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Soong May-ling

One of the three Soong sisters, Soong May-ling (宋美齡 pinyin: Sòng Měilíng) (born March 5, 1897), also known as Chiang Mei-ling and Madame Chiang Kai-shek, was known in China as the "one who loved power".

She was the wife of Nationalist Party leader and ROC President Chiang Kai-shek. After the death of Chiang, Soong assumed a low profile. In 1978, she emigrated from Taiwan to Long Island, where she now resides.

In the 2000 Presidental Election on Taiwan, the Kuomintang produced a letter from her in which she purportedly supported the KMT candidate Lien Chan over the People First Party candidate James Soong (no relation). The authenticity of the letter was the subject of great debate in Taiwan. She celebrated her 106th birthday on March 5, 2003.

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