Two SBB Am 841 diesel locomotives and one Re 4/4 II series electric locomotive (in its original dark green livery) at Porrentruy
station. The Am 841 is a fairly new locomotive on Swiss tracks. They were built in 1996 by the Spanish daughter company of the
French Alstom group and they are slight modifications of the Spanish state railways RENFE´s series 311, which have been in use
in Spain since 1990. It is 14,16 meters long, weighs 73 tons and has a maximum speed of 80 km/h. It is driven by an 8 cylinder
V engine, driving a generator which in turn creates electricity to drive the asynchronous electric drive motors at axles. The
locomotive is designed for switching work, railroad maintenance work and light cargo train service. SBB has 40 of these engines.
Photo from Porrentruy station 22.6.2002 by Ilkka Siissalo.