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Intensive insulinotherapy

Intensive insulinotherapy - is a therapeutic regimen for diabetes mellitus treatment.

The results from ling-term studies like the UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) and the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) show that intensive insulinotherapy has a protective value in ameliorating frequency and severity of macro- and microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus[?].

The method of intensive insulinotherapy is based on multiple injection of rapid acting insulin before each meal and once daily an injection of dose of long acting insulin as a baseline dose. Close monitoring of blood glucose with several times a day performed tests is undispensable.

The biochemical profile of the diabetic patient (blood lipids, HbA1c, etc ) should be as close to the values of non-diabetic patient as possible. It bears a greater risk of hypoglycemia, is more expensive and requires commitment on the part of patients and medical personnel but pays off with good long term results of the treatment.

This regimen is especially aimed at a group of younger patients with estimated long lifespan.

See :
Conventional insulinotherapy, Diabetes mellitus, Insulin.

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