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This article is about the Roman orator. For other uses see Cicero (disambiguation)

Marcus Tullius Cicero (January 3, 106 BC - December 7, 43 BC) was an orator and statesman of Rome, generally considered the greatest Latin prose stylist.

CiceroBust.jpg Marcus Tullius Cicero at about age 60, from an ancient marble bust

Cicero was born Arpinum, Italy and died in Rome.

He was a leader in the last half-century of the Roman Republic. While his oratory and prose were renouned, his poetry did not enjoy a similar positive reputation.

Cicero was consul in 63 B.C. -- the first man elected consul who had no consular ancestors in more than 30 years. He is particularly noted for his speeches against Catiline, the total of which was four -- two to the senate, and two to the people. He was later exiled, and during this time, wrote down his speeches, before returning to Rome. He was eventually executed, and his hands and head were hung in the rostra in the Roman forum.

Table of contents

Major Works:


Philosophical works:


speeches - 58 survive, 88 are recorded
rhetoric - theoretical and historical works survive
letters - hundreds of surviving letters were published after his death
philosophy - political philosophy, ethics, and theology

See also: Catiline Orations

External links:

Works of Cicero at the Latin Library (http://www.thelatinlibrary.com): http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/cic.html

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