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W. D. Hamilton

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W. D. Hamilton gave a genetic basis for the existence of kin selection. The theory was for some time misused as a justification for nepotism, especially in the years when Sociobiology (see E.O.Wilson[?]) was fashionable.

His ability to see from a gene's point of view was admired by people all over the world. For example you might question whether AIDS is caused by promiscuity, or whether AIDS caused promiscuity? A successful virus will 'force' a host to propagate and keep alive the virus(genes). From his point of view parasitism would be considered a major evolutionary moulding force and in fact in many cases good for the host 'organism'. His theory would also suggest the merit of the Lynn Margulis theory - of organisms being formed by the formation of cartels of replicators.

Hamilton died of malaria picked on one of his field trips.


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