articulations; as, interarticular cartilages and ligaments. |
Interatomic (a.) Between atoms; situated, or acting, between the atoms of bodies; as, interatomic forces. |
Interaulic (a.) Existing between royal courts. |
Interauricular (a.) Between the auricles; as, the interauricular partition of the heart. |
Interaxal (a.) Situated in an interaxis. |
Interaxillary (a.) Situated within or between the axils of leaves. |
Interaxes (pl. ) of Interaxis |
Interaxis (n.) The space between two axes. See Axis, 6. |
Interbastation (n.) Patchwork. |
Interbrachial (a.) Between the arms. |
Interbrain (n.) See Thalamencephalon. |
Interbranchial (a.) Between the branchiae. |
Interbreed (v. t. & i.) To breed by crossing different stocks of animals or plants. |
Intercalar (a.) Intercalary. |
Intercalary (a.) Inserted or introduced among others in the calendar; as, an intercalary month, day, etc.; -- now applied particularly to the odd day (Feb. 29) inserted in the calendar of leap year. See Bissextile, n. |
Intercalary (n.) Introduced or inserted among others; additional; supernumerary. |
Intercalated (imp. & p. p.) of Intercalate |
Intercalating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intercalate |
Intercalate (v. t.) To insert, as a day or other portion of time, in a calendar. |
Intercalate (v. t.) To insert among others, as a verse in a stanza; specif. (Geol.), to introduce as a bed or stratum, between the layers of a regular series of rocks. |
Intercalation (n.) The insertion of a day, or other portion of time, in a calendar. |
Intercalation (n.) The insertion or introduction of anything among others, as the insertion of a phrase, line, or verse in a metrical composition; specif. (Geol.), the intrusion of a bed or layer between other layers. |
Intercarotid (a.) Situated between the external and internal carotid arteries; as, an intercarotid ganglion. |
Intercarpal (a.) Between the carpal bone; as, intercarpal articulations, ligaments. |
Intercartilaginous (a.) Within cartilage; endochondral; as, intercartilaginous ossification. |
Intercavernous (a.) Between the cavernous sinuses; as, the intercavernous sinuses connecting the cavernous sinuses at the base of the brain. |
Interceded (imp. & p. p.) of Intercede |
Interceding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intercede |
Intercede (v. i.) To pass between; to intervene. |
Intercede (v. i.) To act between parties with a view to reconcile differences; to make intercession; to beg or plead in behalf of another; to mediate; -- usually followed by with and for; as, I will intercede with him for you. |
Intercede (v. t.) To be, to come, or to pass, between; to separate. |
Intercedence (n.) The act of interceding; intercession; intervention. |
Intercedent (a.) Passing between; mediating; pleading. |
Interceder (n.) One who intercedes; an intercessor; a mediator. |
Intercellular (a.) Lying between cells or cellules; as, intercellular substance, space, or fluids; intercellular blood channels. |
Intercentral (a.) Between centers. |
Intercentra (pl. ) of Intercentrum |
Intercentrum (n.) The median of the three elements composing the centra of the vertebrae in some fossil batrachians. |
Intercepted (imp. & p. p.) of Intercept |
Intercepting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intercept |
Intercept (v. t.) To take or seize by the way, or before arrival at the destined place; to cause to stop on the passage; as, to intercept a letter; a telegram will intercept him at Paris. |
Intercept (v. t.) To obstruct or interrupt the progress of; to stop; to hinder or oppose; as, to intercept the current of a river. |
Intercept (v. t.) To interrupt communication with, or progress toward; to cut off, as the destination; to blockade. |
Intercept (v. t.) To include between; as, that part of the line which is intercepted between the points A and B. |
Intercept (n.) A part cut off or intercepted, as a portion of a line included between two points, or cut off two straight lines or curves. |
Intercepter (n.) One who, or that which, intercepts. |
Interception (n.) The act of intercepting; as, interception of a letter; interception of the enemy. |
Interceptive (a.) Intercepting or tending to intercept. |
Intercession (n.) The act of interceding; mediation; interposition between parties at variance, with a view to reconcilation; prayer, petition, or entreaty in favor of, or (less often) against, another or others. |
Intercessional (a.) Pertaining to, of the nature of, or characterized by, intercession or entreaty. |
Intercessionate (v. t.) To entreat. |
Intercessor (n.) One who goes between, or intercedes; a mediator. (a) One who interposes between parties at variance, with a view to reconcile them. (b) One who pleads in behalf of another. |
Intercessor (n.) A bishop, who, during a vacancy of the see, administers the bishopric till a successor is installed. |
Intercessorial (a.) Intercessory. |
Intercessory (a.) Pertaining to, of the nature of, or characterized by, intercession; interceding; as, intercessory prayer. |
Interchained (imp. & p. p.) of Interchain |
Interchaining (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interchain |
Interchain (v. t.) To link together; to unite closely or firmly, as by a chain. |
Interchanged (imp. & p. p.) of Interchange |
Interchanging (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interchange |
Interchange (v. t.) To put each in the place of the other; to give and take mutually; to exchange; to reciprocate; as, to interchange places; they interchanged friendly offices and services. |
Interchange (v. t.) To cause to follow alternately; to intermingle; to vary; as, to interchange cares with pleasures. |
Interchange (v. i.) To make an interchange; to alternate. |
Interchange (n.) The act of mutually changing; the act of mutually giving and receiving; exchange; as, the interchange of civilities between two persons. |
Interchange (n.) The mutual exchange of commodities between two persons or countries; barter; commerce. |
Interchange (n.) Alternate succession; alternation; a mingling. |
Interchangeability (n.) The state or quality of being interchangeable; interchangeableness. |
Interchangeable (a.) Admitting of exchange or mutual substitution. |
Interchangeable (a.) Following each other in alternate succession; as, the four interchangeable seasons. |
Interchangement (n.) Mutual transfer; exchange. |
Interchapter (n.) An intervening or inserted chapter. |
Intercidence (n.) The act or state of coming or falling between; occurrence; incident. |
Intercident (a.) Falling or coming between; happening accidentally. |
Intercipient (a.) Intercepting; stopping. |
Intercipient (n.) One who, or that which, intercepts or stops anything on the passage. |
Inrecision (n.) A cutting off, through, or asunder; interruption. |
Intercitizenship (n.) The mutual right to civic privileges, in the different States. |
Interclavicle (n.) See Episternum. |
Interclavicular (a.) Between the clavicles; as, the interclavicular notch of the sternum. |
Interclavicular (a.) Of or pertaining to the interclavicle. |
Interclose (v. t.) To shut in; to inclose. |
Intercloud (v. t.) To cloud. |
Intercluded (imp. & p. p.) of Interclude |
Intercluding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interclude |
Interclude (v. t.) To shut off or out from a place or course, by something intervening; to intercept; to cut off; to interrupt. |
Interclusion (n.) Interception; a stopping / obstruction. |
Intercollegiate (a.) Existing or carried on between colleges or universities; as, intercollegiate relations, rivalry, games, etc. |
Intercolline (a.) Situated between hills; -- applied especially to valleys lying between volcanic cones. |
Intercolonial (a.) Between or among colonies; pertaining to the intercourse or mutual relations of colonies; as, intercolonial trade. |
Intercolumnar (a.) Between columns or pillars; as, the intercolumnar fibers of Poupart's ligament; an intercolumnar statue. |
Intercolumniation (n.) The clear space between two columns, measured at the bottom of their shafts. |
Intercombat (n.) Combat. |
Intercoming (n.) The act of coming between; intervention; interference. |
Intercommoned (imp. & p. p.) of Intercommon |
Intercommoning (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intercommon |
Intercommon (v. t.) To share with others; to participate; especially, to eat at the same table. |
Intercommon (v. t.) To graze cattle promiscuously in the commons of each other, as the inhabitants of adjoining townships, manors, etc. |
Intercommonage (n.) The right or privilege of intercommoning. |
Intercommuned (imp. & p. p.) of Intercommune |
Intercommuning (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intercommune |
Intercommune (v. i.) To intercommunicate. |
Intercommune (v. i.) To have mutual communication or intercourse by conservation. |
Intercommunicable (a.) Capable of being mutually communicated. |
Intercommunicate (v. i.) To communicate mutually; to hold mutual communication. |
Intercommunicate (v. t.) To communicate mutually; to interchange. |
Intercommunication (n.) Mutual communication. |
Intercommunion (n.) Mutual communion; as, an intercommunion of deities. |
Intercommunity (n.) Intercommunication; community of possessions, religion, etc. |
Intercomparison (n.) Mutual comparison of corresponding parts. |
Intercondylar (a.) Alt. of Intercondyloid |
Intercondyloid (a.) Between condyles; as, the intercondylar fossa or notch of the femur. |
Interconnect (v. t.) To join together. |
Interconnection (n.) Connection between; mutual connection. |
Intercontinental (a.) Between or among continents; subsisting or carried on between continents; as, intercontinental relations or commerce. |
Interconvertible (a.) Convertible the one into the other; as, coin and bank notes are interconvertible. |
Intercostal (a.) Between the ribs; pertaining to, or produced by, the parts between the ribs; as, intercostal respiration, in which the chest is alternately enlarged and contracted by the intercostal muscles. |
Intercourse (n.) A commingling; intimate connection or dealings between persons or nations, as in common affairs and civilities, in correspondence or trade; communication; commerce; especially, interchange of thought and feeling; association; communion. |
Intercrossed (imp. & p. p.) of Intercross |
Intercrossing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intercross |
Intercross (v. t. & i.) To cross each other, as lines. |
Intercross (v. t. & i.) To fertilize by the impregnation of one species or variety by another; to impregnate by a different species or variety. |
Intercross (n.) The process or result of cross fertilization between different kinds of animals, or different varieties of plants. |
Intercrural (a.) Between crura; -- applied especially to the interneural plates in the vertebral column of many cartilaginous fishes. |
Intercur (v. i.) To intervene; to come or occur in the meantime. |
Intercurrence (n.) A passing or running between; occurrence. |
Intercurrent (a.) Running between or among; intervening. |
Intercurrent (a.) Not belonging to any particular season. |
Intercurrent (a.) Said of diseases occurring in the course of another disease. |
Intercurrent (n.) Something intervening. |
Intercutaneous (a.) Subcutaneous. |
Interdashed (imp. & p. p.) of Interdash |
Interdashing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interdash |
Interdash (v. t.) To dash between or among; to intersperse. |
Interdeal (v. i.) To intrigue. |
Interdental (a.) Situated between teeth; as, an interdental space, the space between two teeth in a gear wheel. |
Interdental (a.) Formed between the upper and lower teeth; as, interdental consonants. |
Interdentil (n.) The space between two dentils. |
Interdependence (n.) Mutual dependence. |
Interdependency (n.) Mutual dependence; as, interdependency of interests. |
Interdependent (a.) Mutually dependent. |
Interdicted (imp. & p. p.) of Interdict |
Interdicting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interdict |
Interdict (n.) To forbid; to prohibit or debar; as, to interdict intercourse with foreign nations. |
Interdict (n.) To lay under an interdict; to cut off from the enjoyment of religious privileges, as a city, a church, an individual. |
Interdict (n.) A prohibitory order or decree; a prohibition. |
Interdict (n.) A prohibition of the pope, by which the clergy or laymen are restrained from performing, or from attending, divine service, or from administering the offices or enjoying the privileges of the church. |
Interdict (n.) An order of the court of session, having the like purpose and effect with a writ of injunction out of chancery in England and America. |
Interdiction (n.) The act of interdicting; prohibition; prohibiting decree; curse; interdict. |
Interdictive (a.) Having the power to prohibit; as, an interdictive sentence. |
Interdictory (a.) Belonging to an interdiction; prohibitory. |
Interdigital (a.) Between the fingers or toes; as, interdigital space. |
Interdigitate (v. t.) To interweave. |
Interdigitate (v. i.) To interlock, as the fingers of two hands that are joined; to be interwoven; to commingle. |
Interdigitation (n.) The state of interdigitating; interdigital space. |
Interdome (n.) The open space between the inner and outer shells of a dome or cupola of masonry. |
Interduce (n.) An intertie. |
Interepimeral (a.) Between the epimeral plates of insects and crustaceans. |
Interequinoctial (a.) Coming between the equinoxes. |
Interess (v. t.) To interest or affect. |
Interesse (n.) Interest. |
Interested (imp. & p. p.) of Interest |
Interesting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interest |
Interest (n.) To engage the attention of; to awaken interest in; to excite emotion or passion in, in behalf of a person or thing; as, the subject did not interest him; to interest one in charitable work. |
Interest (n.) To be concerned with or engaged in; to affect; to concern; to excite; -- often used impersonally. |
Interest (n.) To cause or permit to share. |
Interest (n.) Excitement of feeling, whether pleasant or painful, accompanying special attention to some object; concern. |
Interest (n.) Participation in advantage, profit, and responsibility; share; portion; part; as, an interest in a brewery; he has parted with his interest in the stocks. |
Interest (n.) Advantage, personal or general; good, regarded as a selfish benefit; profit; benefit. |
Interest (n.) Premium paid for the use of money, -- usually reckoned as a percentage; as, interest at five per cent per annum on ten thousand dollars. |
Interest (n.) Any excess of advantage over and above an exact equivalent for what is given or rendered. |
Interest (n.) The persons interested in any particular business or measure, taken collectively; as, the iron interest; the cotton interest. |
Interested (v. t.) Having the attention engaged; having emotion or passion excited; as, an interested listener. |
Interested (v. t.) Having an interest; concerned in a cause or in consequences; liable to be affected or prejudiced; as, an interested witness. |
Interestedness (n.) The state or quality of being interested; selfishness. |
Interesting (a.) Engaging the attention; exciting, or adapted to excite, interest, curiosity, or emotion; as, an interesting story; interesting news. |
Interestingly (adv.) In an interesting manner. |
Interestingness (n.) The condition or quality of being interesting. |
Interfacial (a.) Included between two plane surfaces or faces; as, an interfacial angle. |
Interfascicular (a.) Between fascicles or bundles; as, the interfascicular spaces of connective tissue. |
Interferant (n.) One of the contestants in interference before the Patent Office. |
Interfered (imp. & p. p.) of Interfere |
Interfering (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interfere |
Interfere (v. i.) To come in collision; to be in opposition; to clash; as, interfering claims, or commands. |
Interfere (v. i.) To enter into, or take a part in, the concerns of others; to intermeddle; to interpose. |
Interfere (v. i.) To strike one foot against the opposite foot or ankle in using the legs; -- sometimes said of a human being, but usually of a horse; as, the horse interferes. |
Interfere (v. i.) To act reciprocally, so as to augment, diminish, or otherwise affect one another; -- said of waves, rays of light, heat, etc. See Interference, 2. |
Interfere (v. i.) To cover the same ground; to claim the same invention. |
Interference (n.) The act or state of interfering; as, the stoppage of a machine by the interference of some of its parts; a meddlesome interference in the business of others. |
Interference (n.) The mutual influence, under certain conditions, of two streams of light, or series of pulsations of sound, or, generally, two waves or vibrations of any kind, producing certain characteristic phenomena, as colored fringes, dark bands, or darkness, in the case of light, silence or increased intensity in sounds; neutralization or superposition of waves generally. |
Interference (n.) The act or state of interfering, or of claiming a right to the same invention. |
Interferer (n.) One who interferes. |
Interferingly (adv.) By or with interference. |
Interflow (v. i.) To flow in. |
Interfluent (a.) Alt. of Interfluous |
Interfluous (a.) Flowing between or among; intervening. |
Interfolded (p. a.) Intertwined; interlocked; clasped together. |
Interfoliaceous (a.) At the same node with opposite or whorled leaves, but occupying a position between their places of attachment. |
Interfoliate (v. t.) To interleave. |
Interfollicular (a.) Between follicles; as, the interfollicular septa in a lymphatic gland. |
Interfretted (a.) Interlaced; linked together; -- said of charges or bearings. See Fretted. |
Interfulgent (a.) Shining between. |
Interfuse (v. t.) To pour or spread between or among; to diffuse; to scatter. |
Interfuse (v. t.) To spread through; to permeate; to pervade. |
Interfuse (v. t.) To mix up together; to associate. |
Interfusion (n.) The act of interfusing, or the state of being interfused. |
Interganglionic (a.) Between and uniting the nervous ganglions; as, interganglionic cords. |
Interglobular (a.) Between globules; -- applied esp. to certain small spaces, surrounded by minute globules, in dentine. |
Intergraved (imp.) of Intergrave |
Intergraved (p. p.) of Intergrave |
Intergraven () of Intergrave |
Intergraving (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intergrave |
Intergrave (v. t.) To grave or carve between; to engrave in the alternate sections. |
Interhemal (a.) Alt. of Interhaemal |
Interhaemal (a.) Between the hemal arches or hemal spines. |
Interhaemal (n.) An interhemal spine or cartilage. |
Interhyal (a.) Of or pertaining to a segment sometimes present at the proximal end of the hyoidean arch. |
Interhyal (n.) An interhyal ligament or cartilage. |
Interim (n.) The meantime; time intervening; interval between events, etc. |
Interim (n.) A name given to each of three compromises made by the emperor Charles V. of Germany for the sake of harmonizing the connecting opinions of Protestants and Catholics. |
Interior (a.) Being within any limits, inclosure, or substance; inside; internal; inner; -- opposed to exterior, or superficial; as, the interior apartments of a house; the interior surface of a hollow ball. |
Interior (a.) Remote from the limits, frontier, or shore; inland; as, the interior parts of a region or country. |
Interior (n.) That which is within; the internal or inner part of a thing; the inside. |
Interior (n.) The inland part of a country, state, or kingdom. |
Interiority (n.) State of being interior. |
Interiorly (adv.) Internally; inwardly. |
Interjacence (n.) Alt. of Interjacency |
Interjacency (n.) The state of being between; a coming or lying between or among; intervention; also, that which lies between. |
Interjacent (a.) Lying or being between or among; intervening; as, interjacent isles. |
Interjaculate (v. t.) To ejaculate parenthetically. |
Interjangle (v. i.) To make a dissonant, discordant noise one with another; to talk or chatter noisily. |
Interjected (imp. & p. p.) of Interject |
Interjecting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interject |
Interject (v. t.) To throw in between; to insert; to interpose. |
Interject (v. i.) To throw one's self between or among; to come between; to interpose. |
Interjection (n.) The act of interjecting or throwing between; also, that which is interjected. |
Interjection (n.) A word or form of speech thrown in to express emotion or feeling, as O! Alas! Ha ha! Begone! etc. Compare Exclamation. |
Interjectional (a.) Thrown in between other words or phrases; parenthetical; ejaculatory; as, an interjectional remark. |
Interjectional (a.) Pertaining to, or having the nature of, an interjection; consisting of natural and spontaneous exclamations. |
Interjectionalize (v. t.) To convert into, or to use as, an interjection. |
Interjectionally (adv.) In an interjectional manner. |
Interjectionary (a.) Interjectional. |
Interjoined (imp. & p. p.) of Interjoin |
Interjoining (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interjoin |
Interjoin (v. t.) To join mutually; to unite. |
Interjoist (n.) The space or interval between two joists. |
Interjoist (n.) A middle joist or crossbeam. |
Interjunction (n.) A mutual joining. |
Interknit (v. t.) To knit together; to unite closely; to intertwine. |
Interknow (v. t.) To know mutually. |
Interknowledge (n.) Mutual knowledge or acquaintance. |
Interlaced (imp. & p. p.) of Interlace |
Interlacing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interlace |
Interlace (v. t. & i.) To unite, as by lacing together; to insert or interpose one thing within another; to intertwine; to interweave. |
Interlacement (n.) The act of interlacing, or the state of being interlaced; also, that which is interlaced. |
Interlamellar (a.) Alt. of Interlaminar |
Interlaminar (a.) Between lammellae or laminae; as, interlamellar spaces. |
Interlaminated (a.) Placed between, or containing, laminae or plates. |
Interlamination (n.) The state of being interlaminated. |
Interlapse (n.) The lapse or interval of time between two events. |
Interlarded (imp. & p. p.) of Interlard |
Interlarding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interlard |
Interlard (v. t.) To place lard or bacon amongst; to mix, as fat meat with lean. |
Interlard (v. t.) Hence: To insert between; to mix or mingle; especially, to introduce that which is foreign or irrelevant; as, to interlard a conservation with oaths or allusions. |
Interlaid (imp. & p. p.) of Interlay |
Interlaying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interlay |
Interlay (v. t.) To lay or place among or between. |
Interleaves (pl. ) of Interleaf |
Interleaf (n.) A leaf inserted between other leaves; a blank leaf inserted, as in a book. |
Interleaved (imp. & p. p.) of Interleave |
Interleaving (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interleave |
Interleave (v. t.) To insert a leaf or leaves in; to bind with blank leaves inserted between the others; as, to interleave a book. |
Interlibel (v. t.) To libel mutually. |
Interlined (imp. & p. p.) of Interline |
Interlining (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interline |
Interline (v. t.) To write or insert between lines already written or printed, as for correction or addition; to write or print something between the lines of; as, to interline a page or a book. |
Interline (v. t.) To arrange in alternate lines; as, to interline Latin and English. |
Interline (v. t.) To mark or imprint with lines. |
Interlineal (a.) Alt. of Interlinear |
Interlinear (a.) Contained between lines; written or inserted between lines already written or printed; containing interlineations; as, an interlinear manuscript, translation, etc. |
