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Internet time

Internet time was a common catchphrase that originated during the late-1990s Internet boom. In this period, people who worked with the Internet had come to believe that "everything moved faster on the 'net", because the Internet made the dissemination of information far easier and cheaper. Fast-moving developments were therefore said to run "on Internet time"; for example:

The meaning (and historical origin) of the phrase "Internet time" strongly parallels that of "New York minute[?]".

Internet time is also the name for a concept marketed by the Swatch corporation as an alternative measure of time. Instead of hours and minutes, the 24 hour day is divided up into 1000 parts called "beats" - each beat being 1 minute and 26.4 seconds. Like UTC, time is the same throughout the world. For example, when the time is 875 beats (written @875) in New York, it is also @875 in Tokyo: 0.875 times 24 hours is 21 hours, after 0:00 Swiss time (UTC + 1), is 22:00 UTC.

Its novelty and the decimal system used (metric time) makes it attractive for some people and simpler in use than the traditional Babylonian system of time reckoning using a 24 hour day with each hour composed of sixty minutes, each minute composed of sixty seconds. For example, knowing that there are 1000 beats in a day, if one learned some event took 5500 beats to run to completion, it would be immediately known that it happened over five and a half days. By the same token, if one learnt that some event took place over 5500 hours, it would result in no clear idea of the duration covered for most people until some mental arithmatic, or a quick calculation with paper or calculator was accomplished.

Some of its major drawbacks:

Most Internet standards actually use either local civil time[?] with a timezone indicator, or the global standard UTC time scale.

Swatch's "Internet time" appears to be infrequently used, except in connection with Swatch's marketing efforts, or in connection to some niche applications. It is a popular time reference on ICQ for example.

External Link

For the most common networked time protocol deployed on the Internet, see NTP.

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