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The Box

The Box was a popular Australian soap opera.

After the enormous success of Number 96 Crawford's Productions[?] moved away from the police dramas they specialised in and launched The Box in February 1974. It was a naughty satire set in a television station. Characters in the series were said to be modelled on Australian television figures of the day, and many self referential elements featured.

The initial episodes emphasised sex, scandal, and the political machinations of station personnel. The first episode showed a sexy young woman seduce a male character, pose for a nude centerfold[?] with yet another male character, and then be seduced by a scheming female journalist. This seducion featured Australian TV's first ever lesbian kiss. It was later revealed that the young woman was a 15-year-old schoolgirl.

The journalist in question was Vicki Stafford (Judy Nunn[?]) who emerged as the show's most popular character. The show also featured a high-camp male homosexual, television producer Lee Whiteman (Paul Karo[?]).

Initially the series proved a huge hit, ranking as Australia's second most popular show in 1974. Thereafter the series toned-down the more controversial elements and more comic notes appeared. A feature film of the same name was produced in 1975. The series was initially in black and white but later switched to colour. It ended in October 1977.

Principle cast included: George Mallaby[?], Peter Regan[?], Cul Cullen[?], Belinda Giblin[?], Barry Barkla[?], Helen Hemingway[?], Judy Nunn[?], Paul Karo[?], Ken James, Monica Maughan[?], Kay McFeeter[?], Graeme Blundell[?], Briony Behets[?], Fred Betts[?], Ken Snodgrass[?], Lois Ramsey[?], Delvene Delaney[?], Tracey Mann[?], Penny Downie[?], Cheryl Rixon[?].

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