Interlineary (a.) Interlinear. |
Interlineary (n.) A book containing interlineations. |
Interlineation (n.) The act of interlining. |
Interlineation (n.) That which is interlined; a passage, word, or line inserted between lines already written or printed. |
Interlining (n.) Correction or alteration by writing between the lines; interlineation. |
Interlink (v. t.) To link together; to join, as one chain to another. |
Interlink (n.) An intermediate or connecting link. |
Interlobar (a.) Between lobes; as, the interlobar notch of the liver; the interlobar ducts of a gland. |
Interlobular (a.) Between lobules; as, the interlobular branches of the portal vein. |
Interlocation (n.) A placing or coming between; interposition. |
Interlock (v. i.) To unite, embrace, communicate with, or flow into, one another; to be connected in one system; to lock into one another; to interlace firmly. |
Interlock (v. t.) To unite by locking or linking together; to secure in place by mutual fastening. |
Interlocution (n.) Interchange of speech; dialogue; conversation; conference. |
Interlocution (n.) An intermediate act or decree before final decision. |
Interlocution (n.) Hence, intermediate argument or discussion. |
Interlocutor (n.) One who takes part in dialogue or conversation; a talker, interpreter, or questioner. |
Interlocutor (n.) An interlocutory judgment or sentence. |
Interlocutory (a.) Consisting of, or having the nature of, dialogue; conversational. |
Interlocutory (a.) Intermediate; not final or definitive; made or done during the progress of an action. |
Interlocutory (n.) Interpolated discussion or dialogue. |
Interlocutrice (n.) A female interlocutor. |
Interloped (imp. & p. p.) of Interlope |
Interloping (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interlope |
Interlope (v. i.) To run between parties and intercept without right the advantage that one should gain from the other; to traffic without a proper license; to intrude; to forestall others; to intermeddle. |
Interloper (n.) One who interlopes; one who interlopes; one who unlawfully intrudes upon a property, a station, or an office; one who interferes wrongfully or officiously. |
Interlucate (v. t.) To let in light upon, as by cutting away branches. |
Interlucation (n.) Act of thinning a wood to let in light. |
Interlucent (a.) Shining between. |
Interlude (n.) A short entertainment exhibited on the stage between the acts of a play, or between the play and the afterpiece, to relieve the tedium of waiting. |
Interlude (n.) A form of English drama or play, usually short, merry, and farcical, which succeeded the Moralities or Moral Plays in the transition to the romantic or Elizabethan drama. |
Interlude (n.) A short piece of instrumental music played between the parts of a song or cantata, or the acts of a drama; especially, in church music, a short passage played by the organist between the stanzas of a hymn, or in German chorals after each line. |
Interluded (a.) Inserted in the manner of an interlude; having or containing interludes. |
Interluder (n.) An actor who performs in an interlude. |
Interluency (n.) A flowing between; intervening water. |
Interlunar (a.) Alt. of Interlunary |
Interlunary (a.) Belonging or pertaining to the time when the moon, at or near its conjunction with the sun, is invisible. |
Intermandibular (a.) Between the mandibles; interramal; as, the intermandibular space. |
Intermarriage (n.) Connection by marriage; reciprocal marriage; giving and taking in marriage, as between two families, tribes, castes, or nations. |
Intermarry (v. i.) To become connected by marriage between their members; to give and take mutually in marriage; -- said of families, ranks, castes, etc. |
Intermaxillae (pl. ) of Intermaxilla |
Intermaxilla (n.) See Premaxilla. |
Intermaxillary (a.) Between the maxillary bones. |
Intermaxillary (a.) Of or pertaining to the intermaxillae. |
Intermaxillary (n.) An intermaxilla. |
Intermean (n.) Something done in the meantime; interlude. |
Intermeation (n.) A flowing between. |
Intermeddle (v. i.) To meddle with the affairs of others; to meddle officiously; to interpose or interfere improperly; to mix or meddle with. |
Intermeddle (v. t.) To intermix; to mingle. |
Intermeddler (n.) One who meddles with, or intrudes into, the affairs of others. |
Intermeddlesome (a.) Inclined or disposed to intermeddle. |
Intermeddling (n.) The act of improperly interfering. |
Intermede (n.) A short musical dramatic piece, of a light and pleasing, sometimes a burlesque, character; an interlude introduced between the acts of a play or an opera. |
Intermediacy (n.) Interposition; intervention. |
Intermediae (n. pl.) The middle pair of tail feathers, or middle rectrices. |
Intermedial (a.) Lying between; intervening; intermediate. |
Intermedian (a.) Intermediate. |
Intermediary (a.) Lying, coming, or done, between; intermediate; as, an intermediary project. |
Intermediaries (pl. ) of Intermediary |
Intermediary (n.) One who, or that which, is intermediate; an interagent; a go-between. |
Intermediate (a.) Lying or being in the middle place or degree, or between two extremes; coming or done between; intervening; interposed; interjacent; as, an intermediate space or time; intermediate colors. |
Intermediate (v. i.) To come between; to intervene; to interpose. |
Intermediately (adv.) In an intermediate manner; by way of intervention. |
Intermediation (n.) The act of coming between; intervention; interposition. |
Intermediator (n.) A mediator. |
Intermedious (a.) Intermediate. |
Intermediums (pl. ) of Intermedium |
Intermedia (pl. ) of Intermedium |
Intermedium (n.) Intermediate space. |
Intermedium (n.) An intervening agent or instrument. |
Intermedium (n.) The bone or cartilage between the radiale and ulnare in the carpus, and between the tibiale and fibulare in the tarsus. It corresponds to the lunar in the carpus, and to a part of the astragalus in the tarsus of man and most mammals. |
Intermell (v. i. & t.) To intermeddle; to intermix. |
Intermembral (a.) Between members or limbs; as, intermembral homology, the correspondence of the limbs with each other. |
Intermembranous (a.) Within or beneath a membrane; as, intermembranous ossification. |
Interment (v. t.) The act or ceremony of depositing a dead body in the earth; burial; sepulture; inhumation. |
Intermention (v. t.) To mention among other things, or casually or incidentally. |
Intermesenteric (a.) Within the mesentery; as, the intermesenteric, or aortic, plexus. |
Intermetacarpal (a.) Between the metacarpal bones. |
Intermetatarsal (a.) Between the metatarsal bones. |
Intermezzo (n.) An interlude; an intermede. See Intermede. |
Intermicate (v. i.) To flash or shine between or among. |
Intermication (n.) A shining between or among. |
Intermigration (n.) Reciprocal migration; interchange of dwelling place by migration. |
Interminable (a.) Without termination; admitting no limit; boundless; endless; wearisomely protracted; as, interminable space or duration; interminable sufferings. |
Interminableness (n.) The state of being endless. |
Interminably (adv.) Without end or limit. |
Interminate (a.) Endless; as, interminate sleep. |
Interminate (v. t.) To menace; to threaten. |
Interminated (a.) Interminable; interminate; endless; unending. |
Intermination (n.) A menace or threat. |
Intermine (v. t.) To intersect or penetrate with mines. |
Intermingle (v. t.) To mingle or mix together; to intermix. |
Intermingle (v. i.) To be mixed or incorporated. |
Intermise (n.) Interference; interposition. |
Intermission (n.) The act or the state of intermitting; the state of being neglected or disused; disuse; discontinuance. |
Intermission (n.) Cessation for a time; an intervening period of time; an interval; a temporary pause; as, to labor without intermission; an intermission of ten minutes. |
Intermission (n.) The temporary cessation or subsidence of a fever; the space of time between the paroxysms of a disease. Intermission is an entire cessation, as distinguished from remission, or abatement of fever. |
Intermission (n.) Intervention; interposition. |
Intermissive (a.) Having temporary cessations; not continual; intermittent. |
Intermitted (imp. & p. p.) of Intermit |
Intermitting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intermit |
Intermit (v. t.) To cause to cease for a time, or at intervals; to interrupt; to suspend. |
Intermit (v. i.) To cease for a time or at intervals; to moderate; to be intermittent, as a fever. |
Intermittence (n.) Act or state of intermitting; intermission. |
Intermittent (a.) Coming and going at intervals; alternating; recurrent; periodic; as, an intermittent fever. |
Intermittent (n.) An intermittent fever or disease. |
Intermittently (adv.) With intermissions; in an intermittent manner; intermittingly. |
Intermittingly (adv.) With intermissions; at intervals. |
Intermix (v. t.) To mix together; to intermingle. |
Intermix (v. i.) To be mixed together; to be intermingled. |
Intermixedly (adv.) In a mixed manner. |
Intermixture (n.) A mass formed by mixture; a mass of ingredients mixed. |
Intermixture (n.) Admixture; an additional ingredient. |
Intermobility (n.) Capacity of things to move among each other; as, the intermobility of fluid particles. |
Intermodillion (n.) The space between two modillions. |
Intermontane (a.) Between mountains; as, intermontane soil. |
Intermundane (a.) Being, between worlds or orbs. |
Intermundian (a.) Intermundane. |
Intermural (a.) Lying between walls; inclosed by walls. |
Intermured (imp. & p. p.) of Intermure |
Intermuring (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intermure |
Intermure (v. t.) To wall in; to inclose. |
Intermuscular (a.) Between muscles; as, intermuscular septa. |
Intermutation (n.) Interchange; mutual or reciprocal change. |
Intermutual (a.) Mutual. |
Intern (a.) Internal. |
Intern (a.) To put for safe keeping in the interior of a place or country; to confine to one locality; as, to intern troops which have fled for refuge to a neutral country. |
Internal (a.) Inward; interior; being within any limit or surface; inclosed; -- opposed to external; as, the internal parts of a body, or of the earth. |
Internal (a.) Derived from, or dependent on, the thing itself; inherent; as, the internal evidence of the divine origin of the Scriptures. |
Internal (a.) Pertaining to its own affairs or interests; especially, (said of a country) domestic, as opposed to foreign; as, internal trade; internal troubles or war. |
Internal (a.) Pertaining to the inner being or the heart; spiritual. |
Internal (a.) Intrinsic; inherent; real. |
Internal (a.) Lying toward the mesial plane; mesial. |
Internality (n.) The state of being internal or within; interiority. |
Internally (adv.) Inwardly; within the enveloping surface, or the boundary of a thing; within the body; beneath the surface. |
Internally (adv.) Hence: Mentally; spiritually. |
Internasal (a.) Between the nasal cavities; as, the internasal cartilage. |
International (a.) Between or among nations; pertaining to the intercourse of nations; participated in by two or more nations; common to, or affecting, two or more nations. |
International (a.) Of or concerning the association called the International. |
International (n.) The International; an abbreviated from of the title of the International Workingmen's Association, the name of an association, formed in London in 1864, which has for object the promotion of the interests of the industrial classes of all nations. |
International (n.) A member of the International Association. |
Internationalism (n.) The state or principles of international interests and intercourse. |
Internationalism (n.) The doctrines or organization of the International. |
Internationalist (n.) One who is versed in the principles of international law. |
Internationalist (n.) A member of the International; one who believes in, or advocates the doctrines of, the International. |
Internationalize (v. t.) To make international; to cause to affect the mutual relations of two or more nations; as, to internationalize a principle of law, or a philanthropic enterprise. |
Internationally (adv.) In an international manner; from an international point of view. |
Interne (a.) That which is within; the interior. |
Interneciary (a.) Alt. of Internecinal |
Internecinal (a.) Internecine. |
Internecine (a.) Involving, or accompanied by, mutual slaughter; mutually destructive. |
Internecion (n.) Mutual slaughter or destruction; massacre. |
Internecive (a.) Internecine. |
Internection (n.) Intimate connection. |
Interneural (a.) Between the neural arches or neural spines. |
Interneural (n.) An interneural spine or cartilage. |
Internity (n.) State of being within; interiority. |
Internment (n.) Confinement within narrow limits, -- as of foreign troops, to the interior of a country. |
Internodal (a.) Of or pertaining to internodes; intervening between nodes or joints. |
Internode (n.) The space between two nodes or points of the stem from which the leaves properly arise. |
Internode (n.) A part between two joints; a segment; specifically, one of the phalanges. |
Internodial (a.) Internodal. |
Internuncial (a.) Of or pertaining to an internuncio. |
Internuncial (a.) Communicating or transmitting impressions between different parts of the body; -- said of the nervous system. |
Internunciess (n.) A female messenger. |
Internuncios (pl. ) of Internuncio |
Internuncio (n.) A messenger between two parties. |
Internuncio (n.) A representative, or charge d'affaires, of the pope at a foreign court or seat of government, ranking next below a nuncio. |
Internuncioship (n.) The office or function of an internuncio. |
Internuncius (n.) Internuncio. |
Interoceanic (a.) Between oceans; connecting oceans; as, interoceanic communication; an interoceanic canal. |
Interocular (a.) Between, or within, the eyes; as, the interocular distance; situated between the eyes, as the antennae of some insects. |
Interpercular (a.) Of or pertaining to the interoperculum. |
Interpercular (n.) The interopercular bone. |
-la (pl. ) of Interoperculum |
Interoperculum (n.) The postero-inferior opercular bone, in fishes. |
Interorbital (a.) Between the orbits; as, the interorbital septum. |
Interosculant (a.) Mutually touching or intersecting; as, interosculant circles. |
Interosculant (a.) Uniting two groups; -- said of certain genera which connect family groups, or of species that connect genera. See Osculant. |
Interosculate (v. i. & t.) To kiss together to touch. See Osculate. |
Interosculate (v. i. & t.) To have the character of, or to lie between, two distinct groups. |
Interosseal (a.) Alt. of Interosseous |
Interosseous (a.) Situated between bones; as, an interosseous ligament. |
Interpale (v. t.) To place pales between or among; to separate by pales. |
Interpale (v. t.) To interweave or interlace. |
Interparietal (a.) Between the parietal bones or cartilages; as, the interparietal suture. |
Interparietal (n.) The interparietal bone or cartilage. |
Interpause (n.) An intermission. |
Interpeal (v. t.) To interpel. |
Interpedencular (a.) Between peduncles; esp., between the peduncles, or crura, of the cerebrum. |
Interpel (v. t.) To interrupt, break in upon, or intercede with. |
Interpellant (a.) Interpelling; interrupting. |
Interpellant (n.) One who, or that which, interpels. |
Interpellate (v. t.) To question imperatively, as a minister, or other executive officer, in explanation of his conduct; -- generally on the part of a legislative body. |
Interpellation (n.) The act of interpelling or interrupting; interruption. |
Interpellation (n.) The act of interposing or interceding; intercession. |
Interpellation (n.) An act of interpellating, or of demanding of an officer an explanation of his action; imperative or peremptory questioning; a point raised in a debate. |
Interpellation (n.) A official summons or citation. |
Interpenetrate (v. t.) To penetrate between or within; to penetrate mutually. |
Interpenetrate (v. i.) To penetrate each the other; to penetrate between bodies or their parts. |
Interpenetration (n.) The act of penetrating between or within other substances; mutual penetration. |
Interpenetrative (a.) Penetrating among or between other substances; penetrating each the other; mutually penetrative. |
Interpetalary (a.) Between the petals of a flower. |
Interpetiolar (a.) Being between petioles. Cf. Intrapetiolar. |
Interphalangeal (a.) Between phalanges; as, interphalangeal articulations. |
Interpilaster (n.) The interval or space between two pilasters. |
Interplace (v. t.) To place between or among; as, to interplace a name. |
Interplanetary (a.) Between planets; as, interplanetary spaces. |
Interplay (n.) Mutual action or influence; interaction; as, the interplay of affection. |
Interplead (v. i.) To plead against each other, or go to trial between themselves, as the claimants in an in an interpleader. See Interpleader. |
Interpleader (n.) One who interpleads. |
Interpleader (n.) A proceeding devised to enable a person, of whom the same debt, duty, or thing is claimed adversely by two or more parties, to compel them to litigate the right or title between themselves, and thereby to relieve himself from the suits which they might otherwise bring against him. |
Interpledge (v. t.) To pledge mutually. |
Interpoint (v. t.) To point; to mark with stops or pauses; to punctuate. |
Interpolable (a.) That may be interpolated; suitable to be interpolated. |
Interpolated (imp. & p. p.) of Interpolate |
Interpolating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interpolate |
Interpolate (v. t.) To renew; to carry on with intermission. |
Interpolate (v. t.) To alter or corrupt by the insertion of new or foreign matter; especially, to change, as a book or text, by the insertion of matter that is new, or foreign to the purpose of the author. |
Interpolate (v. t.) To fill up intermediate terms of, as of a series, according to the law of the series; to introduce, as a number or quantity, in a partial series, according to the law of that part of the series. |
Interpolated (a.) Inserted in, or added to, the original; introduced; foisted in; changed by the insertion of new or spurious matter. |
Interpolated (a.) Provided with necessary interpolations; as, an interpolated table. |
Interpolated (a.) Introduced or determined by interpolation; as, interpolated quantities or numbers. |
Interpolation (n.) The act of introducing or inserting anything, especially that which is spurious or foreign. |
Interpolation (n.) That which is introduced or inserted, especially something foreign or spurious. |
Interpolation (n.) The method or operation of finding from a few given terms of a series, as of numbers or observations, other intermediate terms in conformity with the law of the series. |
Interpolator (n.) One who interpolates; esp., one who inserts foreign or spurious matter in genuine writings. |
Interpone (v. t.) To interpose; to insert or place between. |
Interponent (n.) One who, or that which, interposes; an interloper, an opponent. |
Interposal (n.) The act of interposing; interposition; intervention. |
Interposed (imp. & p. p.) of Interpose |
Interposing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interpose |
Interpose (v. t.) To place between; as, to interpose a screen between the eye and the light. |
Interpose (v. t.) To thrust; to intrude; to between, either for aid or for troubling. |
Interpose (v. t.) To introduce or inject between the parts of a conversation or argument. |
Interpose (v. i.) To be or come between. |
Interpose (v. i.) To step in between parties at variance; to mediate; as, the prince interposed and made peace. |
Interpose (v. i.) To utter a sentiment by way of interruption. |
Interpose (n.) Interposition. |
Interposer (n.) One who, or that which, interposes or intervenes; an obstacle or interruption; a mediator or agent between parties. |
Interposit (n.) An intermediate depot or station between one commercial city or country and another. |
Interposition (n.) The act of interposing, or the state of being interposed; a being, placing, or coming between; mediation. |
Interposition (n.) The thing interposed. |
Interposure (n.) Interposition. |
Interpreted (imp. & p. p.) of Interpret |
Interpreting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interpret |
Interpret (v. t.) To explain or tell the meaning of; to expound; to translate orally into intelligible or familiar language or terms; to decipher; to define; -- applied esp. to language, but also to dreams, signs, conduct, mysteries, etc.; as, to interpret the Hebrew language to an Englishman; to interpret an Indian speech. |
Interpret (v. t.) To apprehend and represent by means of art; to show by illustrative representation; as, an actor interprets the character of Hamlet; a musician interprets a sonata; an artist interprets a landscape. |
Interpret (v. i.) To act as an interpreter. |
Interpretable (a.) Admitting of interpretation; capable of being interpreted or explained. |
Interpretament (n.) Interpretation. |
Interpretation (n.) The act of interpreting; explanation of what is obscure; translation; version; construction; as, the interpretation of a foreign language, of a dream, or of an enigma. |
Interpretation (n.) The sense given by an interpreter; exposition or explanation given; meaning; as, commentators give various interpretations of the same passage of Scripture. |
Interpretation (n.) The power or explaining. |
Interpretation (n.) An artist's way of expressing his thought or embodying his conception of nature. |
Interpretation (n.) The act or process of applying general principles or formulae to the explanation of the results obtained in special cases. |
Interpretative (a.) Designed or fitted to interpret; explanatory. |
Interpretative (a.) According to interpretation; constructive. |
Interpretatively (adv.) By interpretation. |
Interpreter (n.) One who or that which interprets, explains, or expounds; a translator; especially, a person who translates orally between two parties. |
Interpretive (a.) Interpretative. |
Interpubic (a.) Between the pubic bones or cartilages; as, the interpubic disk. |
Interpunction (n.) The insertion of points between word or sentences; punctuation. |
Interradial (a.) Between the radii, or rays; -- in zoology, said of certain parts of radiate animals; as, the interradial plates of a starfish. |
Interramal (a.) Between rami or branches; esp., between the mandibles, or rami of the lower jaw; intermandibular. |
Interreceive (v. t.) To receive between or within. |
Interregency (n.) An interregnum. |
Interregent (n.) A person who discharges the royal functions during an interregnum. |
Interregnums (pl. ) of Interregnum |
Interregnum (n.) The time during which a throne is vacant between the death or abdication of a sovereign and the accession of his successor. |
Interregnum (n.) Any period during which, for any cause, the executive branch of a government is suspended or interrupted. |
Interreign (n.) An interregnum. |
Interrelated (a.) Having a mutual or reciprocal relation or parallelism; correlative. |
Interrelation (n.) Mutual or reciprocal relation; correlation. |
Interrenal (a.) Between the kidneys; as, the interrenal body, an organ found in many fishes. |
Interrenal (n.) The interrenal body. |
Interrepellent (a.) Mutually repellent. |
Interrer (n.) One who inters. |
Interrexes (pl. ) of Interrex |
Interreges (pl. ) of Interrex |
Interrex (n.) An interregent, or a regent. |
Interrogating (imp. & p. p.) of Interrogate |
Interrogate (v. t.) To question formally; to question; to examine by asking questions; as, to interrogate a witness. |
Interrogate (v. i.) To ask questions. |
