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M. John Harrison

M(ichael) John Harrison (born July 26, 1945) is a UK writer, mainly of science fiction and fantasy, but he has written one mainstream novel, Climbers (1989) (he is himself a keen rock climber).

He is probably best known for his Viriconium series, most recently published in an omnibus edition as volume 7 in Orion/Millennium's Fantasy Masterworks series:

All the short stories and novelettes were previously collected in Viriconium Nights (1985 UK). The 1984 U.S. collection of the same title omitted "The Dancer from the Dance" and "A Young Man's Journey...", but included:

Viriconium lies in a dying Earth littered with the detritus of the millennia. The Pastel City concerns the defence of the eponymous city against northern "barbarians" by a melancholy swordsman and poet, Lord tegeus-Cromis. A Storm of Wings replays the same story, but this time the attackers are insect-like aliens: the story is told through both human and alien points of view and perceptions. In Viriconium parodies Arthurian motifs and deconstructs the whole series to show that Viriconium is just a fiction: the protagonist Audsley King realizes this and at last can paint the real world, which is our own. The short fiction replays this attrition; finally, in "A Young Man?s Journey to Viriconium", Viriconium has become little more than a dream.

The Viriconium series tends to split readers: they either love it or hate it; few are indifferent. Those looking for a robust science fantasy[?] will be disappointed; those willing to delve further may well be rewarded.

Harrison's only other fantasy novel is:

Harrison's science fiction novels include:

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