Interrogate (n.) An interrogation; a question. |
Interrogatee (n.) One who is interrogated. |
Interrogation (n.) The act of interrogating or questioning; examination by questions; inquiry. |
Interrogation (n.) A question put; an inquiry. |
Interrogation (n.) A point, mark, or sign, thus [?], indicating that the sentence with which it is connected is a question. It is used to express doubt, or to mark a query. Called also interrogation point. |
Interrogative (a.) Denoting a question; expressed in the form of a question; as, an interrogative sentence; an interrogative pronoun. |
Interrogative (n.) A word used in asking questions; as, who? which? why? |
Interrogatively (adv.) In the form of, or by means of, a question; in an interrogative manner. |
Interrogator (n.) One who asks questions; a questioner. |
Interrogatories (pl. ) of Interrogatory |
Interrogatory (n.) A formal question or inquiry; esp. (Law), a question asked in writing. |
Interrogatory (a.) Containing, expressing, or implying a question; as, an interrogatory sentence. |
Interrupted (imp. & p. p.) of Interrupt |
Interrupting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interrupt |
Interrupt (v. t.) To break into, or between; to stop, or hinder by breaking in upon the course or progress of; to interfere with the current or motion of; to cause a temporary cessation of; as, to interrupt the remarks speaking. |
Interrupt (v. t.) To divide; to separate; to break the monotony of; as, the evenness of the road was not interrupted by a single hill. |
Interrupt (p. a.) Broken; interrupted. |
Interrupted (a.) Broken; intermitted; suddenly stopped. |
Interrupted (a.) Irregular; -- said of any arrangement whose symmetry is destroyed by local causes, as when leaflets are interposed among the leaves in a pinnate leaf. |
Interruptedly (adv.) With breaks or interruptions; discontinuously. |
Interrupter (n.) One who, or that which, interrupts. |
Interrupter (n.) A device for opening and closing an electrical circuit; a vibrating spring or tuning fork, arranged to make and break a circuit at rapidly recurring intervals, by the action of the current itself. |
Interruption (n.) The act of interrupting, or breaking in upon. |
Interruption (n.) The state of being interrupted; a breach or break, caused by the abrupt intervention of something foreign; intervention; interposition. |
Interruption (n.) Obstruction caused by breaking in upon course, current, progress, or motion; stop; hindrance; as, the author has met with many interruptions in the execution of his work; the speaker or the argument proceeds without interruption. |
Interruption (n.) Temporary cessation; intermission; suspension. |
Interruptive (a.) Tending to interrupt; interrupting. |
Interscapular (a.) Between the scapulae or shoulder blades. |
Interscapular (a.) Pertaining to the upper back, or the part between the shoulders; as, the interscapular feathers. |
Interscapulars (n. pl.) The interscapular feathers of a bird. |
Interscendent (a.) Having exponents which are radical quantities; -- said of certain powers; as, x�2, or x�a. |
Interscinded (imp. & p. p.) of Interscind |
Interscinding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interscind |
Interscind (v. t.) To cut off. |
Interscribed (imp. & p. p.) of Interscribe |
Interscribing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interscribe |
Interscribe (v. t.) To write between. |
Intersecant (a.) Dividing into parts; crossing; intersecting. |
Intersected (imp. & p. p.) of Intersect |
Intersecting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intersect |
Intersect (v. t.) To cut into or between; to cut or cross mutually; to divide into parts; as, any two diameters of a circle intersect each other at the center. |
Intersect (v. i.) To cut into one another; to meet and cross each other; as, the point where two lines intersect. |
Intersection (n.) The act, state, or place of intersecting. |
Intersection (n.) The point or line in which one line or surface cuts another. |
Intersectional (a.) Pertaining to, or formed by, intersections. |
Interseminate (v. t.) To sow between or among. |
Interseptal (a.) Between septa; as, the interseptal spaces or zones, between the transparent, or septal, zones in striated muscle; the interseptal chambers of a shell, or of a seed vessel. |
Interserted (imp. & p. p.) of Intersert |
Interserting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intersert |
Intersert (v. t.) To put in between other things; to insert. |
Interserttion (n.) The act of interserting, or that which is interserted. |
Intersesamoid (a.) Between sesamoid bones; as, intersesamoid ligaments. |
Interset (v. t.) To set between or among. |
Intershock (v. t.) To shock mutually. |
Intersidereal (a.) Between or among constellations or stars; interstellar. |
Intersocial (a.) Pertaining to the mutual intercourse or relations of persons in society; social. |
Intersomnious (a.) Between the times of sleeping; in an interval of wakefulness. |
Interspace (n.) Intervening space. |
Interspeech (n.) A speech interposed between others. |
Interspersed (imp. & p. p.) of Intersperse |
Interspersing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intersperse |
Intersperse (v. t.) To scatter or set here and there among other things; to insert at intervals; as, to intersperse pictures in a book. |
Intersperse (v. t.) To diversify or adorn with things set or scattered at intervals; to place something at intervals in or among; as, to intersperse a book with pictures. |
Interspersion (n.) The act of interspersing, or the state of being interspersed. |
Interspinal (a.) Alt. of Interspinous |
Interspinous (a.) Between spines; esp., between the spinous processes of the vertebral column. |
Interspiration (n.) Spiritual inspiration at separate times, or at intervals. |
Interstapedial (a.) Pertaining to a part of the columella of the ear, between the stapes and the mediostapedial. |
Interstapedial (n.) The interstapedial part of the columella. |
Interstate (a.) Pertaining to the mutual relations of States; existing between, or including, different States; as, interstate commerce. |
Interstellar (a.) Between or among the stars; as, interstellar space. |
Interstellary (a.) Interstellar. |
Intersternal (a.) Between the sternal; -- said of certain membranes or parts of insects and crustaceans. |
Interstices (pl. ) of Interstice |
Interstice (n.) That which intervenes between one thing and another; especially, a space between things closely set, or between the parts which compose a body; a narrow chink; a crack; a crevice; a hole; an interval; as, the interstices of a wall. |
Interstice (n.) An interval of time; specifically (R. C. Ch.), in the plural, the intervals which the canon law requires between the reception of the various degrees of orders. |
Intersticed (a.) Provided with interstices; having interstices between; situated at intervals. |
Interstinctive (a.) Distinguishing. |
Interstitial (a.) Of or pertaining to interstices; intermediate; within the tissues; as, interstitial cavities or spaces in the tissues of animals or plants. |
Interstition (n.) An intervening period of time; interval. |
Interstratification (n.) Stratification among or between other layers or strata; also, that which is interstratified. |
Interstratified (a.) Stratified among or between other bodies; as, interstratified rocks. |
Interstratify (v. t.) To put or insert between other strata. |
Intertalk (v. i.) To converse. |
Intertangle (v. t.) To entangle; to intertwine. |
Intertarsal (a.) Between the tarsal bones; as, the intertarsal articulations. |
Intertex (v. t.) To intertwine; to weave or bind together. |
Intertexture (n.) The act of interweaving, or the state of being interwoven; that which is interwoven. |
Interthoracic (a.) In the thorax. |
Intertie (n.) In any framed work, a horizontal tie other than sill and plate or other principal ties, securing uprights to one another. |
Intertissued (a.) Interwoven. |
Intertraffic (n.) Mutual trade of traffic. |
Intertranspicuous (a.) Transpicuous within or between. |
Intertransverse (a.) Between the transverse processes of the vertebrae. |
Intertrigo (n.) A rubbing or chafing of the skin; especially, an abrasion or excoriation of the skin between folds, as in fat or neglected children. |
Intertrochanteric (a.) Between the trochanters of the femur. |
Intertropical (a.) Situated between or within the tropics. |
Intertubular (a.) Between tubes or tubules; as, intertubular cells; intertubular substance. |
Intertwine (v. t.) To unite by twining one with another; to entangle; to interlace. |
Intertwine (v. i.) To be twined or twisted together; to become mutually involved or enfolded. |
Intertwine (n.) The act intertwining, or the state of being intertwined. |
Intertwiningly (adv.) By intertwining or being intertwined. |
Intertwist (v. t.) To twist together one with another; to intertwine. |
Intertwistingly (adv.) By intertwisting, or being intertwisted. |
Interungular (a.) Alt. of Interungulate |
Interungulate (a.) Between ungulae; as, interungular glands. |
Interval (n.) A space between things; a void space intervening between any two objects; as, an interval between two houses or hills. |
Interval (n.) Space of time between any two points or events; as, the interval between the death of Charles I. of England, and the accession of Charles II. |
Interval (n.) A brief space of time between the recurrence of similar conditions or states; as, the interval between paroxysms of pain; intervals of sanity or delirium. |
Interval (n.) Difference in pitch between any two tones. |
Interval (n.) Alt. of Intervale |
Intervale (n.) A tract of low ground between hills, or along the banks of a stream, usually alluvial land, enriched by the overflowings of the river, or by fertilizing deposits of earth from the adjacent hills. Cf. Bottom, n., 7. |
Intervallums (pl. ) of Intervallum |
Intervalla (pl. ) of Intervallum |
Intervallum (n.) An interval. |
Intervary (v. i.) To alter or vary between; to change. |
Interveined (a.) Intersected, as with veins. |
Intervened (imp. & p. p.) of Intervene |
Intervening (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intervene |
Intervene (v. i.) To come between, or to be between, persons or things; -- followed by between; as, the Mediterranean intervenes between Europe and Africa. |
Intervene (v. i.) To occur, fall, or come between, points of time, or events; as, an instant intervened between the flash and the report; nothing intervened ( i. e., between the intention and the execution) to prevent the undertaking. |
Intervene (v. i.) To interpose; as, to intervene to settle a quarrel. |
Intervene (v. i.) In a suit to which one has not been made a party, to put forward a defense of one's interest in the subject matter. |
Intervene (v. t.) To come between. |
Intervene (n.) A coming between; intervention; meeting. |
Intervener (n.) One who intervenes; especially (Law), a person who assumes a part in a suit between others. |
Intervenience (n.) Alt. of Interveniency |
Interveniency (n.) Intervention; interposition. |
Intervenient (a.) Being or coming between; intercedent; interposed. |
Intervent (v. t.) To thwart; to obstruct. |
Intervention (n.) The act of intervening; interposition. |
Intervention (n.) Any interference that may affect the interests of others; especially, of one or more states with the affairs of another; mediation. |
Intervention (n.) The act by which a third person, to protect his own interest, interposes and becomes a party to a suit pending between other parties. |
Interventor (n.) One who intervenes; a mediator; especially (Eccles. Hist.), a person designated by a church to reconcile parties, and unite them in the choice of officers. |
Interventricular (a.) Between the ventricles; as, the interventricular partition of the heart. |
Intervenue (n.) Interposition. |
Intervert (v. t.) To turn to another course or use. |
Intervertebral (a.) Between vertebrae. |
Interview (n.) A mutual sight or view; a meeting face to face; usually, a formal or official meeting for consultation; a conference; as, the secretary had an interview with the President. |
Interview (n.) A conservation, or questioning, for the purpose of eliciting information for publication; the published statement so elicited. |
Interview (v. t.) To have an interview with; to question or converse with, especially for the purpose of obtaining information for publication. |
Interviewer (n.) One who interviews; especially, one who obtains an interview with another for the purpose of eliciting his opinions or obtaining information for publication. |
Interviewing (n.) The act or custom of holding an interview or interviews. |
Intervisible (a.) Mutually visible, or in sight, the one from the other, as stations. |
Intervisit (v. i.) To exchange visits. |
Intervital (a.) Between two lives. |
Intervolution (n.) The state of being intervolved or coiled up; a convolution; as, the intervolutions of a snake. |
Intervolved (imp. & p. p.) of Intervolve |
Intervolving (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intervolve |
Intervolve (v. t.) To involve one within another; to twist or coil together. |
Interwove (imp. & obs. p. p.) of Interweave |
Interwoven (p. p.) of Interweave |
Interweaving (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interweave |
Interweave (v. t.) To weave together; to intermix or unite in texture or construction; to intertwine; as, threads of silk and cotton interwoven. |
Interweave (v. t.) To intermingle; to unite intimately; to connect closely; as, to interweave truth with falsehood. |
Interwish (v. t.) To wish mutually in regarded to each other. |
Interworking (n.) The act of working in together; interweaving. |
Interworld (n.) A world between other worlds. |
Interwove () Alt. of Interwoven |
Interwoven () imp. & p. p. of Interweave. |
Interwreathe (v. t.) To weave into a wreath; to intertwine. |
Intestable (a.) Not capable of making a will; not legally qualified or competent to make a testament. |
Intestacy (n.) The state of being intestate, or of dying without having made a valid will. |
Intestate (a.) Without having made a valid will; without a will; as, to die intestate. |
Intestate (a.) Not devised or bequeathed; not disposed of by will; as, an intestate estate. |
Intestate (n.) A person who dies without making a valid will. |
Intestinal (a.) Of or pertaining to the intestines of an animal; as, the intestinal tube; intestinal digestion; intestinal ferments. |
Intestine (a.) Internal; inward; -- opposed to external. |
Intestine (a.) Internal with regard to a state or country; domestic; not foreign; -- applied usually to that which is evil; as, intestine disorders, calamities, etc. |
Intestine (a.) Depending upon the internal constitution of a body or entity; subjective. |
Intestine (a.) Shut up; inclosed. |
Intestines (pl. ) of Intestine |
Intestine (a.) That part of the alimentary canal between the stomach and the anus. See Illust. of Digestive apparatus. |
Intestine (a.) The bowels; entrails; viscera. |
Intext (n.) The text of a book. |
Intextine (n.) A thin membrane existing in the pollen grains of some plants, and situated between the extine and the intine, as in /nothera. |
Intextured (a.) Inwrought; woven in. |
Inthirst (v. t.) To make thirsty. |
Inthralled (imp. & p. p.) of Inthrall |
Inthralling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inthrall |
Inthrall (v. t.) To reduce to bondage or servitude; to make a thrall, slave, vassal, or captive of; to enslave. |
Inthrallment (n.) Act of inthralling, or state of being inthralled; servitude; bondage; vassalage. |
Inthrone (v. t.) Same as Enthrone. |
Inthrong (v. i.) To throng or collect together. |
Inthronization (n.) Enthronement. |
Inthronize (v. t.) To enthrone. |
Intice (v. t.) See Entice. |
Intimacies (pl. ) of Intimacy |
Intimacy (n.) The state of being intimate; close familiarity or association; nearness in friendship. |
Intimate (a.) Innermost; inward; internal; deep-seated; hearty. |
Intimate (a.) Near; close; direct; thorough; complete. |
Intimate (a.) Close in friendship or acquaintance; familiar; confidential; as, an intimate friend. |
Intimate (n.) An intimate friend or associate; a confidant. |
Intimated (imp. & p. p.) of Intimate |
Intimating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intimate |
Intimate (a.) To announce; to declare; to publish; to communicate; to make known. |
Intimate (a.) To suggest obscurely or indirectly; to refer to remotely; to give slight notice of; to hint; as, he intimated his intention of resigning his office. |
Intimately (adv.) In an intimate manner. |
Intimation (n.) The act of intimating; also, the thing intimated. |
Intimation (n.) Announcement; declaration. |
Intimation (n.) A hint; an obscure or indirect suggestion or notice; a remote or ambiguous reference; as, he had given only intimations of his design. |
Intime (a.) Inward; internal; intimate. |
Intimidated (imp. & p. p.) of Intimidate |
Intimidating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intimidate |
Intimidate (v. t.) To make timid or fearful; to inspire of affect with fear; to deter, as by threats; to dishearten; to abash. |
Intimidation (n.) The act of making timid or fearful or of deterring by threats; the state of being intimidated; as, the voters were kept from the polls by intimidation. |
Intimidatory (a.) Tending or serving to intimidate. |
Intinction (n.) The act of tingeing or dyeing. |
Intinction (n.) A method or practice of the administration of the sacrament by dipping the bread or wafer in the wine and administering both together. |
Intinctivity (n.) The want of the quality of coloring or tingeing other bodies. |
Intine (n.) A transparent, extensible membrane of extreme tenuity, which forms the innermost coating of grains of pollen. |
Intire (adv.) Alt. of Intirely |
Intirely (adv.) See Entire, a., Entirely, adv. |
Intitle (v. t.) See Entitle. |
Intituled (imp. & p. p.) of Intitule |
Intituling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intitule |
Intitule (v. t.) To entitle; to give a title to. |
Into (prep.) To the inside of; within. It is used in a variety of applications. |
Into (prep.) Expressing entrance, or a passing from the outside of a thing to its interior parts; -- following verbs expressing motion; as, come into the house; go into the church; one stream falls or runs into another; water enters into the fine vessels of plants. |
Into (prep.) Expressing penetration beyond the outside or surface, or access to the inside, or contents; as, to look into a letter or book; to look into an apartment. |
Into (prep.) Indicating insertion; as, to infuse more spirit or animation into a composition. |
Into (prep.) Denoting inclusion; as, put these ideas into other words. |
Into (prep.) Indicating the passing of a thing from one form, condition, or state to another; as, compound substances may be resolved into others which are more simple; ice is convertible into water, and water into vapor; men are more easily drawn than forced into compliance; we may reduce many distinct substances into one mass; men are led by evidence into belief of truth, and are often enticed into the commission of crimes'into; she burst into tears; children are sometimes frightened into fits; all persons are liable to be seduced into error and folly. |
Intolerability (n.) The quality of being intolerable; intolerableness. |
Intolerable (a.) Not tolerable; not capable of being borne or endured; not proper or right to be allowed; insufferable; insupportable; unbearable; as, intolerable pain; intolerable heat or cold; an intolerable burden. |
Intolerable (a.) Enormous. |
Intolerance (n.) Want of capacity to endure; as, intolerance of light. |
Intolerance (n.) The quality of being intolerant; refusal to allow to others the enjoyment of their opinions, chosen modes of worship, and the like; want of patience and forbearance; illiberality; bigotry; as, intolerance shown toward a religious sect. |
Intolerancy (n.) Intolerance. |
Intolerant (a.) Not enduring; not able to endure. |
Intolerant (a.) Not tolerating difference of opinion or sentiment, especially in religious matters; refusing to allow others the enjoyment of their opinions, rights, or worship; unjustly impatient of the opinion of those disagree with us; not tolerant; unforbearing; bigoted. |
Intolerant (n.) An intolerant person; a bigot. |
Intolerantly (adv.) In an intolerant manner. |
Intolerated (a.) Not tolerated. |
Intolerating (a.) Intolerant. |
Intoleration (n.) Intolerance; want of toleration; refusal to tolerate a difference of opinion. |
Intombed (imp. & p. p.) of Intomb |
Intombing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intomb |
Intomb (v. t.) To place in a tomb; to bury; to entomb. See Entomb. |
Intombment (n.) See Entombment. |
Intonate (v. i.) To thunder. |
Intonated (imp. & p. p.) of Intonate |
Intonating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intonate |
Intonate (v. i.) To sound the tones of the musical scale; to practice the sol-fa. |
Intonate (v. i.) To modulate the voice in a musical, sonorous, and measured manner, as in reading the liturgy; to intone. |
Intonate (v. t.) To utter in a musical or sonorous manner; to chant; as, to intonate the liturgy. |
Intonation (n.) A thundering; thunder. |
Intonation (n.) The act of sounding the tones of the musical scale. |
Intonation (n.) Singing or playing in good tune or otherwise; as, her intonation was false. |
Intonation (n.) Reciting in a musical prolonged tone; intonating, or singing of the opening phrase of a plain-chant, psalm, or canticle by a single voice, as of a priest. See Intone, v. t. |
Intoned (imp. & p. p.) of Intone |
Intoning (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intone |
Intone (v. t.) To utter with a musical or prolonged note or tone; to chant; as, to intone the church service. |
Intone (v. i.) To utter a prolonged tone or a deep, protracted sound; to speak or recite in a measured, sonorous manner; to intonate. |
Intorsion (n.) A winding, bending, or twisting. |
Intorsion (n.) The bending or twining of any part of a plant toward one side or the other, or in any direction from the vertical. |
Intorted (imp. & p. p.) of Intort |
Intorting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intort |
Intort (v. t.) To twist in and out; to twine; to wreathe; to wind; to wring. |
Intortion (n.) See Intorsion. |
Intoxicant (n.) That which intoxicates; an intoxicating agent; as, alcohol, opium, and laughing gas are intoxicants. |
Intoxicate (a.) Intoxicated. |
Intoxicate (a.) Overexcited, as with joy or grief. |
Intoxicated (imp. & p. p.) of Intoxicate |
Intoxicating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intoxicate |
Intoxicate (v. t.) To poison; to drug. |
Intoxicate (v. t.) To make drunk; to inebriate; to excite or to stupefy by strong drink or by a narcotic substance. |
Intoxicate (v. t.) To excite to a transport of enthusiasm, frenzy, or madness; to elate unduly or excessively. |
Intoxicatedness (n.) The state of being intoxicated; intoxication; drunkenness. |
Intoxicating (a.) Producing intoxication; fitted to intoxicate; as, intoxicating liquors. |
Intoxication (n.) A poisoning, as by a spirituous or a narcotic substance. |
Intoxication (n.) The state of being intoxicated or drunk; inebriation; ebriety; drunkenness; the act of intoxicating or making drunk. |
Intoxication (n.) A high excitement of mind; an elation which rises to enthusiasm, frenzy, or madness. |
Intra- () A prefix signifying in, within, interior; as, intraocular, within the eyeball; intramarginal. |
Intraaxillary (a.) Situated below the point where a leaf joins the stem. |
Intracellular (a.) Within a cell; as, the intracellular movements seen in the pigment cells, the salivary cells, and in the protoplasm of some vegetable cells. |
Intracolic (a.) Within the colon; as, the intracolic valve. |
Intracranial (a.) Within the cranium or skull. |
Intractability (n.) The quality of being intractable; intractableness. |
Intractable (a.) Not tractable; not easily governed, managed, or directed; indisposed to be taught, disciplined, or tamed; violent; stubborn; obstinate; refractory; as, an intractable child. |
Intractile (a.) Not tractile; incapable of being drawn out or extended. |
Intrados (n.) The interior curve of an arch; esp., the inner or lower curved face of the whole body of voussoirs taken together. See Extrados. |
Intrafoliaceous (a.) Growing immediately above, or in front of, a leaf; as, intrafoliaceous stipules. |
Intrafusion (n.) The act of pouring into a vessel; specif. (Med.), the operation of introducing a substance into a blood vessel; as, intrafusion of blood. |
Intralobular (a.) Within lobules; as, the intralobular branches of the hepatic veins. |
Intramarginal (a.) Situated within the margin. |
Intramercurial (a.) Between the planet Mercury and the sun; -- as, the hypothetical Vulcan is intramercurial. |
Intramolecular (a.) Between molecules; situated, or acting, between the molecules of bodies. |
Intramundane (a.) Being within the material world; -- opposed to extramundane. |
Intramural (a.) Being within the walls, as of a city. |
Intramural (a.) Being within the substance of the walls of an organ; as, intramural pregnancy. |
Intranquillity (n.) Unquietness; restlessness. |
Intranscalent (a.) Impervious to heat; adiathermic. |
Intransgressible (a.) Incapable of being transgressed; not to be passes over or crossed. |
Intranssient (a.) Not transient; remaining; permanent. |
Intransigent (a.) Refusing compromise; uncompromising; irreconcilable. |
Intransigentes (n. pl.) The extreme radicals; the party of the irreconcilables. |
Intransitive (a.) Not passing farther; kept; detained. |
Intransitive (a.) Not transitive; not passing over to an object; expressing an action or state that is limited to the agent or subject, or, in other words, an action which does not require an object to complete the sense; as, an intransitive verb, e. g., the bird flies; the dog runs. |
Intransitively (adv.) Without an object following; in the manner of an intransitive verb. |
In transitu () In transit; during passage; as, goods in transitu. |
Intransmissible (a.) Not capable of being transmitted. |
Intransmutability (n.) The quality of being intransmutable. |
Intransmutable (a.) Not capable of being transmuted or changed into another substance. |
Intrant (a.) Entering; penetrating. |
Intrant (n.) One who enters; especially, a person entering upon some office or station. |
Intranuclear (a.) Within the nucleus of a cell; as. the intranuclear network of fibrils, seen in the first stages of karyokinesis. |
Intrap (v. t.) See Entrap. |
Intraparietal (a.) Situated or occurring within an inclosure; shut off from public sight; private; secluded; retired. |
Intrapetiolar (a.) Situated between the petiole and the stem; -- said of the pair of stipules at the base of a petiole when united by those margins next the petiole, thus seeming to form a single stipule between the petiole and the stem or branch; -- often confounded with interpetiolar, from which it differs essentially in meaning. |
Intraterritorial (a.) Within the territory or a territory. |
Intrathoracic (a.) Within the thora/ or chest. |
Intratropical (a.) Within the tropics. |
Intrauterine (a.) Within the uterus or womb; as, intrauterine hemorrhage. |
Intravalvular (a.) Between valves. |
Intravenous (a.) Within the veins. |
Intraventricular (a.) Within or between ventricles. |
Intreasure (v. t.) To lay up, as in a treasury; to hoard. |
Intreat (v. t.) See Entreat. |
Intreatable (a.) Not to be entreated; inexorable. |
Intreatance (n.) Entreaty. |
Intreatful (a.) Full of entreaty. |
Intrenched (imp. & p. p.) of Intrench |
Intrenching (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intrench |
Intrench (v. t.) To cut in; to furrow; to make trenches in or upon. |
Intrench (v. t.) To surround with a trench or with intrenchments, as in fortification; to fortify with a ditch and parapet; as, the army intrenched their camp, or intrenched itself. |
Intrench (v. i.) To invade; to encroach; to infringe or trespass; to enter on, and take possession of, that which belongs to another; -- usually followed by on or upon; as, the king was charged with intrenching on the rights of the nobles, and the nobles were accused of intrenching on the prerogative of the crown. |
Intrenchant (a.) Not to be gashed or marked with furrows. |
Intrenchment (n.) The act of intrenching or the state of being intrenched. |
Intrenchment (n.) Any defensive work consisting of at least a trench or ditch and a parapet made from the earth thrown up in making such a ditch. |
Intrenchment (n.) Any defense or protection. |
Intrenchment (n.) An encroachment or infringement. |
Intrepid (a.) Not trembling or shaking with fear; fearless; bold; brave; undaunted; courageous; as, an intrepid soldier; intrepid spirit. |
Intrepidity (n.) The quality or state of being intrepid; fearless bravery; courage; resoluteness; valor. |
Intrepidly (adv.) In an intrepid manner; courageously; resolutely. |
Intricable (a.) Entangling. |
Intricacies (pl. ) of Intricacy |
Intricacy (n.) The state or quality of being intricate or entangled; perplexity; involution; complication; complexity; that which is intricate or involved; as, the intricacy of a knot; the intricacy of accounts; the intricacy of a cause in controversy; the intricacy of a plot. |
Intricate (a.) Entangled; involved; perplexed; complicated; difficult to understand, follow, arrange, or adjust; as, intricate machinery, labyrinths, accounts, plots, etc. |
Intricate (v. t.) To entangle; to involve; to make perplexing. |
Intricately (adv.) In an intricate manner. |
Intricateness (n.) The state or quality of being intricate; intricacy. |
Intrication (n.) Entanglement. |
Intrigante (n.) A female intriguer. |
Intrigued (imp. & p. p.) of Intrigue |
Intriguing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intrigue |
Intrigue (v. i.) To form a plot or scheme; to contrive to accomplish a purpose by secret artifice. |
Intrigue (v. i.) To carry on a secret and illicit love or amour. |
Intrigue (v. t.) To fill with artifice and duplicity; to complicate; to embarrass. |
Intrigue (v. i.) Intricacy; complication. |
Intrigue (v. i.) A complicated plot or scheme intended to effect some purpose by secret artifice; conspiracy; stratagem. |
Intrigue (v. i.) The plot or romance; a complicated scheme of designs, actions, and events. |
Intrigue (v. i.) A secret and illicit love affair between two persons of different sexes; an amour; a liaison. |
Intriguer (n.) One who intrigues. |
Intriguery (n.) Arts or practice of intrigue. |
Intriguingly (adv.) By means of, or in the manner of, intrigue. |
Intrinse (a.) Tightly drawn; or (perhaps) intricate. |
Intrinsic (a.) Inward; internal; hence, true; genuine; real; essential; inherent; not merely apparent or accidental; -- opposed to extrinsic; as, the intrinsic value of gold or silver; the intrinsic merit of an action; the intrinsic worth or goodness of a person. |
Intrinsic (a.) Included wholly within an organ or limb, as certain groups of muscles; -- opposed to extrinsic. |
Intrinsic (n.) A genuine quality. |
Intrinsical (a.) Intrinsic. |
Intrinsical (a.) Intimate; closely familiar. |
Intrinsicality (n.) The quality of being intrinsic; essentialness; genuineness; reality. |
Intrinsically (adv.) Internally; in its nature; essentially; really; truly. |
Intrinsicalness (n.) The quality of being intrinsical; intrinsicality. |
Intrinsicate (a.) Intricate. |
Intro- () A prefix signifying within, into, in, inward; as, introduce, introreception, introthoracic. |
Introcession (n.) A depression, or inward sinking of parts. |
Introduced (imp. & p. p.) of Introduce |
Introducing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Introduce |
Introduce (v. t.) To lead or bring in; to conduct or usher in; as, to introduce a person into a drawing-room. |
Introduce (v. t.) To put (something into a place); to insert; as, to introduce the finger, or a probe. |
Introduce (v. t.) To lead to and make known by formal announcement or recommendation; hence, to cause to be acquainted; as, to introduce strangers; to introduce one person to another. |
Introduce (v. t.) To bring into notice, practice, cultivation, or use; as, to introduce a new fashion, method, or plant. |
Introduce (v. t.) To produce; to cause to exist; to induce. |
Introduce (v. t.) To open to notice; to begin; to present; as, he introduced the subject with a long preface. |
Introducement (n.) Introduction. |
Introducer (n.) One who, or that which, introduces. |
Introduct (v. t.) To introduce. |
Introduction (n.) The act of introducing, or bringing to notice. |
Introduction (n.) The act of formally making persons known to each other; a presentation or making known of one person to another by name; as, the introduction of one stranger to another. |
Introduction (n.) That part of a book or discourse which introduces or leads the way to the main subject, or part; preliminary; matter; preface; proem; exordium. |
Introduction (n.) A formal and elaborate preliminary treatise; specifically, a treatise introductory to other treatises, or to a course of study; a guide; as, an introduction to English literature. |
Introductive (a.) Serving to introduce; introductory. |
Introductor (n.) An introducer. |
Introductorily (adv.) By way of introduction. |
Introductory (a.) Serving to introduce something else; leading to the main subject or business; preliminary; prefatory; as, introductory proceedings; an introductory discourse. |
Introductress (n.) A female introducer. |
Introflexed (a.) Flexed or bent inward. |
Introgression (n.) The act of going in; entrance. |
Introit (n.) A going in. |
Introit (n.) A psalm sung or chanted immediately before the collect, epistle, and gospel, and while the priest is entering within the rails of the altar. |
Introit (n.) A part of a psalm or other portion of Scripture read by the priest at Mass immediately after ascending to the altar. |
Introit (n.) An anthem or psalm sung before the Communion service. |
Introit (n.) Any composition of vocal music appropriate to the opening of church services. |
Intromission (n.) The act of sending in or of putting in; insertion. |
Intromission (n.) The act of letting go in; admission. |
Intromission (n.) An intermeddling with the affairs of another, either on legal grounds or without authority. |
Intromitted (imp. & p. p.) of Intromit |
Intromitting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intromit |
Intromit (v. t.) To send in or put in; to insert or introduce. |
Intromit (v. t.) To allow to pass in; to admit. |
Intromit (v. i.) To intermeddle with the effects or goods of another. |
Intromittent (a.) Throwing, or allowing to pass, into or within. |
Intromittent (a.) Used in copulation; -- said of the external reproductive organs of the males of many animals, and sometimes of those of the females. |
Intromitter (n.) One who intromits. |
Intropression (n.) Pressure acting within. |
Introreception (n.) The act of admitting into or within. |
Introrse (a.) Turning or facing inward, or toward the axis of the part to which it belongs. |
Introspect (v. t.) To look into or within; to view the inside of. |
Introspection (n.) A view of the inside or interior; a looking inward; specifically, the act or process of self-examination, or inspection of one's own thoughts and feelings; the cognition which the mind has of its own acts and states; self-consciousness; reflection. |
Introspectionist (n.) One given to the introspective method of examining the phenomena of the soul. |
Introspective (a.) Inspecting within; seeing inwardly; capable of, or exercising, inspection; self-conscious. |
Introspective (a.) Involving the act or results of conscious knowledge of physical phenomena; -- contrasted with associational. |
Introsume (v. t.) To draw in; to swallow. |
Introsusception (n.) The act or process of receiving within. |
Introsusception (n.) Same as Intussusception. |
Introvenient (a.) Coming in together; entering; commingling. |
Introversion (n.) The act of introverting, or the state of being introverted; the act of turning the mind inward. |
Introverted (imp. & p. p.) of Introvert |
Introverting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Introvert |
Introvert (v. t.) To turn or bend inward. |
Introvert (v. t.) To look within; to introspect. |
Intrude (v. i.) To thrust one's self in; to come or go in without invitation, permission, or welcome; to encroach; to trespass; as, to intrude on families at unseasonable hours; to intrude on the lands of another. |
Intruded (imp. & p. p.) of Intrude |
Intruding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intrude |
Intrude (v. t.) To thrust or force (something) in or upon; especially, to force (one's self) in without leave or welcome; as, to intrude one's presence into a conference; to intrude one's opinions upon another. |
Intrude (v. t.) To enter by force; to invade. |
Intrude (v. t.) The cause to enter or force a way, as into the crevices of rocks. |
Intruded (p. a.) Same as Intrusive. |
Intruder (n.) One who intrudes; one who thrusts himself in, or enters without right, or without leave or welcome; a trespasser. |
Intrudress (n.) A female intruder. |
Intrunk (v. t.) To inclose as in a trunk; to incase. |
Intrusion (n.) The act of intruding, or of forcing in; especially, the forcing (one's self) into a place without right or welcome; encroachment. |
Intrusion (n.) The penetrating of one rock, while in a plastic or metal state, into the cavities of another. |
Intrusion (n.) The entry of a stranger, after a particular estate or freehold is determined, before the person who holds in remainder or reversion has taken possession. |
Intrusion (n.) The settlement of a minister over 3 congregation without their consent. |
Intrusional (a.) Of or pertaining to intrusion. |
Intrusionist (n.) One who intrudes; especially, one who favors the appointment of a clergyman to a parish, by a patron, against the wishes of the parishioners. |
Intrusive (a.) Apt to intrude; characterized by intrusion; entering without right or welcome. |
Intrusted (imp. & p. p.) of Intrust |
Intrusting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intrust |
Intrust (v. t.) To deliver (something) to another in trust; to deliver to (another) something in trust; to commit or surrender (something) to another with a certain confidence regarding his care, use, or disposal of it; as, to intrust a servant with one's money or intrust money or goods to a servant. |
Intubation (n.) The introduction of a tube into an organ to keep it open, as into the larynx in croup. |
Intuition (n.) A looking after; a regard to. |
Intuition (n.) Direct apprehension or cognition; immediate knowledge, as in perception or consciousness; -- distinguished from "mediate" knowledge, as in reasoning; as, the mind knows by intuition that black is not white, that a circle is not a square, that three are more than two, etc.; quick or ready insight or apprehension. |
Intuition (n.) Any object or truth discerned by direct cognition; especially, a first or primary truth. |
Intuitional (a.) Pertaining to, or derived from, intuition; characterized by intuition; perceived by intuition; intuitive. |
Intuitionalism (n.) The doctrine that the perception or recognition of primary truth is intuitive, or direct and immediate; -- opposed to sensationalism, and experientialism. |
Intuitionalist (n.) One who holds the doctrine of intuitionalism. |
Intuitionism (n.) Same as Intuitionalism. |
Intuitionist (n.) Same as Intuitionalist. |
Intuitive (a.) Seeing clearly; as, an intuitive view; intuitive vision. |
Intuitive (a.) Knowing, or perceiving, by intuition; capable of knowing without deduction or reasoning. |
Intuitive (a.) Received. reached, obtained, or perceived, by intuition; as, intuitive judgment or knowledge; -- opposed to deductive. |
Intuitively (adv.) In an intuitive manner. |
Intuitivism (n.) The doctrine that the ideas of right and wrong are intuitive. |
Intumesced (imp. & p. p.) of Intumesce |
Intumescing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intumesce |
Intumesce (v. i.) To enlarge or expand with heat; to swell; specifically, to swell up or bubble up under the action of heat, as before the blowpipe. |
Intumescence (n.) The act or process of swelling or enlarging; also, the state of being swollen; expansion; tumidity; especially, the swelling up of bodies under the action of heat. |
Intumescence (n.) Anything swollen or enlarged, as a tumor. |
Intumescent (a.) Swelling up; expanding. |
Intumulated (a.) Unburied. |
Intune (v. t.) To intone. Cf. Entune. |
Inturbidated (imp. & p. p.) of Inturbidate |
Inturbidating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inturbidate |
Inturbidate (v. t.) To render turbid; to darken; to confuse. |
Inturgescence (n.) A swelling; the act of swelling, or state of being swelled. |
Intuse (n.) A bruise; a contusion. |
Intussuscepted (a.) Received into some other thing or part, as a sword into a sheath; invaginated. |
Intussusception (n.) The reception of one part within another. |
Intussusception (n.) The abnormal reception or slipping of a part of a tube, by inversion and descent, within a contiguous part of it; specifically, the reception or slipping of the upper part of the small intestine into the lower; introsusception; invagination. |
Intussusception (n.) The interposition of new particles of formative material among those already existing, as in a cell wall, or in a starch grain. |
Intussusception (n.) The act of taking foreign matter, as food, into a living body; the process of nutrition, by which dead matter is absorbed by the living organism, and ultimately converted into the organized substance of its various tissues and organs. |
Intwine (v. t.) To twine or twist into, or together; to wreathe; as, a wreath of flowers intwined. |
Intwine (v. i.) To be or to become intwined. |
Intwinement (n.) The act of twinning, or the state of being intwined. |
Intwist (v. t.) To twist into or together; to interweave. |
Inuendo (n.) See Innuendo. |
Inulin (n.) A substance of very wide occurrence. It is found dissolved in the sap of the roots and rhizomes of many composite and other plants, as Inula, Helianthus, Campanula, etc., and is extracted by solution as a tasteless, white, semicrystalline substance, resembling starch, with which it is isomeric. It is intermediate in nature between starch and sugar. Called also dahlin, helenin, alantin, etc. |
Inuloid (n.) A substance resembling inulin, found in the unripe bulbs of the dahila. |
Inumbrate (v. t.) To shade; to darken. |
Inuncted (a.) Anointed. |
Inunction (n.) The act of anointing, or the state of being anointed; unction; specifically (Med.), the rubbing of ointments into the pores of the skin, by which medicinal agents contained in them, such as mercury, iodide of potash, etc., are absorbed. |
Inunctuosity (n.) The want of unctuosity; freedom from greasiness or oiliness; as, the inunctuosity of porcelain clay. |
Inundant (a.) Overflowing. |
Inundated (imp. & p. p.) of Inundate |
Inundating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inundate |
Inundate (v. t.) To cover with a flood; to overflow; to deluge; to flood; as, the river inundated the town. |
Inundate (v. t.) To fill with an overflowing abundance or superfluity; as, the country was inundated with bills of credit. |
Inundation (n.) The act of inundating, or the state of being inundated; an overflow; a flood; a rising and spreading of water over grounds. |
Inundation (n.) An overspreading of any kind; overflowing or superfluous abundance; a flood; a great influx; as, an inundation of tourists. |
Inunderstanding (a.) Void of understanding. |
Inurbane (a.) Uncivil; unpolished; rude. |
Inurbanity (n.) Want of urbanity or courtesy; unpolished manners or deportment; inurbaneness; rudeness. |
Inured (imp. & p. p.) of Inure |
Inuring (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inure |
Inure (v. t.) To apply in use; to train; to discipline; to use or accustom till use gives little or no pain or inconvenience; to harden; to habituate; to practice habitually. |
Inure (v. i.) To pass into use; to take or have effect; to be applied; to serve to the use or benefit of; as, a gift of lands inures to the heirs. |
Inurement (n.) Use; practice; discipline; habit; custom. |
Inurned (imp. & p. p.) of Inurn |
Inurning (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inurn |
Inurn (v. t.) To put in an urn, as the ashes of the dead; hence, to bury; to intomb. |
Inusitate (a.) Unusual. |
Inusitation (n.) Want of use; disuse. |
Inust (a.) Burnt in. |
Inustion (n.) The act of burning or branding. |
Inutile (a.) Useless; unprofitable. |
Inutility (n.) Uselessness; the quality of being unprofitable; unprofitableness; as, the inutility of vain speculations and visionary projects. |
Inutterable (a.) Unutterable; inexpressible. |
In vacuo () In a vacuum; in empty space; as, experiments in vacuo. |
Invaded (imp. & p. p.) of Invade |
Invading (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Invade |
Invade (v. t.) To go into or upon; to pass within the confines of; to enter; -- used of forcible or rude ingress. |
Invade (v. t.) To enter with hostile intentions; to enter with a view to conquest or plunder; to make an irruption into; to attack; as, the Romans invaded Great Britain. |
Invade (v. t.) To attack; to infringe; to encroach on; to violate; as, the king invaded the rights of the people. |
Invade (v. t.) To grow or spread over; to affect injuriously and progressively; as, gangrene invades healthy tissue. |
Invade (v. i.) To make an invasion. |
Invader (n.) One who invades; an assailant; an encroacher; an intruder. |
Invaginate (v. t.) To insert as in a sheath; to produce intussusception in. |
Invaginate (a.) Alt. of Invaginated |
Invaginated (a.) Sheathed. |
Invaginated (a.) Having one portion of a hollow organ drawn back within another portion. |
Invagination (n.) The condition of an invaginated organ or part. |
Invagination (n.) One of the methods by which the various germinal layers of the ovum are differentiated. |
Invalescence (n.) Strength; health. |
Invaletudinary (a.) Wanting health; valetudinary. |
Invalid (a.) Of no force, weight, or cogency; not valid; weak. |
Invalid (a.) Having no force, effect, or efficacy; void; null; as, an invalid contract or agreement. |
Invalid (a.) A person who is weak and infirm; one who is disabled for active service; especially, one in chronic ill health. |
Invalid (n.) Not well; feeble; infirm; sickly; as, he had an invalid daughter. |
Invalid (v. t.) To make or render invalid or infirm. |
Invalid (v. t.) To classify or enroll as an invalid. |
Invalidated (imp. & p. p.) of Invalidate |
Invalidating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Invalidate |
Invalidate (v. t.) To render invalid; to weaken or lessen the force of; to destroy the authority of; to render of no force or effect; to overthrow; as, to invalidate an agreement or argument. |
Invalidation (n.) The act of inavlidating, or the state of being invalidated. |
Invalide (n.) See Invalid, n. |
Invalidism (n.) The condition of an invalid; sickness; infirmity. |
Invalidity (n.) Want of validity or cogency; want of legal force or efficacy; invalidness; as, the invalidity of an agreement or of a will. |
Invalidity (n.) Want of health; infirmity. |
Invalidness (n.) Invalidity; as, the invalidness of reasoning. |
Invalorous (a.) Not valorous; cowardly. |
Invaluable (a.) Valuable beyond estimation; inestimable; priceless; precious. |
Invaluably (adv.) Inestimably. |
Invalued (a.) Inestimable. |
Invariability (n.) The quality of being invariable; invariableness; constancy; uniformity. |
Invariable (a.) Not given to variation or change; unalterable; unchangeable; always uniform. |
Invariable (n.) An invariable quantity; a constant. |
Invariance (n.) The property of remaining invariable under prescribed or implied conditions. |
Invariant (n.) An invariable quantity; specifically, a function of the coefficients of one or more forms, which remains unaltered, when these undergo suitable linear transformations. |
Invasion (n.) The act of invading; the act of encroaching upon the rights or possessions of another; encroachment; trespass. |
Invasion (n.) A warlike or hostile entrance into the possessions or domains of another; the incursion of an army for conquest or plunder. |
Invasion (n.) The incoming or first attack of anything hurtful or pernicious; as, the invasion of a disease. |
Invasive (a.) Tending to invade; characterized by invasion; aggressive. |
Invect (v. i.) To inveigh. |
Invected (a.) Having a border or outline composed of semicircles with the convexity outward; -- the opposite of engrailed. |
Invection (n.) An inveighing against; invective. |
Invective (a.) Characterized by invection; critical; denunciatory; satirical; abusive; railing. |
Invective (n.) An expression which inveighs or rails against a person; a severe or violent censure or reproach; something uttered or written, intended to cast opprobrium, censure, or reproach on another; a harsh or reproachful accusation; -- followed by against, having reference to the person or thing affected; as an invective against tyranny. |
Invectively (adv.) In an invective manner. |
Inveighed (imp. & p. p.) of Inveigh |
Inveighing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inveigh |
Inveigh (v. i.) To declaim or rail (against some person or thing); to utter censorious and bitter language; to attack with harsh criticism or reproach, either spoken or written; to use invectives; -- with against; as, to inveigh against character, conduct, manners, customs, morals, a law, an abuse. |
Inveigher (n.) One who inveighs. |
Inveigled (imp. & p. p.) of Inveigle |
Inveigling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inveigle |
Inveigle (v. t.) To lead astray as if blind; to persuade to something evil by deceptive arts or flattery; to entice; to insnare; to seduce; to wheedle. |
Inveiglement (n.) The act of inveigling, or the state of being inveigled; that which inveigles; enticement; seduction. |
Inveigler (n.) One who inveigles. |
Inveil (v. t.) To cover, as with a vail. |
Invendibility (n.) The quality of being invendible; invendibleness; unsalableness. |
Invendible (a.) Not vendible or salable. |
Invenom (v. t.) See Envenom. |
Invented (imp. & p. p.) of Invent |
Inventing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Invent |
Invent (v. t.) To come or light upon; to meet; to find. |
Invent (v. t.) To discover, as by study or inquiry; to find out; to devise; to contrive or produce for the first time; -- applied commonly to the discovery of some serviceable mode, instrument, or machine. |
Invent (v. t.) To frame by the imagination; to fabricate mentally; to forge; -- in a good or a bad sense; as, to invent the machinery of a poem; to invent a falsehood. |
Inventer (n.) One who invents. |
Inventful (a.) Full of invention. |
Inventible (a.) Capable of being invented. |
Inventibleness (n.) Quality of being inventible. |
Invention (n.) The act of finding out or inventing; contrivance or construction of that which has not before existed; as, the invention of logarithms; the invention of the art of printing. |
Invention (n.) That which is invented; an original contrivance or construction; a device; as, this fable was the invention of Esop; that falsehood was her own invention. |
Invention (n.) Thought; idea. |
Invention (n.) A fabrication to deceive; a fiction; a forgery; a falsehood. |
Invention (n.) The faculty of inventing; imaginative faculty; skill or ingenuity in contriving anything new; as, a man of invention. |
Invention (n.) The exercise of the imagination in selecting and treating a theme, or more commonly in contriving the arrangement of a piece, or the method of presenting its parts. |
Inventious (a.) Inventive. |
Inventive (a.) Able and apt to invent; quick at contrivance; ready at expedients; as, an inventive head or genius. |
Inventor (n.) One who invents or finds out something new; a contriver; especially, one who invents mechanical devices. |
Inventorial (a.) Of or pertaining to an inventory. |
Inventories (pl. ) of Inventory |
Inventory (n.) An account, catalogue, or schedule, made by an executor or administrator, of all the goods and chattels, and sometimes of the real estate, of a deceased person; a list of the property of which a person or estate is found to be possessed; hence, an itemized list of goods or valuables, with their estimated worth; specifically, the annual account of stock taken in any business. |
Inventoried (imp. & p. p.) of Inventory |
Inventorying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inventory |
Inventory (v. t.) To make an inventory of; to make a list, catalogue, or schedule of; to insert or register in an account of goods; as, a merchant inventories his stock. |
Inventress (n.) A woman who invents. |
Inveracity (n.) Want of veracity. |
Inverisimilitude (n.) Want of verisimilitude or likelihood; improbability. |
Inverse (a.) Opposite in order, relation, or effect; reversed; inverted; reciprocal; -- opposed to direct. |
Inverse (a.) Inverted; having a position or mode of attachment the reverse of that which is usual. |
Inverse (a.) Opposite in nature and effect; -- said with reference to any two operations, which, when both are performed in succession upon any quantity, reproduce that quantity; as, multiplication is the inverse operation to division. The symbol of an inverse operation is the symbol of the direct operation with -1 as an index. Thus sin-1 x means the arc whose sine is x. |
Inverse (n.) That which is inverse. |
Inversely (adv.) In an inverse order or manner; by inversion; -- opposed to directly. |
Inversion (n.) The act of inverting, or turning over or backward, or the state of being inverted. |
Inversion (n.) A change by inverted order; a reversed position or arrangement of things; transposition. |
Inversion (n.) A movement in tactics by which the order of companies in line is inverted, the right being on the left, the left on the right, and so on. |
Inversion (n.) A change in the order of the terms of a proportion, so that the second takes the place of the first, and the fourth of the third. |
Inversion (n.) A peculiar method of transformation, in which a figure is replaced by its inverse figure. Propositions that are true for the original figure thus furnish new propositions that are true in the inverse figure. See Inverse figures, under Inverse. |
Inversion (n.) A change of the usual order of words or phrases; as, "of all vices, impurity is one of the most detestable," instead of, "impurity is one of the most detestable of all vices." |
Inversion (n.) A method of reasoning in which the orator shows that arguments advanced by his adversary in opposition to him are really favorable to his cause. |
Inversion (n.) Said of intervals, when the lower tone is placed an octave higher, so that fifths become fourths, thirds sixths, etc. |
Inversion (n.) Said of a chord, when one of its notes, other than its root, is made the bass. |
Inversion (n.) Said of a subject, or phrase, when the intervals of which it consists are repeated in the contrary direction, rising instead of falling, or vice versa. |
Inversion (n.) Said of double counterpoint, when an upper and a lower part change places. |
Inversion (n.) The folding back of strata upon themselves, as by upheaval, in such a manner that the order of succession appears to be reversed. |
Inversion (n.) The act or process by which cane sugar (sucrose), under the action of heat and acids or ferments (as diastase), is broken or split up into grape sugar (dextrose), and fruit sugar (levulose); also, less properly, the process by which starch is converted into grape sugar (dextrose). |
Inverted (imp. & p. p.) of Invert |
Inverting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Invert |
Invert (v. t.) To turn over; to put upside down; to upset; to place in a contrary order or direction; to reverse; as, to invert a cup, the order of words, rules of justice, etc. |
Invert (v. t.) To change the position of; -- said of tones which form a chord, or parts which compose harmony. |
Invert (v. t.) To divert; to convert to a wrong use. |
Invert (v. t.) To convert; to reverse; to decompose by, or subject to, inversion. See Inversion, n., 10. |
Invert (v. i.) To undergo inversion, as sugar. |
Invert (a.) Subjected to the process of inversion; inverted; converted; as, invert sugar. |
Invert (n.) An inverted arch. |
Invertebral (a.) Same as Invertebrate. |
Invertebrata (n. pl.) A comprehensive division of the animal kingdom, including all except the Vertebrata. |
Invertebrate (a.) Destitute of a backbone; having no vertebrae; of or pertaining to the Invertebrata. |
Invertebrate (n.) One of the Invertebrata. |
Invertebrated (a.) Having no backbone; invertebrate. |
Inverted (a.) Changed to a contrary or counterchanged order; reversed; characterized by inversion. |
Inverted (a.) Situated apparently in reverse order, as strata when folded back upon themselves by upheaval. |
Invertedly (adv.) In an inverted order. |
Invertible (a.) Capable of being inverted or turned. |
Invertible (a.) Capable of being changed or converted; as, invertible sugar. |
Invertible (a.) Incapable of being turned or changed. |
Invertin (n.) An unorganized ferment which causes cane sugar to take up a molecule of water and be converted into invert sugar. |
Invested (imp. & p. p.) of Invest |
Investing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Invest |
Invest (v. t.) To put garments on; to clothe; to dress; to array; -- opposed to divest. Usually followed by with, sometimes by in; as, to invest one with a robe. |
Invest (v. t.) To put on. |
Invest (v. t.) To clothe, as with office or authority; to place in possession of rank, dignity, or estate; to endow; to adorn; to grace; to bedeck; as, to invest with honor or glory; to invest with an estate. |
Invest (v. t.) To surround, accompany, or attend. |
Invest (v. t.) To confer; to give. |
Invest (v. t.) To inclose; to surround of hem in with troops, so as to intercept succors of men and provisions and prevent escape; to lay siege to; as, to invest a town. |
Invest (v. t.) To lay out (money or capital) in business with the /iew of obtaining an income or profit; as, to invest money in bank stock. |
Invest (v. i.) To make an investment; as, to invest in stocks; -- usually followed by in. |
Investient (a.) Covering; clothing. |
Investigable (a.) Capable or susceptible of being investigated; admitting research. |
Investigable (a.) Unsearchable; inscrutable. |
Investigated (imp. & p. p.) of Investigate |
Investigating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Investigate |
Investigate (v. t.) To follow up step by step by patient inquiry or observation; to trace or track mentally; to search into; to inquire and examine into with care and accuracy; to find out by careful inquisition; as, to investigate the causes of natural phenomena. |
Investigate (v. i.) To pursue a course of investigation and study; to make investigation. |
Investigation (n.) The act of investigating; the process of inquiring into or following up; research; study; inquiry, esp. patient or thorough inquiry or examination; as, the investigations of the philosopher and the mathematician; the investigations of the judge, the moralist. |
Investigative (a.) Given to investigation; inquisitive; curious; searching. |
Investigator (n.) One who searches diligently into a subject. |
Investiture (n.) The act or ceremony of investing, or the of being invested, as with an office; a giving possession; also, the right of so investing. |
Investiture (n.) Livery of seizin. |
Investiture (n.) That with which anyone is invested or clothed; investment; clothing; covering. |
Investive (a.) Investing. |
Investment (n.) The act of investing, or the state of being invested. |
Investment (n.) That with which anyone is invested; a vestment. |
Investment (n.) The act of surrounding, blocking up, or besieging by an armed force, or the state of being so surrounded. |
Investment (n.) The laying out of money in the purchase of some species of property; the amount of money invested, or that in which money is invested. |
Investor (n.) One who invests. |
Investure (n.) Investiture; investment. |
Investure (v. t.) To clothe; to invest; to install. |
Inveteracy (n.) Firm establishment by long continuance; firmness or deep-rooted obstinacy of any quality or state acquired by time; as, the inveteracy of custom, habit, or disease; -- usually in a bad sense; as, the inveteracy of prejudice or of error. |
Inveteracy (n.) Malignity; spitefulness; virulency. |
Inveterate (a.) Old; long-established. |
Inveterate (a.) Firmly established by long continuance; obstinate; deep-rooted; of long standing; as, an inveterate disease; an inveterate abuse. |
Inveterate (a.) Having habits fixed by long continuance; confirmed; habitual; as, an inveterate idler or smoker. |
Inveterate (a.) Malignant; virulent; spiteful. |
Inveterate (v. t.) To fix and settle by long continuance. |
Inveterately (adv.) In an inveterate manner or degree. |
Inveterateness (n.) Inveteracy. |
Inveteration (n.) The act of making inveterate. |
Invict (a.) Invincible. |
Invidious (a.) Envious; malignant. |
Invidious (a.) Worthy of envy; desirable; enviable. |
Invidious (a.) Likely to incur or produce ill will, or to provoke envy; hateful; as, invidious distinctions. |
Invigilance (n.) Alt. of Invigilancy |
Invigilancy (n.) Want of vigilance; neglect of watching; carelessness. |
Invigor (v. t.) To invigorate. |
Invigorated (imp. & p. p.) of Invigorate |
Invigorating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Invigorate |
Invigorate (v. t.) To give vigor to; to strengthen; to animate; to give life and energy to. |
Invigoration (n.) The act of invigorating, or the state of being invigorated. |
Invile (v. t.) To render vile. |
Invillaged (p. a.) Turned into, or reduced to, a village. |
Invincibility (n.) The quality or state of being invincible; invincibleness. |
Invincible (a.) Incapable of being conquered, overcome, or subdued; unconquerable; insuperable; as, an invincible army, or obstacle. |
Inviolability (n.) The quality or state of being inviolable; inviolableness. |
Inviolable (a.) Not violable; not susceptible of hurt, wound, or harm (used with respect to either physical or moral damage); not susceptible of being profaned or corrupted; sacred; holy; as, inviolable honor or chastity; an inviolable shrine. |
Inviolable (a.) Unviolated; uninjured; undefiled; uncorrupted. |
Inviolable (a.) Not capable of being broken or violated; as, an inviolable covenant, agreement, promise, or vow. |
Inviolableness (n.) The quality or state of being inviolable; as, the inviolableness of divine justice. |
Inviolably (adv.) Without violation. |
Inviolacy (n.) The state or quality of being inviolate; as, the inviolacy of an oath. |
Inviolate (a.) Alt. of Inviolated |
Inviolated (a.) Not violated; uninjured; unhurt; unbroken. |
Inviolated (a.) Not corrupted, defiled, or profaned; chaste; pure. |
Inviolately (adv.) In an inviolate manner. |
Inviolaness (n.) The state of being inviolate. |
Invious (a.) Untrodden. |
Invirile (a.) Deficient in manhood; unmanly; effeminate. |
Invirility (n.) Absence of virility or manhood; effeminacy. |
Inviscated (imp. & p. p.) of Inviscate |
Inviscating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inviscate |
Inviscate (v. t.) To daub or catch with glue or birdlime; to entangle with glutinous matter. |
Inviscerated (imp. & p. p.) of Inviscerate |
Inviscerating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inviscerate |
Inviscerate (v. t.) To breed; to nourish. |
Inviscerate (a.) Deep-seated; internal. |
Invisibilities (pl. ) of Invisibility |
Invisibility (n.) The state or quality of being invisible; also, that which is invisible. |
Invisible (a.) Incapable of being seen; not perceptible by vision; not visible. |
Invisible (n.) An invisible person or thing; specifically, God, the Supreme Being. |
Invisible (n.) A Rosicrucian; -- so called because avoiding declaration of his craft. |
Invisible (n.) One of those (as in the 16th century) who denied the visibility of the church. |
Invisibleness (n.) The quality or state of being invisible; invisibility. |
Invisibly (adv.) In an invisible manner. |
Invision (n.) Want of vision or of the power of seeing. |
Invitation (n.) The act of inviting; solicitation; the requesting of a person's company; as, an invitation to a party, to a dinner, or to visit a friend. |
Invitation (n.) A document written or printed, or spoken words, /onveying the message by which one is invited. |
Invitation (n.) Allurement; enticement. |
Invitatory (a.) Using or containing invitations. |
Invitatories (pl. ) of Invitatory |
Invitatory (n.) That which invites; specifically, the invitatory psalm, or a part of it used in worship. |
Invited (imp. & p. p.) of Invite |
Inviting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Invite |
Invite (v. t.) To ask; to request; to bid; to summon; to ask to do some act, or go to some place; esp., to ask to an entertainment or visit; to request the company of; as, to invite to dinner, or a wedding, or an excursion. |
Invite (v. t.) To allure; to draw to; to tempt to come; to induce by pleasure or hope; to attract. |
Invite (v. t.) To give occasion for; as, to invite criticism. |
Invite (v. i.) To give invitation. |
Invitement (n.) Invitation. |
Inviter (n.) One who, or that which, invites. |
Invitiate (a.) Not vitiated. |
Inviting (a.) Alluring; tempting; as, an inviting amusement or prospect. |
Invitrifiable (a.) Not admitting of being vitrified, or converted into glass. |
Invocated (imp. & p. p.) of Invocate |
Invocating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Invocate |
Invocate (v. t.) To invoke; to call on, or for, in supplication; to implore. |
Invocation (n.) The act or form of calling for the assistance or presence of some superior being; earnest and solemn entreaty; esp., prayer offered to a divine being. |
Invocation (n.) A call or summons; especially, a judicial call, demand, or order; as, the invocation of papers or evidence into court. |
Invocatory (a.) Making or containing invocation; invoking. |
Invoice (n.) A written account of the particulars of merchandise shipped or sent to a purchaser, consignee, factor, etc., with the value or prices and charges annexed. |
Invoice (n.) The lot or set of goods as shipped or received; as, the merchant receives a large invoice of goods. |
Invoiced (imp. & p. p.) of Invoice |
Invoicing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Invoice |
Invoice (v. t.) To make a written list or account of, as goods to be sent to a consignee; to insert in a priced list; to write or enter in an invoice. |
Invoked (imp. & p. p.) of Invoke |
Invoking (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Invoke |
Invoke (v. t.) To call on for aid or protection; to invite earnestly or solemnly; to summon; to address in prayer; to solicit or demand by invocation; to implore; as, to invoke the Supreme Being, or to invoke His and blessing. |
Involucel (n.) A partial, secondary, or small involucre. See Illust. of Involucre. |
Involucellate (a.) Furnished with involucels. |
Involucella (pl. ) of Involucellum |
Involucellum (n.) See Involucel. |
Involucral (a.) Pertaining to, possessing, or like, an involucrum. |
Involucrate (a.) Alt. of Involucrated |
Involucrated (a.) Having an involucre; involucred. |
Involucre (n.) A whorl or set of bracts around a flower, umbel, or head. |
Involucre (n.) A continuous marginal covering of sporangia, in certain ferns, as in the common brake, or the cup-shaped processes of the filmy ferns. |
Involucre (n.) The peridium or volva of certain fungi. Called also involucrum. |
Involucred (a.) Having an involucre, as umbels, heads, etc. |
Involucret (n.) An involucel. |
Involucra (pl. ) of Involucrum |
Involucrums (pl. ) of Involucrum |
Involucrum (n.) See Involucre. |
Involucrum (n.) A sheath which surrounds the base of the lasso cells in the Siphonophora. |
Involuntarily (adv.) In an involuntary manner; not voluntarily; not intentionally or willingly. |
Involuntariness (n.) The quality or state of being involuntary; unwillingness; automatism. |
Involuntary (a.) Not having will or the power of choice. |
Involuntary (a.) Not under the influence or control of the will; not voluntary; as, the involuntary movements of the body; involuntary muscle fibers. |
Involuntary (a.) Not proceeding from choice; done unwillingly; reluctant; compulsory; as, involuntary submission. |
Involute (a.) Alt. of Involuted |
Involuted (a.) Rolled inward from the edges; -- said of leaves in vernation, or of the petals of flowers in aestivation. |
Involuted (a.) Turned inward at the margin, as the exterior lip of the Cyprea. |
Involuted (a.) Rolled inward spirally. |
Involute (n.) A curve traced by the end of a string wound upon another curve, or unwound from it; -- called also evolvent. See Evolute. |
Involution (n.) The act of involving or infolding. |
Involution (n.) The state of being entangled or involved; complication; entanglement. |
Involution (n.) That in which anything is involved, folded, or wrapped; envelope. |
Involution (n.) The insertion of one or more clauses between the subject and the verb, in a way that involves or complicates the construction. |
Involution (n.) The act or process of raising a quantity to any power assigned; the multiplication of a quantity into itself a given number of times; -- the reverse of evolution. |
Involution (n.) The relation which exists between three or more sets of points, a.a', b.b', c.c', so related to a point O on the line, that the product Oa.Oa' = Ob.Ob' = Oc.Oc' is constant. Sets of lines or surfaces possessing corresponding properties may be in involution. |
Involution (n.) The return of an enlarged part or organ to its normal size, as of the uterus after pregnancy. |
Involved (imp. & p. p.) of Involve |
Involving (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Involve |
Involve (v. t.) To roll or fold up; to wind round; to entwine. |
Involve (v. t.) To envelop completely; to surround; to cover; to hide; to involve in darkness or obscurity. |
Involve (v. t.) To complicate or make intricate, as in grammatical structure. |
Involve (v. t.) To connect with something as a natural or logical consequence or effect; to include necessarily; to imply. |
Involve (v. t.) To take in; to gather in; to mingle confusedly; to blend or merge. |
Involve (v. t.) To envelop, infold, entangle, or embarrass; as, to involve a person in debt or misery. |
Involve (v. t.) To engage thoroughly; to occupy, employ, or absorb. |
Involve (v. t.) To raise to any assigned power; to multiply, as a quantity, into itself a given number of times; as, a quantity involved to the third or fourth power. |
Involved (a.) Same as Involute. |
Involvedness (n.) The state of being involved. |
Involvement (n.) The act of involving, or the state of being involved. |
Invulgar (v. t.) To cause to become or appear vulgar. |
Invulgar (a.) Not vulgar; refined; elegant. |
Invulnerability (n.) Quality or state of being invulnerable. |
Invulnerable (a.) Incapable of being wounded, or of receiving injury. |
Invulnerable (a.) Unanswerable; irrefutable; that can not be refuted or convinced; as, an invulnerable argument. |
Invulnerableness (n.) Invulnerability. |
Invulnerate (a.) Invulnerable. |
Inwalled (imp. & p. p.) of Inwall |
Inwalling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Inwall |
Inwall (v. t.) To inclose or fortify as with a wall. |
Inwall (n.) An inner wall; specifically (Metal.), the inner wall, or lining, of a blast furnace. |
Inward (a.) Being or placed within; inner; interior; -- opposed to outward. |
Inward (a.) Seated in the mind, heart, spirit, or soul. |
Inward (a.) Intimate; domestic; private. |
Inward (n.) That which is inward or within; especially, in the plural, the inner parts or organs of the body; the viscera. |
Inward (n.) The mental faculties; -- usually pl. |
Inward (n.) An intimate or familiar friend or acquaintance. |
Inward (a.) Alt. of Inwards |
Inwards (a.) Toward the inside; toward the center or interior; as, to bend a thing inward. |
Inwards (a.) Into, or toward, the mind or thoughts; inwardly; as, to turn the attention inward. |
Inwardly (adv.) In the inner parts; internally. |
Inwardly (adv.) Toward the center; inward; as, to curve inwardly. |
Inwardly (adv.) In the heart or mind; mentally; privately; secret/y; as, he inwardly repines. |
Inwardly (adv.) Intimately; thoroughly. |
Inwardness (n.) Internal or true state; essential nature; as, the inwardness of conduct. |
Inwardness (n.) Intimacy; familiarity. |
Inwardness (n.) Heartiness; earnestness. |
Inwards (adv.) See Inward. |
Inweave (v. t.) To weave in or together; to intermix or intertwine by weaving; to interlace. |
Inwheel (v. t.) To encircle. |
Inwit (n.) Inward sense; mind; understanding; conscience. |
Inwith (prep.) Within. |
Inwork (v. t. & i.) To work in or within. |
Itworn (p. a.) Worn, wrought, or stamped in. |
Inwrap (v. t.) To cover by wrapping; to involve; to infold; as, to inwrap in a cloak, in smoke, etc. |
Inwrap (v. t.) To involve, as in difficulty or perplexity; to perplex. |
Inwreathe (v. t.) To surround or encompass as with a wreath. |
Inwrought (p. p. / a.) Wrought or worked in or among other things; worked into any fabric so as to from a part of its texture; wrought or adorned, as with figures. |
Ios (pl. ) of Io |
Io (n.) An exclamation of joy or triumph; -- often interjectional. |
Iod- () See Iodo-. |
Iodal (n.) An oily liquid, Cl3.CHO, analogous to chloral and bromal. |
Iodate (n.) A salt of iodic acid. |
Iodhydrin (n.) One of a series of compounds containing iodine, and analogous to the chlorhydrins. |
Iodic (a.) to, or containing, iodine; specif., denoting those compounds in which it has a relatively high valence; as, iodic acid. |
Iodide (n.) A binary compound of iodine, or one which may be regarded as binary; as, potassium iodide. |
Iodine (n.) A nonmetallic element, of the halogen group, occurring always in combination, as in the iodides. When isolated it is in the form of dark gray metallic scales, resembling plumbago, soft but brittle, and emitting a chlorinelike odor. Symbol I. Atomic weight 126.5. If heated, iodine volatilizes in beautiful violet vapors. |
Iodism (n.) A morbid state produced by the use of iodine and its compounds, and characterized by palpitation, depression, and general emaciation, with a pustular eruption upon the skin. |
Iodized (imp. & p. p.) of Iodize |
Iodizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Iodize |
Iodize (v. t.) To treat or impregnate with iodine or its compounds; as, to iodize a plate for photography. |
Iodizer (n.) One who, or that which, iodizes. |
Iodo- () Alt. of Iod- |
Iod- () A prefix, or combining from, indicating iodine as an ingredient; as, iodoform. |
Iodoform (n.) A yellow, crystalline, volatile substance, CI3H, having an offensive odor and sweetish taste, and analogous to chloroform. It is used in medicine as a healing and antiseptic dressing for wounds and sores. |
Iodoquinine (n.) A iodide of quinine obtained as a brown substance,. It is the base of herapathite. See Herapathite. |
Iodous (a.) Pertaining to, or containing, iodine. See -ous (chemical suffix). |
Ioduret (n.) Iodide. |
Iodyrite (n.) Silver iodide, a mineral of a yellowish color. |
Iolite (n.) A silicate of alumina, iron, and magnesia, having a bright blue color and vitreous luster; cordierite. It is remarkable for its dichroism, and is also called dichroite. |
Io moth () A large and handsome American moth (Hyperchiria Io), having a large, bright-colored spot on each hind wing, resembling the spots on the tail of a peacock. The larva is covered with prickly hairs, which sting like nettles. |
-ion () A noun suffix denoting act, process, result of an act or a process, thing acted upon, state, or condition; as, revolution, the act or process of revolving; construction, the act or process of constructing; a thing constructed; dominion, territory ruled over; subjection, state of being subject; dejection; abstraction. |
Ion (n.) One of the elements which appear at the respective poles when a body is subjected to electro-chemical decomposition. Cf. Anion, Cation. |
Ionian (a.) Of or pertaining to Ionia or the Ionians; Ionic. |
Ionian (n.) A native or citizen of Ionia. |
Ionic (a.) Of or pertaining to Ionia or the Ionians. |
Ionic (a.) Pertaining to the Ionic order of architecture, one of the three orders invented by the Greeks, and one of the five recognized by the Italian writers of the sixteenth century. Its distinguishing feature is a capital with spiral volutes. See Illust. of Capital. |
Ionic (a.) Of or pertaining to an ion; composed of ions. |
Ionic (n.) A foot consisting of four syllables: either two long and two short, -- that is, a spondee and a pyrrhic, in which case it is called the greater Ionic; or two short and two long, -- that is, a pyrrhic and a spondee, in which case it is called the smaller Ionic. |
Ionic (n.) A verse or meter composed or consisting of Ionic feet. |
Ionic (n.) The Ionic dialect; as, the Homeric Ionic. |
Ionic (n.) Ionic type. |
Ionidium (n.) A genus of violaceous plants, chiefly found in tropical America, some species of which are used as substitutes for ipecacuanha. |
Ioqua shell () The shell of a large Dentalium (D. pretiosum), formerly used as shell money, and for ornaments, by the Indians of the west coast of North America. |
Iota (n.) The ninth letter of the Greek alphabet (/) corresponding with the English i. |
Iota (n.) A very small quantity or degree; a jot; a particle. |
Iotacism (n.) The frequent use of the sound of iota (that of English e in be), as among the modern Greeks; also, confusion from sounding /, /, /, /, //, etc., like /. |
I O U () A paper having on it these letters, with a sum named, and duly signed; -- in use in England as an acknowledgment of a debt, and taken as evidence thereof, but not amounting to a promissory note; a due bill. |
Iowas (n. pl.) A tribe of Indians which formerly occupied the region now included in the State of Iowa. |
Ipecac (n.) An abbreviation of Ipecacuanha, and in more frequent use. |
Ipecacuanha (n.) The root of a Brazilian rubiaceous herb (Cephaelis Ipecacuanha), largely employed as an emetic; also, the plant itself; also, a medicinal extract of the root. Many other plants are used as a substitutes; among them are the black or Peruvian ipecac (Psychotria emetica), the white ipecac (Ionidium Ipecacuanha), the bastard or wild ipecac (Asclepias Curassavica), and the undulated ipecac (Richardsonia scabra). |
Ipocras (n.) Hippocras. |
Ipomoea (n.) A genus of twining plants with showy monopetalous flowers, including the morning-glory, the sweet potato, and the cypress vine. |
Ipomoeic (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained by the oxidation of convolvulin (obtained from jalap, the tubers of Ipomoea purga), and identical in most of its properties with sebacic acid. |
Ir- () A form of the prefix in-. See In-. |
Iracund (a.) Irascible; choleric. |
Irade (n.) A decree of the Sultan. |
Iran (n.) The native name of Persia. |
Iranian (a.) Of or pertaining to Iran. |
Iranian (n.) A native of Iran; also, the Iranian or Persian language, a division of the Aryan family of languages. |
Iranic (a.) Iranian. |
Irascibility (n.) The quality or state of being irascible; irritability of temper; irascibleness. |
Irascible (a.) Prone to anger; easily provoked or inflamed to anger; choleric; irritable; as, an irascible man; an irascible temper or mood. |
Irate (a.) Angry; incensed; enraged. |
Ire (n.) Anger; wrath. |
Ireful (a.) Full of ire; angry; wroth. |
Irefulness (n.) Wrathfulness. |
Irenarch (n.) An officer in the Greek empire having functions corresponding to those of a justice of the peace. |
Irenic (a.) Alt. of Irenical |
Irenical (a.) Fitted or designed to promote peace; pacific; conciliatory; peaceful. |
Irenicon (n.) A proposition or device for securing peace, especially in the church. |
Irenics (n.) That branch of Christian science which treats of the methods of securing unity among Christians or harmony and union among the churches; -- called also Irenical theology. |
Irestone (n.) Any very hard rock. |
Irian (a.) Of or pertaining to the iris. |
Iricism (n.) Irishism. |
Iridaceous (a.) Alt. of Irideous |
Irideous (a.) Pertaining to, or resembling, a large natural order of endogenous plants (Iridaceae), which includes the genera Iris, Ixia, Crocus, Gladiolus, and many others. |
Iridal (a.) Of or pertaining to the iris or rainbow; prismatic; as, the iridal colors. |
Iridectomy (n.) The act or process of cutting out a portion of the iris in order to form an artificial pupil. |
Iridescence (n.) Exhibition of colors like those of the rainbow; the quality or state of being iridescent; a prismatic play of color; as, the iridescence of mother-of-pearl. |
Iridescent (a.) Having colors like the rainbow; exhibiting a play of changeable colors; nacreous; prismatic; as, iridescent glass. |
Iridian (a.) Of or pertaining to the iris or rainbow. |
Iridiated (a.) Iridescent. |
Iridic (a.) Of or pertaining to the iris of the eye. |
Iridic (a.) Of or pertaining to iridium; -- said specifically of those compounds in which iridium has a relatively high valence. |
Iridioscope (n.) A kind of ophthalmoscope. |
Iridious (a.) Of or pertaining to iridium; -- applied specifically to compounds in which iridium has a low valence. |
Iridium (n.) A rare metallic element, of the same group as platinum, which it much resembles, being silver-white, but harder, and brittle, and indifferent to most corrosive agents. With the exception of osmium, it is the heaviest substance known, its specific gravity being 22.4. Symbol Ir. Atomic weight 192.5. |
Iridized (imp. & p. p.) of Iridize |
Iridizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Iridize |
Iridize (v. t.) To point or tip with iridium, as a gold pen. |
Iridize (v. t.) To make iridescent; as, to iridize glass. |
Iridoline (n.) A nitrogenous base C10H9N, extracted from coal-tar naphtha, as an oily liquid. It is a member of the quinoline series, and is probably identical with lepidine. |
Iridosmine (n.) Alt. of Iridosmium |
Iridosmium (n.) The native compound of iridium and osmium. It is found in flattened metallic grains of extreme hardness, and is often used for pointing gold pens. |
Irises (pl. ) of Iris |
Irides (pl. ) of Iris |
Iris (n.) The goddess of the rainbow, and swift-footed messenger of the gods. |
Iris (n.) The rainbow. |
Iris (n.) An appearance resembling the rainbow; a prismatic play of colors. |
Iris (n.) The contractile membrane perforated by the pupil, and forming the colored portion of the eye. See Eye. |
Iris (n.) A genus of plants having showy flowers and bulbous or tuberous roots, of which the flower-de-luce (fleur-de-lis), orris, and other species of flag are examples. See Illust. of Flower-de-luce. |
Iris (n.) See Fleur-de-lis, 2. |
Irisated (a.) Exhibiting the prismatic colors; irised; iridescent. |
Iriscope (n.) A philosophical toy for exhibiting the prismatic tints by means of thin films. |
Irised (a.) Having colors like those of the rainbow; iridescent. |
Irish (a.) Of or pertaining to Ireland or to its inhabitants; produced in Ireland. |
Irish (n. sing. & pl.) The natives or inhabitants of Ireland, esp. the Celtic natives or their descendants. |
Irish (n. sing. & pl.) The language of the Irish; the Hiberno-Celtic. |
Irish (n. sing. & pl.) An old game resembling backgammon. |
Irishism (n.) A mode of speaking peculiar to the Irish; an Hibernicism. |
Irishmen (pl. ) of Irishman |
Irishman (n.) A man born in Ireland or of the Irish race; an Hibernian. |
Irishry (n.) The Celtic people of Ireland. |
Iritis (n.) An inflammation of the iris of the eye. |
Irk (v. t.) To weary; to give pain; to annoy; -- used only impersonally at present. |
Irksome (a.) Wearisome; tedious; disagreeable or troublesome by reason of long continuance or repetition; as, irksome hours; irksome tasks. |
Irksome (a.) Weary; vexed; uneasy. |
Iron (n.) The most common and most useful metallic element, being of almost universal occurrence, usually in the form of an oxide (as hematite, magnetite, etc.), or a hydrous oxide (as limonite, turgite, etc.). It is reduced on an enormous scale in three principal forms; viz., cast iron, steel, and wrought iron. Iron usually appears dark brown, from oxidation or impurity, but when pure, or on a fresh surface, is a gray or white metal. It is easily oxidized (rusted) by moisture, and is attacked by many corrosive agents. Symbol Fe (Latin Ferrum). Atomic weight 55.9. Specific gravity, pure iron, 7.86; cast iron, 7.1. In magnetic properties, it is superior to all other substances. |
Iron (n.) An instrument or utensil made of iron; -- chiefly in composition; as, a flatiron, a smoothing iron, etc. |
Iron (n.) Fetters; chains; handcuffs; manacles. |
Iron (n.) Strength; power; firmness; inflexibility; as, to rule with a rod of iron. |
Iron (n.) Of, or made of iron; consisting of iron; as, an iron bar, dust. |
Iron (n.) Resembling iron in color; as, iron blackness. |
Iron (n.) Like iron in hardness, strength, impenetrability, power of endurance, insensibility, etc.; |
Iron (n.) Rude; hard; harsh; severe. |
Iron (n.) Firm; robust; enduring; as, an iron constitution. |
Iron (n.) Inflexible; unrelenting; as, an iron will. |
Iron (n.) Not to be broken; holding or binding fast; tenacious. |
Ironed (imp. & p. p.) of Iron |
Ironing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Iron |
Iron (v. t.) To smooth with an instrument of iron; especially, to smooth, as cloth, with a heated flatiron; -- sometimes used with out. |
Iron (v. t.) To shackle with irons; to fetter or handcuff. |
Iron (v. t.) To furnish or arm with iron; as, to iron a wagon. |
Ironbark tree () The Australian Eucalyptus Sideroxylon, used largely by carpenters and shipbuilders; -- called also ironwood. |
Ironbound (a.) Bound as with iron; rugged; as, an ironbound coast. |
Ironbound (a.) Rigid; unyielding; as, ironbound traditions. |
Iron-cased (a.) Cased or covered with iron, as a vessel; ironclad. |
Ironclad (a.) Clad in iron; protected or covered with iron, as a vessel for naval warfare. |
Ironclad (a.) Rigorous; severe; exacting; as, an ironclad oath or pledge. |
Ironclad (n.) A naval vessel having the parts above water covered and protected by iron or steel usually in large plates closely joined and made sufficiently thick and strong to resist heavy shot. |
Ironer (n.) One who, or that which, irons. |
Iron-fisted (a.) Closefisted; stingy; mean. |
Iron-gray (a.) Of a gray color, somewhat resembling that of iron freshly broken. |
Iron-gray (n.) An iron-gray color; also, a horse of this color. |
Ironheads (n.) A European composite herb (Centaurea nigra); -- so called from the resemblance of its knobbed head to an iron ball fixed on a long handle. |
Iron-hearted (a.) Hard-hearted; unfeeling; cruel; as, an iron-hearted master. |
Ironic (a.) Ironical. |
Ironical (a.) Pertaining to irony; containing, expressing, or characterized by, irony; as, an ironical remark. |
Ironical (a.) Addicted to the use of irony; given to irony. |
Ironing (n.) The act or process of smoothing, as clothes, with hot flatirons. |
Ironing (n.) The clothes ironed. |
Ironish (a.) Resembling iron, as in taste. |
Ironist (n.) One who uses irony. |
Ironmaster (n.) A manufacturer of iron, or large dealer therein. |
Ironmonger (n.) A dealer in iron or hardware. |
Ironmongery (n.) Hardware; a general name for all articles made of iron. |
Iron-sick (a.) Having the ironwork loose or corroded; -- said of a ship when her bolts and nails are so eaten with rust that she has become leaky. |
Iron-sided (a.) Having iron sides, or very firm sides. |
Ironsides (n. /) A cuirassier or cuirassiers; also, hardy veteran soldiers; -- applied specifically to Cromwell's cavalry. |
Ironsmith (n.) A worker in iron; one who makes and repairs utensils of iron; a blacksmith. |
Ironsmith (n.) An East Indian barbet (Megalaima faber), inhabiting the Island of Hainan. The name alludes to its note, which resembles the sounds made by a smith. |
Ironstone (n.) A hard, earthy ore of iron. |
Ironware (n.) Articles made of iron, as household utensils, tools, and the like. |
Ironweed (n.) A tall weed with purplish flowers (Vernonia Noveboracensis). The name is also applied to other plants of the same genus. |
Ironwood (n.) A tree unusually hard, strong, or heavy wood. |
Ironwork (n.) Anything made of iron; -- a general name of such parts or pieces of a building, vessel, carriage, etc., as consist of iron. |
Iron works () See under Iron, a. |
Ironwort (n.) An herb of the Mint family (Sideritis), supposed to heal sword cuts; also, a species of Galeopsis. |
Irony (a.) Made or consisting of iron; partaking of iron; iron; as, irony chains; irony particles. |
Irony (a.) Resembling iron taste, hardness, or other physical property. |
Irony (n.) Dissimulation; ignorance feigned for the purpose of confounding or provoking an antagonist. |
Irony (n.) A sort of humor, ridicule, or light sarcasm, which adopts a mode of speech the meaning of which is contrary to the literal sense of the words. |
Iroquois (n. sing. & pl.) A powerful and warlike confederacy of Indian tribes, formerly inhabiting Central New York and constituting most of the Five Nations. Also, any Indian of the Iroquois tribes. |
Irous (a.) Irascible; passionate. |
Irp (n.) Alt. of Irpe |
Irpe (n.) A fantastic grimace or contortion of the body. |
Irp (a.) Making irps. |
Irradiance (n.) Alt. of Irradiancy |
Irradiancy (n.) The act of irradiating; emission of rays of light. |
Irradiancy (n.) That which irradiates or is irradiated; luster; splendor; irradiation; brilliancy. |
Irradiant (a.) Irradiating or illuminating; as, the irradiant moon. |
Irradiated (imp. & p. p.) of Irradiate |
Irradiating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Irradiate |
Irradiate (v. t.) To throw rays of light upon; to illuminate; to brighten; to adorn with luster. |
Irradiate (v. t.) To enlighten intellectually; to illuminate; as, to irradiate the mind. |
Irradiate (v. t.) To animate by heat or light. |
Irradiate (v. t.) To radiate, shed, or diffuse. |
Irradiate (v. i.) To emit rays; to shine. |
Irradiate (a.) Illuminated; irradiated. |
Irradiation (n.) Act of irradiating, or state of being irradiated. |
Irradiation (n.) Illumination; irradiance; brilliancy. |
Irradiation (n.) Fig.: Mental light or illumination. |
Irradiation (n.) The apparent enlargement of a bright object seen upon a dark ground, due to the fact that the portions of the retina around the image are stimulated by the intense light; as when a dark spot on a white ground appears smaller, or a white spot on a dark ground larger, than it really is, esp. when a little out of focus. |
Irradicate (v. t.) To root deeply. |
Irrational (a.) Not rational; void of reason or understanding; as, brutes are irrational animals. |
Irrational (a.) Not according to reason; absurd; foolish. |
Irrational (a.) Not capable of being exactly expressed by an integral number, or by a vulgar fraction; surd; -- said especially of roots. See Surd. |
Irrationality (n.) The quality or state of being irrational. |
Irrationally (adv.) In an irrational manner. |
Irrationalness (n.) Irrationality. |
Irrebuttable (a.) Incapable of being rebutted. |
Irreceptive (a.) Not receiving; incapable of receiving. |
Irreclaimable (a.) Incapable of being reclaimed. |
Irrecognition (n.) A failure to recognize; absence of recognition. |
Irrecognizable (a.) Not recognizable. |
Irreconcilability (n.) The quality or state of being irreconcilable; irreconcilableness. |
Irreconcilable (a.) Not reconcilable; implacable; incompatible; inconsistent; disagreeing; as, irreconcilable enemies, statements. |
Irreconcile (v. t.) To prevent from being reconciled; to alienate or disaffect. |
Irreconcilement (n.) The state or quality of being unreconciled; disagreement. |
Irreconciliation (n.) Want of reconciliation; disagreement. |
Irrecordable (a.) Not fit or possible to be recorded. |
Irrecoverable (a.) Not capable of being recovered, regained, or remedied; irreparable; as, an irrecoverable loss, debt, or injury. |
Irrecuperable (a.) Irrecoverable. |
Irrecured (a.) Incurable. |
Irrecusable (a.) Not liable to exception or rejection. |
Irredeemability (n.) The state or quality of being irredeemable; irredeemableness. |
Irredeemable (a.) Not redeemable; that can not be redeemed; not payable in gold or silver, as a bond; -- used especially of such government notes, issued as currency, as are not convertible into coin at the pleasure of the holder. |
Irreducibility (n.) The state or quality of being irreducible. |
Irreducible (a.) Incapable of being reduced, or brought into a different state; incapable of restoration to its proper or normal condition; as, an irreducible hernia. |
Irreducible (a.) Incapable of being reduced to a simpler form of expression; as, an irreducible formula. |
Irreflection (n.) Want of reflection. |
Irreflective (a.) Not reflective. |
Irrefromable (a.) Incapable of being reformed; incorrigible. |
Irrefragability (n.) The quality or state of being irrefragable; incapability of being refuted. |
Irrefragable (a.) Not refragable; not to be gainsaid or denied; not to be refuted or overthrown; unanswerable; incontestable; undeniable; as, an irrefragable argument; irrefragable evidence. |
Irrefrangibility (n.) The quality or state of being irrefrangible; irrefrangibleness. |
Irrefrangible (a.) Not refrangible; that can not be refracted in passing from one medium to another. |
Irrefutable (a.) Incapable of being refuted or disproved; indisputable. |
Irregeneracy (n.) Unregeneracy. |
Irregeneration (n.) An unregenerate state. |
Irregular (a.) Not regular; not conforming to a law, method, or usage recognized as the general rule; not according to common form; not conformable to nature, to the rules of moral rectitude, or to established principles; not normal; unnatural; immethodical; unsymmetrical; erratic; no straight; not uniform; as, an irregular line; an irregular figure; an irregular verse; an irregular physician; an irregular proceeding; irregular motion; irregular conduct, etc. Cf. Regular. |
Irregular (n.) One who is not regular; especially, a soldier not in regular service. |
Irregularist (n.) One who is irregular. |
Irregularities (pl. ) of Irregularity |
Irregularity (n.) The state or quality of being irregular; that which is irregular. |
Irregularly (adv.) In an irregular manner. |
Irregulate (v. t.) To make irregular; to disorder. |
Irregulous (a.) Lawless. |
Irrejectable (a.) That can not be rejected; irresistible. |
Irrelapsable (a.) Not liable to relapse; secure. |
Irrelate (a.) Irrelative; unconnected. |
Irrelation (n.) The quality or state of being irrelative; want of connection or relation. |
Irrelative (a.) Not relative; without mutual relations; unconnected. |
Irrelavance (n.) Irrelevancy. |
Irrelavancy (n.) The quality or state of being irrelevant; as, the irrelevancy of an argument. |
Irrelavant (a.) Not relevant; not applicable or pertinent; not bearing upon or serving to support; foreign; extraneous; as, testimony or arguments irrelevant to a case. |
Irrelievable (a.) Not admitting relief; incurable; hopeless. |
Irreligion (n.) The state of being irreligious; want of religion; impiety. |
Irreligionist (n.) One who is irreligious. |
Irreligious (a.) Destitute of religion; not controlled by religious motives or principles; ungodly. Cf. Impious. |
Irreligious (a.) Indicating a want of religion; profane; wicked; as, irreligious speech. |
Irreligiously (adv.) In an irreligious manner. |
Irreligiousness (n.) The state or quality of being irreligious; ungodliness. |
Irremeable (a.) Admitting no return; as, an irremeable way. |
Irremediable (a.) Not to be remedied, corrected, or redressed; incurable; as, an irremediable disease or evil. |
Irremediableness (n.) The state or quality of being irremediable. |
Irremediably (adv.) In a manner, or to a degree, that precludes remedy, cure, or correction. |
Irremissible (a.) Not remissible; unpardonable; as, irremissible crimes. |
Irremission (n.) Refusal of pardon. |
Irremissive (a.) Not remitting; unforgiving. |
Irremittable (a.) Not capable of being remitted; irremissible. |
Irremobability (n.) The quality or state of being irremovable; immovableness. |
Irremovable (a.) Not removable; immovable; inflexible. |
Irremoval (n.) Absence of removal. |
Irremunerable (a.) Not remunerable; not capable of remuneration. |
Irrenowned (a.) Not renowned. |
Irreparability (n.) The quality or state of being irreparable; irreparableness. |
Irreparable (a.) Not reparable; not capable of being repaired, recovered, regained, or remedied; irretrievable; irremediable; as, an irreparable breach; an irreparable loss. |
Irreparableness (n.) Quality of being irreparable. |
Irreparably (adv.) In an irreparable manner. |
Irrepealability (n.) The quality or state of being irrepealable. |
Irrepealable (a.) Not repealable; not capable of being repealed or revoked, as a law. |
Irrepentance (n.) Want of repentance; impenitence. |
Irrepleviable (a.) Alt. of Irreplevisable |
Irreplevisable (a.) Not capable of being replevied. |
Irreprehensible (a.) Not reprehensible; blameless; innocent. |
Irrepresentable (a.) Not capable of being represented or portrayed. |
Irrepressible (a.) Not capable of being repressed, restrained, or controlled; as, irrepressible joy; an irrepressible conflict. |
Irrepressibly (adv.) In a manner or to a degree that can not be repressed. |
Irreproachable (a.) Not reproachable; above reproach; not deserving reproach; blameless. |
Irreproachableness (n.) The quality or state of being irreproachable; integrity; innocence. |
Irreproachably (adv.) In an irreproachable manner; blamelessly. |
Irreprovable (a.) Incapable of being justly reproved; irreproachable; blameless; upright. |
Irreptitious (a.) Surreptitious; spurious. |
Irreputable (a.) Disreputable. |
Irresilient (a.) Not resilient; not recoiling or rebounding; inelastic. |
Irresistance (n.) Nonresistance; passive submission. |
Irresistibility (n.) The quality or state of being irrestible, irresistibleness. |
Irresistible (a.) That can not be successfully resisted or opposed; superior to opposition; resistless; overpowering; as, an irresistible attraction. |
Irresistibleness (n.) Quality of being irrestible. |
Irresistibly (adv.) In an irrestible manner. |
Irresistless (a.) Irresistible. |
Irresoluble (a.) Incapable of being dissolved or resolved into parts; insoluble. |
Irresoluble (a.) Incapable of being relieved or assisted. |
Irresolubleness (n.) The state or quality of being irresoluble; insolubility. |
Irresolute (a.) Not resolute; not decided or determined; wavering; given to doubt or irresolution. |
Irresolution (n.) Want of resolution; want of decision in purpose; a fluctuation of mind, as in doubt, or between hope and fear; irresoluteness; indecision; vacillation. |
Irresolvability (n.) The quality of being irresolvable; irresolvableness. |
Irresolvable (a.) Incapable of being resolved; not separable into component parts. |
Irresolvableness (n.) The quality or state of being irresolvable; irresolvability. |
Irresolvedly (adv.) Without settled determination; in a hesitating manner; doubtfully. |
Irrespective (a.) Without regard for conditions, circumstances, or consequences; unbiased; independent; impartial; as, an irrespective judgment. |
Irrespective (a.) Disrespectful. |
Irrespectively (adv.) Without regard to conditions; not making circumstances into consideration. |
Irrespirable (a.) Unfit for respiration; not having the qualities necessary to support animal life; as, irrespirable air. |
Irresponsibility (n.) Want of, or freedom from, responsibility or accountability. |
Irresponsible (a.) Nor responsible; not liable or able to answer fro consequences; innocent. |
Irresponsible (a.) Not to be trusted; unreliable. |
Irresponsibly (adv.) So as not to be responsible. |
Irresponsive (a.) Not responsive; not able, ready, or inclined to respond. |
Irresuscitable (a.) Incapable of being resuscitated or revived. |
Irretention (n.) Want of retaining power; forgetfulness. |
Irretentive (a.) Not retentive; as, an irretentive memory. |
Irretraceable (a.) Incapable of being retraced; not retraceable. |
Irretractile (a.) Not retractile. |
Irretractile (a.) Not tractile or ductile. |
Irretrievable (a.) Not retrievable; irrecoverable; irreparable; as, an irretrievable loss. |
Irretrievableness (n.) The state or quality of being irretrievable. |
Irretrievably (adv.) In an irretrievable manner. |
Irreturnable (a.) Not to be returned. |
Irrevealable (a.) Incapable of being revealed. |
Irreverence (n.) The state or quality of being irreverent; want of proper reverence; disregard of the authority and character of a superior. |
Irreverend (a.) Irreverent. |
Irreverent (a.) Not reverent; showing a want of reverence; expressive of a want of veneration; as, an irreverent babbler; an irreverent jest. |
Irreverently (adv.) In an irreverent manner. |
Irreversibility (n.) The state or quality of being irreversible; irreversibleness. |
Irreversible (a.) Incapable of being reversed or turned about or back; incapable of being made to run backward; as, an irreversible engine. |
Irreversible (a.) Incapable of being reversed, recalled, repealed, or annulled; as, an irreversible sentence or decree. |
Irreversibleness (n.) The state or quality of being irreversible. |
Irreversibly (adv.) In an irreversible manner. |
Irrevocability (n.) The state or quality of being irrevocable; irrevocableness. |
Irrevocable (a.) Incapable of being recalled or revoked; unchangeable; irreversible; unalterable; as, an irrevocable promise or decree; irrevocable fate. |
Irrevokable (a.) Irrevocable. |
Irrevoluble (a.) That has no finite period of revolution; not revolving. |
Irrhetorical (a.) Not rethorical. |
Irrigated (imp. & p. p.) of Irrigate |
Irrigating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Irrigate |
Irrigate (v. t.) To water; to wet; to moisten with running or dropping water; to bedew. |
Irrigate (v. t.) To water, as land, by causing a stream to flow upon, over, or through it, as in artificial channels. |
Irrigation (n.) The act or process of irrigating, or the state of being irrigated; especially, the operation of causing water to flow over lands, for nourishing plants. |
Irriguous (a.) Watered; watery; moist; dewy. |
Irriguous (a.) Gently penetrating or pervading. |
Irrisible (a.) Not risible. |
Irrision (n.) The act of laughing at another; derision. |
Irritability (n.) The state or quality of being irritable; quick excitability; petulance; fretfulness; as, irritability of temper. |
Irritability (n.) A natural susceptibility, characteristic of all living organisms, tissues, and cells, to the influence of certain stimuli, response being manifested in a variety of ways, -- as that quality in plants by which they exhibit motion under suitable stimulation; esp., the property which living muscle processes, of responding either to a direct stimulus of its substance, or to the stimulating influence of its nerve fibers, the response being indicated by a change of form, or contraction; contractility. |
Irritability (n.) A condition of morbid excitability of an organ or part of the body; undue susceptibility to the influence of stimuli. See Irritation, n., 3. |
Irritable (a.) Capable of being irriated. |
Irritable (a.) Very susceptible of anger or passion; easily inflamed or exasperated; as, an irritable temper. |
Irritable (a.) Endowed with irritability; susceptible of irritation; capable of being excited to action by the application of certain stimuli. |
Irritable (a.) Susceptible of irritation; unduly sensitive to irritants or stimuli. See Irritation, n., 3. |
Irritableness (n.) Irritability. |
Irritably (adv.) In an irritable manner. |
Irritancy (n.) The state or quality of being null and void; invalidity; forfeiture. |
Irritancy (n.) The state o quality of being irritant or irritating. |
Irritant (a.) Rendering null and void; conditionally invalidating. |
Irritant (a.) Irritating; producing irritation or inflammation. |
Irritant (n.) That which irritates or excites. |
Irritant (n.) Any agent by which irritation is produced; as, a chemical irritant; a mechanical or electrical irritant. |
Irritant (n.) A poison that produces inflammation. |
Irritate (v. t.) To render null and void. |
Irritated (imp. & p. p.) of Irritate |
Irritating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Irritate |
Irritate (v. t.) To increase the action or violence of; to heighten excitement in; to intensify; to stimulate. |
Irritate (v. t.) To excite anger or displeasure in; to provoke; to tease; to exasperate; to annoy; to vex; as, the insolence of a tyrant irritates his subjects. |
Irritate (v. t.) To produce irritation in; to stimulate; to cause to contract. See Irritation, n., 2. |
Irritate (n.) To make morbidly excitable, or oversensitive; to fret; as, the skin is irritated by friction; to irritate a wound by a coarse bandage. |
Irritate (a.) Excited; heightened. |
Irritation (n.) The act of irritating, or exciting, or the state of being irritated; excitement; stimulation, usually of an undue and uncomfortable kind; especially, excitement of anger or passion; provocation; annoyance; anger. |
Irritation (n.) The act of exciting, or the condition of being excited to action, by stimulation; -- as, the condition of an organ of sense, when its nerve is affected by some external body; esp., the act of exciting muscle fibers to contraction, by artificial stimulation; as, the irritation of a motor nerve by electricity; also, the condition of a muscle and nerve, under such stimulation. |
Irritation (n.) A condition of morbid excitability or oversensitiveness of an organ or part of the body; a state in which the application of ordinary stimuli produces pain or excessive or vitiated action. |
Irritative (a.) Serving to excite or irritate; irritating; as, an irritative agent. |
Irritative (a.) Accompanied with, or produced by, increased action or irritation; as, an irritative fever. |
Irritatory (a.) Exciting; producing irritation; irritating. |
Irrorated (imp. & p. p.) of Irrorate |
Irrorating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Irrorate |
Irrorate (v. t.) To sprinkle or moisten with dew; to bedew. |
Irrorate (a.) Covered with minute grains, appearing like fine sand. |
Irroration (n.) The act of bedewing; the state of being moistened with dew. |
Irrotational (a.) Not rotatory; passing from one point to another by a movement other than rotation; -- said of the movement of parts of a liquid or yielding mass. |
Irrubrical (a.) Contrary to the rubric; not rubrical. |
Irrugate (v. t.) To wrinkle. |
Irrupted (a.) Broken with violence. |
Irruption (n.) A bursting in; a sudden, violent rushing into a place; as, irruptions of the sea. |
Irruption (n.) A sudden and violent inroad, or entrance of invaders; as, the irruptions of the Goths into Italy. |
Irruptive (a.) Rushing in or upon. |
Irvingite (n.) The common designation of one a sect founded by the Rev. Edward Irving (about 1830), who call themselves the Catholic Apostolic Church. They are highly ritualistic in worship, have an elaborate hierarchy of apostles, prophets, etc., and look for the speedy coming of Christ. |
Is- () See Iso-. |
Is (v. i.) The third person singular of the substantive verb be, in the indicative mood, present tense; as, he is; he is a man. See Be. |
Isabel () Alt. of Isabel color |
Isabel color () See Isabella. |
Isabella () Alt. of Isabella color |
Isabella color () A brownish yellow color. |
Isabella grape () A favorite sweet American grape of a purple color. See Fox grape, under Fox. |
Isabella moth () A common American moth (Pyrrharctia isabella), of an isabella color. The larva, called woolly bear and hedgehog caterpillar, is densely covered with hairs, which are black at each end of the body, and red in the middle part. |
Isabelline (a.) Of an isabel or isabella color. |
Isagelous (a.) Containing the same information; as, isagelous sentences. |
Isagel (n.) One of two or more objects containing the same information. |
Isagoge (n.) An introduction. |
Isagogic (a.) Alt. of Isagogical |
Isagogical (a.) Introductory; especially, introductory to the study of theology. |
Isagogics (n.) That part of theological science directly preliminary to actual exegesis, or interpretation of the Scriptures. |
Isagon (a.) A figure or polygon whose angles are equal. |
Isapostolic (a.) Having equal, or almost equal, authority with the apostles of their teachings. |
Isatic (a.) Alt. of Isatinic |
Isatinic (a.) Pertaining to, or derived from, isatin; as, isatic acid, which is also called trioxindol. |
Isatide (n.) A white crystalline substance obtained by the partial reduction of isatin. |
Isatin (n.) An orange-red crystalline substance, C8H5NO2, obtained by the oxidation of indigo blue. It is also produced from certain derivatives of benzoic acid, and is one important source of artificial indigo. |
Isatis (n.) A genus of herbs, some species of which, especially the Isatis tinctoria, yield a blue dye similar to indigo; woad. |
Isatogen (n.) A complex nitrogenous radical, C8H4NO2, regarded as the essential residue of a series of compounds, related to isatin, which easily pass by reduction to indigo blue. |
Isatropic (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained from atropine, and isomeric with cinnamic acid. |
Ischias (a.) See Ischial. |
Ischiadic (a.) Ischial. |
Ischial (a.) Of or pertaining to the ischium or hip; ischiac; ischiadic; ischiatic. |
Ischiatic (a.) Same as Ishial. |
Ischiocapsular (a.) Of or pertaining to the ischium and the capsule of the hip joint; as, the ischiocapsular ligament. |
Ischiocerite (n.) The third joint or the antennae of the Crustacea. |
Ischion (n.) Alt. of Ischium |
Ischium (n.) The ventral and posterior of the three principal bones composing either half of the pelvis; seat bone; the huckle bone. |
Ischium (n.) One of the pleurae of insects. |
Ischiopodite (n.) The third joint of the typical appendages of Crustacea. |
Ischiorectal (a.) Of or pertaining to the region between the rectum and ishial tuberosity. |
Ischuretic (a.) Having the quality of relieving ischury. |
Ischuretic (n.) An ischuretic medicine. |
Ischury (n.) A retention or suppression of urine. |
-ise () See -ize. |
Isentropic (a.) Having equal entropy. |
Isethionic (a.) Pertaining to, derived from, or designating, an acid, HO.C2H4.SO3H, obtained as an oily or crystalline substance, by the action of sulphur trioxide on alcohol or ether. It is derivative of sulphuric acid. |
-ish () A suffix used to from adjectives from nouns and from adjectives. It denotes relation, resemblance, similarity, and sometimes has a diminutive force; as, selfish, boyish, brutish; whitish, somewhat white. |
-ish () A verb ending, originally appearing in certain verbs of French origin; as, abolish, cherish, finish, furnish, garnish, impoverish. |
Ishmaelite (n.) A descendant of Ishmael (the son of Abraham and Hagar), of whom it was said, "His hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him." |
Ishmaelite (n.) One at enmity with society; a wanderer; a vagabond; an outcast. |
Ishmaelite (n.) See Ismaelian. |
Ishmaelitish (a.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, an Ishmaelite or the Ishmaelites. |
Isiac (a.) Pertaining to the goddess Isis; as, Isiac mysteries. |
Isicle (n.) A icicle. |
Isidorian (a.) Pertaining, or ascribed, to Isidore; as, the Isidorian decretals, a spurious collection of decretals published in the ninth century. |
Isinglass (n.) A semitransparent, whitish, and very pure from of gelatin, chiefly prepared from the sounds or air bladders of various species of sturgeons (as the Acipenser huso) found in the of Western Russia. It used for making jellies, as a clarifier, etc. Cheaper forms of gelatin are not unfrequently so called. Called also fish glue. |
Isinglass (n.) A popular name for mica, especially when in thin sheets. |
Isis (n.) The principal goddess worshiped by the Egyptians. She was regarded as the mother of Horus, and the sister and wife of Osiris. The Egyptians adored her as the goddess of fecundity, and as the great benefactress of their country, who instructed their ancestors in the art of agriculture. |
Isis (n.) Any coral of the genus Isis, or family Isidae, composed of joints of white, stony coral, alternating with flexible, horny joints. See Gorgoniacea. |
Isis (n.) One of the asteroids. |
Islam (n.) The religion of the Mohammedans; Mohammedanism; Islamism. Their formula of faith is: There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet. |
Islam (n.) The whole body of Mohammedans, or the countries which they occupy. |
Islamism (n.) The faith, doctrines, or religious system of the Mohammedans; Mohammedanism; Islam. |
Islamite (n.) A Mohammedan. |
Islamitic (a.) Of or pertaining to Islam; Mohammedan. |
Islamized (imp. & p. p.) of Islamize |
Islamizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Islamize |
Islamize (v. i. & t.) To conform, or cause to conform, to the religion of Islam. |
Island (n.) A tract of land surrounded by water, and smaller than a continent. Cf. Continent. |
Island (n.) Anything regarded as resembling an island; as, an island of ice. |
Island (n.) See Isle, n., 2. |
Island (v. t.) To cause to become or to resemble an island; to make an island or islands of; to isle. |
Island (v. t.) To furnish with an island or with islands; as, to island the deep. |
Islander (n.) An inhabitant of an island. |
Islandy (a.) Of or pertaining to islands; full of islands. |
Isle (n.) See Aisle. |
Isle (n.) An island. |
Isle (n.) A spot within another of a different color, as upon the wings of some insects. |
Isle (v. t.) To cause to become an island, or like an island; to surround or encompass; to island. |
Islet (n.) A little island. |
-ism () A suffix indicating an act, a process, the result of an act or a process, a state; also, a characteristic (as a theory, doctrine, idiom, etc.); as, baptism, galvanism, organism, hypnotism, socialism, sensualism, Anglicism. |
Ism (n.) A doctrine or theory; especially, a wild or visionary theory. |
Ismaelian (n.) Alt. of Ismaelite |
Ismaelite (n.) One of a sect of Mohammedans who favored the pretensions of the family of Mohammed ben Ismael, of the house Ali. |
Iso- () Alt. of Is- |
Is- () A prefix or combining form, indicating identity, or equality; the same numerical value; as in isopod, isomorphous, isochromatic. |
Is- () Applied to certain compounds having the same composition but different properties; as in isocyanic. |
Is- () Applied to compounds of certain isomeric series in whose structure one carbon atom, at least, is connected with three other carbon atoms; -- contrasted with neo- and normal; as in isoparaffine; isopentane. |
Isobar (n.) A line connecting or marking places upon the surface of the earth where height of the barometer reduced to sea level is the same either at a given time, or for a certain period (mean height), as for a year; an isopiestic line. |
Isobaric (a.) Denoting equal pressure; as, an isobaric line; specifically, of or pertaining to isobars. |
Isobar (n.) The quality or state of being equal in weight, especially in atmospheric pressure. Also, the theory, method, or application of isobaric science. |
Isobarometric (a.) Indicating equal barometric pressure. |
Isobathytherm (n.) A line connecting the points on the surface of the earth where a certain temperature is found at the same depth. |
Isobathythermic (a.) Of or pertaining to an isobathytherm; possessing or indicating the same temperature at the same depth. |
Isocephalism (n.) A peculiarity in the design of bas-relief by which the heads of human figures are kept at the same height from the ground, whether the personages are seated, standing, or mounted on horseback; -- called also isokephaleia. |
Isochasm (n.) A line connecting places on the earth's surface at which there is the same mean frequency of auroras. |
Isochasmic (a.) Indicating equal auroral display; as, an isochasmic line. |
Isocheim (n.) A line connecting places on the earth having the same mean winter temperature. Cf. Isothere. |
Isocheimal (a.) Alt. of Isochimal |
Isochimal (a.) Pertaining to, having the nature of, or making, isocheims; as, an isocheimal line; an isocheimal chart. |
Isocheimenal (a.) Alt. of Isochimenal |
Isochimenal (a.) The same as Isocheimal. |
Isocheimic (a.) The same as Isocheimal. |
Isochimene (n.) The same as Isocheim. |
Isochromatic (a.) Having the same color; connecting parts having the same color, as lines drawn through certain points in experiments on the chromatic effects of polarized light in crystals. |
Isochronal (a.) Uniform in time; of equal time; performed in equal times; recurring at regular intervals; isochronal vibrations or oscillations. |
Isochronic (a.) Isochronal. |
Isochronism (n.) The state or quality of being isochronous. |
Isochronon (n.) A clock that is designed to keep very accurate time. |
Isochronous (a.) Same as Isochronal. |
Isochroous (a.) Having the same tint or color throughout; uniformly or evenly colored. |
Isoclinal (a.) Alt. of Isoclinic |
Isoclinic (a.) Of or pertaining to, or indicating, equality of inclination or dip; having equal inclination or dip. |
Isocrymal (a.) Pertaining to, having the nature of, or illustrating, an isocryme; as, an isocrymal line; an isocrymal chart. |
Isocryme (n.) A line connecting points on the earth's surface having the same mean temperature in the coldest month of the year. |
Isocrymic (a.) Isocrymal. |
Isocyanic (a.) Designating an acid isomeric with cyanic acid. |
Isocyanuric (a.) Designating, or pertaining to, an acid isomeric with cyanuric acid, and called also fulminuric acid. See under Fulminuric. |
Isodiabatic (a.) Pertaining to the reception or the giving out of equal quantities of heat by a substance. |
Isodiametric (a.) Developed alike in the directions of the several lateral axes; -- said of crystals of both the tetragonal and hexagonal systems. |
Isodiametric (a.) Having the several diameters nearly equal; -- said of the cells of ordinary parenchyma. |
Isodimorphic (a.) Isodimorphous. |
Isodimorphism (n.) Isomorphism between the two forms severally of two dimorphous substances. |
Isodimorphous (a.) Having the quality of isodimorphism. |
Isodulcite (n.) A white, crystalline, sugarlike substance, obtained by the decomposition of certain glucosides, and intermediate in nature between the hexacid alcohols (ductile, mannite, etc.) and the glucoses. |
Isodynamic (a.) Of, pertaining to, having, or denoting, equality of force. |
Isodynamous (a.) Of equal force or size. |
Isogeotherm (n.) A line or curved surface passing beneath the earth's surface through points having the same mean temperature. |
Isogeothermal (a.) Alt. of Isogeothermic |
Isogeothermic (a.) Pertaining to, having the nature of, or marking, isogeotherms; as, an isogeothermal line or surface; as isogeothermal chart. |
Isogeothermic (n.) An isogeotherm. |
Isogonic (a.) Pertaining to, or noting, equal angles. |
Isogonic (a.) Characterized by isogonism. |
Isogonism (n.) The quality of having similar sexual zooids or gonophores and dissimilar hydrants; -- said of certain hydroids. |
Isographic (a.) Of or pertaining to isography. |
Isography (n.) Imitation of another's handwriting. |
Isohyetose (a.) Of or pertaining to lines connecting places on the earth's surface which have a mean annual rainfall. |
Isohyetose (n.) An isohyetose line. |
Isolable (a.) Capable of being isolated, or of being obtained in a pure state; as, gold is isolable. |
Isolated (imp. & p. p.) of Isolate |
Isolating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Isolate |
Isolate (v. t.) To place in a detached situation; to place by itself or alone; to insulate; to separate from others. |
Isolate (v. t.) To insulate. See Insulate. |
Isolate (v. t.) To separate from all foreign substances; to make pure; to obtain in a free state. |
Isolated (a.) Placed or standing alone; detached; separated from others. |
Isolatedly (adv.) In an isolated manner. |
Isolation (n.) The act of isolating, or the state of being isolated; insulation; separation; loneliness. |
Isolator (n.) One who, or that which, isolates. |
Isologous (a.) Having similar proportions, similar relations, or similar differences of composition; -- said specifically of groups or series which differ by a constant difference; as, ethane, ethylene, and acetylene, or their analogous compounds, form an isologous series. |
Isomer (n.) A body or compound which is isomeric with another body or compound; a member of an isomeric series. |
Isomeric (a.) Having the same percentage composition; -- said of two or more different substances which contain the same ingredients in the same proportions by weight, often used with with. Specif.: (a) Polymeric; i. e., having the same elements united in the same proportion by weight, but with different molecular weights; as, acetylene and benzine are isomeric (polymeric) with each other in this sense. See Polymeric. (b) Metameric; i. e., having the same elements united in the same proportions by weight, and with the same molecular weight, but which a different structure or arrangement of the ultimate parts; as, ethyl alcohol and methyl ether are isomeric (metameric) with each other in this sense. See Metameric. |
Isomeride (n.) An isomer. |
Isomerism (n.) The state, quality, or relation, of two or more isomeric substances. |
Isomeromorphism (n.) Isomorphism between substances that are isomeric. |
Isometric (a.) Alt. of Isometrical |
Isometrical (a.) Pertaining to, or characterized by, equality of measure. |
Isometrical (a.) Noting, or conforming to, that system of crystallization in which the three axes are of equal length and at right angles to each other; monometric; regular; cubic. Cf. Crystallization. |
Isomorph (n.) A substance which is similar to another in crystalline form and composition. |
Isomorphic (a.) Isomorphous. |
Isomorphism (n.) A similarity of crystalline form between substances of similar composition, as between the sulphates of barium (BaSO4) and strontium (SrSO4). It is sometimes extended to include similarity of form between substances of unlike composition, which is more properly called homoeomorphism. |
Isomorphous (a.) Having the quality of isomorphism. |
Isonandra (n.) A genus of sapotaceous trees of India. Isonandra Gutta is the principal source of gutta-percha. |
Isonephelic (a.) Having, or indicating, an equal amount of cloudiness for a given period; as, isonephelic regions; an isonephelic line. |
Isonicotine (n.) A crystalline, nitrogenous base, C10H14N2, isomeric with nicotine. |
Isonicotinic (a.) Pertaining to, or derived from, isonicotine. |
Isonicotinic (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, an acid isomeric with nicotinic acid. |
Isonitroso- () A combining from (also used adjectively), signifying: Pertaining to, or designating, the characteristic, nitrogenous radical, NOH, called the isonitroso group. |
Isonomic (a.) The same, or equal, in law or right; one in kind or origin; analogous; similar. |
Isonomy (n.) Equal law or right; equal distribution of rights and privileges; similarity. |
Isopathy (n.) The system which undertakes to cure a disease by means of the virus of the same disease. |
Isopathy (n.) The theory of curing a diseased organ by eating the analogous organ of a healthy animal. |
Isopathy (n.) The doctrine that the power of therapeutics is equal to that of the causes of disease. |
Isopepsin (n.) Pepsin modified by exposure to a temperature of from 40� to 60� C. |
Isoperimetrical (a.) Having equal perimeters of circumferences; as, isoperimetrical figures or bodies. |
Isoperimetry (n.) The science of figures having equal perimeters or boundaries. |
Isopiestic (a.) Having equal pressure. |
Isopleura (n. pl.) A subclass of Gastropoda, in which the body is symmetrical, the right and left sides being equal. |
Isopod (a.) Having the legs similar in structure; belonging to the Isopoda. |
Isopod (n.) One of the Isopoda. |
Isopoda (n. pl.) An order of sessile-eyed Crustacea, usually having seven pairs of legs, which are all similar in structure. |
Isopodiform (a.) Having the shape of an isopod; -- said of the larvae of certain insects. |
Isopodous (a.) Same as Isopod. |
Isopogonous (a.) Having the two webs equal in breath; -- said of feathers. |
Isoprene (n.) An oily, volatile hydrocarbon, obtained by the distillation of caoutchouc or guttaipercha. |
Isopycnic (a.) Having equal density, as different regions of a medium; passing through points at which the density is equal; as, an isopycnic line or surface. |
Isopycnic (n.) A line or surface passing through those points in a medium, at which the density is the same. |
Isorcin (n.) A crystalline hydrocarbon derivative, metameric with orcin, but produced artificially; -- called also cresorcin. |
Isorropic (a.) Of equal value. |
Isosceles (a.) Having two legs or sides that are equal; -- said of a triangle. |
Isospondyli (n. pl.) An extensive order of fishes, including the salmons, herrings, and many allied forms. |
Isospondylous (a.) Of or pertaining to the Isospondyli; having the anterior vertebrae separate and normal. |
Isosporic (a.) Producing but one kind of spore, as the ferns and Equiseta. Cf. Heterosporic. |
Isostemonous (a.) Having exactly as many stamens as petals. |
Isostemony (n.) The quality or state of being isostemonous. |
Isosulphocyanate (n.) A salt of isosulphocyanic acid. |
Isosulphocyanic (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, an acid, HNCS, isomeric with sulphocyanic acid. |
Isotheral (a.) Having the nature of an isothere; indicating the distribution of temperature by means of an isothere; as, an isotheral chart or line. |
Isothere (n.) A line connecting points on the earth's surface having the same mean summer temperature. |
Isotherm (n.) A line connecting or marking points on the earth's surface having the same temperature. This may be the temperature for a given time of observation, or the mean temperature for a year or other period. Also, a similar line based on the distribution of temperature in the ocean. |
Isothermal (a.) Relating to equality of temperature. |
Isothermal (a.) Having reference to the geographical distribution of temperature, as exhibited by means of isotherms; as, an isothermal line; an isothermal chart. |
Isothermobath (n.) A line drawn through points of equal temperature in a vertical section of the ocean. |
Isothermobathic (a.) Of or pertaining to an isothermobath; possessing or indicating equal temperatures in a vertical section, as of the ocean. |
Isotherombrose (n.) A line connecting or marking points on the earth's surface, which have the same mean summer rainfall. |
Isotonic (a.) Having or indicating, equal tones, or tension. |
Isotrimorphic (a.) Isotrimorphous. |
Isotrimorphism (n.) Isomorphism between the three forms, severally, of two trimorphous substances. |
Isotrimorphous (a.) Having the quality of isotrimorphism; isotrimorphic. |
Isotropic (a.) Having the same properties in all directions; specifically, equally elastic in all directions. |
Isotropism (n.) Isotropy. |
Isotropous (a.) Isotropic. |
Isotropy (n.) Uniformity of physical properties in all directions in a body; absence of all kinds of polarity; specifically, equal elasticity in all directions. |
Isouric (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, a complex nitrogenous acid, isomeric with uric acid. |
Israelite (n.) A descendant of Israel, or Jacob; a Hebrew; a Jew. |
Israelitic (a.) Alt. of Israelitish |
Israelitish (a.) Of or pertaining to Israel, or to the Israelites; Jewish; Hebrew. |
Issuable (a.) Leading to, producing, or relating to, an issue; capable of being made an issue at law. |
Issuable (a.) Lawful or suitable to be issued; as, a writ issuable on these grounds. |
Issuably (adv.) In an issuable manner; by way of issue; as, to plead issuably. |
Issuance (n.) The act of issuing, or giving out; as, the issuance of an order; the issuance of rations, and the like. |
Issuant (a.) Issuing or coming up; -- a term used to express a charge or bearing rising or coming out of another. |
Issue (n.) The act of passing or flowing out; a moving out from any inclosed place; egress; as, the issue of water from a pipe, of blood from a wound, of air from a bellows, of people from a house. |
Issue (n.) The act of sending out, or causing to go forth; delivery; issuance; as, the issue of an order from a commanding officer; the issue of money from a treasury. |
Issue (n.) That which passes, flows, or is sent out; the whole quantity sent forth or emitted at one time; as, an issue of bank notes; the daily issue of a newspaper. |
Issue (n.) Progeny; a child or children; offspring. In law, sometimes, in a general sense, all persons descended from a common ancestor; all lineal descendants. |
Issue (n.) Produce of the earth, or profits of land, tenements, or other property; as, A conveyed to B all his right for a term of years, with all the issues, rents, and profits. |
Issue (n.) A discharge of flux, as of blood. |
Issue (n.) An artificial ulcer, usually made in the fleshy part of the arm or leg, to produce the secretion and discharge of pus for the relief of some affected part. |
Issue (n.) The final outcome or result; upshot; conclusion; event; hence, contest; test; trial. |
Issue (n.) A point in debate or controversy on which the parties take affirmative and negative positions; a presentation of alternatives between which to choose or decide. |
Issue (n.) In pleading, a single material point of law or fact depending in the suit, which, being affirmed on the one side and denied on the other, is presented for determination. See General issue, under General, and Feigned issue, under Feigned. |
Issued (imp. & p. p.) of Issue |
Issuing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Issue |
Issue (v. i.) To pass or flow out; to run out, as from any inclosed place. |
Issue (v. i.) To go out; to rush out; to sally forth; as, troops issued from the town, and attacked the besiegers. |
Issue (v. i.) To proceed, as from a source; as, water issues from springs; light issues from the sun. |
Issue (v. i.) To proceed, as progeny; to be derived; to be descended; to spring. |
Issue (v. i.) To extend; to pass or open; as, the path issues into the highway. |
Issue (v. i.) To be produced as an effect or result; to grow or accrue; to arise; to proceed; as, rents and profits issuing from land, tenements, or a capital stock. |
Issue (v. i.) To close; to end; to terminate; to turn out; as, we know not how the cause will issue. |
Issue (v. i.) In pleading, to come to a point in fact or law, on which the parties join issue. |
Issue (v. t.) To send out; to put into circulation; as, to issue notes from a bank. |
Issue (v. t.) To deliver for use; as, to issue provisions. |
Issue (v. t.) To send out officially; to deliver by authority; as, to issue an order; to issue a writ. |
Issueless (a.) Having no issue or progeny; childless. |
Issuer (n.) One who issues, emits, or publishes. |
-ist () A noun suffix denoting an agent, or doer, one who practices, a believer in; as, theorist, one who theorizes; socialist, one who holds to socialism; sensualist, one given to sensuality. |
Is't () A contraction of is it. |
Isthmian (a.) Of or pertaining to an isthmus, especially to the Isthmus of Corinth, in Greece. |
Isthmuses (pl. ) of Isthmus |
Isthmus (n.) A neck or narrow slip of land by which two continents are connected, or by which a peninsula is united to the mainland; as, the Isthmus of Panama; the Isthmus of Suez, etc. |
Istle (n.) Same as Ixtle. |
Isuret (n.) An artificial nitrogenous base, isomeric with urea, and forming a white crystalline substance; -- called also isuretine. |
It (pron.) The neuter pronoun of the third person, corresponding to the masculine pronoun he and the feminine she, and having the same plural (they, their or theirs, them). |
It (pron.) As a substance for any noun of the neuter gender; as, here is the book, take it home. |
It (pron.) As a demonstrative, especially at the beginning of a sentence, pointing to that which is about to be stated, named, or mentioned, or referring to that which apparent or well known; as, I saw it was John. |
It (pron.) As an indefinite nominative for a impersonal verb; as, it snows; it rains. |
It (pron.) As a substitute for such general terms as, the state of affairs, the condition of things, and the like; as, how is it with the sick man? |
It (pron.) As an indefinite object after some intransitive verbs, or after a substantive used humorously as a verb; as, to foot it (i. e., to walk). |
Itacism (n.) Pronunciation of / (eta) as the modern Greeks pronounce it, that is, like e in the English word be. This was the pronunciation advocated by Reu/hlin and his followers, in opposition to the etacism of Erasmus. See Etacism. |
Itacist (n.) One who is in favor of itacism. |
Itacolumite (n.) A laminated, granular, siliceous rocks, often occurring in regions where the diamond is found. |
Itaconic (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, an acid, C5H6O4, which is obtained as a white crystalline substance by decomposing aconitic and other organic acids. |
Itala (n.) An early Latin version of the Scriptures (the Old Testament was translated from the Septuagint, and was also called the Italic version). |
Italian (a.) Of or pertaining to Italy, or to its people or language. |
Italian (n.) A native or inhabitant of Italy. |
Italian (n.) The language used in Italy, or by the Italians. |
Italianate (v. t.) To render Italian, or conformable to Italian customs; to Italianize. |
Italianate (a.) Italianized; Italianated. |
Italianism (n.) A word, phrase, or idiom, peculiar to the Italians; an Italicism. |
Italianism (n.) Attachment to, or sympathy for, Italy. |
Italianized (imp. & p. p.) of Italianize |
Italianizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Italianize |
Italianize (v. i.) To play the Italian; to speak Italian. |
Italianize (v. i.) To render Italian in any respect; to Italianate. |
Italic (a.) Relating to Italy or to its people. |
Italic (a.) Applied especially to a kind of type in which the letters do not stand upright, but slope toward the right; -- so called because dedicated to the States of Italy by the inventor, Aldus Manutius, about the year 1500. |
Italics (pl. ) of Italic |
Italic (n.) An Italic letter, character, or type (see Italic, a., 2.); -- often in the plural; as, the Italics are the author's. Italic letters are used to distinguish words for emphasis, importance, antithesis, etc. Also, collectively, Italic letters. |
Italicism (n.) A phrase or idiom peculiar to the Italian language; to Italianism. |
Italicism (n.) The use of Italics. |
Italicized (imp. & p. p.) of Italicize |
Italicizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Italicize |
Italicize (v. t. & i.) To print in Italic characters; to underline written letters or words with a single line; as, to Italicize a word; Italicizes too much. |
Ita palm () A magnificent species of palm (Mauritia flexuosa), growing near the Orinoco. The natives eat its fruit and buds, drink its sap, and make thread and cord from its fiber. |
Itched (imp. & p. p.) of Itch |
Itching (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Itch |
Itch (v. i.) To have an uneasy sensation in the skin, which inclines the person to scratch the part affected. |
Itch (v. i.) To have a constant desire or teasing uneasiness; to long for; as, itching ears. |
Itch (n.) An eruption of small, isolated, acuminated vesicles, produced by the entrance of a parasitic mite (the Sarcoptes scabei), and attended with itching. It is transmissible by contact. |
Itch (n.) Any itching eruption. |
Itch (n.) A sensation in the skin occasioned (or resembling that occasioned) by the itch eruption; -- called also scabies, psora, etc. |
Itch (n.) A constant irritating desire. |
Itchiness (n.) The state of being itchy. |
Itchless (a.) Free from itching. |
Itchy (a.) Infected with the itch, or with an itching sensation. |
-ite () A suffix denoting one of a party, a sympathizer with or adherent of, and the like, and frequently used in ridicule; as, a Millerite; a Benthamite. |
-ite () A suffix used in naming minerals; as, chlorite, from its characteristic green color; barite, from its heaviness; graphite, from its use in writing. |
-ite () A suffix used to denote the salts formed from those acids whose names end in -ous; as, sulphite, from sulphurous; nitrite, from nitrous acid, etc. |
Item (adv.) Also; as an additional article. |
Item (n.) An article; a separate particular in an account; as, the items in a bill. |
Item (n.) A hint; an innuendo. |
Item (n.) A short article in a newspaper; a paragraph; as, an item concerning the weather. |
Itemed (imp. & p. p.) of Item |
Iteming (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Item |
Item (v. t.) To make a note or memorandum of. |
Itemize (v. t.) To state in items, or by particulars; as, to itemize the cost of a railroad. |
Iter (n.) A passage; esp., the passage between the third and fourth ventricles in the brain; the aqueduct of Sylvius. |
Iterable (a.) Capable of being iterated or repeated. |
Iterance (n.) Iteration. |
Iterant (a.) Repeating; iterating; as, an iterant echo. |
Iterate (a.) Uttered or done again; repeated. |
Iterated (imp. & p. p.) of Iterate |
Iterating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Iterate |
Iterate (v. t.) To utter or do a second time or many times; to repeat; as, to iterate advice. |
Iterate (adv.) By way of iteration. |
Iteration (n.) Recital or performance a second time; repetition. |
Iterative (a.) Repeating. |
Ithyphallic (a.) Lustful; lewd; salacious; indecent; obscene. |
Itineracy (n.) The act or practice of itinerating; itinerancy. |
Itinerancy (n.) A passing from place to place. |
Itinerancy (n.) A discharge of official duty involving frequent change of residence; the custom or practice of discharging official duty in this way; also, a body of persons who thus discharge official duty. |
Itinerant (a.) Passing or traveling about a country; going or preaching on a circuit; wandering; not settled; as, an itinerant preacher; an itinerant peddler. |
Itinerant (a.) One who travels from place to place, particularly a preacher; one who is unsettled. |
Itinerantly (adv.) In an itinerant manner. |
Itinerary (a.) Itinerant; traveling; passing from place to place; done on a journey. |
Itineraries (pl. ) of Itinerary |
Itinerary (a.) An account of travels, or a register of places and distances as a guide to travelers; as, the Itinerary of Antoninus. |
Itinerated (imp. & p. p.) of Itinerate |
Itinerating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Itinerate |
Itinerate (v. i.) To wander without a settled habitation; to travel from place or on a circuit, particularly for the purpose of preaching, lecturing, etc. |
-itis () A suffix used in medical terms to denote an inflammatory disease of; as, arthritis; bronchitis, phrenitis. |
Its () Possessive form of the pronoun it. See It. |
Itself (pron.) The neuter reciprocal pronoun of It; as, the thing is good in itself; it stands by itself. |
Ittria (n.) See Yttria. |
Ittrium (n.) See Yttrium. |
Itzibu (n.) A silver coin of Japan, worth about thirty-four cents. |
Iulidan (n.) One of the Iulidae, a family of myriapods, of which the genus Iulus is the type. See Iulus. |
Iulus (n.) A genus of chilognathous myriapods. The body is long and round, consisting of numerous smooth, equal segments, each of which bears two pairs of short legs. It includes the galleyworms. See Chilognatha. |
Ivan Ivanovitch () An ideal personification of the typical Russian or of the Russian people; -- used as "John Bull" is used for the typical Englishman. |
I've () Colloquial contraction of I have. |
-ive () An adjective suffix signifying relating or belonging to, of the nature of, tending to; as affirmative, active, conclusive, corrective, diminutive. |
Ivied (a.) Overgrown with ivy. |
Ivoride (n.) A composition resembling ivory in appearance and used as a substitute for it. |
Ivories (pl. ) of Ivory |
Ivory (n.) The hard, white, opaque, fine-grained substance constituting the tusks of the elephant. It is a variety of dentine, characterized by the minuteness and close arrangement of the tubes, as also by their double flexure. It is used in manufacturing articles of ornament or utility. |
Ivory (n.) The tusks themselves of the elephant, etc. |
Ivory (n.) Any carving executed in ivory. |
Ivory (n.) Teeth; as, to show one's ivories. |
Ivory-bill (n.) A large, handsome, North American woodpecker (Campephilus principalis), having a large, sharp, ivory-colored beak. Its general color is glossy black, with white secondaries, and a white dorsal stripe. The male has a large, scarlet crest. It is now rare, and found only in the Gulf States. |
Ivorytype (n.) A picture produced by superposing a very light print, rendered translucent by varnish, and tinted upon the back, upon a stronger print, so as to give the effect of a photograph in natural colors; -- called also hellenotype. |
Ivies (pl. ) of Ivy |
Ivy (n.) A plant of the genus Hedera (H. helix), common in Europe. Its leaves are evergreen, dark, smooth, shining, and mostly five-pointed; the flowers yellowish and small; the berries black or yellow. The stem clings to walls and trees by rootlike fibers. |
Ivy-mantled (a.) Covered with ivy. |
Iwis (adv.) Indeed; truly. See Ywis. |
Ixia (n.) A South African bulbous plant of the Iris family, remarkable for the brilliancy of its flowers. |
Ixodes (n.) A genus of parasitic Acarina, which includes various species of ticks. See Tick, the insect. |
Ixodian (n.) A tick of the genus Ixodes, or the family Ixodidae. |
Ixtle (n.) Alt. of Ixtli |
Ixtli (n.) A Mexican name for a variety of Agave rigida, which furnishes a strong coarse fiber; also, the fiber itself, which is called also pita, and Tampico fiber. |
Izard (n.) A variety of the chamois found in the Pyrenees. |
-ize () A verb suffix signifying to make, to do, to practice; as apologize, baptize, theorize, tyrannize. |
Izedi (n.) One of an Oriental religious sect which worships Satan or the Devil. |
Izedism (n.) The religion of the Izedis. |
Izzard (n.) See Izard. |
Izzard (n.) The letter z; -- formerly so called. |